recorded la the office of Regis ter of Deeds for Franklin County In book 234, page 436, default having bran made In the payment of the notes therein secured and at the request of the bolder of said* notes ami by order of re-sale made by-the Clerk of the Gcurt on account of an upset hid hav lng been made,'the undersigned will on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 7th, 1926 at or about the hour of noon, at the c urthou'se door In Loulsb'irg, N. C., sell at public auction to the highest bidder ?r cash the following describ ed real estate, to-wit: Situate in the Tcwn of Loulsburg N. C., adjoining the lands of the C. M Cooke Estate, Emily Cooke and oth ers, and bounded as follows: On the North liy the lands belonging to the C. M. Cooke Estate; on the East by the lands of Emily Alston; on the South by the Halifax road; and on the West by the lands of Dr. D. T. Smlthwick, containing three-fourths acres, more or less, and being the same lot or tract of land conveyed to John W. Al ston by deed from Willie Jones, which is duly recorde'd in Franklin County Jersey heifer, two years old, and has red streak down hack, strayed, or was stolen from Mr. Will 1 Freeraans pasture in YoungsvlHe township.two weeks ago Wednesday. Any Information leading to her re J, C. PEARCE, 8- 28-3t Franklinton, N. C. A good boss never gets mad when he learns that things went better while he was away on vacation. To Stop a Cough Quick 4 take* HAYES' HEALING HONEY, a cough medicine which stops the cough by heading the inflamed and Irritated tissues. A box of GROVE'S O-PEN-TRATE SALVE for Chest Golds, Head Colds and Croup is enclosed with every bottle of HAYES' HEALING HONEY. The salve should be rubbed on thd chest and throat of children suffering from a Cold or Ckoup. The heeling effect of Hare*' Heeling Hooey in side the throat combined with the heeling effect of Grove's O-Pen-Trste Salve through the pone of the skin soon stops e cough. Both remedies are pecked In ome carton end the coat of the comhjpad treatment is 33c. tr ?Just ask your druggist for HAYES' HEALING HONEY. VICTOR TALKING MACHINE, THE BEST MA CHINE ON THE MARKET. SPECIAL PRICE. u Victor Console Xo. 219 Kegirlar Price $110.00 REDUCED TO ?S"-0 B Victor Upright Ko. SO Regular Price $110.00 REDUCED TO $S7^0 Good line of Records. Call and let as show you these machines. W. E. White Furniture Co. Summery Dress Fabrics I They are to be found here in such abundance and at such reasonable prices that no woman in Louis burg and vicinity need be without cool dresses that will help pass the summer comfortably. One can not expect the colored cotton dress fab rics without being tempted to buv several differ ent patterns. Hundreds of yards of the daintiest and loveliest of these weaves are on display. They consist of fabrics that will stand the test for wearing qualicies and meet every requirement of style. An endless variety of colorings and color combinations in Plain and Printed Voiles, Organdies, Ginghams, Chambrays, Plain Colored Crepes, Prince and Novelty Crepes. Dresses Ready to Wear Now is the time when the smart woman wants her apparel, because summer is the time when she finds the greatest need for a variety of cos tumes. Everything That Women Like to Wear This is the place where she will find the smartest and most varied of summer dotting at the lowest prices. A. S. WIGGS NASH STREET LOUISBURG, N. C. YoSTflfcowto Know" Your Throat Undoubtedly, in our struggle with the invisible enemies of man kind, we have been baffled by the invaders of the breathing-pas sages more than anywhere else. Here many of the deadliest germs attack. We have practically abol ished typhoid; cholera is a thing of the past;" small-pox is no more dreaded; diphtheria and scarlet fever are yielding; influenza, pneu monic* and tuberculosis remain mysterious and un-conquered. e It is known that disease-germs may reside for years in a throat that appears healthy, and annoys its owner but little. From this locality they wander to more re mote tissues; an overworked joint, an idle gall-bladder, or an irrit able kidney is fertile soil for im migrants from a very modest throat-infection. Worst of all however, a diseased throat is more apt to infect the heart-muscle, es pecially in peon'e past middle-age. 