WATCH This SPACE Very Uncerely, A. J. Jarman 103 W. Nash St. Opposite P. O. Phone ll.1 ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Easter Hester, deceas ed, late cf Franklin County, North Carolina, this la to notify all persors having claims tgainst said estate of said dc.rneed to cih'llt same to the undersigned cu or cefore the 30th da of July, 393?, or this notice will be plead In bar of their recovery. All per sons Indebted tc said estate will please make Immediate payment. This July 29th, 1926. G. T. MASSENBURG, | 7-30-6t Administrator. SALE OF REAL ESTATE Under a id by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain deed of trust executed by A. F. May, to Win. H. Ruffln, Trustee, dated Novem ber IS, 1923, recorded in Book 261. page 12, Registry of Franklin County, N- C-, default having been made In the payment of the Indebtedness there by eeenred end demand having been made upon the undersigned for fore closure by the folder of the bonds representing said lndbtedneaa. the undersigned will on Monday, the 30th day of August, 1920, at or about the hour of noon at the Courthouse door In Louisburg, N. C. offer for sale at publlo auction to the highest bidder for cash, that tract or parcel of land situate tat Franklin county, State of North Carolina and described as fol lows: Lot No. 4 in the division of the J. W. Bowden land allotted to J. M. Bowden and by him sold to W. W. Bowden and by W. W. Bowden sold to W. A. Bowden and wife, bounded as follows: Beginning at a rock, Lind say's and J. W. MedUn's corner; thence S 93 poles, 18 links to a pine, corner of No. 3; thence East 81 poles, 6 links to a stake, corner of No. 3 in the Dower line; thence N 1 3-4d. 94 poles to a rock, the Dower corner In Llnd sey's line: thence West 83 poles, 5 links to the beginning, containing fif ty and one-half acres (50 1-2), more or less, it being the land conveyed .to A. F. May by W. A. Bowden and J wife by deed duly recorded in the Registry of Franklin County, refer ence to which is hereby, expressly made for full description. This July 28, 1926. T. W. RUFFIN, Administra tor of WM. H. RUFFIN, De 7.30-5t ceased. Many a pair of newlyweds live to regret the furniture they select Yon can't pnt all your dependence in optimism because a little elbow grease Is needed. The Qaiatee That Dees Net Affect The Head Because of its tonic and laxative effect. LAXA TIVE BROMO OLIVINE (Tablets) can be taken hv eayone wtthoo? r-O'.-in J nervousness or ringing in '.a-: bend. E.W C8OVE5 signature on box. 30c. The Dollar That Turned to Two! None of us likes arithmetic?but here's a little example that you'll be interested in: Suppose you spend a dollar at my store?and then I spend that dol lar across the street with Dick; and he spends It up the block at Tom's store; and Tom spends It around the corner at Jack's shop and the dollar keeps traveling and comes back to yon. If each time it is spent someone makes a profit of 5c. then before long that dollar has become two and the town is a whole 100 cents richer. Now suppose you spend that dollar in New York or Chicago with some mail order house, not only is your dollar gone from town for ever. but the many other dollars It can earn are also gone for good and all time?the town doesn't get any richer?it actually gets poorer. Now this is a reuest that you help our town grow big and prosper, ous; a better, finer place for all of us to live In. Buyy all you can at home. If it's Jewelry, I'd like to have you buy from me. I'm proud of my fine stock?and I'm taking off my hat to no one when it comes to low prices and big values. My W. W. W. Rings?my big showing of watches of nationally fa mous makes, my Pearls and Silverware, they're worth boasting about. You'lldo yourself a favor; youTl do our town a favor; you'll do me a favor by trading here. It's the way of spending money so that It will come back to you with profit, the result of trading at home and keeping the dollar in town to grow to two. Sincerely yours. L. W. Parrish, Jeweler Tharrington's Hardware will give you the very best service for the money. A complete line of Cook Stores and Ranges just arrived with the best quality and cheapest prices on them. Be sure and see them before you buy. Arsenate of Lead and Sprays for Tobacoo. nnmn ran to w. 0. Tharrington MM Ml PrtoM M 10CI8BCB* I. C1BOLOU PROFESSIONAL COLUMN DM. K. F. IARBOROUGH Physician u4 SirfMl Llillbwi, If. ? Office la Blckett end Yarborough Building. Office Phone 384 Keeldenoe Phone 31 0. AT WOOD NEWELL. Attenei-it-U?. XHtleburg, N. C. Phone No. lit Office in First National Bank BuUdlng General PracUee I wlah to