Crowds! Crowds! Crowds! Opening Day Friday and Saturday ? All This Week A Sale At a Needed Time The Crowds Were Vow is the Time to Buy Your Fall and Winter Needs They Are Still Coming ' ?' . When the doors opened upon the great fall opening sale Thursday morning at 9 A. M., the baying overwhelmed as, sweeping beyond oar control, bat finally we rushed extra sale people into the fray and everyone was served and satisfied with the greatest saving opportunities that were ever offered to the baying public in this section. . It has not been through the manipulation of words, not the bold display of type, not misleading illustrations that this great underselling event has set aside all precedents in volume of business and the making of thousands more of friends for this store. It is a story of "performance"?"Accomplishments"?that no other store ever recorded or ever attempted on so large a scale. Without exaggeration, it is the greatest selling event at a needed time ever staged in this section. This sale is a most helpful and meritorious money-saving event in a needfi 1 time and it will be wise for everyone to buy freely the things you need now or may need later. Sale continues with great bargains to be had. TT A. I I ?l\Kri > n> if w ? yUHlTSHTPS ? UrrOCASTEK SEBVXCB HEG. U.S. PAX omcs -TrtE ? so nu or ACCOUNTS AQOUT GAGS ttEIN" STOLCN ^ 01 That t A*nT TAJON" no ances.' 1 CCfT A D (M CAB ANO (M GOI TA KEEP IT/ Weu, SHEfc SAFE now/t "BOOGHT THE (3evr LOCWANf I w-TNe STKOH&EST CHAim Z INTOWM? NOTHlN' uee \ UOCWIN'THE "DOOfe , SEEOMrtHE HOGS' _ IS STOLEN.'*p{ WVi ANNlfc. JOrtlONfcV OROW ntht ?THtfrsroce tw jOC< AMD CHAIN orr Hts CAO /* IWt BIKTHDAT Qrttkcr lCtk-ltlk If your birthday U this weak you ere persistent end brsre, end while not of en obstlnete neture, yon ere not eee'lr cat nod stlde tron your chosen course. Ten ere e clear re*, eoner, end km mnch nettye Intelli gence end keen foresight. Your judg , cental end sonnd. Ton . end km Ton en ? ? con scroti? in the taest-dictatorial. rawasr.-"'" - - ? ? ???. ?1? ? ? ? - _ _ ?.. oth er? thftt jgi?" HlX Jtilnh pleases yop yery of con. Toe en tew. entertainer. You are kind and sym pathetic, bat are not siren to showing It. Mas bora during these dates be come maanfactarers, merchants, U rentors, scientists, and preachers. Women bora daring these dates are Srtletlc, and hare easy, graceful man ners. They succeed as Interior de corators, designers, milliners, artiste and writers. William Paan. founder of Pennsyl vania, was bam October 14th. Heteaa Msdjeskam. Polish actress, was bonr October 12th. Yon ca^t blame a man who wean a toupee, if in doesn't hare his pic ture __ .V*? !p flnvTiPri C-) ? to The rraakUa Times JI,4i ' +1H9 .'ifiiw*' b;2S Til PEAn SISTERS ? one act comedy will be given oe Friday nllht, October 16, ltlt at Bona High School auditorium at ? o'clock. Cone and get your there of It'* all here. If yon can't laugh, away. Come one, come all and the Peak atatera perform. Given by atarried ladlee of Poplar Springe Bap tlat church and the admission. U cgnto will be need for painting of the name. The Rodger's Orchestra grill furniah mugto. -? . .. ' The_characters are: Bister Ki , Slater Bister Rlstsr Slater ? ? ?very cloud ha# a aUrar lining pt at war flogB-ti . t About Voiif if -? TrU-'j, iculd Know by John J^ephOatass, m! D/ LITTLE EMERGENCIES. _ It is not unusual for small boys who go fishing, to get a fish-hook '?bedded in some part of the boy "ad of the fish; doe to careless iing of the fishing-tackle. Crochet hooks are anpleasaat guests when deeply seated. I re cently attended - a lady -who sat down in a porch swing that held a of tatting, the crochet hook was driven mere than an inch into her hip. A man, who was rummaging en a eloeet shelf shove the term of his eyes, an Ci .uttered an old crochet book which penetrated the palmar sur face of his thumb. He fainted promptly and a rush call came in anticipation of a deep incision tp remove the offender*^ Every family should i kit, Forcing a fisk hesfc the skin does not add to the ^s,aytX'Sl?ws instrument eat the way It went in. This advise may save eonsUerabU iiuwiii awdl trtrabU. mm! is worth mmjmgrl^^iea fee Urn sway rnaAU> pea Da,* Itft m. right or ?MW. . Don't delay! Give your hens o o v -*?9 Now! A , ? The most successful way of feeding laying hens is also the easiest way I For when you put your hens on Ful O-Pep Egg Mash you get more eggs, and better, eggs, and you also remove the work, bother and uncertainty of feeding in the old-fashioned way. Just put Ful-O-Pep Egg Mash in the hoppers and keep it before the hens all the time. They can't overeat. |" And at every mouthful the hen gets exactly the things , she needs to produce bigger, better, strong4hel le<) eggs. j This is the famous egg mash that contains Cod Liver . ? Meal?it makes all the other good ingredients of the: I mash do better and faster work. \ Young layers'get'a good sthrt In their first season, so | ) that they will be steady, vigorous producers, when you > > giveFul-O-PepEggMash.OldhensneedFul-O-PepEgg | Mash to enable them to carry on through the months of short daylight. No matter whether your flock is made up ofyoung birds or old ones?or both?Ful-O-Pep Egg Mash is just the feed you a*ed-4o get ldtt4&etfl> *11" * through the season, when eggs are most in. demand. Right now-is the time to start. Don't put it off another day. Make your hens do their by feeding the Ful-O-Pfcp way. _ V?d. bj ? pw Quaker ? j la-rrttet tt r<-&Ub% h ai yt ?' L. P. HICKS i The worst bridge to arose le the di lending Bom what yon ere to What yon ought to be. The biggest problem rn this cenatry le to keep the times end the people both good. ?J , The weether men doesn't seetn to understand that this oonatry is sop posed to be dry. A used oer owner telle as he thinks he Is drlTlng ? bargain, .? Mflf ?* -i v"'n>w 1 ^ , Iron 8AUH I have lust 1km Mr* of *err looted Jersey hatters left, that I will mU or trade tor boat cattle. it yon Mrs loktag tor a aloe and look them orsr. beauties and are oomth* It jot will suit ro?. Also hdrs oow (Mag mtlh will come fresh soon. 3. WWtain. * c now awl A. lfUM lA-Llt M? nttrr OLABN KM PRINTING