YOU ALWAYS GET IT WHEN YOU BUY HERE The housewife who markets here knows that every time her groceries are placed on the scales, they regis ter full value in quality and satisfaction. The tempting, delicious assortment of canned goods, truits and vegetables we carry make buying here easy and pleasant because you can find what you want at prices that are not exorbitant. Fresh Country Produce at Lowest Market Prices Heavy Groceries, Grain and Feed J. ALLEN HARRIS LOUISBUBG, North Carolina MONEY TO LEND 6 per cent interest. 33 years time. No bonus. Loans placed in two weeks. See Thos. W. Ruff in In Louisburg Mondays and Thursdays In Raleigh at 401 Raleigh Building & Loan Build ing other day8. What Every Man, Woman and Child in This Community Seeds WE HAVE IT A complete line of quality mer chandise makes it possible for this store to satisfy the wants of every member of the family. Wearing Apparel and Shoes We invite an early inspec tion of the spring stock we are showing at very moder ate prices. Furnishings A large and complete as sortment of underwear, hos iery, hats, shirts, ties, col lars, caps, suspenders, belts, handkerchiefs. Pry Goods- _ The home dressmaker will be able to find just what she wants here. All of the de . sired materials for spring dresses. A. S. WIGGS HASH STREET L0U1SBURG, N. C. from a good aire pnxluc ?4 aa awvrage of 427 ponndi mom milk p?( rw than their mother* ac to recent ten re* supplied bjr What would have a aemb aire had been n? be hard to gaeee, nay* a -airy extension epeclaltot. In I 4 to 21 Day* 0 -LAX-F08 WITH PEPSIN" U a ipedally orepared Syrup Tonic-Laxative for Habitual Constipation It rellevoa promptly bat thould be taken regularly for 14 to 21 day* to Indace regular action. It Stimulate* and Vary Plaaaant to Take.*Mo HOW DOCTORS TREAT COLDS UNO THE FlOl short u> attacT of grippe, influenza or tore throat, physicians and druggists are gew recommending Calotabs, the aanaealess Calomel tablet, that ia purified from dan gerous and sickening effects. Those whe hare tried it say that it acts like magic, by far more effective and certain than the old style calomel, heretofore recommended by physicians. One or two Calotabs at bed time with a swallow of water,?that's alL No salts, no nausea nor the slightest interference with eating, work or pleasures. Next I ing your cold has vanished and your sys tem feels refreshed and purified. Calotabs are sold only in original sealed narkagra. price ten cents for the vest-pocket size; thirty-five cents for the large family pack age. Recommended and guaranteed by druggists. Your money back if you are not delighted.?aav. ? FVJiKlX CENTER Mr. Editor: Me and Spanish have been dllllfled many times during our 75 years of life, but you have dillifled us worse than we have ever been before. We took you to be our friend, but we have found out different. By not publish ing our letter until after the election, you caused us to be defeated. We asked you for your vote and yonr su perfluity but you didn't give us either. We have always sent you the best grass killer we had, but the next gal lon we send you will be mean-enough not only to kill grass, but will kill bull rush. By your act you have for ced us to go on the branch again, and you know what that means. We are too old to work on the farm, so we are bound to do something to be able to feed the young monkeys and presi dents who are now crying for bread and we have none to give 'em. All of our friends around here are mighty bitter against you for causing oar de feat, but the most bitter one is Mr. Gourdvine. He is very fond of grass killer, and he knows that our defeat means a dry time for him, as Ben Meadows watches him too close every time he goes to town. But we have very forgiving hearts so if you will promise us not to do so any more, we will forget it and start even again. We are not a bit afraid of Sheriff T&n lac catching us. He don't want as. Our grass killer is all he is after. He Knows mighty well that if be sends us to the road, he can't get any more of our good grass killer to store away in his smoke house for his personal use as he has been doing for the last several months. Now that we are friends once more, we will tell you what we want you to do. We want you and Mr. S. K. to have a flsh fry at Punkin Center some night and in vite the Sheriff. This fs to get him away from home so that we can break into his smoke house, not to get meat, as there is none there, but to get that grass killer that belongs to us. In order to keep him on the pond a suf ficent length of time, you had better bring along a gallon of G. K. Then be will stick to you as long as the licker lasts if it is all night. If by chance we should happen to find a piece of meat, we will give it to yob. and also give you half of the grass killer to pay you for your part in the scheme. Keep al] this to yourself. President and Monkey. TH-? FRANKLIN TIMES SI.60 Per Year In Advance NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Mrs. Lizzie M. Win ston, deceased, late of Franklin Coun ty, notice is hereby given all persons holding claims against said estate to present them, duly verified, to the un. dersigned on or before the 1st day of May, 1926, or this notice will be plead iu bar of their recovery. Ail persons indebted to said estate will please come forward and make immediate settlement. This April 30. 