NOTICE OP SALE virtue at tb? authority contsln sln deed of trust execut ed oA tbe 1st day of December, 1922, by 1 T. Channey and wife, Mary K. Cban ly, to the Southern Trust Com pany! Trustee, and Recorded In Boob US. Pace 878, In tbe office ot the Re glste of Deeds ot Franklin County, N. Ob default bavin* beta marts la tbe Conditions Of said dead of trust, tbe said Southern Trust Company. Trustee, will on tbe 23rd day of Feb ruary. 1827. at tbe Court flouse door of Franklin County, at twalre o'clock noon offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, at public auction, 8ka8 /laetafn teo nt aw namol A# l<)nH that certain tract or parcel of land deacAbed as follows: Containing 78.56 acres, more at less, being on the Louis burg and Nashville road about 5 miles from the 1 own of Loulaburg, in Lonlsbura town ship, Franklin County, N. C, ami adjol stag the lands of J. M. and w, H. Allen and others, and beginning In tie centdr of the old Loulskfrg aartNashville road, marked by n small Iron! atake on the North aids which wash COfhsr or tbe Cook home tract by surrey made In 1914; thence by that surrey along the old road North 77d West 27 poles 11 links N 45 1-4 W 11 poles and-10 links; N 30 1-4 W 9 poles and > links; North 3 1-4 E II poles and 11 links; N 21 l-2d West 10 poles and 15 links; North 28 W A poles and IS links; N 18d West 23 poles and 13 links; North 28d West 40 tfolis BfU stake In road, e corner of the Cook home tract at tba surrey of 1014; thence North 10*1-3 East 47 .poles to a stake in tbe old Cook line; thence S 45 3-4 E 48 poles and 17 links to a rock, old Cook corner near the yard; thence North 70 t-M East 7 poles to a post oak; thence N 61 l-2d East 27 poles and 6 links to the center of the new Lon iaburg and Nashville road; thence along said road South 21 l-2d Bast 44 1-2 poles; South 35d East 12 1-2 poles to the center ot the road, a atake on the South side, a corner ot the Cook h ome tract by surrey ot 1914; thence by surrey of 1920 con tinuing along the new road South 45 l-2d East Sf poles.; South 41d East 20 poles to the entrance of the I road leading to the McKinne farm, formarly the Leonard farm; thence along that road South ltd West 61 1 poles and 2 links to the old road; thence along the Old Road North 67d West 24 poles and 22 links; North 74 l-2d West 34 yoles and 10 links to the beginning, contahflig 79 56 1 acres, more or less, by surrey of J. I T. Inscoe made September 15. 1920 This notice date<i and posted this 22nd day of January, 1927. SOUTHERN TRUST CO., 1 i _ . 4 By W. A. WOrtb, Attorney. l-28-4t SALE OF LAND Under and tar yirtae of the powet and authority vested in me In that 1 cartel! deed ot trust executed to me oa tlrlMh day of November, lSz2, by W. D. Fuller, which said deed of tnud la duly recorded in the office of tld Register ot Deeds for Frank.- t lin County, North Carolina, in Book 1 234, at page 467, deiault having been 1 la the payment of the Indebted- ji thereby secured and demand upon me to foreclose, I will MONDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1927, at or about the hoar of noon at the court bouse door of Franklin County In the Town ot Loulaburg, sell at pub lie auction to the highest bidder foi cash, the following described lands lying and being In Franklin County, i North Carolina. ' ? i Beginning at a stake and pointers, ( ier of the 8. A. Jones land on Creek, thence 8 8# l-2d E 11 to a stake, corner ot the land itly conveyed by J. M. Allen and to W. D. Fuller; thence N S 2-4d E 18.50 chains to a stake, corn er of the land above referred to; theacc 8 M l-4d E 33 chains to a stake on the road to Wpod; thence along said road. It being the old road N It l-4d W 6.26 chaiui N 17 l-2d W 11 chains to a stake In the old road comer of the land above referred to fyane lam In line of the Gray add Wynne lands; thence along this line N SC. l-2d W 63 chains to a stake with birch point era corner of the Gray and Wynne India on Bandy Creek; thence down the creak to the beginning, contain ing ninety-four (94) acres by survey of I. T. Inscoe made om September 39. 