SELL YOUR T 0 B AO 00 IN LOUISBURG The Franklin Times SELL YOUR COTTOH IN LOUISBURG A. F. JOHNSON, Editor and Manager THE COUNTY, THE STATE, THE UNION SUBSCRIPTION $1.50 Per Year VOLUMNLIV. LOUISBURG, N. 0., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1925 (10 Pages) NUMBER 37 COLBERT GETS 25 TO 30 YEARS | State Accepts Plea of Second j Degree Ten Ctafs To ('!'** Saturday After' noon?<(?rand Juror* Hake Report? | SolliHr.r Hiikr* Report. The regular October term of Frank lin Criminal Court came to a close Saturday afternoon, after a wee long drawn out litigation. Ju 8 f land E. Mldyette with the aa3iatan.c? Solicitor W F. Evan*. dl!^f is follows since our last repot t. State vs John Colbert, Insanity. mis trial. Suggestion of lnaa!^yf ,nur_ draMn by attorneys and a Pj?* " der in the second degree tendered and accepted. Judgment tbat C?lbe>* eon fined In the State prison for from 2& to 30 years at hard tob0[- d State vs Julius Jones aiding and abetting in house breaking and State?vs^Chas. Parrish. Henry Thom as, and Arthur Johnson, ^sebr^k ing and larceny, plead guilty, 6 to years in State prison each. . . ^ State vs Kid Trouble house break ine and larceny, noi pro? with leave. State vs Chas. Parrish, house break ? ing and larceny, guilty receiving, Judg -StfTtSi. Furgurscn. house 1 making and Urceny, capias and con ' '^te vs Arthur Vester. abandoning ' called and '"sui'i 'vs Jim Plummer Davis, violat ing pW^ltion law, 12 months on roads, upon payment of co9t8 "? tier, to onlv Issue on order of a Judge CtSute^JahCOHargrove, violating prohibition law, pieads guiUy^ prayer assault beha\ ior. Jurj B<.port The following la the Grand Jury after having co? y Itr, work and ^ di\char^. Thursday afternoon of 1ast ** Tc Hon. Garland E. Mldyette, J 6 Presiding. October Term. Fr lin County Superior Court ^ We the Grand Jury drawn for October term of Frank"d . ?"{| y foi. perlor Court, beg to submit the tor the prisoners. We Deg ?> y same well kept, sanitary and comfort " we visited the stockade where the SKfglS ssssfssi* ssyr ?? ZSSU??=? - V*S?" -i.n.rt the County Horns and f ? Snton tit th. Supt. 1. ill he can 1o under the drcum sunfe^the ? ?? fared for, but the buildings are in roofs, door step* repaireu, fl??driUoT We\?rGrand Jury want ?o"bo on record condemning the bull !nn?s as out of repair and unfit and Senear, for the inmate- We We^ound no *?rss?zsm~& s:.1?s."t.-rSLsa "u,:. u.j ?"rt !5jB7S4 wi?sss ?""w.MMtb. found it to bo well kept r. We recommend that the County Fl. nee* be Investigated. Upon Investl tlon we And loans made to lndivtd ls years ago by the County, of which e interest has not been paid up. We commend that the security of thee* ins be Investigated. We hare passed on all klUa present to as, and on all natters that have en brought to our attention. . Respectfully submitted. J. R. FRYE, Foreman Grand Jury, rhs following report wae filed by Bo Itor W. F, Bvan?: rtb Carolina, Franklin County, Su perior Court, October Terra, 1MI. fo the Hon. Oarland p. Mldyette, GOING AFTER TAXES I Town Commissioners Deter mined To Collect Short Meeting Bnt Important llu?l ne*H Transacted ? Recommends | Clerk HasseJI. At a special meeting of the Board of Town Commissioners held on Mon day night with Commissioners Allen. Furgurson, Fleming and Leonard and Mayor Williamson present, business was disposed of as follows: The attorney was instructed to put j C. B. Kearney in judgment. The Clerk was instructed to notify each tax payer by special delivery let ter, having had their property sold for tuxes, that in the event said taxes are not paid, the Board will demand title tc the property. A motion prevailed that all 1925 i taxes paid by the 10th of November. I 1925. a discount of 1 per cent will be | allowed the tax payer. The Clerk was instructed to write I It irbanks. Morse & Co. relative to | parts. The following motion prevailed | "that the Board, furn'sh Clerk Theo liahsell a recommendation, he having been in our employ for the past sev eral months., and during ibe mean time have found his work satisfactory. We cheerfully recommend him to be ] honest, competent, efficient, and .vish him every success." A motion prevailed that the Board re-imburse Clerk Theo. %t8sell, the cum of $20.00 for money being short ! during the month of June, 1925. No further business coming before the Board adjournment was taken. SERVICES AT ST. PAUL'S CHURCH Pastor