8EAB0ARD AIR LINK BY. Effective May 10th, 1925 Lonisbnrg, N. 0. Trains Daily Except Leans Sunday_ No. 330 8:30 AM No. 312 11:40 A. M. No. 334 5:00 P. M. Trains Daily Except Arrive Sunday No. 331 10:15 A. M. No. 311 3:40 P.M. No. 335 6:15 P. M. For information regarding rates and schedules apply to L. L. JOYNER, Agent, Lonisbnrg, N. 0. JOHN T. WEST, D. P. A., Raleigh. N. 0. Subscribe to THE FKANKLIN TIMES ?1.60 Far Year In Adrmnce NOTICE Having qualified aa Executor of the eatate of J. A. Clifton, deceased, late of Franklin Comity. Notice la here by given all pereone holding claim* against eald eatate tj> present them to the ? undersigned on or before the 20th day of November 1916 or ibis notice will be plesul In bar of this rocovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please come forward and make immediate settlemnt. This November 19th, 1926. J. E. Harris, Ext'r. I1-20-6L NOTICE Having qualified aa administrator of the estate of J. 8. Shearln, deceased, late of Franklin County, notice Is hereby given all persons holding claims against said estate to present them (o the undersigned on or before the 20th day of November, 1926, or this notice wUl be plead In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please come forward and make Immediate settlement. This Nov. 19, 1926. 1 ll-20-6t. A. A. Shearin, Admr. FOR FIRST CLASS JOB PRINTING PHONE 288 Beauty Makes Its Autumn Debut In the Kitchen A Kitchen Cabinet will grace any kitchen. Every detail is planned for the utmost convenience and beau ty. Most exactinly made of the finest materials and containing all of the modern improvements that exper ience has proved practical. Choice of several finishes. Other kitchen accessories that will make it possible to realize your "Dream Kitchen" now. SMART BREAKFAST SETS STURDY KITCHEN TABLES W. ? White Furniture Co. WHERE LOWER PRICES RULE Thanks to our army of customers, we have been able to keep our volume of business to a high point. This enables us to buy goods in larger quantities and there fore ut lower prices. Everyone who trades here knows that ou? prices are extremely fair and many times the value of an article has increased when our price has not. It has been our policy to give the customer the best of every deal. This policy has brought us many custo mers and we hope that in the future it will bring us more. HARRIS & EVANS Under Union Warehouse LOUISBURG, NORTH CAROLINA MONEY TO LOAN Oq amortization plan five years to thirty-thrve years time at 6 per cent on improved farm lands. Farm ' ands for Sale In Louisburg, Gold Mine, Oedar Rook and Cypress Creek Townships, on easy terms. Sizes of traots, ranging from 16 acres to 252 acres each. Wm. H. Ruffin ?'T A Talk With a Louis . burg Man Mr. Cranford Telia Some this* ad Interest to LouLburg Folia. ? ___________ There'i nothing more eonelnetaig than tbe statement of someone you knew and'have confidence In. That's why this talk with Mr. Cranfmtl H Church Street, shoald be mighty help ful here in Louisburg. H. P. Cranford, garage foreman. Church Street, says: "For spells mar kidneys almost failed to act My WW ? ?ly killed me with pain and! nearly Killed me with pain and I couldn't turn in bed without sharp pains stabbing me. It was almost im possible to bend, and mornings my back was sore and stiff. I used Dona's Puis end I haven't had a spell with my kidneys since." Price 60e, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for n kidney remedy?get Doan s Pills ? the same that Mr! QjSsnford had. Foster^filburn OdL Mflt, Buffalo, N. X Select Supply of Smoking Tobacco, Cigars, Cigarettes?They Will Aid four Christmas Meditations. Order Now at L. P. HICKS. 12-18-2t FOR SALE 8 room bouse and lot on South Main 3treet in front on Harts row. Easy lerms to colored people. See 10-9-tf J. LEHMAN. iT To Core a Cold In One Day fake LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE (TabtaU.) K MONEY TO LKNU ON IMPROVED farm landa. ? par east Interest. No commission, no bonoa. May run for SS years or be paid off at option of borrower. Only a abort time re quired to get the asuaey. M4-tf 8. A. NEWELL. SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of the power inferred upon me In a certain deed of rust executed to me and duly record ed Id the office of the Register of Deeds lor Franklin County In book 261, at page 181, default haying been made in ;he payment of the notes therein se sured and at the request of the holder >f said notes, I will on MONDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1926 it or about the hqnr of noon sell at public auction to the highest bidder (or cash at the courthouse door in L/Ouisburg, N. C., all those certain (racts or lots of land situate in Frank lin County, Town of Loulsburg, North Carolina, and described as follows: Lot No. 1. That lot on Church Street In the Town of Loulsburg be ginning at the corner of Mrs. C. C. Hudson's lot on said Church St.; thence eastwardly along Mrs. Hudsons Line 160 ft. to the center of a ditch; thence In a southernly direction along the center of said ditch, O. W. Ford Estate's line, 63 ft to corner of P. S. and K. K. Allen's lot; thence