1922. ' This January 11th, 1927. BEN Ti HOLDEN, -14-6t Trustee. Continued by consent of all parties concerned to Monday, February 21st, 1917. at about the hour of noon. This | February 14th, 1927. __ BEN T. HOLDEN, 2-H-lt Trustee. BALE OF VALUABLE LANDS Pursuant to the authority and di rection contained In the Judgment of tha Superior Court ot Franklin Coun ty, North Carolina, made and'enter ed in that Special Proceeding entitl es. F. ResvU et als vf John et als.," the undersigned com ?r Will on Monday the 7th day 1927, at or about the hour at the court house door for County in the Town of a burg offer for sale at public to the highest bidder for cash following described lands, situ in Bandy Creak and tfayeavHle dps. Franklin Oountyt North bounded as follows; by the lands of Hor [ Bam ^ had Bam Hdmer, on the of C. B. Kearney, by the lands of A. the west by tb| land* ' " acfee SALE or REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain deed of trust executed by V. R. Whitaker te E. H. Malone, Trustee, dated March 12, 1926 recorded in Book 261, page 409,- Registry of Franklin County, N. C. .default having been mads in the payracht of the Indebtedness thereby secured and demand for foreclosure having been made upon the under Signed trustee by the holder of the bond representing said indebtedness, the undersigned trustee will on Mon day, the 21st day or February, at the courthouse doer in Franklin County, N. C., at or about the hour of noon, offer for'sale at public auction to the highest bidder, the following describ ed property: t A tract or parcel of land situate in Franklin County, Frankllnton and Hayesville Township, State of North Carolina, and described as follows: fkmtahiftiu 228 66 ai-res. more or less, and being the lot described as Lot No. 6 on the plot and survey made for T. H. Whitaker by B.B. Egerton, Sur veyor, December ,1917, and February, 1918, and being described-by metes and bounds in that deed of T. H. Whitaker and wife to Vernon W hi ta ke* dated1 July 6th, 1918, recorded In Book 241, page 514, Registry of Frank Un County, reference being hereto made tor a further description of said tract, said interest being life eatate In said tract This January 19th, 1927. ' " ?. IL MALONE. 1-21-5t Trustee FORECLOSURE SALE UNDER DEED OF TRUST ? Under and by' virtue of the nowet of sale conveyed by B. H. Horton, batchelor, to F. J. Beasley, Trustee, cembef 16, 1922, and recorded in Book 260, page 16, in the office of the Re gister of Deeaa for Franklin County, default having been made in the pay ment required thereon, repeated de mands having been made for same snd at the request of the holder of laid notes, the said, F. J. Beasley, Trustee, will sell the following de scribed property for cash, at the court louse door, Louisburg, N. C.. twelve j'clock noon on Monday the 21st day >f February 1927, after first advertis ing said sale according to the require ments of the statutes governing the lame: 'Being a four-fifths undivided inter est In the Anna Horton share of the 9ugb~ Perry land and particularly de lned as follows: Bounded on the North by the lands it Lovie Baker and M. L. Ransdale; >n the East by the lands of Patsy Norton tract; on the Sonth by the anda of J. T. Mann and S. S. Bans- . lale and on the West by the tends ot 1 Sherrod Denton, containing forty-two [42T "acres, more or less, also part >f the old place, bounded as follows: Beginning at?a cedar -mark- near iprlng In the bank, due west 22 poles o a smalt persimmon >r; .thence South 66 poles stake} in School House Lands; thence down Aid banks-to the mouth of the spring iranch; thence up said branch to the ?eginning, containing eight (8) acres uore or less. j This January 19th, 1927. ? ? F. J. BEASLEY, -21-51 - Trustee. SALE OF REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue ot the power >f sale contained in that certain deed it trust executed by D. C. McGbee 0 E. H. Malone, Trustee, dated July 9th, 1819, recorded in Book 232 page 113, Registry ot Franklin County, N default having