J. D. Miller announces ser vices for St. Paul's Episcopal church ! for next Sunday, November 1st, as ft/Howe: ? j Sunday School at 10 a. m. Evening prayer at 7:30 p. m. i All are cordially invited to attend. HALLOWE'EN PROGRAM There will be a Hallowe'en pro gram given at Hickory Rock School. Friday .night, Oct. 30. Admission 25c | for adults, 15c for children. The pro ceeds will go for the benefit of the school. I ,, WINS SUIT AGAINST AETNA LIFE INSURANCE COMPAN1 A very unusual and Interesting law suit was won by Mr. R. O. Thompson oi Wood, N. C., against the Aetna Life Insurance Company on last Monday. The case grew out of a group insur ance policy which was issued by the Aetna Life Ins. Company on the lives of certain employees of the Pacific Mills, a corporation operating cotton mills in Columbia, S. C. Mr. Thomp son's father, J. J. Thompson, was be fore his death an employee of the | Pacific Mills and in recognition of bis long and faithful services, was giveh a $1500 life .insurance policy, Jin which R. O. Thompson was named 'at beneficiary. This policy was a part of a group policy upon which the premium was paid annually on Sept. 127, by the Pacific Mills. Last year :the Mills decided to carry this in surance itself and on October 27, after the annual premium had been paid, had the Aetna Life Ins. Company tc cancel the group policy which in cluded the Insurance of Mr. J. J Thompson. On December 6. of last year, Mr. J. J. Thompson died and the court held that the Insurance company had no right to cancel the policy on the life of J. J. Thompson without the knowledge and consent of both of the Messrs. Thompson; and therefore, rendered judgment In favor of Mr. R. O. Thompson in the full amount of $1500. The case was tried in Columbia, S C., and Mr. Thompson was repre sented by G. M. Beam of this city. * Judge Presiding. The undersigned Solicitor of the Seventh Judicial District respectfully reports to the Court that he has exam ined at this term of Mid Court Into the condition of the ofTice of J. J. Young, the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County, that he finds said office well administered In all respect", that said Clerk keeps In hlat office all the books required by law, properly In dcxed for speedy and convenient ref erence, except a cash book, which should be used by the Clerk. Several Guardians are in arrears In reports and citations should be Issued requir ing them to report. He further reports to the Court that, so far as he can ascertain, the ac. counts of the said Clerk, and as Re ceiver, are regular and correct. Respectfully submitted, W. p. EVANS, Solicitor, v. Seventh Judicial District. Examined, approved, and ordered recorded. O. E. MIDYETTE, Judge Presiding. The TIMES was In error last week as to the fact that this was a two weeks term. It was a one weeks term and came to a close on Saturday af ternoon. GREETINGS TO THE WOMEN OF THE COUNTY The Woman's Club of Louisburg sends greetings to every woman in Franklin County and especially to the Club Women. We consider Louisburg a good place in which to live and. we want you to learn that it i3 a good place in which to visit and to shop. We hope you will eome OFTEN so that we may know each other better and he able to help each other more. Conditions differ in each locality but all of us are work ing toward the same goal: that of improving our surroun dings and making this section a better place than we found it. } With more co-operation between the clubs and the wo men, the results of our labors spill be greater and changes more rapid Lets get together and boost Louisburg and Franklin County. WOMAN'S CLUB. BARBECUE SUPPER KIWANI8 Solicitor W. K. Evans Makes Address ?Supper Held In XrKlnne Bros. | New Store on Main Street. Loniaburg Klwanlans departed from tbe old form on Friday might and In place of the usual luncheon a barbecue {supper was served at McKlnne Broth ers new store room on Main street. The meeting was presided over by Vice President Harry Johnson and Bin T. Holden was the Director in {charge of the programme. The sub ject for the evening was "City Manage ment" and was discussed in a most intelligent manner by Solicitor W. F. Evans who stated that under our form of government our greatest problem was to know how to manage public {business with private individuals. He said that the small town suffers from the lack of cooperation, that we must lose sight