advise my patlenta and the public generally that alter the lat o1 September my bualneas will be on Caah heals when work la oomplated. DR. ARTHUR HYNK8 FLEMINQ 8. P. BURT, M. D. Lioalaburg. N. C. Offices over Scoggln'a Drag Stare Hours 11 a. m. to 1 p nu and 4 to >P.n. ? DR. ARCH H. PERRY General Practice Weed, N. C. Oulce In Service Drag Co. DM. ?. K. BASS. Veterinarian Lonisburg. N. C. Offices and Hospital iSast Nasu Si. Phone Office 336-L Residence 336-J Specie! Attention to Small Animals. DR. D. i. SJUTHW1CR. Leelsbnig, N. C. i'i&ce lu the First National Desk >uliuing on Alain and Nash Sia. W. H. FRKSOlf. ATTORNS Y-AT-LAW Lcalshurg, North Carolina wtioe la all courts. Office oa Hals btreei. (i. JL BEAM Attornei-at-Law Off! ovir Post Office Pr?<; .v . in aii courts. DR. J. B. DAYIS Physician and Surgeon Office at Residence, North Main St. telephone: Hours: yVght 64 8:30 to 10:30 a. m. t)? v 64 13 to 3 p. m. I to I p. m. R. B. White E.B.AJ.E. Haleue WRITS * RADONS LAWYERS Ltoisburg. North Csrollnn -eenersl practice, settlement ol ea fonts lnrsetod. One member o< # Arm always In the DR. H. G. PERRY Physician and Snrgeea I.onlsbarg, Berth Carellas Offices Adjoining Aycock Drug Co. Telephones: Day 387; Night 381 DR. J. B. RALONE. Lonlsbarg. North Carolina .-tee la Aycock Drag Store. Market Street, OOce Practice Dnrgwry and consultation. DR. H. H. JuflNSON Physic Ian and Snrgeen Lenlsburg, North Care Una Office over Aycock Drag Co. Telephonee: Day and Night both No. 18 A. O. NEWELl., I. >. Lealshnrg, B. ?? Office In First National Bank Building Day Phone 34* ? Night Phone 348-3 DR. M. C. RING Frank 11 a ton, N. C. M. Office Hours 4 1 to 3 P. M. fS to 11 A. J 1 to IP. | 8 to BP. Office en Main Street CALL PHOTS 188 FOB CLEANING, PRESSING, LACNDRI THE SERVICE SHOP W. B. Renferd, Prepr. Lealshnrg, N. C. I am (lad to announce to my cue-, tomerg and frienda that I hare six flret elate bar be re on the lob at all tmea glad to gire you the neateet po ll teet and beet eerrice poeelble. Ou> halrcute are beautiful. -Ton can Bleep while we ahare your tender Xaoe. Our Ladiea haircuttlng la wonderful, our tender way In earring the lttle ones will pleaae yon. Thanking you lor your patronage, I am you re to eerre, OSCAR T. 8TEGALL. 30 Days Reduction MEN'S SOLES, SEWED 75 CENTS PAIR LADIES ROLES, SEWED 50 CENTS PAIR MEN'S GOODYEAR RUB. BER HEELS 35 CENTS PAIR LADIES RUBBER HEELS 25 CENTS PAIR LADIES LEATHER TAPS 15 CENTS PAIR lAUXSSUBti REPAIR SHOP f. UHMAX, t doan Ma* 9. 1 BeeBrand protects the baby/ B'tby thing*. They ctrry fmr* and P*1*- Jlx1/ ?ra a ireraro. Keep them out. rem can tf you u?* B'e Brand Inneet Powder. It Fill klH every fly if you close d mrn and wi* -town lad Mow It about Om room. If* Qt.ite har.nleafl It mm*texplode. Ita?ar . -J ^'q-iHoea, :;.vlw, Bed Huga. tot*, Kteaa. Hal.r .. ita, M^lw. Uem on yQwl lad many oi:?rr house *.<d garden InvKta. Get Bee Brand In red arftln* top r;tu ar your nocer'a or flratAi'i _Jjm: ^a..iu siacs. lot and JM If yt^ir <'enl?r aui"It you. * f 2A K.'iVhohl |i;?, 3 ? k- ? (ton it-r's lame fti*f r ?* for tee bookl. t. "U ?.? ? 'S 1 ?.r ?r, . ft (.urn* I / for ki!! ! / L"4 ?!| k f f -t n i ? I J ft 3 d ir r-'frn A ' "* MrC< it-.-irr A Co. Eaitim?v. UJ. ABRIZZI RYE BEST FOR NORTH CAROLINA Raleigh. August 9.?There are three good rules to follow in planting rye this fall. These are: Sow the Abruzzi ?ariety, plant it early and sow it thickly. "Many tests in different parts of North Carolina prove that the Abrujgi variety of rye is besf suited to North Carolina conditions," says E. C. Blair, extension agronomist at State Col lege, "Last fall much Rosen rye was planted. Whether this was because farmers did not know the difference between the two varieties or whether they could get the Rosen rye cheaply, is not known. But we do know that this spring, while the Abruzzi rye was growing off fine and was supujylng good grazing for livestock, the Rosen ry? was lying flat on the ground, bare ly existing and never grew thickly enough to make a satisfactory crop either for grazing or for plowing un der as green manure." Mr. Blair states that the Abruzzi rye can be planted in November but practical farmers have found that much better returns are secured when the rye is planted in September. Mr. Blair cites the instance of one field planted to Abruzzi rye on September 15 of last year. This field gave ex cellent grazing for four or five weeks in November and December and again in March and early April of this year Following this heavy grazing the rye yielded at the rate of 12 bushels of grain per acre. When the rye is sown as late as