THE FRANKLIN TIMES yr: A. F. Johnson, Editor & Mgr. ?TAR DROPS? ???? ? | ?The primaries are now all over, lata get back to normal. ?Born to Mr. and Mre. Roy Up church, of Henderson, a girl, on Wed nesday, July 7th. ? ? ?Be sure to hear the Lawrencevlllo Singers. They are the sweetest and best in'the South. ?Mr. J. E. Thomas wishes to thank hlsmany friends for the support giv en blm In the recent primary. ?Perry street was closed on Tues day on account of the dangerous con dition of the prize bouse on corner of Perry street and Kenmore avenue. ? ?? ?Born to Mr. and Mrs. John Thomp son, of Morganton, a daughter, on July 4. Mrs. Thompson was before her marriage Miss Mattle Allen or this place. ?Don't forget the Lawrenceville Singers In the Loulsburg court house Monday night July 12 for white peo ple. Tuesday night July 13 for col ored people. ?Lighting struck and set fire to a big feed barn on J. M. Allen's farm about two miles south of Loulsburg during the heavy storm on Thursday night of last week. ?Lighting set fire to and destroyed a tenant house for D. G. Pearce about three miles from town on the Frank linton highway during the storm on Tuesday afternoon. ?In a fast and interesting game of ball on Monday Loulsburg defeated Zebulon in a score of 8 and 0. The playing was swift and exciting and was witnessed by quite a good num ber. ? ? ?Deputy Sheriff's J. S. Rowland and H. C. Ayscue report the destruc tion of about seven hundred gallons of beer and fourteen fermenters on Sandy Creek near Collins mill Mon. day. They were assisted by J. E. Thomas. LOST, STRAYED or STOLEN? white female English Bull Terrier, with scar on back, answers bo the name of Sport, liberal reward for In. formation leading to recovery. Wll. 11am B. Barrow, Loulsburg, N. C. 7-9-2t JIBS. PERSON ENTERTAINS Mrs. A. W. Person very charmingly entertained on .Wednesday morning of last week at her home on North Main street. The house was beauti ful in its decoration of spring flow ers. Bridge and rook were played at seven tables. Iced ginger ale was served during the game. Mesdames F. H. Allen and A. W. Mohn won the bridge and rook prizes respecti vely. At the conclusion of the game, delicious refreshments were served in two courses by Misses Grace- Person and Elizabeth Beavens of Enfield, house guests of Mrs. Person. Those present were Misses Virginia Correll of Oxford; Annie Green, Jessie Tay lor Harris, Ida Mae Yow, and Mes dames F. H. Allen, G. M. Beam, R, G. Bailey, K. K Allen, F J. Beasley, M S. Clifton, B. B. Perry, W, E White, S P. Boddie, T W. Watson, A. B Perry, H H. Johnson, J. L Palmer, W. D Egerton, E L. Best, E H Malone, A W. Mohn, J. A. Hodges, S. A. Newell, J. B. King, J.' B. Yarborough and Harrell Lewis, of Haymarket, Va. BIRTHDAY PARTY Little Miss Dorothy Dennis, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs J. S. Dennis, en tertained a number of her. friends on Wednesday afternoon, June 30th, at her home on East Nash street in hon or fit her tenth birthday. . After the play-hour on the lawn the guests were shown to the dining room which had, in Its decorations and phik and white color scheme taken on A particular festive air. Pink and white were also used in the birth day cake and candles in the refresh ments of cream and cake, and in the favors, tiny baskets filled with mints. Throughout the party Mr. Bill Morris delighted his young audience with their favorite piano selections. The hoetess' guests for the occasion were Misses Dorothy Roth, Christine Collier, Maxlne Tharrtngtjon, Edna Earle Parrlsh, Maxlne Leach, Virgi nia Pleasants, Miriam Mathews, Mil dred Mathews, Melba Dean Mclver, Lucille Hudson, Mary Fuller Beasley, Miriam Downey and Jane Murphy; Masters Bobbie Strickland, Jack Brown, Q. S. Leonard, Fred 8. Par rlsh and James Brantley Collier. SENIOR B. Y. P. U. The Senior B. Y. P. U. of the Louis bur Baptist church will moet Sunday evening July II, 1926 In the ladles parlor at 7: IS o'clock. ,. ? Topic of lesslon: Pearls from the