of direct benefit if we want to make a better town. He said Louls burg had the natural resources in sur roundings and ability and he saw no reason why we could not make of Louisburg just what we would like tor It to be if we would just get together and push. Cole Savage, Farm Agent was given tbe floor, and he presented quite a unique entertainment by his harmon ica band composed of five ooy scouts. John Atwood Newell, Bill Scoggin, James Stovall, George and Arthur Ragland. The boys played severs' familiar selections and mado excellent music on the harps, i The Louisburg Band furnished .uus Jic for the occasion which added much 'to the r.fternoon's entertainment WHITE-ALLEN Invitations reading as follows have been issued: | "Mr. and Mrs. William Henry Allen request the honour of your presence 1 at the marriage of their daughter, Lucy l Terrell, to Mr. William Edgar White, jjr., on Thursday, November 12th, 1925, 1 at the Baptist Church, Louisburg," N. C." No Invitations issued In town. AT THE METHODIST CHURCH Pastor O. W. Dowd speaks of ? vices next Sunday as follows: We have our last Communion ser vice next Sunday, 11 a. m. for this Con ference year. We hope and trust all the members of the church will be present. We shall announce the names of several new members at this ser vice. You be present to give them cordial welcome. We shall have a special service at the evening hour, 7:80. Our most at tractive and inspiring singing class from the Raleigh Methodist Orphan age will be in charge of this service. You will have to come' early to get a good aeat. No special public collection will be taken at this service for the Orphan age. Come nnd enjoy the singing class concert. IBS. CLAUDE COLLINS ENTER TAINS. Mrs. Claude C. Collins was a most gracious hostess Thursday night in honor of Mlse George Lee Barrlngc.-, of Norwood, who Is the guest of Miss Beulah Cooper and Miss Emma Bar tholomew. The spacious home was thrown en suite and decorated with late fall flowers and ferns. Decora tions suggestive of Hallowe'en were used throughout, also. About fifteen or twenty guests were present. RED CR088 NURSE Miss Austin is the Red Oroee Nurse who Is giving an entire course In Home Hygiene and Oars of Sick, at William Robert Mills High School This course will last three weeks. This work Is being sponsored by the local Red Oroee Chapter and the expenses it It will be borne by the looal chap- 1 tar and come from the Red Cross Roll I "all which gljl begin soon. 1 NEAR EAST BELIEF Campaign For Franklin County To Be gin Not. 1 And Last Through Stli. Mrs. Dr. H. H. Johnson. Chairman for the Near Bast Relief Campaign for franklin County, ar.-a-unccs that the campaign for Franklin County's quota of $1,750 will begin on Sunday. Nor. 1st and last through the 8tt. During this time Mrs. Johnson is asking all churches to take up a special collec tion tor this work and send in to her for transmission to the State organi 3tion. All who wish , to' contribute e invited to send, give or mall their contributions direct to her at Louisburg. Everybody is Invited to Join in this relief work. -TWO FELLOWS AND A GIRL" "Two Fellows and a Girl'" was pre snred at William R. Mills Graded 8chool auditorium on Wednesday night by Red path's Lyceum Bureau and was greatly enjoyed by quite a cumber of our people. A series of these entertainments have been ar ranged for by the Woman's Club of Louisburg in an effort to give the peo ple of this community good whole some entertainments. Other numbers v. ill appear later announcements of which will be made as the dates are arranged. PUBLIC SPEAKING AT YOUNGS. V1LLE. The Youngsville Council Junior Or der will hold a public speaking at the A oungsville Graded School auditorium 011 November 27th. 1925, nt 7:30 p. m. Among the speakers secured for the occasion are Hon. Thomas H. Walters, National Councilor, of Philadelphia, Hon. M. W. Lincke, State Councilor, of Nashville, and Past State Councilor, (has. E. Brewer, of Raleigh. All Jun iors and their wives and the public generally are invited to attend. AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT On Saturday afternoon the Ford touring car of Joe Brown and being oriven by him with several occupants turned over and spilled its load and injured Joe Johnson, near Cash and Ashley's store on South Main street. According to Brown's statement he went to pass some one and a rear wheel gave way, the