IiOBBEBH CAPTCBED BREAKING INTO BTOBE < lilef of l'olleo Deteos Them PassI"* Out Bilk I)re??es Hapldl). Frankllnton, May 18.?Robbers en tered tbe store of Irven Suprnan about 4 o'clock Saturday morning but were surprised by a quick attack by the right policeman before many goods were secured. The police had been notified that a robbery was being planned and were on the watch being aided by a few ln tt rested citizens. The robbers came V Frankllnton from Raleigh about one or two o'clock Saturday morning, but It was four o'clock before they de cided to make a haul at Irven Sup man's ready-to-wear store. They en tered by breaking out the glass of the frcnt door and one of the band of four negroes squeezed through the bars and began to hand out silk dresses an fast as possible. About that time Chief of Police I. J. Tunstall, opened up on him with a shot gun and he ran, making his escape. One of the., oth ers was caught at the store door and a third was caught In the store. The two maklug their escape were late* located in Raleigh and brought back J to Frankliuton, they making full con-' fersion. They were all negroes and; gave their names as Charles Parrlsh, JuluS Jones, Henry Thomas and Ar thur Johnson. This Is the third robbery Franklln ton has suffered in the past few weeks and It Is hoped that since some of them have been captured a clue to the other- robberies has been uncovered that will lead to the leaders of the or ganization. To Cure a Cold In One Day Take LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE (Tabled ) It Mops the Couth and Headache and works off the Cold. E. W.GROVE'S signature on each box. 30c. Regardless of Price I am going to sell my stock of Shoes regardless of f rice, so be sure to look them over before you buy. Every pair is guaranteed to be as represented. If ?liey don't fit will exchange them for you. If you don't want them will take them back. A big lot of Overalls, Work Shirts, Overall Coats, Hosiery and Men's Underwear. A full line of feed and groceries all the time. Yours truly, J. W. PERRY Garden Time We have just received a large variety of Wood's Garden Seed. All fresh. Gome and get what you need before it is too late. Bring us your prescriptions and save money. F. R. Pleasants DRUGGIST TELEPHONE 222 J. LOUISBURG, N. 0. The New Living Room Sets Exhibiting in the most attractive manner the new styles in Living Room Furniture. These Sets aro priced so very reasonable that you can afford the one that pleases you best. W. E. White Furniture Co. POM Curad la 6 ta 141 UTAlOj 3iE to TOT nuMCLXN U-M Pw T mt a VI9S ORA WINSTON HONORS BRIIIE-EI.ECT In honor of Miss Eleanor Winston bride-elect, Miss Ora Winston gave a Cinderella" announcement party at d Hilldrap." the eountry home of Mr. I John C. Winston, their father. Thurs- J day afternoon. ? The color taJieme, white and gold, was tasteTully^carrled out in all the decoratlonwpx daisies and honey suckle. TM table was lovelv uOh suckle. TWtable was lovely with its silver candlesticks and yellow candles, center-piece, a "m.mnUn center-piece, a "pumpkin coach," resting on a bed of ferns and daisies with little white mice peeping out, containing the tiny china gold slipper favors tied to each place card by narrow gold ribbon, white mints in the gold cupq ? The first course, iced tea, chicken sclad, olives and pickles, was follow ed by a "flower contest," which was worked out with much merriment. Then white cake with gold filling, fresh strawberries with whipped cream was served. Just as each guest drew from the coach" her favor, little Lucy Can dance Winston, the youngest niece In the family and namesake of the bride elect s mother, drew a card bearing a kodak picture of "Miss Eleanor Win ston and .Mr. Oliver Wilder, June 24," which she handed to Mrs. Mary Har i Is, who in her most enarming man ner read the date, passed the card to each guest in a few well chosen words proclaiming the Prince Charming Amid congratulations the party re turned to the parlor where Miss Meina Wilder presented the honoree with The brides own book, in which the following guests registered Mesdames Mary K. Harris, Ivy White, huth B. Sawyer,Mary S Win w?m: -?88es Meina Wilder,' Mary riwr,.?3 Pearce, Janie Pearce, Lallle Blackley, Lizzie Whitfield, Ma mie Dent.?Franklinton News NTYV DIRECTORATE (Special to The Franklin Times) Atlanta. Ga.. May 18.?Announce fr? e ^ e,ection governors from Southern states and leading cit izens from various sections of the country as members of the Board of I-irectors of the Stone Mountain Con federate Monumental Association, has been made by Hollins N. Randolph, n[rf^eDt; -A" announcfng the r.ew Directorate, Mr. Randolph said: ^,he new D'rectorate, includ Governors of the original Confederate states and distinguished c.tlzens from the South and other parts of the country, the Stone Moun tain Memorial now becomes what those who have directed its destiny trom the beginning have desired a trul> National undertaking if anv evidence were needed as to how com pletely the entire South has taken this great Memorial to the Confederacy to its heart, it can be found in the en thusiastic response now being ac corded to the distribution of the Con federate Memorial Half Dollar to be released over the nation on July 3*1 Proceeds from the premium on these I coins are to go to the completion of the monument." Southern Governors announced as accepting election include Clifford Walker. Georgia; John W. Martin, -hnm n JV Braa<lon. Alabama; ihomas G. McLeod, South Carolina, William J. Fields, Kentuckv- e. I.eo Trlnkie Virginia; Henry Whitfield Mississippi; Henry L. Fuqua, Louis lana.; Miriam A. Ferguson, Texas- M F Trapp, Oklahoma; Thomas J. Ter ral, Arkansas. Southern men added to the Stone Mountain Board are: Dr. Hugh W joung, Johns Hopkins HospiUl, Balti Hirh'n1 H!rbf,rt W Jackson, banker. Richmond, Va.; Cameron Morrison former governor of North Carolina; Leroy Springs, cotton manufacturer .?