the i?S ln ???uenco 01 such "vaccination the fee to ed for such vaccination and to niu? late the killing of nil dogs running n: large unlets wenrlng such tag. _ B6 n tsmthien ?y -nur^iMydr tm C. mmlBslonerB ef-the Town of Louis VUS^UonCH. The owners era of all doge either raalo or temal. 1, the town of Louisburg, N. C. arc hereby required to have euch (logs vecclnated against Rabies with Jen Sal Canine Antt-rables vaeclne by a licensed graduate" Veterinarian on and by the first day of September. 1925, and each year thereafter and t? procure a certificate of such vaccina tion and on or by said date to present the same to town treasurer of said town who shall register such vacci nation certificate. Said veterinarian to furnish owner of each and every dog a metal tag which shall be in force until the 30th day of August of each following year thereafter and such tag shall be securely attached to a collar and worn- continuoufly by the deg for which It wr.s Issued, all tags tc be of uniform conspicuous color eaeily seen and the coior to be chang ed the following year so that the^same C[ lor shall not be used fo. any two successive years. All PuPTies ?r brought into said town shaU be vac rin-ited vlthin 90 days from date ol birth and subject to the ngulationa Loreii> provided for dogs. . _ Section 2. That evcrx v:terln^'a? who vaccinates any such dogs either male or female within the town Loutsburg? N. C. shall collect his fee fci same from the owner of the dogs a- d shall issue a certificate of vacci nation to such owner stating the own erS name a brief description of the dtg the date of vaccination and the lee collected by him for vided, however, that the fee charged bv such veterinarian for such vacci nation Including furnishtng the vac clne, meta! tag and Issuing the v.i?i nation certilcate, shall net extend the "SA?f Ursb^be unlawful for any dog either male or female to run at large within the town of Louisburg. N. c unless wearing a tag ? provid; ed in Section 1 hereof, any dog so running at large within the town of Louisburg, N. C. shall be impounded tor a period of THREE days. Owner to be notified If known and upon pay ment of cost and complying with tl ordinance owner can have same If said deg or dogs are not claimed within THREE days it shall be, the du y the chief of police or any ->f his offi ccrs to convey to suitable place kill . . L..^n o o mo btiO vvr v?- ? 81 Section ?*. bThat any dog which may fellow or be led by a countryman or while'wlt^^ownei^or keopB* or near Uie aidnial or animals or elfecta of same shall not be arrestee. Impounded nor killed unless said dog remain*in T ouisburg lor more than 1- success give hours, in which event same mus be governed by rful?"J tr> tesldent dogs of said town. SeVtion 5.-U shall be u-. awful for anv person or persons owning or keeping any female dog to let her run at large in the town of Louisburg. N. C whFe she is In heat whether she be licensed and tagged as herein required or not and any female dog found run w uas ???? t^^fefdoafypoiicehor any'of his oM-[ S8Swtion 6. No person shall own or harbor any dog either male or female which is notoriously vicious or dan g<Section 7. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby Sealed in so far as they con met herewith and no further. Section 8. That any person who violates any of the sections or provis ions of this ordinance shall be de?=": 1 erl guilty of a mlsdemanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not less than FIVE dollars nor more than 1 Section 9.IVThat on account and by reason of the danger to lnh5b,'*f.^ and persons within the Town of Louto burg N C. from vicious and rabid dogs'an emergency exists by reason of which it Is necessary for the'mm ?into preservation of the public Safe ty that this ordinance shall be In force from and after Its passage, approval id publication and It to ordained that Mayor. Town of Louisburg, N.. C. THEO. HASSELL, Clerk. MONEY TO LEND ON IMPROVED farm landa. 6 par cant lntaraat. No commiaalon, no bonua. May run for SI yeara or be paid off at option of borrower. Only a abort tlma re quired to sat the money. 