ground and pave ment being wet, assisted in the acci dent . RALEIGH ORPHANS AT METHO. BIST CHURCH. Raleigh Methodist Orphanage sing ing class will give a Sacred concert at the Louisburg Methodist Church Sunday night, 7:30. You will have to come early to get a good seat. No special Orphanage collection will bo taken. Come and enjoy this Inspiring service. r MANY ENJOY BAND CONCERT Quite a large number of Louisburg cltlsens enjoyed a most excellent band roiicert given at William Robert Mills High School on Tuesday night by the Louisburg Band. The members of this band are in fine trim and make excellent music and the program Tuesday night was especially well ar ranged, and Its rendition brought de iight to Its hearers and much credit ipon the band. HALLOWE'EN PARTY Listen, folks, If you want to hare lome fan, come to Katesvllle next Saturday night, October 31. and you vlH'have M. Proceeds will be used or the benefit of the Sunday School. FIDDLER'S CONTENTION There will be a fiddler's Convsn. on and Card Supper combined at PI- I t Bchool on Friday evening. Oct. 30 - rises will he awarded the best mu RECORDER'S COURT K. W. Perry, Vice Reorder, and M. Clifford Peurce, Prosecuting Altor. ney Co-Tem Conduct Session. Very little interest was manifested in Franklin Recorder's Court Monday, as no ca3e? of importance were on the docket to be heard. H. W. Perry, Vice Recorder, presided in the absence of Judge Beam, and M. Clifford Pearce, ably represented the State in the ah sence of Prosecuting Attorney W. M. Terson. The cases disposed of were as follows: State vs Dock Evans, operating au. tomobile intoxicated, not guilty. State vs Oscar Lewis, violating pro hibition law, pleads nolo contendere, discharged upon payment of costs. State vs Russell Arrington. violat ing prohibition law, pleads nolo con tendere, fined $50 and costs, i State vs L. R. Southall, assault, con, 'tinued until Monday, Nov. 2nd. State vs D L. Weathers, carrying concealed weapons, pleads guilty, pray jer for judgment continued upon pay ,rjent of costs and $100.00 to be pai<. upon direction of the Court. DEDICATORY SERVICE j A1 Eoul-bufg Baptist t herein Sunday, i Noieiiibirr ,M. Pastor John Archie Mdver announ ces the following program for next Sunday: 9:45 a. m. Sunday School. 11:00 a. m. Special music by choir and male quartette, and memorial message by Dr. T. J. Taylor, of War renton, N. C. 12:30. Dinner served in basement cf church. 2-00 p m. Services continued. 6:45 P- m. B. V. P. U.'s mee' in their respective places 7:30 p. m. Special music and ser mon. , . , Let every member of the church do his best to make this a rgd letter day in the history of our church. o? ??? BARACA-PHILATHEA CHIOS The regular meeting of Baraca-Phll athea's will be held at Bunn Baptist church, Saturday evening and Sunday, November 7th and 8th. All classes are urged to be there at this time and I bring a report. i Mrs. W. P. Hayman, Pres. Mrs. Lally F. Perry, Sec'y. U. D. C. The Jos'. J. Davis Chapter U. D. C. will meet with Mrs. D. T. Smithwick, Tuesday afternoon. Novembebr 3rd, at 4:00 P. M. Mrs. S. J. Parham, Pres. Mrs. J. L. Palmer, Sec'y. SPECIAL TERM OF COrRT Register of Deeds Holden received a letter this week from Gov. McLean ordering a special term of Criminal Court for Franklin County to be held with the next term of Civil Court which convenes on Monday. November 16th, 1925. Judge Garland E. Mid yette will preside. FIRE AT COLONIAL PINE CO. The fire at the Colonial Pino Co. on Tuesday night destroyed the boiler house and shaving separator. The fire was discovered about 9:30 o'clock end the alarm was turned in. The fire department answered promptly but on account of the fire trUck getting stuck on Tarboro Street where the street had been rebuilt, the delay was sufficient to give the fire sufficient headway to the make a complete Job of the boiler room. The loss is roughly eetimatcd at about $1000.00. COTTON REPORT The tabulation of the card reports shows that there were 18.300 bales of ci tton, counting round as half bales, ginned in Franklin County, from the crop ot 1925 prior to Octobe ? 18. 