been made in" the wyment ot the Indebtedness thereby lecnred, and demand for foreclosure laving been made upon the under ilgned trustee by the holder of the xjnd representing said Indebtedness, :he undersigned trustee will on Mon iay, the 21st day ot February, at the :ourthouse door in Franklin County, N. C., at or about the hour ot noon, lifer for sale at public auction, to the tiighest bidder, the following described property: A certain tract of land, lying, .bud being in Franklin County, afore said, ind jpore particularly described and iefined as follows: That tract of land situate on the North side of the Louisburg road Just outside the limits of the town of Frank 1 in ton, adjoining the leadsW. M. McGhee, Henry Person, R. N. Hicks and Wash Hawklhs estate, containing about 8 1-2 acres, and being the land bought of E. J. Cheatham by deed as recorded in Registry ot Franklin County, said lands being fully de scribed in said deed. - This January 18, 1827. . E. H. MALONE 1-21-K ? ' Trustee. COMMISSIONERS SALE OF VALE ABLE FARM IN FBANKLIN ?< - TON TOWNSHIP Pursuant to the authority and di rection contained Jn that Judgment of the Superior Court of Franklin Coun ty, North Carolina, made and enter ed in thfe case of J, J. Winston et ale vs Mrs Annie Oobwick et ale, on January 22, 1927, the undersigned Commissioners will on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 28TH, 1927 at or about the hour of noon, at the courthouse door In Louisburg, North Carolina, offer for sale at public auc tion to the highest bidder for cash, that certain tract of land situate in Frankliatoi) Township, Franklin Coun ty. North Carolina, bounded as fol lows, to-wit: Bounded on the North by the lands of F. E Layton, on the East by the of J. 8. Layton, on the South ? lands of by the lands of F. E Layton. and on the West by the lands of E B. Tom llnson, containing fifty acres, more or lev, and known as a part of ... _ - part of the En Afford tract of which Mm Elisa beth Winston died seised. This JShUary 2?h, 1927, " LUMPKtNi mur YARBOROUG 1-28-Rt ~ w~ I handle J. A Rice garden seed, on the market. All new seed, hand. Also big stock Rice lo. W. SALE or VALUABLE REAlf ESTATE Cfttd lieUe By ?ntlinritf of A MnrfgUt 1 frota Wade Barnett and wife, Baiaett, to J. T. Mean, recorded Book 210, page 416, record* of the Register of Deeds tor Fran kiln Coun ty default having been made In the payment of the indebtedness recited In said mortgage deed the undersign ed-mortagee, will on Monday the Slat day of February. 1927, at twelve o' clock M, gt_ the court house door of Franklin County Loulaburg, N. C., of fer for sale to the highest bidder, for cash at public auction a certain tract of lend in Harris Township, franklin County and described as follows: Beginning oa the East eorner of the lends of Dr. R. P. Floyd, running Southeast to Cam Chamblees corner; thence Southwest to J. Ti Manns cor ner; thence Northwest to Mrs. Cora Bottoms corner; thence Northwest to A. J. P. Harris line; thence East to the beginning containing thlrty-sl* (36) acres more or less and being the same land conveyed by John Ed wards to W. A. Barnette deed dated November 15, 1925 and recorded In tha. Register of Deeds office jof frank lin County Book 202, page 379. This January 19th, 1927. J. T. MANN, MMt ' " 4 Mortgagee. asi.R OF REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that cerain deed of trust executed by Charles Howard, et als, to E. H. Ma lone. Trustee, dat ed March 31 1926, recorded in Book 250, page 187, Registry of Franklin County N. C., default having been made in the payment of the Indebtedness thereby secured, and demand for fore closure having been made upon the undersigned trustee by the holder of the bond representing eeld indebted ness, the undersigned trustee will oa Monday, the 21st day of February, 1927, at the courthouse door in frank lin County, N. C., at or about the hour of noon, offer for sale at nubile auc tion to the highest bidder, the fol lowing described property: That certain tract or parcel of land situate in