7-14-tf 8. A. NEWELL. There are a few things beat done tomorrow whon tomorrow never comes. No matter what happena, somebody knew that la wonld. A TONIC Orove'a Taateless chill Took: restore* Energy and Vitality by Purifying and Enriching the Blood. Whan you feel Its strengthening. Invigorating affect, see how It, brings color to the cheeks and how it Improves the appetite, you will then appreciate Its true tonic value. Oove'i Tasteless chill Tonic to simply Iron and Quinine suspended In syrup. So pleasant even children like It The blood needs QUININE to Purify It and IRON to Enrich It Destroys Malarial germs and Grip germs by lu Strengthening, Invigor ating Effect 80c. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1925 It being the first Monday )n Septem ber at or about the hSfcr ot noon, . at the courthouse door In Lmilsbura. N, [C^sell at liuElic auction to the high est bidder tor cash the following -real estate, to-wlt: First Tract: A certain tract ot land situate In or near the Town of Frank llnton, Franklin County, N. C., des cribed as follows: Bounded on the North by the lands of- Dr. Harris' es tate, Jack Fuller; on the East by the lunds of Tom Mltchel}/ Tobe Yarbor ough and S. C. Vann's estate; on the South by the lands ot the Seaboard Air Line Railway; and on the West by the Jands ot Henry Person and others, containing 9 acres, more or less. Second Tract: A certain lot or par-1 eel ot land situate in the Town ot i Franklinton, bounded on the East by the lands of S. S. Ratley; on the North! by the lands of Tobe Yarborough; on I the West by the National Highway; and on the South by W. H. Long's es tate, and known as the William Long Home Place. Third Tract: A certain lot situate in the Town ol Franklinton, and de-; scribed as follows, to-wit: Beginning! at a staka. on Raleigh and Franklinton . Road, corner of Isaac Williams' lot; j tl'tnce along raid Williams line 108' feet East to S. S. Ratly's line; thence North along said Ratly's line ninety six (96) feet to a stake in S. S. Ratly's line and corner for residence of W. H. j Long lot; thence West one hundred lot; eight (198) feet along said Long line to Franklinton-Kaleigh Road; thence along said Road ninety-six (96) feet to the beginning, the same being a part of the William Long Home Place. Fourth Tract: A certain lot or tract of land situate in the Town ot Frank linton, N. C., adjoining the lands of H. W. Fuller and others, and known as the Bill Baptist Place and being the same lot conrveyed to Wm. H. Long by C. 8. Williams by deed duly recorded in Franklin County Registry in Book 146, page 466. Fifth Tract: A certain lot or par ol land situate in Franklin County, Franklinton Township, containing 7.20 acres, more or less, and being lot No. 7 of the W. H. Long Lands, see map recorded in Map Book 1, page 90, Franklin County Registry, reference to which is hereby made for a fuller description. This the 6th day of August, 1925. W. L. LUMPKINS, 8-14-4t Commissioner. SALE OF REAL ETSATE Under and by virtue of the power if sale contained in that certain deed of trust executed by \V. W. Shcaron to Wm. H. RuiTin, Trustee, dated Sept. 2tith, 1921, recorded in Book 234, page 311, Registry of Franklin County, N. default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured and demand for foreclosure having been made upon the under signed trustee by the holder of the bond representing said indebtedness, I will on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1925, at or about the hour of Noon at the courthouse door in Louisburg, N. C. offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the following described lot or parcel of lurid: Situate in the Town of Franklinton, County of Franklin, State of North Carolina and beginning at an iron stake, corner for Winston and Mason Streets; thence N lSd 30' E 126 feet along the line of Winston Street to an iron stake, corner of Miss Mary E. Harris line; thence S lSd 15' E 145 feet along the line of J. S. Joyner lot to an Iron stake in the line of Mason Street; Ijience S 81d 30' E 9C feet with Mason Street to the beginning, being the unsold portirn of the lot described in the above mentioned deed of trust This 13th day of August 1925. 8-14-5t WM. H. RUFF1N, Trustee. