Ol'K RALEIGH LETTER * If E L Sblpmaw Raleigh Feb. 14.?The General As mbly will hare been In session six weeks next Wednesday and not a sin gle measure of State-wide signifi cance has found its way to the sta tute books, although a goodly num ber are "on" the way" and andther week -nag evolve evidence forming the basis for a story of progressive action. Bills galore hare been offer ed In both the House and Senate dur ing the past week and the more im portant committees reported daily scores of tentatives masures for con sideration on the floor. Proposals to establish a national park In the Qreat Smoky Mountains, the effort to create 'additional judicial districts, the bill to allow the State Highway Commis sion unquestioned authority in estab lishing highways and the Judicial sal ary bill are some ot the big questions " to ' "be*flStermbrea Wore the end of another week?The. Joint appropria tions committee is not taking serious ly the Claims of State institutions and the appropriation bill may contain sweeping reductions In a number pr items set forth by institutional eiecti tires at committee hearings back In tha. early days of the session. Proponent* of the Great" Smoky Mountain Park scored heavily on Wed nesday evening when the Senate Ap propriations Committee, by a rote of 14 to 6, reported favorably the bill to provide $2,000,000 for the purchase of the TSnd to be Trttttxed in the es tablishment of a National Park In North Carolina. Tennessee and Vir ginia, Members ot the Senate commit tee voted soon after the conclusion of a public hearing In the hall of the House which developed into a rous ing booster meeting for part enthu siasts, who were ably represented by former Judges Frank Carter and Thad D. Bryson, of AshevUle and Bryson City respectively, E, S. Park er, Greensboro, Miss Carrie McLean, Representative from Mecklenburg, Senator Ebbs and Representative Net tles of Buncombe, and Representative Squires, of Caldwell. Opposition to the bill was voiced by Haywood Parker, of Ashevtlle and Jones Fuller of Dur ham, representing the Champion Fi bre Company. The question of financ lh* the proposition alone stands in the way and if a way can be found to provide the funds without serious embarrassment to the State treasury the bm wiU so through "with a whoop." Ther* U a wide spread senti ment here favorable to the passage of the bill and no Inconsiderable num ber of assemblymen feel that the Se nate cannot afford to let the oppor luu.ty to "get qn the map" of East em America In A bis way go by, _ The proposal to increase the num ber of judicial districts has been passed on from the Senate to the House and all pending bills relating to this subject are to be brought to the attention of the latter body on Thursday evening of the present week. The Senate Has already passed the Smith bill, which would add seven new court districts, by a TOte 0( 34 to 10 and that measure is to be taken [up In the House with the Everett bill and the committee substitute aa spe cial orders. The House still has an open mind on the subject of additional districts but is reasonably certain to vote for at least four more. The Se nate has also put the judicial salary bill behind It and the House must ap prove or reject the proposal to in crease the salaries of the judges $1600 -per yeaxr -Other-bm* approved by the Senate and sent across to the House: To change the dath of auto mobile registration from the Meal "\o the calendar year and provide tor two license plate*; refund the former BUte Treasurer W. H. Worth $12,000 for money stolen by his chief clerk during the fusion regime; worthless check bill with "teeth" and has pa Its calendar half a dosen important State-wide measures. Bills emanating from the Judicial Conference have been subjects of de bate la the House during the week, but the greater number of them "wea thered to storm" and have gone over to the "upper branch." The bill to slmplfy the service of papers in civil action and which would require copy of the complaint to be served with the summons or a notice as to when the complaint would be- died arous ed the ire of many members, but af ter prolonged discussion, and numer ous explanations by the anthor fa vorable action was t'tw Companion measures bo this one were approved with few exceptions so that the work of the Judicial Conference, which is to be made permanent, has met with general approval. by members of the House. The House has also put its okey on 'Judge Winstons resolution calling for the appointment of a com mission consisting of three members of the House and two from the Se nate to study the administration of various State departments and insti tutions with a view toward consoli dation and elimination of duplications and report to the present or the next session of the General Assembly. Re presentative Winston's resolution a% doptlng "The Old North State" as the official song of North Carolina also received the approval of the House during the week. His hill providing an equalising fund of 14.000,000, with a State-wide revaluation of property values and a property tax of 36 cents on the hundred dollars for the sup port of thh public schools is still pending. It is * considered rather sweeping in some quarters. Whether the eight months school term proposal is to be submitted to the people at the next general elec tion is" a mooted question, the indica tions pointing to a conclusion of pro ponents of the proposition to move out in the open with a bill asking for a constitutional mandate authorising the lengthening of the public school term to the extent, suggested, Three other proposals to amend the con stitution are: The calling of a con stitutional convention; the creation of additional judicial districts with superior court Judge, without a sck licltor, and limiting local tax rates to )3.60 per hundred. With the se gregation of intangible property for taxation. ~ - The proposed highway bUI which would practically give the State High way Commission the last word in the location of roads is having "rough sledding." The committee substitute for the Smlth-Hargett bill has not proved to be the compromise measure at first supposed. The two road com mittees are not in unison on the sub stitute and factional WMng liM fre quently been ?howinT Its head Hi the discussions. Favorable action by the Senate committee did not feaxe mem bers of the House committee, although proponents of the measure believe it will pass the House when the Senate sends it over. Committee approval has been given a suggested cut of 33 per cent in the State's printing bill during the next biennium which would reduce the amount to 3271,900 for all depart ments; uniform game law for the en tire State; for curtailment of loan shark activities, which would prohib it the practice of usury upon the small salaried person who may 'wish to ne gotiate short loans; to increase the appropriation for pensions to $1,600, 000; approve a bond issue of $1,250, 000 for the construction of a bridge across the Cape Fear River, the mon ey to be paid back with interest from toll charges; to place the liquida tion of State banks in the hands of the Corporation Commission, rather Plant Bed Cloth 2 3-4c Window Shades, six feet long 49c Oil Cloth, good quality ? - . 