Frankllnton Township, Franklin County, State of North Caro lina, and described as follows: 1 Situate In the Town of Frankllnton, 1 N. C-, and bounded on the North by the lands of Susan Howard estate, , on the East by Tan Yard Branch, on the South by the lands of the Susan Howard estate, and on the West by the Tan Yard Lane, having a front age on aald lane at 25 yards and be- 1 Ing the Old Home Place of Islah How ard, having been conveyed to' Susan Howard (now deceased) lor life and to Charles Howard and Mary Ann Williams In remainder nnder that agreement between Susan. Howard. ' Charles Howard, Mary Ann Williams, recorded in Book 192, at page 142, Registry of Franklin County, N. G., reference to which is here made. . This January 18, 1927. E. H. MA LONE, LTFST ?? ?-Trustee: :! "?SALE OT REAL ROTATE Under endT?y tRm V tl? jo#?r of sale contained in that certain deed of trust executed by Carey Montague and -wife to J. & Malone, Jr., True- i tee, dated December 12th, 1923 re corded in Book 2S1 at page 42, Regis try of Franklin County, N. C., de fault haying been made in the pay ment of the indebtedness thereby se cured, and, demand for foreclosure baying been made upon the undersign ed trustee by the bolder of the bond re presenting said indebtedness, the un dersigned trustee win on Monday, the 21st day of February; at the court house door in Franklin County, N. 6., at or about the hour of noon, offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder, the following describ ed property: Certain tracts or parcels of land situate in Franklin County, Franklin ton Township, State of North Caro lina and described as follows: S. E. Corner of Lot No. 4, and run ping N 2 l-2d E 12 20-109 chains tq a stake, being lot No. 6, and begin ning at a stake in drire way; thence E along said driveway 4 chains to a stake; thenoe 8 12 20-100 chains to an iron stake, corner for W. H. Long; thence W 4 57-100 chains to the be ginnlng, containing 5 64-100 acres and being one of the lots conveyed to J. A. McQhee by deed of W. R. Hunt and wife, recorded in Franklin Coun ty Registry, In Book 227, at page 171. * - Second Tract: Also Lot No. 0 described In deed of W. R. Hunt and wife to J. A. McGhee, containing 14 79-100 acres, more or less, duly re corded in Franklin County Registry in Book 227, at tn'-e 371, reference to which is her? -node. This Jaruar- 19, 1027. J. B. MALONE, JR., 1-21-5t Trustee. - ~ ' ? NOTICE Having quallled as administrator of the estate of C. F. Williams, de ceased, late of Franklin County. N. C notlee is hereby given all persons holding claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 21st day of January. 1022, or this notice will ho plead !? lew oi their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please eotan lor ward and make Immediate settlement This Jhnnsry 20th, 1027. 1-21-Ot H. A. FAULKNER, TOR FIRST CLAM JOB FMNTWO - JMJ,. iiv- .A. FORECLOSURE 8ALEJ By virtue of power contained In deed of truat executed by C. B. Kearn |er end l<uey & Kearney, his wife, and recorded in the office of the Re- 1 Slater of Deeds of Franklin County in Book 26f, page 209, and another deed of trust executed by C. B. Kearn ey and recorded in Book 204, page llBMl^e?jL(l^sn)t b?Tlng been made in the payment of the debt therein se cured on request of the holder of the aame, I will seii by public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, at the court house door In Loutsbnrg, N. C., at 12 o'clock noon on the 21st day of March. 