THE FRANKLIN TIMES A. F. Johnson, Editor & Mgr. ?tah drops? ?Hot weaher returned this we?k ?nd crops are booming. ' ? ? The Government thermometer re ratered a temperature in Louisburg Wednesday of even 100. ? ? ?Quite a number of visitors are ^olag out to Camp Balance Rock each ? * J. Tlhe Cotton Cooperative Associa . Uon is showing a series of moving pictures in the county. ? * .. ~w^>rk ,s Progressing nicely on the Franklin County building at Louiaburg College. ? 0 ?This is the season for camping parties and many of our people are enjoying an outing. ? ? ?Attention is called to the change of advertisement ot the jLouisburg repair shop in this issue. < ? ? ovTr"??'? wi" be no Preaching at snilon the fourth Sunday, July 25th due to the fact that the pastor will be away in revival work. * ? ?His many friends here deeply sympathize with Mr. Cary Howard in the death of his sister which occur red near Danville, "Va., Tuesday in an automobile accident. ? ? ?Rector J. D. Miller, of St. Paul's Episcopal church announces services for next Sunday as follows: Sunday School at 10 a. m., Morning Prayer at 11 a. m., Evening service in College grove at 8 p. m. ? ? ?Roaring through the storm, thun dering through the darkness, came the Limited Mail, Tumbling, rumbling speeding down the hillside came tons of dirt, a landslide that threatened the train and its passengers. Don't miss this dramatic moment in "The Limited Mail," the Warner Bros, classic of the screen, at the Winner Theatre Monday, SANDY CREEK ITEMS Sandy Creek is getting lively now as the revival meeting starts Sunday, and all are expecting a good time. Well, there is but little news this week, but as the old fellow -said every little bit helps. Misses Eleanor Gilliam, Magnolia Burnette, Molly Brewer and Lola Wil liams, Messrs. Macy Brewer, Lewis and Eugene Williams Lewis Gilliam, Linwood Gupton, Cartha Mason and Edwin Davis were pleasant callers at Mr. Ollle Dorsey Saturday night. Mr ^ Lewis Williams brought his talking machine :.nd Mr. Macy Brewer his banjo and had music. All reported a good time. Miss Lessie Gupton spent Saturday night with Miss Lena House. Messrs Eugene Burnette and Wil lis Gupton were pleasant callers at Mr. R. S. House's Saturday night. A large number of Sandy Creek folks attended the convention at Cen terville Sunday. Miss Nell Joyner spent Sunday af ternoon with Miss Julia Brewer. Messrs. Thurston Gilliam and Lon nie Burnette took dinner with Mr. Macy Brewer Sunday. Mr. Lewis Gilliam took dinner with Mr. Harvey Leonard Sunday. Messrs. Otho Gilliam. Arthur Dick erson and Wilbur Benton took dinnei with Mr. W. H. Gupton Sunday. Messrs Otho Thurston and Lewis Gilliam, Henry and Bryant Leonard, Arthur and Wilton Dlckerson, Hugh Wood, Macy Brewer and Wilbur Ben ton, took a pleasant swim in the creek Sunday afternoon. Mr. E<L Aycock and wife, Mr. D. C Mason and wife, Mr Sid Joyner and wife, Mr". Edwin Harper and Miss Betty Harper visited Mr. and 'Mrs C. C. Brewer last Friday night Miss Nona Burnette called to see Miss Rachel Allen Sunday afternoon Miss Trene House spent Sunday afternoon with Miss Dalma Aycock Messrs. Cartha Mason and Macy Brewer motored over to Mr. EM. Ay eock's Friday night. Well, as that Is gll the news we will see you next week in the "funny paper." "QUIT DOCK." r-NQ.ft <hTHC > ?V1 LAST WEetCS ANS. To Coro a Cold In Ooe Day LAXATTVE BROMO QUININE (TSMeti.1 tt rOR FIRfl i' OLA 88 JOB PKIMTINU PHONE NO. MS. CAN TOD BEAT IT "Could I in tha crystal gaxerT" "No, she's not In. Bhs's orsr at the palmist's getting her hand read." Depew Pew men have enjoyed the pub-, lid favor and esteem that have been, showered upon Chauneey Depew, famous after dinner speaker ?The; former senator and railroad presi Jent^has all thru his eventful life; been America's greatest exponent notiirism About your tiealth Thing* You Should Know ABSORPTION ft DIGESTION The human body is nourished by the two v processes, digestion* and absorption; in the former, the food is saturated with digestive fluids in the stomach, and its particles macerated and rendered fit for use in tire tissues that require nour ishment. The digestive process completed, the substances are pass ed on into the intestine, where ab sorption deposits them in the blood-vessels through suitable chni_ :lr; absorption is automatic and undiscriminative; if poisons .reach the absorbents, they are tak en up with quite as much avidity as if they were harmless, and na*C .is where mischief starts. Host all of the fluid portion of food is absorbed, whether it has been digested or not. If not prop erly prepared in the stomach, it is unloaded into the circulation in a form that cannot be taken up by tissues requiring nutrition, and the patient fails to understand how he eats so much, yet feels bad all the time, and loses weight. The prob lem is with the digestive process which goes, or should go on in the stomach. ??