'I am safe in asserting thai*the majority* of fatal heart diseases have their real origin in a per fectly curable throat infection, neg lected! Removal of toriSils is too often only a step in the right direction? : merely removing the headquart (ers of the enemy. Millions or bac teria are left behind to continue depredations. The number of "poisoned hearts" from influenza germs is appalling! It is in this field that an ounce af prevention is worth many pounds of cure. What better prevention than daily cleansing the upper air-q>assages with some harmless antiseptic T ,The invisible foe can be success ! fully combatted, only when he is not deeply fortified. To neglect the throat is to court disaster.* NEXT WEEK: ICE COLD DRINKS Another way to get out In the open is to refuse to pay the rent. Bootleg liquor never caused insanity because sane men don't drink it. It never rains but it's a picnic or an ice cream social some place. Leads Pirates 1.? . Bill McKetchnie, manager of j Pittsburgh l*iratea and "the wonder man", of 1925 baseball.. Insert it < Fred Clarke, who "KM the Pirates 'in other penant days?and now helps McKetchnie keep the Pirate* out in foont. Renew Your Health by Purification Any physician will tell you that "Perfect Purification of the Sys tem is Nature's foundation of Perfect Health." Why not rid yourself cf chronic ailments that are undermining your vitality 1 Purify your entire system by tak ing a thorough course of Calntabs, ?once or twice a week for several weeks?and see how Nature re wards you with health. Calotabs are the greatest of all system purifiers. Oet a family package, containing full direc tions, price 85 cts.; trial packag^ 10 eta. At any drug store. (i i jmim miiii By Arthur WHEN IS MAN OLD? WASHING MACHINE PROGRESS. $1,000 FOR EACH OF US. ROLLING THEM DOWN. WHEN Is a man old? A Civil War veteran of Illinois, aged 88, is told by the judge that a man 88 "has no business, to get married." A Pennsylvania man of ninety fne settles property on his chil dren, then marries a woman of 45, v.ho says her new husband is "old in years only." Jacob Wettler, Swiss embroider er, only seventy-four years old, shot himself, paying life wasn't v.-orth while at that age. "When he is forsaken, withered and shaken, what can an old man i'o but die?" Some men are as old at fifty as anybody can be. Moltke at ninety was younger than many of the junior officers that stood in stiff respect about him. A man is old when his mind stops working along new lines. The people of America have about doubled their incomes in a few years. The cash that Ameri cans earn, or receive from invest ments, rents, from inherited prop erty, etc.. is not far from ONE HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS A YEAR, almost a. thousand dol lars for every man, woman, and child. For every ICO homes in the United States there are 29 wash ing machines. That sho~s prog ress, and room for more proj-.vss. The family without a washing machine, unless the washing be "sent out," proves that some wom an is condemned to needless slav ery. r An electric washing machine and wrir ger, costing a few cents a day for current, makes of wash ing an amusement instead of hard work. It makes it possible in a large family, with a busy mother, for the growing boys and girls to .!??> the greatef part of the *er'?Y. washing and relieve the mothei. American ladles it apjea.-: Parisians by wearii.y i ? tertpln Parisians by lockings rolled down, slicv.h.j . si the knee and part of ti c >?. ian>, below a short skirt. tfcoh women would rerr.---r: (he United States more usefully ; home in front of American wa.