1927, the following described property. FIRST TRACT: Beginning In the [center of the Louleburg and Warren ton Road, a rock on the East side of the road, A D. saiia' corner; thence along said road N 2 1-2 W SO polea, N A 1-2 E 44 poles, N 9 1-2 E 56 poles. SLJlJcl: I in Kearn pclea to e rock and pine, Shim 1 ey's corner; theflhe S 66 E IS# polos to a stake near the gate, Kearney's corner; thence 8 K E 111 poles to *-white oak, Kearney's corner . in Munger's line 8 22 W 20 poles, 8 24 W 64 poles 10 links to a gum, Mun gera corner thence S 82 1-2 E 10 polea 7 links to a stake, Muageft corner; thence S 22 W 100 poles to a white oak near the spring, Munger's and Debuam's line; thence N 60 W 22 poles to a rock; thence S 86 1-2 W 46 poles to a pine; thence M 88 1-2 W 88 P9les to ? black gam. Kits' corner in Debnam's line;, thence N 66 1-2 W 118 polea to a rock, Ellis corner; thence N 1 E 18 poles to a rock; thence N 88 W 26 poles 21 links to the beginning containing 231 acres. Same being tract of land conveyed by jro. Wflnon to C. B. Kearney, 1.82--90 and" recorded in Book 82, page Bit ? in Franklin County Registry, which reference is made fur farther descrip- 1 tion. SECOND TRACT, Lot No. 1, begin ' ning in the Louleburg and Warrenton 1 road,- a rock on the E side, S. 11. 1 Kearney's corner; thence S 64 1-2 1 E 137 poles to a stake, Kearney's corner; thence N 29 E 84 poles 6 1 links to a stake and pointers, cornet < Tor lot No. 2 in Kearney's line; thence 1 5 64*1-2 W 136 poles 16 links to the 1 center of the Warrenton and Louis- 1 burg road, a stake and pine pointers < m the east side of the road, corner 5 [or lot No. 2; thence along the road 1 J~33 3-4 W 18 poles, S 22 1-2'W 16 1-2 ' boles to the beginning, containing 30 2 teres, same being tract of land con- 1 reyed by Jonah C Williams to C. B. 2 Kearney', ll-23-'00 (and recorded in 1 Book 127, page 36 of the Franklin I bounty Registry, which reference is ' made for further description. 8 THIRD TRACT; Beginning la the * .'enter of the Louisburg and Warren Ion road, corner for let Nik 1; thence 1 3 64 V* E 136 poles 16 links to a ? itake and pointers, corner of lot No. 1 [ In S. H. Kearney's line; thence N 1 w> p. m f links to a ' winters corner of lot No. 3, In Kearn " iy's line; thence N 64 1-2 W 133 poles 1 ) jinks to the center of the road in 1 l southwestern direction as the road neanders to the beginning, containing 1 19 acres. Same being tract conveyed 1 jy 8. A. Williams to C. B. Kearney 1 1-6-'01, and recorded in Book 124, 1 Dage 199 Registry of Franklin County 1 x> which reference it made for fur- ' her description. 1 FOURTH TRACT: A tract of 81 1 teres, bounded by the lands of H. A. ' Kearney, C. B. Kearney, the waters 1 >f Bendy Creek and the Walker Mack- * lln Estate, the same being a part of 1 he Preacher Brame land. 1 FIFTH TRACT: Beginning at an j ish near a ford at Flat Rock Creek, r. T. Hunt's corner; thence N 40 W 1 16 poles 12 links to a rock. Turner ' Perry's corner; thence N 64 B 16 ' poles 7 links to a stake in a fully. Turner Perry's corner; thenqe N 40 W 25 poles 17 links to a stake and iweet gum and pointers, Perry's corn- < sr in T. T. Hunt's line; thence N 64 BL-72 poles 8 links to a rock and pointers, T. T. Honk's corner; thence N 11 1-2 W 18 poles, N 7 1-2 W 40 poles end 16 links to a rock, O. Z. Edwards' and T. T. Hunt's corner; 1 thence N 68 1-2 E 18 poles, N 56 1-8 B 92 polea, N 15 2 13 poles 17 links to Sandy Creek, a stake formerly hornbeam; thence down the creek as it meander to * stake 128 poles, J. C. Journegan's corner; thence S 64 W 140 foles to a stake, Journegan's corner; thence 8 7 W 49 1-2 polea to a stake and sweet gum. Journe gans corner in T. T. Hnnt's line; thence N 76 W"27 poles 3 links to a Urge white oak, T. T. Hnnt's corner; thence S 80 W 18 poles to an old elm near the spring, T. T. Hunt's line; thence 8 70 1-2 W 11 poles; thence 8 82 W 18 poles to the beginning, containing 110 acres, the seme being the tract of land conveyed by O. W Ford to C. B. Kearney and wife. Lacy E. Kearney, 6-20-'05, and recorded in Book 141 page 286 in Franklin Conn ty Registry to which reference la made for farther description. The seme being subject to the interest of Mrs. Kearney end to Deed of Trust to It B. White recorded'in Book 224 at ^ SIXTH TRACfT: (Beginning at. a white okk. 8. H. Kearney's, C. B. Kearney's and Mrs. Morton's corner; theaee along 8. H. Kearney's line N 28 1-3 ? 