~ wJicn the body is tired at the end of the day, the digestive pro cesses are slowed down as well. A heavy meal is thrown into the stomach, at an hour when its ef ficiency is lowest Only a fraction of the meal is digested?yet it is all absorbed! Is it any wonder that the patient awakens with "that tired feeling" and experiences loss of vitality with no desire for breakfast, and with an un-fltness that is no less than a warning of danger. Breakfast should Iff a good, substantial meal; noon-din ner the same; and at evening, take the minimum requirement This Is the plan of the oldest and most {rigorous people with whom I have some in contact. Next Weeks? " HEART DISEASE." ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the estate of R. D. Pinoell, deceas ed, late of Franklin County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of the said deceased, to exhibit them to the undersigned at her home, Louis burg, N. C., R. F. D. No. 6, on or be fore 12 otlock noon, August 1st, 1927, or this notice will be plead In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to the said estate will please make Immediate payment. This July 20. 1926. LAVEN1A PINNELL, Admin istratrix of the estate of R. 7-23-61 D. Plnnell, deceased. . NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the estate of J. Y. Medlln, deceased, late of Franklin County. N. C- notice Is hereby given all persons boldlbg claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 23rd day of July, 1927, or this no. tlce will be plead in bar of their re covery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please come forward and make Immediate sdRlement. This, July 22, 1926. 7-28-6t J. R. MEDLIN, Admr. FOUND?Hand Bag between Louis, burg and E. A. Hemp's. Owner can get same by describing it and paying for this advertisement. 7.23-lt P. R PERRY. Colored. DON'T ? FORGET ? TO SEND ' ADVERTISING ? COPY IN EAT.Lt WHT WAIT TILL THB LAST DAT TO SEND THE COPT IN FOB AN ADVERTISEMENT WHEN THB AD MAN CAN GIVE f OU A MUCH BET TEH JOB IP TOU SBND IT IN SOONBMf DONT FORGET IT By Arthur BrUbane OUR SUN A CANNON APATHETIC CITIZENS ROCKEFELLER BUILDS '? WE ARE VERT RICH Professor Snyder of the Philc rlelphia Observatory says the earth was shot into space by oil J sun, a sort of cosmic cannon. All "rotating suns," says he, thus shoot out planets and bull',1 up solar systems. It seems frightfully gigantic t'. us, but a hen laying ah egg woulij seem just as impressive to a microbe. It seems reasonable thgt sunr, Jiike hens, should lay eggs, thu creating new organisms. Nature works along the same paths in bit; and little things. .1 John Hays Hammond says "th? citizens are apathetic," indifferent to public questions?and they are ; He wants a civic campaign t< do away with public apathj* That won't work. If you want the public inter) ested, you must make politics an>l public questions INTERESTING. The other day in an American - munity above the average in Iligence, many citizois went tq polls to vote on a dog orifi ce and returned without tak ; the trouble to vote, at the : .me primaries, for members oi Congress. Ninety per cent of Americans, unless you arouse them with re ligious or racial antipathy, or with the high price of coal, feel thai government is somebody elae'i busin ' John D. Rockefeller, Jr., invests In decent homes for working peel pie at reasonable rente. : Mr. Rockefeller's intention is to avoid charity, demonstrating thaj (dwellings can be constructed on a big JcaTe, with every comfort, in, eluding playgrounds for children and private parky attached to th<j buildings, bathrooms, reside; : doctor, etc., within m ruler* 1 prices, about $9 per room p ? month. . The thing will be done on small scale at first, sufficient ' fo" a few hundred families. Sucre : might lead to the investment o' hundreds of millions in such en terprises and enable families oi small means to live in comfort-] able, healthful apartments at ;j rent no greater than has bee-! charged by landlords in the slums. The plan won't please slum lane lords. , Tlia President, in .a thoughtful speech on the budget, says: "You* Uncle Sam is rich, that's true. V-. have actually $390,000,000 morjJ. than we need for 1926. But that ia no excuse for squandering. W'd must be MORE economical, cuS down expenses every year."' Another cut of $830,193,888 re-' duces the public debt to nineteen billion six hundred and eighty millions of dollars. If necessary, Uncle Sam could pay all that debt by using one* third of the national income foiy ONE year. We are rich, but, as the Presi-^ dent says, that is