Psalms. Introduction, H. N. Teasley. First Psalm, Mrs. J. S. Howell. Comfort for the Christian, Mr. King. The blessed refuge, Valon Liles. Special Music, Raymond Sheartn. The greatest of these is charity. Mrs. Whitaker. Blessedness of forgiveness, Dosa Upchurcfa. - Psalms are the poets soul?pearls reflecting the writers deepest exper ience With God. Study a, string of pearls from the jNhlma IB ottr B. Y. P. V. tonight. Be early. Bring a friend Every old and new member Is es pecially urged to be present as we have a new member and also presi dent. Mr. T. King, a grrat christian worksr. High flying is not conducive to I COLORED WELFARE ORGANIZA TION KEETH The regular monthly meeting ot pie Franklin County Colored Welfare Organization met In the court house on Sunday?afternoon with a large crowd present, Including many white people. Mrs. W. B. Waddell, Super intendent of Public Welfare of Vance Coupty, was the principal speaker and delivered a strong, forceful and Instructive speech of encouragement to the colored people In this most Im portant work. Her speech was great ly enjoyed and will no doubt lead on to greater work on the part ot the organization. Dr. J. B. Davis also addressed the meeting and made a telling speech pointing out the wonderful work the organization had done and the won derful opportunity it had before It. Mrs. Jeannette Sills reported re ceipts since the last meeting amount ing to $43.50. Several choirs were present and rendered a number of ecellent musi cal selections to the delight of the oc casion. The secrotary made the following report: Lady Knights and Royal Knights of King David manifest great interest In the welfare work in Franklin coun ty by giving contributions do Mrs. Jeannette Sills, for said work. Those giving $1 each were W. G. Pearson, Durham; J. H. Bratcher, Rocky Mount Warren Jones, Chapel Hill. YOUR BIRTHDAY July llth-lJth If your birthday is this week you are original, daring and fearless. You are also commanding, self willed and capable of attaining great poise. You are argumentative in nature, but your arguments are always sound, and hav. ing a well Informed mind, you usually win the argument You have an ex cellent memory, and your Intuition is strongly marked. You attain your own ends without much difficulty. Yqu are naturally endowed with a great amount of tact and diplom acy, but too often you fall to use It to its full advantage, often antagon izing those with whom you come in contact, with your abrupt and sharp speech. Be less frank?you will make more friends. You have some com batlveness In your nature but you use it to good purpose. You never pro long a fight after you have gained the object for which you fought. Both men and women born during these dates are capable. Having a Natural tendency toward the beautiful and artistic in all things, they often become musicians, artists and writers. Men also become doctors, lawyers, business executives, brokers and bank ers. Women become teachers, nurses, actresses and elocutionists. Those Tarheel farmers who wish to know what their paid servants at State College are doing in agricul tural extension work can have a copy o; the eleventh annual report by writ ing for It, All (arm animals need salt. It whets their appetites, stimulates the digestive glands and aids In prevent ing digestive disturbances. Even the pigs must have a supply to be most vigorous. Chinas richest man is sojourning in thi country and will probably tell us befone he leaves how he earned his ('fit dollar. Speakerless banquets are being held but the noise can't be entirely elim inated until they do away with the soup course. It's difficult to put your finger on a man who isn't under someone's thumb | You couldn't blame some boys fot not wanting to grow up like their dads. Be cautious in handing out advice because some day It may come back to you. All weddings are simple ceremonies to everyone but the bride and bride groom. Burglars are active?Headline. Did hnyone ever see an