87 poles 16 links to a rock wltt holly and cedar pointers, H. A Kearney's corner in Kearney's line; theaee 8 72 1-2 E 161 poles to Bandy Creek, ash and sycamore pointers, Kearney's corner; thence down said creek ar It meanders 84 poles to a sUke, H. W. Edward's corner; thence 1*14* HI poles to a stake, Ed wands earner; thence 8 61 1-1 W 10 pots* 7 links to a pine, Mrs. Horton's corner In ttwards line; thence N <6 W 664 polea to the beginning, eon talAtg 199 acres. Same being tract conveyed by Gillie L. People* to C. 6 Kearney 8-19-'05, and recorded in Book 162. at page 112 in the Registry of Prankttn County to which refer msde for further description, being subject to prior encum brance recorded in Book 224, at page Beginning in ?iJtsiSt bNo. ?, (allotted to Stable Street, r Keith), thence S T1 E *71 poles to a rock, corner tor lot No. 6; thence S >2 W1 poles 20 links to n rock. 0. K Kearney's corner in Hue ot No. 87 thence N 80 1-2 B 81 poles, 16 links to poplar sprouts, "Walter Macklln's and June Debnam's corner; thence N 81 poles to a stake and pointers, cor. ner tor lot No. 8 (allotted to K B Williams) in Debs arte Hue; theses) N 70 1-2 W 303, 16 links to the center ot the road, a rock on the east side, corner for lot No. 8; thence along said road S 33 W 4 poles 20 links S 15 1-2 W 28 poles 2 links, 8 81 1-4 W 16 poles, 8 40 W 82 poles 12 links to the beginning, containing 175 acres. Same being tract conveyed b~ B. O Tharrlngton, Commissioner, to C. B. Kearney* and recorded in Book 162 at page 127 in the Registry ot Frank lln County, to which reference Is made for further description, and be ing a part of the old John A. Williams land; EIGHTH TRACT; Containing 76 acres adjoining the lands of C. B. Kearney and Miss Tip Terrell and being a part of the oldMunger Hoi_e place tail Jolted to Hehry Munger). de scribed as follows: Beginning at an old Spanish Oak stump, Hiss V. H. Terrell's corner; theaae W 11 W 611 poles to a stake, Terrell's corner; thence S 68 W 68 poles, 5 links to a white oak, J. R Debnam's and Wil son's corner, near the Stalnhack spring; thence N 20 8-4 E 101 poles 8 links to a large red oak; thence N 88 W 10 poles to a small black gum, Wilson's corner; thence 23 1-2 K 71 poles to a whits oak, Wilson's and Kearney's corner; thence S 36 1-2 E 162 1-2 polee to n pine in Macklln's line; thence S 63 W 71 poles 19 links to the beginning, containing 76 acres. Heme being tract conveyed by M. D. Strcther to C. B. Kearney, 10-26-'12, sad lecorded In Book 192, at page IS la Registry of Franklin County to whl- li reference Is made for further description. Subject to pior encumb rance recorded in Book 224 at "page >30. . NINTH TRACT; Lots No. 3 and 4 situate in Franklin County on plat * property formerly owned by Mrs. Walnwright and known as the Willis P. Ingram Place as surveyed and plot ted by D. C. James which said plat >r map Is recorded in Book 199, page !46.* Tract No. 3 contains 66 67-100 teres and tract No. 4 contains 42 12-200 acres, making a total of 98-{h 19-100 acres. Same being tract con veyed by K .A. Jteavfa and others to 3. B. Kearney 4-6-14 and recorded lb look 202, page 34, in Franklin County leglstry to which reference la made or further description. Same being lubject to prior encumbrance as .re corded ib Book 224 a* page 630. 1 \ TENTH TRACT: Being tract of 60 teres of land allotted to C. B. Kearn ey In the division of the Estate of dra. Mary E. Kearney as provided I) look 8, peg* 383 et sesj. of Orders |ft tnd Decrees In the Clerk of Superior 3oun office of Franklin County to which reference is made for further iescrlptlon. ... -KLHYKNTH TRACT: BonfiBf?oT he North by the lot of Green and Yar x>ro; on the Bast by the Louisburg Old Franklinton Railroad: on the South by the McKlnne lot; and on the West bf the lot of Mrs. 8allle White Ruffln and B. P. Taylor. Said lof having a" front of 200 feet on said railroad and a depth of about 176 feet tack from sail railway; and for a tatter description of the line along mid railway, reference Is hereby made to Deed of Thomas White and wife to Louisburg and Franklinton Rail road in August 1883, and recorded In Book 168 page 24. Same being lot conveyed by J. B. Davis to C. B. Kearn ay 4-12-'20, and recorded in Book 227, at page 679 In the Registry of Franklin County to which reference Is made for further description. TWELFTH TRACT: Beginning- at a stake, Mrs. White's corner. 