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Administrator of Richard C. Burnette, deceased, late of Franklin County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present the same to the undersigned on or be fore the 14th day of August, 1826, or tills notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make imme diate settlement. This August l4th, 1925. HORTON G. BURNETTE, Administrator. V.'m. H. Ruffin, Atty. 3-14-6t RE-SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of an order of Bale made by the Superior Court of Franklin County in that special pro ceeding entitled '<G. M. Beam, Admr, of J. E. Malone, deceased, vs Percy Malone, et als," and a further order of re-sale made in said special pro ceeding on account of an upset bid having been made with the Clerk of tho Court, the undersigned will, on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1925 at or about the hour of noon, at the courthouse door In Louisburg. N. C.. sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the following describ ed real estate, to-wlt: Bounded on the North by the Foster J Road; on the East. South and West the land? of Mrs. J. K. Dorsett, con Hnnlng 49 acres, more or less, and be ing the lands conveyed to J. E. Ma lone by J. O. Hayes and wife by deed recorded In Franklin County Regis try, Bbok 146, page 98, reference to which la hereby made for a fuller and more complete description. But there is excepted from the above described tract a lot 88 feet by 48 feet. Which was conveyed by 3. H. Malone to the Onk Grove Masonic Lodge by deed re corded In Book 202, page 62. This the 14th, day of August, 1.126. RAYMOND O. BAILEY. 8-21-8t Commissioner. of Bunn do laiue Its bond* foB^_^_ pose of proTidlng an electric light plant for arid town. Section 2 That the maximum ag gregate principal amount of the bond* Shall be flTTOOO; the maximum rate of" futures! which aakl bonds shall bear shall bo'six per centum per annnm, payable srmi-annuallr. Section 3. That a tax sufficient to pay the principal and Interest of the bonds shall be annually levied and collected. Section 4. That the maximum' per iod within which the said bonds shall mature shall be thirty years. Section 6. That a stutement of the ; debt of the municipality ha? been fil ed with the Clerk and is open to pub lic inspection. Section 6. That the average asses sed value of property subject to taxa tion by the town of Bunn for the three 1 fiscal years in whleb the taxes were last levied as shown of said statement is $i:;o.oog. Section 7. That the amount of the net debt of tho Town of Burnt, out* standing or to be outstanding, exclu sive of the proposed bond issue, as e! own by said statement, is: Nothing. ] | Scct'on &. That this ordinance shall take effect when approved by a ma jority of the valors of the Town of luDn, at an cle-rion as provided for iii the said Municipal Finance Act Section 9. That in fixing the maxl period within which the bonds shall be authorized shall, mature. It has been determined by this Board that tho average period of-nisefulnest) of the said electric light plant for v/hich these bonds are to be issued is thirty years. ) Section' 10. That this ordinance be published once, a week for four suc cessive weeks in the Franklin Times, a newspaper published in I.ouisourg, and of general circulation in the Town of Bunn, and in the County of Frank lin. R. N. SHEA RON, Mayer. R. H. JOHNSON, Clerk. The foregoing ordinance was pass ed on the 11th day of August, 1925, and was first published or posted on the 14th day of August, 1925. Any ac tion or proceedings questioning the validity of sai-l ordinance must be commenced within thirty days after the first publication or posting. R. H. JOHNSON. S-14-4t Cl.-rk of tht Town of Bunn. NOTICE OF* AN ELECTION IN THE TOWN OF BUNN, NORTH CAROLINA Notice is hereby given that in ac cordance with the provisions of an ordinance of the Town of Bunn, North C.roiina, entitled "An ordinance .to Si'n nnn it^e Tl,Wn of Uunn t0 issue $10,000 electric light Bonds," adopted on the 11th day of August, 1925, and the, Provisions of said ordinance the Board of Commissinuers of the Town of Bunn. in the County of Frank iu. State of North Carolina, do here I '/ At*/1 A ?? A A* , , o-'. or(,lor au etection to be ' held on - 7 -vvv,u? t-u oe neia on ! Saturday, the ::rd day of Octolier. 