1925, as compared with 2.849 bales ginned to October 18, 1924. o ENTERTAIN AT THEATRE PARTY Master R. R- Kissell delightfully entertained a group of his little friends. On last Monday evening at 6 o'clock in honor of his 8th birthday. After playing games the little folks were invited into the dinning room. Where delicious cream and cake were ser I them. In the center of the tahk ? ood the birthday cake with 8 little candles. Upon leaving t he dining room they were chaperoned to the Winner Theatre, where they all greatly enjoyed the movies for uwhllc. The little friends present were Fred. Sarah and Alfred Cooper Hicks. Cary Howard, Jack Knight. Bob Elmore, James Person, A1 Hodges. Lucile Hudson, Marie Parker. John Tucker William Lee. Joe and 91cnn Beasley O. C. Hill. Jr . Wilson gpivey, George and David Cooke and Thomas Wheeless. If hunters would only be careful >f fires and save the woods thin win ter. much valuable Umber would be taved and game animals would have i better homey say agricultural work. dding freely on all grades. 1-ouisburg's reputation is traveling fast and is mounting to the top. M;ny have said the past week that It was h ading all the nearby markets in the prices it was paying It will be to j our interest to come to , ,ou i s bu rg and become one of Louisburg's boost ers. 1RA>KLIYT0> TO HATE A j BATH TOWEL MILL | A. H. Vann and J. .1. Moore oi Row 1 inary liny Stork of Iraiiklinlon Hos iery Mill-Work I* To Start Soon. I Negotations that have been pend ing for some time were completed last Monday when the stockholders of the Franklinton Hosiery Mill sold their mill building and the land ad joining to Mr. A. H. Vann. president and treasurer of the Sterling Cotton Mills and Mr. J. A. Moore president of the Patterscn Mills at Roanoke Rapids. The New organization, which has not yet been incorporated, will man ufacture bath towels. When the mill is in full operation, the output will be 5.000 dozen towel3 per week and will give to Franklinton a week ly pay roll of $1,500 to $2,000 per week. The mill will bleach and fin ish the towels ready for the whole salers. Mr. Vann says they will install 104 looms and the first shipment will be I made in December and he expects to i have the mill in operation by the ' first of next March. Houses for the employees will- be built as soon as possession of the 30 acres of ground bought from Mr. A. B. Wester can be i obtained. Mr. Wester reserved the j right to pick crop of cotton on the i land sold beforei giviqjg possession. I As soon as the cotton can be picked i streets will be laid off and creation I of buildings will be begun at once.? j Franklinton News. BAKACA-PHILATHEA IM0> Tbe following is a programme c the Franklin County Baraca-Philathe Union, which will meet with the class es of the Bunn Baptist church on Sal u'day and Sunday. Nov. 7th and 8th Saturday, 7:30 P. M. Song, "Onward. Christian Soldiers. Address of Welcome. J. R. White. Devotional Exercises, C. T. Moody. Sermon, W. V. Tarlton. Song. Sunday, 10:00 A. M. Devotional Exercises. Mrs. J. I Mitchiner. Roll Call of Classes. Appointment of Committees. Transaction of Business. Song, by the Baraca Quartette, o Durham. N. C. Address, by Mrs. P. C. Crompton. o Grace Baptist Church, Durham. N. C DINNER, 1:00 to 2:30 P. M. Sunday, 2:90 P. M. Devotional Exercises. Report of Committees. Address, by R. L. McMillan, Ral eigh, N. C. Awarding of Banner. During the entire services on Son day tbe Baraca Quartette of the An gler Ave. Baptist Baraca Class, o Durham. N. C., will render differen selections for the Union. All Barmo and Philathea Classes of Franklli County are urgently requested to sent as many representatives of theii classes as possible to these meetings as it Is expected that a great deal o good will result from the splendic programme which has been arranged CEDAR BOCK BAPTIST CHURCH SERVICES, SOT. 1, 1?5 In spite of the bad weather last Sun aay there was a good congregatioa out. All tho services were good. Es pecially the good sermon delivered by Rev. R_ P. Downey, ol Wake FOreot On last Sunday the' church called foi its pastor. Rev. R. P. Downey, now ol Wake Forest. So all members are urged to come and meet him. He proves to be a very fine Christian gen tleman. Be on time. 10 o'clock Son day School. B. Y. P. V. 9:30 o'clock. Subject: Busy About the King's Bus iness. We Will: Know our lesson. Be on time. Not read our parts. ' Read our Bible reading. Pray lor our Pator. Be true to the King. Pres. Miss Sanora Morgan. - Sec.. Miss Bula Dean. Quia, Miss lata Sykea. Quia was beautiful last Sunday aRkt Group Capt.. Mlsa Lucille Inacoe. Though I placed tho isianBoa tho Up stick may have i i hickory stick, the you i la not half so bad sa