along the line of P. S. and K. K. Allen In a westerly direction 60 ft. to Church St; thence along Church St. 63 ft. to the point of beginning and being the lot known as K. P. Hill, Residence lot, which was conveyed as a part of lot No. 1 In the Deed from T. W. Blckett, Trustee, to J. M. Allen. Lot No. 2. That lot on the W. side at Nash Street in the Town of Louls burg, beginning at the northwest cor ner of Mrs. Foster's lot on said street; thence along said Nash Street, 70 ft. to the Intersection of Nash and Church 3treets; thence southly along Church Bt. to F. I* Herman's line In Church Street; thence westerly along F. L. Herman's line to the line for Mrs. Poster to the beginning and being Lot No. 3 in the conveyance made by T. W. Blckett, Trustee, to J. M. Allen, ex cept the lot which has been sold to F. L. Herman and not Included in the above description. Lot. No. 3. That lot in the Town of Loulsburg. N. C., on the South side of Perry St., beginning at the Intersec tion of Perry St and the right-of-way of the S. A. L. Railway; thence in a westerly direction along Perry 8L 271.6 ft. to the line of W. Hal Mann; thence in a southerly direction along Mann's line 117.2 ft. to J. B. Thomas' corner; thence In an easterly direc tion along Thomas' line >8 ft. to a rock; thence In a southerly direction 44.3 ft. to a atake In Thomas line; thence In an easterly direction 174 ft. to the right-of-way of the 8. A L. Ry.; thence In a northerly direction about 120 ft to the point of beginning. Up on a portion of this lot is an Ironclad storage building 130 ft x #0 ft., with spur tract to main line of 8. A. L. Ry. and being lot No. 6 conveyed to J. M. Allen by deed from T. W. Blckett, Trustee. 11-27-61 B. H. MA LONE Trustee. How Doctors Treat Golds and the Flu To break op a cold overnight or bo sot Short an attack of grippe. In fluenza, sore throat or towsHMna. phy _ id druggists are now recom mending Calotabs, the refined calomel compound tablet, that givsa yon the effects of Satto combined, without the ant effects at either. One or two Calotabs at _ with a swallow of water, that's all. No aaRa, no nanoaa nor Mm Interference with Next is RED DOG ' ' * ?* * k ' ( $2= Per Bag I 1 ? , Big shipment just received and can . " ? supply your wants. WAGONS I have in stock the well known COLUMBUS two horse wagons and WEBER one-horse wagons. My prices on any of these will be very attractive to you. Bring your cotton on to my gin and let me give you a fine tarn oat. J. P. TIMBERLAKE 2 Miles South of Louisburg, N. C. TO THE VOTERS =OF THE= Gold Sand Special Taxing District Upon request of a majority of the School Boards in the Gold Sand Special Taxing District, the Board of Education has asked for an election to be held on the 11th day of January 1PM 011 a 60c Local Tax. In order that there may be no misunderstanding on the part of any voter the following information is hereby given: The 60c tax means 60c on eVery hundred dollars valuation of property or $6.00 on every thousand. In the event the 60c tax la voted all local taxes that the Districts now have will done away with. The Board will run all the schools two months beyond the six months term, and do all the building and furnish all equipment, pay for all tracks and transportation with this 60c tax, and If this tax Is not sufficient the balance shall come from the General County School Fund. The following new buildings will be erected in this territory: a twelve room building for the high school, an elementary school at Mt. Grove, and ele mentary school at Mt Grove, and elementary school at Wood. The Moult on Hayes building will be completed and if the high school Is not situated at Cen ts rvllle, two rooms will be added to the present building there. Schlose will be consolidated with Mt. Grove and Pearce with Centervllle. The high school building will be erected first and the other new buildings, additions and re pairs will be furnished as soon as money can be secured from the State. Upon recommendation of some of the leading people In this territory, the Board of Education hereby agrees to have printed, on the ticket For Special Tax the foUowtng three sites: I. Gold Sand. II. Centervllle. III. Sandy Creek. Each quail fled voter voting this ballot will check the site which is his choice. The Board hereby pledges itself to locate the school on that site which receives the largest number of votes. The Local School Boards will remain just as they are and will have full supervision of the local schools. The High School Board shall be appointed bythe Board of Education. The principal of the high school shall have full surervlslon of all the elementary schools. In the event the election Is carried, these buildings, repairs and equip ment will be furnished as soon as the money can be borrowed from the State by the Board of Education. The Board of Education of Franklin County hereby pledgee Itself to carry out the above school program in the event that this election Is carried oW January 11th, UN Signed : s A. F. JOHNSON. Chairman, T. H. DICKENS. J. H. JOYNER. E. L-GREEN, ' ? ? W. A. MULLEN. Dec. 7, 1116. County Board of Bdocalioa of Franklin I