1j2o, at which there shall be submit ted to the voters of the Town of Bunn the issuance of $10,000 of electric light bonds and the levy of a special tax to provide for the payment of the prin cipal of said bouds and interest. Said tuT'LIV .n,at,ure ?erlally as follows. The first ten bonds in the sum of $500 eich, shall mature biennially, the first bond to mature two years after date of issue and the remaining nine bonds biennially thereafter; and the last ten bonds in the sum of $500 each, shall mature annually, the first of said ten bonds to mature one year after ma turity of the last bond of the first ser ies of\ten, and the remaining nine bonds anuuaHv thereafter; the last of said bonds shall mature thirty years from date of jssue. Said bonds to |l.ear interest at The rate of six per ccn t" m per annum, payable semi-annual ly. \ I R. B. Dodd is hereby appointed Keg-1 iMrar, aqd J. it. Alford ahd J. H. Eal lentlne are appointed pollholders for said election. The voting nlace shall be at Bunn Drug Co., In the Town of Eunn, the usual voting place in said Town and thj said election shaR, ho held and conducted as is provided ? n the general election laws of the I. ?h0S?, TOting for th0 h loption of saidi ord.nance and the issuance of said bonds and tax levy shall deposit a ballot upon which there shall be writ ten or printed "For the ordinance au-i jthoring $10,000 electric light bonds, and a tax therefor." And those rot Ing against the adoption of said ordi nance, and issi ance of said bonds and the levy of said tax shall deposit a ballot upon which there shall be writ ten or printed '.Against the ordinance I authorizing $10,000 electric light bonds I and a tax therefor." A new registration is ordered and the registration books will be kept opeijvfor such purpose at Bunn Drug Co. in the Towu of Bunn, as provided I by law for twenty days, beginning Saturday, August 29th, 1925. and clos ing Saturday. September 19th, 1925. ? y order of the Board of Cominls- i sloners of the Town of Bunn, this lith day of August, 1925. ? ,? n- SHEARON, Mayor. , It. H. JOHNSON. Clerk. S-14-6tl EXECUTOR'8 NOTICE . Having qualified as executor of thel estate of Wlfllam Sherod Gay, deceas-1 ed, late of Franklin County. North Carolina, this is to notify all persona having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Spring Hope, North I Carolina, Route 1, oa or before the 2? d*y of July. 1926, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recov-1 ?ry. All persons Indebted to said es tate will please make Immediate pay-1 ment. This the 30th day of July, 1935. . ^ A OAY, 7-?l-6t Executor of Wm. Sherod Gay. Colds Cans drip am] I LAXATIVE BR3M0 QUININE TSUMs mwveths I l? w. GROVES ?IgDfttv* ? i box. 30c. u Person, et al. Va. Roselyn Person, et al . the undersigned Commissioner v/ill on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 21st, 1925 ?at or-about the I ruin of-Noun, al?ftrrr courthouse door of Franklin County, offer for sale-at pnMlc auction to the highest bidder ftfr cash the follow ing described real estate: > First Tract: A one-half undivided Interest it that tract or parcel of land situate In Frankliaton Township, FVanklln County, Slate of North Car olina and bounded on the North by the Tom Coriyers Estate, on the East by the new road leading out .-of the, Franklinton-Neeomore road and on the West by the lands of A. B. Wester and others, containing 13a ai res, more or less, and being the tract of land purchased by S. S. Person and Cora t Person, now Cora B. Long from J. L. Mitchell and wife by deed recorded in Book 146, page 530, Registry of iFranklin County. I Second Tract: A one-half interest ^r. that lot or parcel of land situate near the town of Franklinton, Frank ; Union Township, State and County aforesaid and bounded on the North by the lands of G. R. Long, on the East by the Seaboard Air Line Rail road and on the South and West by C-ICgg Lane, containing about one apre J more or less, and being the lot con veyed to S-. S. Person and Cora B. Person, now Cora B. Long by Betsey Perdne by deed recorded in Book 190, page 352, Registry of Franklin Coun ty, N. C. ! Third Tract: That lot or pare 1 of land situate on the Henderson Road :r.ear the town of Franklinton, Frank 'linton Township, County and State I aforesaid and bounded on the N'crth I by the lands of'Fletcher Harris and on the East by the Henderson Road, on the South by Fletcher Harris an! on : t he West by the Seaboard Air Line Railroad, containing about one-half acre, more or less and being the lot ccnveyed by Mourning Williams to S. S. Person. Fourth Tract: A one-fifth und:vid ed interest in that lot or parcel of | land situate near the town of Frank 1 lirton, Franklinton Township, County and State aforesaid and hounded on the North by Merritt Wilder Eestate. icn the East by Clegg Lane, on the South by the Louisa 1'aschall Estate, ! and cn the West by Ballard and Cheat jham, containing one acre, more or | less, the said one-fifth Interest having .been inherited by the said S. S. Per son. deceased, from m ither, Betsey Person. ! Fifth Tract: That lot or parcel of I land situate near the town of Frank ? Union, Franklinton Township. State Innd County aforesaid, and bounded on | the North by Church street, on the j East by the lands of E. L. 