inactive burglar! Experience is the best teacher but the course is long and there are no degrees. Expensive habits are sometimes the sign of cheap character. I More people might be sensible if it idn't take so much practice.' Law enforcement too often depends on whose ox is being gored. You caa forgive a booster for ex aggerating, but never the knocker. Success may not settle In the head, but it frequently causes the gout. Distance lands enchantment, partlcu larly with respect to rouged cheeks Wouldn't it be nice if we were al ways as nice as we sometimes are? Girls will be girls even though the nsw bobs mike them look like boys. A bootlegger shot a sherjif and es caped, but it's not a healthy practice. tou'll have to admit that bathing suits look a lots better dry than wet Lending a hand to boost Is an Im provement over using a foot to kick. ks two or three weeks will eoHeh the Wood, he were the Jloeertoo. ead act as a fleeerel ?neafth ?Ssa Tosh to Ufa whole ?>?>??. Nome will thee * w dispel the worm, aad the Child will be health. PleaMOt to take. SSc per heStia ?flUNKIJN TIMES TOR FIRST CLASH JOB PRINTING rdUNI mol mi see, ???*??*? ? HOME DBXOHSTKjLriOH DEPT. * I ? . ? ? ' * Contributed Weekly By Xba Delay ? * Caldwell, A (eat ? Itinerary July 12th-17th. Monday, fleld work. Tuesday, Sandy Creek. Wednesday, Wood. Thursday, Mitchiner. Friday, Bunn. Saturday, office. Everybody in the county, men, wo men an t children must be on han.l at the Farmers Convention on Franklin County Day, Wednesday, July, 18th. Miss Mary Thomas, nutrition spe cialist, says that she Is certainly not going to miss being at Camp Balance Rock. She will give the girls lessons In bread making. Nine tills from Franklin county are at State College this week attending the Club Girls Short Coarse. White Level Club Is represented by Eula Mae Bartholomew; Mitchiners by Louise Cherry; Mapleville by Zenobia Baker, Maggie Fuller and Mildred Gupton; and Seven Paths by Grace Strickland, Estell Strickland. 'Geralda Turnage and Teresa Perry. The July meeting of the County Federation will be held In the home science room of the Loulsburg High School, on Saturday, July 24th. A program of demonstrations and dis cussions of home science subjects is being arranged. Epsom Clab Epsom Home Demonstration Club met Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. G. C. Gill. While the women were holding their meeting In the house the children had a party of their own In the grove. The home agent led In the discus sion of 'mineral In the diet" which brought out methods of cooking vege tables to preserve the mineral mi, tent. Menus for a day were made out and the iron content calculated. After the program the hostess serv ed delicious sherbet and cake and everybody enjoyed the social hour spent on the lawn. The next meeting will be with Mrs. W. P. Wilson. Keren Paths Womans Club The Seven Paths Womans Club met with Mrs. R. R. StricklandFridayaf ternoon and was called to order by the president Mrs. Rodger Moore. The regular program in the year book was carried out, Mrs. M. T. Lamb giving an interesting talk on the iron, cal cium, etc. contained in the diet. Mrs. E. S. Wilder gave another helpful talk on the classification of foods. Much was gained from these talks. Just at this time Mrs. Strickland invited her guests to the dining room where all were bountifully served with cake and lemonade/ The club will meet with Mrs. J. 