29c NewILadies Spring Hats $1.95 Also 100 Good Style Hats at 98c Hew Spring Dresses and Beautiful line of Coats v ? ??" V . David Harris will save you money. We buy the best merchandise for least money. * "New Store" than in the hands of the Judiciary re eelvera; provided that horse draw a re hiclee. be required to carry light* when 'traveling at night; providing tor the disbarment of attorneys con victed of a felony; state wide pro perty tax tor support of school* pro viding board to equalise values; change date of holding primaries from the first Saturday in June to the first Saturday In August; increase mem bers of Murphy school board to six with "equitable church representa tion;" submit question of continuing recorders court to the voters of Hen derson county; to place-the names of candidates for congress on the State ballot During the week the House put to sleep the morality measures propos ed by Representative Haywood, of Montgomery, and voted down the Klutz bill to reduce the number ot hours per week which women and children may work in manufacturing establishments from sixty to sixty five and killed the bill to Increase the allowance of widows to $300 and ot children to $300 during the year in which solvent estates are being set tled. The bill to make the use of a smoke screen on an automobile a fe lony, which virtually means giving officers of the law the right to shoot tq kill fleeing motorists attempting to hide behind smoke screens, had easy sailing and has gone to the Se nate for approval. Important bills re cently proposed in the House would provide workmen's compensation; give peace" officers the right to pursue an apparent felon into another county to arrest him; erect n memorial at Kitty Hawk where the first airplane was put into action; provide ferry connections with State highways in Eastern North Carolina; deprive any one convicted of driving n car while intoxicated of the right to drive for a term of six months; declaring it g misdemeanor to manufacture, sell or transport intoxicants in the State, or from the outshfe, offenders being subject to Imprisonment in county jail for not lese than six months nor more than two years; increase the maximum penalty of carrying con cealed weapons from $200 to $1,000; place barber shops and beauty par lors under the supervision of the State Board of Health; require all county officers In the State to furnish bond in an idemnity or guaranty com pany. The general appropriation bill and the new revenue measure are daily expected from the committees which have had them udder consideration Three readings in each house on three separate days is required in the pass* age of the Revenue Act and a start must soon be "made IT the Journey Is" completed within the sixty days from January 5th. f?Hearing on the Poole anti-evolution bill before the House committee on education Thursday afternoon drew committee meeting during the- ses sion.-' The-proponents of the resolu tion had the best hrgumcjntl foz 1 Hon had the best of the argument the strongest presentations being made by former representative Bowie of Ashe, and Doctor Long of States ville. No action was taken on the prospect of the resolution goinglfifu. Otto Wood, notorious bandit who 'escaped from,, the State's prison here on December 8th was shot down while attempting to rob a drug Aore In Terre Hante, Indiana, on January 2b. He was identified by finger prints and notice of his apprehension sent to Superintendent Pou. Wood had been operating under the name of Edware Haser and had pulled a successful holdup In Lynchbnrg, Va., before be ing shot dojrn by the Terre Hante druggist he was attempting to rob. OYSTER STEW AT BUJTJT If yon like oysters, sandwiches, hot -drinks, and if you like to help the nn. fortunate little cb&ps of our State, then stop in sometime Saturday, Feb-. ruary"19 at the oyster stew at Burnt. The proceeds will be sent to the or phanage at Raleigh. Preaching at Bnnn Methodist church Sunday February 20th at 11 a. m., and 7 p. m. "Making Christ Near" at 11 a. m., "Facts and Figures on how we Live' it 7 p. m. The first quarterly conference of the year for the Louisburg Circuit will be held atProepect at 8 o'clock Sun day afternoon February 20th. Dr. M. T. Plyler .the Elder, will also preach at that time. All church officials of the circuit are urged to be present Watch This -f Space Tnri to Mrre, A. J. Jarman 1M W. Nuk at OpfMlto P. 0. PkoM 11S Bed Quilting Cotton Batts Comfort, size 72 x 90 inches. Quilted every four inches. Beady to* be <tuiltcd. DYES DIAMOND, PUTNAM, B.TT. BEASLEY BROTHERS Next to Franklin Times Louisburg, N. 0. We Cater to Your Wishes As Well as Your Needs People who enjoy life like a variety in the food they eat. They soon tire of the same thing ail the time Keep yonr mind on one thing all the time and it will become sluggish. The sam ething applies to your stomach. * *: Ui.. .ite For the greatest variety of good things to eat, try me?if you aye not already a customer. ^If you don't see it, ask for it?and -fre'll get^it. J. W. Harris MAIN STREET , L0U1SBURG. N. 0. r. Thrift! i + . > ? * These are the qualities which developed the character of Lincoln and made it possible for him to become the president of the United States. Not every person who practices honesty and j thrift and works industriously can become Presi dent, but every person who follows these precepts in life will be happy and successful. Give them serious thought as yo\i consider your-future and use this bank in your practiceof 'thrift. : You can start a savings account with a very j small sum?and with interest at 4 per cent will I I grow rapidly. ? ' j W. E. WHITE, President \ T. J. BEA8LXY, O&thier W. B. BARROW, Assistant Cashier LOUI8BC16, I?ft QmBH

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