no excuse fori waste. < A magnificent new electrio loco motive, the world's largest ajufc most powerful, weighs 283,350 pounds, is sixty-five feet leng, driven by six motors, with 4,500 total horsepower. One man can handle this loco-. mo$ire that will pull an express train with aaae at more than 100 miles an hour. < Will it run between the Atlantis and the Pacific cutting the tme N unfortunately, to two-days T it will run in S- ..serland, where government owns railroads and seems to do well, in spite of our theory that government ownership >annct succeed. Perhaps the' Swiss are abler than we are, per haps more honest, perhaps both. Dr. Butler says, "The world out: grew Communism 2,600 years ago. and Socialism in the Sixteenth century." The world has never rcallp TRIED Socialism or Communism, and never will. When socialistic and communistic ideas are tpie^ out wa give them other names, i A great public paric, or magnlfil ioent public school, paid for by taxaaj$and free to rich and ?oorj represents both communis ainj socialism. But we call such social ism "Intalligant government." Sudan grass ss a late forage crop ha* been planted by many North Car olina farmers during July. | HaMteai Constipation Cured in 14 to 31 Days f "LAX-F08 WITH PEPSIN" Is a s L, ? prepared Syrup Tonic-Laxative for Ha h Constipation. It relieves promptly should be taken regularly for 14 to 8L regularly for 14 to >i day* to tndooe regular action. ItStimuletes and Regulates. . Very Pleasant to Tafit.0 Ma E. A. Rogers ?. -1 f. * Tobacco Flue Shop in Planters Warehouse. 8 l-2c per lb. CASH . Winner Theatre Louisbnrg, N. C Week Program Beginning FRIDAY, JULY 23 day, July 23rd?Bebe Daniels her latest screen success THE PALM BEACH * GIRL" Is Is Hebe's latest hit of the season. Come ont and enjoy a nlht of amuseme11? with Belie Daniels. Extra: Serial and Comedy ?Saturday, July 24?Bob Caster In "THAT MAN JACK" This Is a sure fire western for action and tlirilK Don't fail to see this program. Extra: Felix, the rat comedy and 2 reel com edy. Monday, July 26th? "THE LIMITED MAIL" A thundering melodrama that roars through a storm of slzil ing thrills, with Monte Bine, Yeni Reynolds WMard Lonis. This picture everyone should see as It Is a melodrama of steel monsters. We want our patrons to feel that we are striving to please them In atractlons. Tuesday, July 2<th? "THE BLIND GODDESS" With Ji:>-k Holt, Ernest Tor rence, Esther Ralston and Lou ise Dresser. Also two reel Pathe Comedy. Wednesday. July 2sth? "SOUL MATES" From Elinor Hlyns >'ovel with Aileen Prlngle and Edmund Lowe. Also two reel comedy. Thursday, July 29th? "WHAT HAPPENED TO JONES" This is a Universal Jewel. Also KInogram Mews and Fox Yarieties Coming Monday August 2. Har ry Langdon In his latest comedy success, "TRAMP. TRAMP, ' TRAMP" Our Theatre is the Coolest Place In Town Your Patronage Appreciated Winner Theatre Loudsburg, C. LOST! One large blue-and-black spotted fox bound, both eyes partly glass colored. Has been gone about 60 days. $26 reward for hla return in good condition. W. H. ALLEN, l(-4t Louisburg, N. C. WE are delighting our patrons with the LeMur Method of Permanent Waving? safe, speedy, sanitary, sure. Hair of any tex ture formed into soft, beautifully uniform waves that are lasting; by this method. No kinkt?No frizzes Let oar experienced oper ator. give you a genuine "LeMur Permanent." Phone for appoiainafn:. Lucile Beauty Shoppe Over City Berber Shop Louisborg, N. C. Some farmers, in Ashe County are ?o determined to hare a par# bred ball In the community that they are eubecriblng two years' service fees in advance. . J Open a Checking Account With This Bank If you hae a checking account here you save all trouble in. making remittance by mail; never have any fees to pay for money orders; never annoy business men by sending them stamps in payment for small amounts. And you always have a record and a receipt for everv transaction. We Are Glad to Open Small Checking Accounts Ask Us About Them & MERCHANTS BANK Safest For Savings DO VOU LIKE TO SAVE? !i Then give us a chance to help i | you save en your clothing, shoes, ij hats, caps and notions. We have 11 a lot of Ladies' and Children's j) Sandals and Oxfords that we are We also have a few more Men's and Boy's dress and work straw hats that we are offering at sacri fice prices and the hot summer is still here. Buy a pair of oar Selz Shoes, a new pair given if they are not satisfactory. We have just a few more of genuine Mohair and Palm Beach suits that we are offering at the low price of 19.95. Remember we buy on time and sell for CASJB, the other fellow's loss is your gain. F. N. NEAR THB BRIDGE LOUIBBTJRO, NORTH luvmxiMiiyuu

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