'M. Lamm -next month. Pope Womans Club Pope Womans Home Demonstration Club met at the club house Thurs day afternoon. A committee was ap pointed to nominate new officers. Ten minutes was dpent in a discussion and drill 411 parliamentary practice. The home science subject for discus sion was the minerals In diet. Pope community is to be well re presented on Franklin County Day at the State Convention. SUNBEAMS AT WHITE LEVEL The following Is a program, for White Loyel Sunbeam Band July 11, at 9:IO a. m. Song by the Band, 'Praise Him.' Prayer for our missionaries in Afri ca. , Scripture reading Ecc. 12:1-14 by Annie Bet Collins. Song, "Jesus wants me (or a Sun beam." The little Brovn girl and I, by Mat tie Pearl Pernell. Lets have a picnic out of doors, by Aileen Murphy, Mary Sue Gupton and Rosa Pernell. Liberty's Banner, by a class of boys. Our Flag, by Margie Ree Collins. Passing the primary school, by Lu cille Gupton. Solo, "All through the day,'* by Margaret Collins. A story, "The little girl who went to Africa," by Gladys Collins. Poem. "Showers of Blessings," by Hasel West. A story, "The hospital fire," by El nora Gupton. Benediction. WILMA MURPHY. President, LOUZELL GUPTON, Secretary. SALE OF REAL ESTATE In accord4n.ce with a resolution luly adopted by The Franklin Coun ty Sunday School Union, the under signed Committee will on Monday the Ind day of August, 1926, at or about the hour of noon, offer for sale at public auction on the premises, that lot or parcel of land situate in Frank lin County, North Carolina, on the West side of the hardsurface exten ilon of South Main Street of the Town >f Loulsburg, N. C., containing S.4 >f an acre, more or less, and known is the Industrial Training School Lot ind more particularly described in ieed of the Trustees of The Nash and franklin Senday School Union, dated kprll 15th, 1996. Said ldt will be sub nTided ibto 3 smaller lots and sold itther as S separate lota or as a whole, rerms of this sale will be one-half sash, balance In 2 equal annual in itaHmenta~16Cured by first lien on he property. Bids will be aooepted with the understanding that same than stand open for 10 days subject :o an increased Md. This July 7th, 1926. J. H. SILLS, P. H. THOMAS. B. R. BRAME, O. W. ALSTON. r-9-4t f Committee. The Qahdst That Oeas list AMset Its Heed f> Tie fncklla Mmee AMONG THE VISITORS 80VI TOD KNOW AND SOU IO( DO ROT KNOW. Perianal lteaig A boat Falki Am Their 1 rleuds Who Travel U?. A ad Tbcro. Mrs. Frank Rose la spending the week In Rocky Mount. Mr. William Neal was a visitor to Henderson on Tuesday. Miss Marlon Lee, of Monroe, is vis iting Miss Louise All^n. Miss Virginia Correll, ot Oxford, is visiting Mrs. J. A. Hodges. ? ? Miss Grace Green, ot Weldm, is visiting Miss Virginia Beck. Mrs; T. W. Bickett, ot Raleigh, spent the last week end here. ? ? Mr. Frank Hicks is attending a sum mer camp at Lake Junaluska. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Bailey have re turned from a visit to Woodsdale. Mr. E. C. Perry, Jr., is at Nagshead this week attending a house party Miss Georgia Keene, of Durham, was a visitor to Loulsburg on Friday. Mr. C. K. Cooke returned the past week from a trip' to Washington, D. C. Clerk of Court J. J. Young and Supt. E. C. Perry went to Raleigh Thurs day. Mr. F N. Egerton visited his sister, Mrs. G. S. Baker, in Goldsboro, last week. ? ? Mrs. W. D. Egerton and little daugh ter are visiting Mrs. Earl Johnson in Raleigh. Mrs. Dr. ?. ?. Johnson, ot Phila delphia, is visiting. Mr. and Mrs. A W. Green. ? ? Miss Bessie Milliard, ot Rocky Mount, was a visitor to Louisburg on Friday. ? e Mrs. F. F. Fagan, of Rocky Mount, visited her father Mr. W. H. Macon, on Friday. ? ? Miss Agnes Ellis, of Klttreil, spent the last week end with Mr. and Mrs J. B. Jones. ? * Mr. C. E. Sklllman, of Warrenton, was a business visitor to Lbuisburg on Saturday. ? ? Miss Kate White Williams, of War renton, is visiting her sister, Mrs. L. E. Scoggin. ? ? Mesdames E. H. Malone and E. L. Best spent several days this week in Hendersonville. ? ? Miss Fanny Neal has returned to [ Waynesvllle after a visit to her mother [Mrs. W. P. Neal. I * * Miss Lizzie Belle Newman, of Hen. derson, is visiting Miss Hallie Cooke Hudson of near town. ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Leo Heart, of Ral eigh, spent the last week end with her mother, Mrs. R. Z. Egerton. ? ? Misses Louise Joyner and Elizabeth Johnson returned Saturday from camping trip at Little Switzerland. / Mrs. W. B Waddell, Superintendent of Public Welfare of Vance county, was a visitor to Louisburg Sunday. ? ? Miss Louise Egerton, who has been visiting Mrs. Sinclair Chesson, In Elizabeth City, has returned home Mrs. J. B. MalogS has returned! from Park View Hospital, Rocky Mount, where she has been for treat ment. y ? ? ^ Mrs. T. W. Smith and children, of Richmond, returned home Thursday after visiting Judge and Mrs. O. M Beam. ? ? Mrs. James T. Boone, Superinten dent of Public Welfare of Wilson county, was a visitor to Louisbnrg Sunday. m ? Mrs. Harold Lewis has returned to her home in Haymarket, Va., aftet visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L L. Joyner. ? ? Miss Eliza Griffin Newell spent several days this week at Philadel phia where she attended the Sesqul Centennial. ? ? Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Veazey and baby have returned to their home In Goldsboro, after visiting Dr. and Mrs. S. P. Burt. ? ? Dr. A. H Fleming, Messrs Jake Friedlander and Claude Collins re turned Tuesday from a trip to More head Bluffs. ? ? Misses Maude Ashley and Magenta Lasslter, of Fairmont, have returned to their home after visiting Mrs. W. H. Pleasants. ? w Misses Grace Person and Elizabeth Beavens, of Enfield, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Person, have returned home. ? ? Supt. W. R. Mills, who is teaching at the summer school of the Eastern Carolina Teachers College, was here for the last week end. m m Mrs. G. W. Lancaster, of Pulaski. Tenn., and Mrs. Lewis Biackwell, of Rocky Mount, visited their brother, Mr. June J. Lancaster the past week Mr?. M. L. Isaacson, of Greensboro, and Mr. Harry Zabon, of AHsata, Oa., ?W vigtttng their parent*, .Mr. nkd Mra. Henry Harris on Sun?l avenue. Mr. and Mra. W. F. Edward* and Mr and Mrs. J. R. Edwards motored to San ford, Southern Pines. Aberdeen and State Sanatorium last Sunday. They report a very pleasant trip. Mr. and Mrs. Marlon Grainger, who have Just returned from their bridal tour in Western North Carolina, spent the past week end with Mrs. J. L. Palmer before going to their* home in Kinston. Mrs. J A. Turner, Misses BabMe and Margaret Turner, Mrs. J. J. Bar row and Miss Frances Barrow are spending this week at Wrlghtsvllle. They were joined there by Mrs. N. Y. Chambliss, of Rocky Mount MILE SOCK ITEMS Mile Rock hag not had much near* of late to be telling. Mrs. B. W. Wheeler is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Plummer Wilson this week Misses Erma May and Mary Ella Wheeler spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. I. D. Cook. Mr. Oscar Phelps spent part of Sun day in Frankllnton. Mr. and Mrs. Busby Burnette visited Mr. and Mrs. J. D Phelps Sunday. Misses Mary Ella Wheeler and Er ma May attended preaching at Leah's chapel Sunday. If we see this in print we will call again in Juvember. X X , MRS. WATSON ENTERTAINS ' On Wednesday afternoon at 4 o' clock Mrs. T. W. Watson charmingly entertained her bridge club at her home on North Main street. Bridge was played at two tables. A salad course with iced tea was served. Subscribe to The Franklin Time* DO YOU SHAVE? A GENUINE AUTO STROP RAZOR WITH STROP IN ATTRACTIVE CASE AS SHOWN BELOW ABSOLUTELY FREE WITH A YEAR'S subscription to this paper and a 3 years' subscrip tion to the Southern Ruralist at the special club price below. We believe the value of this offer is apparent to all our readers, and consider it the most attractive offer we have ever made. Use cou pon below. THE FRANKLIN TIMES, Louisburg, N. C. I am enclosing $2.00, lor which enter my subscription for one year to your paper and 3 years to the Southern Ruralist, mailing me, without charge, an auto strop razor in case together with strop. Name Route . Town State .. SeANDPATHEB ?. MEET Me.STOOPNOOOLE OADTO MEETdHA MftR&CN'. IDIDNT QJJITE I CATCH TH NAME.' V I SAID MR. STOOPNOODLE, | gcandfather/ HENHM STOOPNOOOLE MISTER STOOPNOOOLE/ THAB MUST BE SOM'THiN' S VJBONG WITH THIS HEBE "TRUMPET?IT SOUNDS JC* UK* STOOPNOODLE /

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