'Long, on the South by the Mary King Estate and Jon tii." West by A. S. Powell residencei lot, containing about one-fourth of an acre, more or less and being the lot I conveyed to S. S. Person by Amanda IE' ans by deed recorded in Book 190,1 | page 370. Registry of Franklin County. This 19th day of August, 1925. J. E. MA LONE, JR., - , ! S-2S-4t Commissioner. tar of Deeds of Franklin Conwy, Book 234. Page 356, default having been made in the payment of the ln ccbtedness secured therein and the holder thereof having made demand upon me to foreclose. I will oil MONDAY, HEPTEMBKR 14^1925 at or about the hour of noon, sell at public auction at the courthouse door' in Louisburg, N. C., to the highest bid. dtr tor cash, a certain tract or parcel! of land situate in Fracklinton Town ship, Franklin County, North Carolina aid described as follows: Beginning! at a stake in the road leading tc Mrs i Lucy Conyers, running parallel with said road North to William Allen's corner; thence East along William j Allen's line to Wayward Plu a Tier's ' line; thence along Hay ward Hum mer's line South to 'Jonnie Hayes'I line; thence West along Jonnie Hayes line to the beginning, containing ten acres, more or less, being lot bought or Robert Allen. This August 8, 1925. 3-14-5t' 8-14-5t H. C. KEARNEY, Trustee. Scientists say that camels roamed over America three million years ago. It was probably dry then. By Tlrtue i the undersigned from the Court of Wake County In the abov* entitled action, 1 will, on mondXy. ot-ruBKk 'S tsisr" v at 12 o'clock -M. at the courthftnao door of Franklin County, sell to the high est bidder for cash to satisfy said exe cution, all the right, title and Interest which the said J. A. Turner, one of the defendants herein had ac the date of the docketing o.f this judgment or had at any time thereafter in and to Lot No. 6 Block B of the Turner King Property situate on Middle street, lr? the Town of Loulsburg, County of Franklin, State of North Carolina. This 4th day of September, 1925. 9-4-5t F. W. JUSTICE, Sheriff. Keeping busy as a bee is one way to avoid being stung. Subscribe tr The Franklin Times To Cure a Cold In One Day lake LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE (Tablets.) ft stops the Cough and Headache and works off the Cold. E. W. GROVE'S signature on each box. Mc. Optical, Illusions \rOlTR light is one of the most ?precious gifts in the world. The fulness of ioy that we get out of nature and life depends to a fcreat extent on this wonderful gift of vision. For this reason, too much care cannot be given to the eyes, and theyMhould have rigid examination at regular intenrals. Optical illusions many times are natural even to those with perfect sighr, or it may mean a loud warn ing that your eyes need professional attention. You will find our Optical De partment Moderflly equipped in every sense of the word, and it will entail no obligation for examina tion of your eyes?we will be hap piest if we can honestly say that your vision is correct in every way. w.w.w Guaranteed^ i LRing?&ft?ri? A L. W. PARRISH Jeweler Louisburgv - N. C. Just a Few More Days And Our Tobacco Market Opens Just a few days and we will be ready to take care of your wants and needs in fall and winter clothes and shoes from head to foot. We have already received a lot of new hats, caps, shoes and slippers in thg latest styles and they are ready for your inspection. We can fit head and foot, all sizes. Our quality and prices are right and we guarantee satisfaction. F. N. S P I V E Y NEAR THE BRIDGE LOUISBURG, NORTH CAROLINA Southeastern & Gulf Realty Co. ALAMO, GEORGIA CHOICE FARM LANDS IFOR Sale Cheap Many of them stumped for ma chinery. These lands ara fine for anything except the tropical fruits. Finest for corn, cotton, tobacco, trucking, pecans, pota toes, sugar cane, rice-every thing. Write us your wants. Mr. N. L. Harris, formerly of Franklin county is in our county near Alamo, with 52 acres in to bacco which is yielding heavier than anything he ever had in North Carolina. His yield for the year is an average of 1,000 pounds per acre. Write us your wants. Or better come to see us if in the market for farm lands of the highest class. Southeastern & Gulf Realty Co. ALAMO, GEORGIA

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