1925. W. W. SHEARON, Admr. W. L. Lumpkin, Atty. 5-8-6t Soon Felt Improvement "The fli-si time I took Cardul I ?as In u awful bed Bays Mrs. On Car Jilts ft. F. D. 6, Troup, Texas. "I went fishing one day. A heavy storm came up and I got soaking wet In the rain. I was afflicted with awtul smothering spells. I could not get my breath. My mother had some CAM For Female Troubles in the house that she ws taking, so she Immediately began giving It to me. In a few days T got all right "Last fall I got run-down in health. I was weak and puny and I began to suffer. I would get so I could hardly walk. Having taken Oardul before, I sent to the store for a bottle of it Almost from the first dose I could feel an Improvement ?fearful has helped me a mend It I don't the same woman 1 was last fall. My appetite Is good pow^and I'm sure It's Oardul made it pick up." AO _ Lia The BULL'S EYE "Editor and Qtntrml Mmnmqor ROCERS * 1 An Unknown Historical Fact DID you know that George Washington, The adopted Father of our Country, just before he got on the Ferry to cross the Delaware for the Photo graphing of that now fa mous Picture, Did you know that he smoked two sacks of 'Bull' Durham while he was waiting for the Ferry? (things were just as late in his War, as they were in our last one). Now I have never heard of this 'Bull* Durham episode before, neither have I ever heard it denied. So if it's never either been affirm ed or denied, there is no rea son to disbelieve that it's not true. 'Bull' Durham originated in Virginia, and Washington lived in Vir ginia, and he was a great man to patronize home in dustries. And as Washing ton was the best man of his day, and Durham the best tobacco of its day, there is no plausible reason to doubt that these two most excel lent Institutions didn't read ily recognize the good in each other and get together. SIXTY-FIVE TEARS ABO! In 1860 a blend of to bacco was born-'Bull' Durham. On quality alone it has won recog nition wherever tobac co is known. It still offers the public this? more flavor, more en joyment and a lot more money left at the end of a week* s smoking. TWO BA6S for 15 coots 108 cigarettes for 15 coats Bull r Durham Guaranteed by mcMMuna l?? 111 Rfth Atomw, New York Cky Anohter difference between death and taxee la that yon do yonr dying all at one time. 1 The fine thing about trouble la the Joy that it leaves behind when it la gone. ^ --J Every inatitutlon must keep ita help and ita cuetomera aatlafled in order to succeed. ? ? To Stop ? Cough Quick take9 HAYES* HEALING HONEY, a coo^medlcine which a tope the cough by the inflamed and Irritated tlsstu A boa of GROVES O-PEN-TRATE SALVE for Cheat Ooida, Head Golds and Croon Is wcloenl with amy bottle of HAYES* HEALING HONEY. The salve should be rubbed on the cheat and throat of cMMnb aaflialng from a Gold or Ckoup. .Wrrttsrsiii nrr "" ?Jnet aek your dragght far HAYES* HEALING HOMEY. Here's'a Chance for. Club Boys The following clipping from the Progressive Farmer should interest Franklin County boys: A four-year scholarship In agricul ture to North Carolina tate College, worth 1600, will be given by the edu cational bureau of the Chilean Nitrate of Soda to the boy growing the most corn on five acres of land, using ni trate of soda as the sole source of nitrogen. The money is now at the College onlnterest and will be given to the winner in four equal payments, including interest, at the beginning of each College year. The money can be used only towards defraying expenses in a course of agriculture, and any boy who can pass the entrance re quirements for the freshman class in September, 1926, can enter the contest. Club members are urged by J. M. Gray, State Agent in charge of Farm Demonstration Work, to take part in this contest and make an effort to win the scholarship. ?*?? V &r MERCHANTS BANK Safest For Savings 1 NtKniCwKm DO YOU SMOKE? Cortez --? Hav-a-Tampa Blue Ribbon Chancellor John Jr. Escort El Producto Otto the Great Regal os Lord Baltimore Clnco Saborosa Meditation Royal Robe Lalla Rook Nurlca Teapot Dome Crook Old Va. Cheroot Muriel LOOK THEM OVER We have just added a full line of 5c candies. Cake served with drinks 5c extra COME AND SEE US Boddie Drug Co., Inc. Louisborg, N. C. Day Phone 329 Night Phone 231 NOTICE North Carolina, In Superior Court Franklin Co. Before the Clerk Jessie T. Merrltt ?s. Coleman Merritt. The defendant above-named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced In the Su perior Court of Franklin?County, North Carolina, by said plaintiff against the said defendant for a di vorce from the bonds of matrimony upon the grounds of desertion and having lived separate and apart from plaintiff for more than five years; and the said defendant will further take uotice that he Is required to appear at the dffice of the- Clerk of the Su perior Court of Franklin County on the l?th day of June, IMS, and an swer or demur to the complaint In said action on that day or within twenty days thereafter, or the plain tiff will apply to the court for the re lief demanded In the said bomplalnt This the 7th day of May, 1926. J. J. YOUNO, C. 8. C. for Franklin County. O. M. BEAM, Attorney for Plaintiff. 5.S-6t The Pender County home agent writes to Mrs. McKimmon, "I am hap py because my people are happy. Prices for strawberries continue to hold up good." Bebeorlbe to The Franklin TtSMS 'OMMISSIONER'S BALE OP LAND Under and by virtue of a decree of he Superior Court of Franklin Coun. y made In the special proceeding In laid court entitled F. H. Allen and rife Lou Reynolds Ford Allen ?. Char ts Oee, a lunatic, and S. A, Newell, luardian ad litem of said Charles Ice, the undersigned commissioner. stlli on MONDAY, JUNE 8, 1925 it the hour of twelve o'clock, noon, tell at public auction at the court louse door In Louisburg, N. C., to the llghest bidder for cash, the followl-g lescrlbed real estate: A certain tract >r parcel of land lying and being slt late In Louisburg township. Franklin bounty, North Carolina, adjoining the ands of W. A. Jones, J. J. Allen and 1 T. Hudson, containing one hundred ind fifty acres, more or less, and cnown as the old Oee place. This isle Is made for the purpose of effect ng partition of said tract of land unong the tenants In common there >f. and a fee simple title will be con. rryed to the purchaser at the sale. This the 8th day of May, 192&. / W. H. YARBOROUQH, i-8-Bt Commissioner. LJome demonstration club women of sash County are building and furnlsh ng their own club rooms, reports Mrs. Sffle Vines Gordon, home agent TOR FIRST CLASH JOB PKWnHQ rilUNI *?<X 888. ,

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