- C": Duncan U- netcher v-i . States senator from Florida; "all8?n' newspaper publisher. Birmingham, Ala.; Oscar Wells, bank er, Birmingham; Thomas R. Preston, t"'"' Chattanooga, Ten.; Dr. Edwin Ci^ermaa- Pfesident, University of Virginia; R. e. Kennington, capital ret'.rvCnfSO?',AU88'; R- A- Sneed- !iec~ ? v'v Oklahoma; Genera! naadt:,banker- Fort Worth, i ? Wellborn, Governor Fed eral Reserve Bank of Atlanta. Directors elected outside of the South are as follows: William M Statea Senator, Mass achusetts; Newton D. Baker, former Secretary of War, Cleveland; Edward i former chairman of the shipping board, Chicago; Frank O. ,i?~mer Oorernor of Illinois; ru!J!an u?brunn, I?wyer, Kansas City, Gavin McNabb, lawyer, San Francisco; Thomas W. Gregory, for mer attorney general of the United States, Houston, Texas; William G. McAdoo, former secretary of the Treasury, Los Angeles, Last Notice To ? Tax Payers I have been instructed by the County Commissioners to col lect all taxes by the 31st day of May, -or to proceed to collect by law. As there will be no further extension given. Please give this your prompt attention, and save the extra expense. Respectfully, F. W. JUSTICE, Sheriff. TAKE NOTICE! To Those Who wear Clothes and Shoes We invite you to come and look over our line of clothing, shoes, hats, caps, pants, underwear, shirts, overalls. We carry the famous line of SELZ shoes for men, women and children, all in the latest styles. If you are going to buy a new straw hat see ours first. Trade with us and save the difference. F N.SPIVEY Near the Bridge Louisburg, N. C. I KIZES OFFERER IN DBESS CON TEST Raleigh, May 18.?Prizes of 81,000 in gold and -other worth while prem ims have been offered by the Made In-Carolinas Exposition and Fashion lievue to be held in Charlotte, North arolina, from September 21 to Octo ber 3, according to an announcement >y Mrs. Jane S. -McKimmon, head of lie home economics department of lie State College of Agriculture. Mrs. McKimmon states that the ex position officials wishing to foster nore Interest in design of clothes and ie making of better clothes at borne :ave divided the premiums into two lasses. In class "A," which is for omen over 18 years of age, prizes vUl be offered for the best designed treet costume, afternoon dress and venlng dress. First prizes in each case will consist of $100 in gold. The second prize will be $50 in gold and the third, fourth and fifth prizes will be valuable articles offered by the corporations supporting the Exposl tion. ^ * Class "B" is for the girls under 18 years of age and the premiums will be awarded for street costume, after noon dress and party dress. The same prizes as for the women will be awarded. A grand sweepstakes prize of a beautiful bedroom suite of furniture valued at $285 will be given for the best design submitted by a woman and a sweepstakes of $250 in gold will be offered in the girls' class. The dress submitted in the contest must be worn by the contestant, or a substitute, during the fashion revue to be held during the Exposition. Those entering the contest should write J. C. Patton, Secretary of the Carolinas Exposition Company, at an early date. Mrs. McKimmon states that home demonstration club women and club girls over North Carolina should en ter this contest and try to realize on the lessons in dress making which have been given them by county home agents during the past few years. NOTICE The Directors of the Lake Miichi ner Fishing Club, Inc., have author ized the sale of a few additional shares of stock in said corporation. Applications for stock or information in regard thereto may be filed with Ur. C. H. Banks. Louisburg. N. C.. Pres., or G. C. Mitchiner, Secretary, Franklinton, N. C. 5 22-2t G. C. MITCHINER, Secretary. THE WORM TURNS Once again Old King Cotton, Mary's Lamb, and Billy Flax take a back seat for the humble Silk Worm. For comfort silk is the most desirable of fabrics and the ? i ? ? ? * lady who arrayeth herself in the new shades of Ashes of Roses, Poudre Blue, Henna, Rust is simply beautiful. Supreme Flat Crepes, 40 inch $2.95 Satin back Crepes $2 95 Canton Crepes $'.98 Crepe de Chine . $2.19 Radiums, the best of taffetas $2.89 Royon Silks $1.19 New effects in ecru collar and cuff sets, jabots, ensemble ruffling ...... 48c, 75c, $1.19, $1.39 The McGhee=Joyner Co. FRANKLINTON S BIQGE8T A BEST STORE * PHONE 47 PHONE 47

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