-l. tubs with their sleeves rolled' u; Instead of having their stocking rolled down in Paris. But there is a hygienic value i , tfttre knees. All Esquimu women, even in coldest Arcti: weather, arrange for an openint," at about the knee to let the air in. If they didn't do that, they wop* ? die for lack of oxygen. Weak fish will find it hard to survive in the automobile endur ance contest. One big company announced another cut in price j yesterday, making the fourth ci / in a year. The highest engineering skill and business ability are devoted to giving the public high grade auto mobiles at the lowest prices. That's valuable work. When win commercial genius show the same energy in cutting "delivered?" the price of food A scientist says that the young people of today have become "motor car wise." By instinct they avoid automobiles and adapt themselves to traffic. Older peo pl$_seem unable to learn. chickens and dogs have something. They stay out ne road and are killed less frequently than they once were. < It would be good news if the young yaopte^cf the generation would te "whiskey wise'' in addi tion to being motor car wise. During the next few years there will be more young people trilled by whiskey than old people killed by automobiles. A plague of butterflies, causing motor engines to become over heated, by clogging the radiators, suggests a gruesome possibility. If the insect tribes with their horrible fertility, should get out of control, they could fill the air, destroy all vegetation, starver&uf focate and devodr the human race and all other animals. * Mature fortunately attends to these things. Even the Insect plagues of Eg^pt^sent to punish sin did not kill all Egyptians. motmb Having qualified as executor of the estate of Letha Davis, deceased, late of Franklin county, notice U hereby given all persona holding claims against said estate to present the ?ame te the undersigned on or before the 31st day of July, 1323 or this no tice will be plead In bar of their re covery. All persons Indebted to said calats will please come forward and make immediate settlement. This July 80th. 1823. 7-31-dt i. n. MA LONE, Jr., flatr. um who may have claim* against "The Farmer* National Bank of I.enisburg," North Carolina, that the same must be presented to R. Oordon Finney, Receiver, with the legal proof thereof, within three months from this date, or they may be disallowed." CHARLES W. COLLINS,. Acting Comptroller ct the Currency. 6-26-tf Two can live as cheaply as one when they don't live as much as one. Ask a man's wlfo it you want to know (lis weak points. Oolf was not played in Ananias' day, Ie? he has plenty of able imitators. As a man thlnksi so is he, unless somebody changes his mind. Fall will be here shortly, if there is no law passed against it Subscribe tn Tin. FTanklln Times Kept Leave Sunday No. 330 8:30 A M. tfo. 312 11:40 A. M. No. 334 5:00 P.M. Trains Daily Except Arrive Sunday No. 331 - 10:15 A.M. No. 311 3:40 P. M. No. 335 6:15 P. M. For information regarding rates and schedules apply to L. L. JOYNER, Agent, Louisburg, N. 0, JOHNT. WEST, D. P. A., Raleigh. N. C. THE FRANKLIN TIMES $1.60 Per Year In Advance Attractive Excursion Fares ?Via? SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY Summer Excursion Fares. On sale daily until Sep tember 30th, with final limit October 31st, 1925. To Summer Resort Points in United States. Round-trip fare Raleigh, N. C., to Los Angeles and San Francisco, Cal., $129.22. Good for stop-over at all intermediate points. Special Excursion Fares. To Niagara Falls, N. Y., and Atlantic City, N. J. Sold only on certain dates, with limit of 18 days. Round-trip fares from Raleigh to Atlantic City, N. J., $16.85; to Niagara Falls, $26.70. / * Week-End Excursion Fares. Sold only on Fridays and Saturdays, good returning until Midnight of Tues day after date of sale. Round-trip fares from Raleigh to Portsmouth-Norfolk $7.60; to Virginia Beach $8.15. For schedules, rates and other information apply to nearest ticket agent, or to S. C. High, C. T. A. John T. West/D. P. A. 11 W. Davie St. Phone 2700 Sir Walter Hotel Raleigh, N. C. FREE! NEXT SATURDAY IS TABLET DAY NEXT SATURDAY ANY CHILD VISITING THIS STORE WITH ITS PARENTS, WHO MAKE A PUR CHASE OF 50 CENTS OR MORE, WILL RECEIVE A HANDSOME . , Calumet Sch ool Tablet FREE ALSO A CHANCE AT 20 LESSONS IN DOMESTIC SCIENCE WE SELL AND RECOMMEND CALUMET BAKING POWDER Cash Grocery & Market PHONB ?70 or M