November, no returns are secured from it until the following spring. A seeding ot one bushel of the rye per acre will make the ground look green, states Mr. Blair, but from one and one-half to two bushels are neces sary to secure a heavy crop. This is especially true if thick grazing is de sired. lite difference is worth much more than the etra cost of the ad ditional seed. Demon stations have shown that one acre of Abrujzi rye, sown thickly in September is more valuable than five acres of Rosen rye sown at the rate of one bnshel pgr acre in No vember. . - CELEBRATES 06TH BIRTHDAY Centervllle, Aug. 14.?The home ot Mr. and Mrs. John Henry Wood ot Centerrllle was the scene of a large gathering on Tuesday, August 11th, when the Smith family held their second reunion In honor ot their father, Me* M. D. Smith, of Dortches, N. C., who celebrated his 68th birth day. Besides the Smith family a large number of friends were present to pay honor and respect to Mr. ?A delicious dinner was served out la the big oak grore in picnic style. After the barbecue, chicken, bruns wick stew, slaw, pie, pickle, cakey of many kind,- tea, etc., were placed on the table the crowd was invited to line up and help themselves to the feast. Grace was said by Rev. G.<W. May. After dinner songs were sung and the afternoon was spent in a sociable way. The principal speakers were: Rev. 0. W. May, Rev. C. U Olllepeie, Rev. 0. B. Howard, Rev. B. L. Olllep nle, and Mr D. B. Pearce, all of who npoke commendable of Mr. M D. Smith's life of serylce and wished him many more happy birthdays. Mr. Smith had eight children p res it with their families to enjoy the happy occasion. They were: Mr. and Mrs. Ooleman Smith of Loulsburg, Mr, and Mrs. Nornan Smith of Cap tails, Mr. and Mrs. Jessie May of UMMMrti Mr. and Mrs. Norwood Oupton Of Oupton, Mr. tgnd Mro. John Henry Wood of OeatervWU, Mr. and Mrs. Strata Smith of Rocky Mount. MM. law Guptas of OeetaUa and MlMwOad Smith at Dortahoa. NEW Furniture ARRIVING I have been to the Furniture Exposition and bought my stock of furniture for fall trade, which is now arriving. I have a few specials for cash to move quick. Trunks, Hat Boxes. One 3 piece Overstuffed Living Room Suit, Priced $150.00 at $110.00 One 3 piece Overstuffed Suit, Priced $185.00 at $135.00 Refrigerators 25 per cent Discount. These are great values. Come and see them. Hardware Tobacco Sprayer8. Arsenate of Lead. Lanterns, Thermometers, Fruit Jars, Tops and Rubbers. The best grade House and Automobile Paint. Doors and Windows. Tools, etc. It C TAYLOR LODISBURG, N. C. Furniture Store Hardware Store Phone 305 Alfocorn Full Pail Dairy Feed $2.75 Chicken Scratch in 50 lb. Sacks with Sun Flower Seed $1.75 Chick and Growing Mash in 8 1-3 lb. Pkg. (Alfocorn) 35c We bay Chickens, Eggs, Home Cured Meat. STOVALL GROCERY CO. Groceries, Feed, Farm Supplies Louisburg, N. 0. H. M. Stovall H. M. Stovall, Jr. THE NEAL FARM CHANGES HANDS The (arm belonging to the estate ot the late W. P. Neal which has been operated by Mr. D. F. McKlrwie (or the past eleven years, is now In the hands of Its owners. This (arm, situated on both side* of Tar river, ten miles (rom Loulsburg and two miles (rom Bonn, is known to be one of the best (arms In Frank* lln county. Mr. McKtnne Is a most capable and efficient business man ot Loulsburg has taken great pride and Interest In the up-keep of the land, and has built several new dwellings, barns, and outhouses. The land Is well terraced and In good condition tor crops of all kinds, especially tobacco, cotton and com. Several hundred acres ol timber land that have been cut over are ready to be cleared It is the purpose of the owners now1 to cut off small (arms (or sgle, giv ing good terms (or payment and to rent the remaining ?-?n (arms to de sirable tenants, such as are able to furnish their own loams and provi sions. For terms apply at once to MRS. W. P. Neal, 401 North Mala Street, Loulsburg, N. C. T-U-tl It bootleg liquor killed only ' people In New Tork last year, It's go ing to be a slow process to get rid 1( all the bootlegger's A summer resort" Ma place where everybody Is teem somewhere. E. A. Rogers Tobacco Flue Shop ( I "" in Planters * Warehouse. 8 t-2c per lb. CASH No W*r*u In a Hwltky CMM ? I Alto tiniMal wfck Warn* km *a m ifcr ooin. wkkfc tadfeaaaa pan hM. mi a* ? ?Wa, tkar* I* nan u laaa Ulnar* dlaMlnua*. cwvn TABTUaS cMU TOHK? <!? I^ll rtr nSa nata te Ik* what* aratna. MnXEl' tk*?v*(ndla?altka warn*. aadtkcChlM will ba ?? A. S. WKMB % CaaateU* LmUv| Ttwaakip j Cwatil iWjrilH ?(tm to ? jMMt , Cadaeto*"* O

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