20 feet from the center of Louisburg Rail road; thence N 67 1-2 W 14 poles and 14 links to a stake in Mrs. White's line; thence N 32 1-2 B to a point 66 feet from where a line drawn aerobe the southern end of the storage house of W. T. Hughes and Company Inter, sects this course: thence N 67 1-2 B to the railroad line, parallel to the end of said storage house and 40 feet therefrom; thence along the railroad line to the beginning, tee Book 162 page 343 for further description. Same being the lot conveyed by a a Green to C. B. Kearney 12-11-18, and re corded in Book 217 page 838 of the Registry of Franklin County to which reference to made Tor further descrtp. tton. Same subject to encumbrances of record This February-11, [1927. B. H. PERRY. 2-18-6t Trust?. SALE OP VALUABLE TOWN LOT Under and bp virtue of a decree of the (Superior Court of Pi ankUn Coun ty made la the apodal proceeding* entitled "W. M. Allien and Henry C. Yarbo rough, Admit- 1st rater* of Hil liard H. Yarborough, deceased, w Joecphi^ larborotiKh. Shelton Yar be rough et ala," the undersigned com mlssioner will on Monday, the 28th day of Pebrnary, 1827 at 12 o'clock noon Mil at public auction at Use Court House door in Louisburg, N. C. to the highest bidder for cash a car tain lot or parcel of land altnato In the town of LhulabuTg, N. C., bound ed and deaorfbed as follows Beginning it the corner of Church and V*h Street? in the ?aM Tonu. the Wen side of Church a*reet and the North aide of Nahh Sir*-1, thence weetwardly along Ndat Street 84ft to Mrs. P. K. Und-r.-ill's eorrer on Nash -Street; ttenco along Mr*, flndertrtH"i line northwardiyil 11-84 ft to a rock corner in Mr*. UnderfaUl'a line; thence [qgstwardly along a Une parallel with Nash Street 84ft to a rock on Chnrch Street, .thence along Chnrch Street southwardly 22 11-84 ft td the begin ning, and containing 2088 *q ft being the lot known ae the Henry C Yarboroagh lot Tola January 27th. 1927. . / HILL YAltBOROUQH, 1-28-ft ?- Commissioner, IBM Nt)TICB OF SALE OF LAND IS THE TOWN OF LOtJISBURQ, N. C. FOR DELINQUENT PAV IN ASaBSSMENT8 At or about the hour of noon at the Court House door In Loulsbur*. N. C ? on MONDAY, MARCH 7, 1927, it be In* the first Monday In March, I will sell at public auction to the highest Wdder for cash pursuant to the laws ot North Carolina, and especially the Public Laws of 1816, Chapter 66. Sec Uon 10 and acta amendatory thereto 811 i**"1* 111 the Town of Louts bur*. , ? cv 00 which paving assessments for the year 1926 and prior thereto remain due, with costs added as pro rlded by law and described as follows ? ^ Hawks, So M St, 1926 21.69 W M Freeman So M St, 1923 28.41 ? w ^eem?n So M St 1924 27 12 z * Freeman So M St 1926 24.09 W M Freeman SoMSt 1926 21 66 D H Blount So M St 1926 lg'gg Blount So M St 1934 ig ?g Mrs Susie Bowden So M St 1926 42.22 Mrs Susie Bowden So M St 1926 29.44 Bo M St Baptist Church 1924 66.09 M8t Baptist Church 1926 6186 ^l^LS1 ??wch 1526 48.24 Fellows o^Ke So M St 1925 , 4A OA Fellows Lodge So M St - MT aa -r Hra -Lula Ford B Nh St 1926 24 20 jwa Lula Ford fi) Nh St 1926 22 44 T B Wilder B Nh St 1924 92 7fi *? Wider. B Nh St 1926 UM P B WHdmr B, Nh st 1926 28.44 V" ^fd E Nh 81 "26 "" 23.99 driiLuta Ford E Nh 8t 1926 21.47 Lehman E Nh St 1926 66 31 f Lehman E Nh St 1926 ts jk 3 F McKlnne Mid St 1926. ?? ^ F McKinne Mid St 1926 22 74 n I*y?0r * M 8t 1925 72.28 * W Cobb Mid St 1924 n 17 S 1 w Cobb Mid St 1925 ? W Cobb Mid St 1926 M 1924** Furgersou Ken Are 'mf***'* Pur*er8?n K?? Are #M# 'lM?***1* Furger*on Ken Ave M" J> ,8 Fom M St 1926 36W ^ v*"}* E?rd M"rk St 1926 12 23 f V !* Fort Mark St 1926 y 19 Ira Lula.Ford Mark St 1926 figs ? *** Fort Mark si m? ?? J? I4"* Ford Mark St 1926 ~ 1? 57 L?'a Ford Mark St 1926 9 ?g In Lutm Fora Nash St 1926 26.58 Irs Lula FordNash St 1926 34 *s ? Lula Ford Nash St 1926 13 ? r? r^i J?rd N**h St 1926 12 31 ^ Jrs Lula Ford Nash St 1926 2122 Jrs Lula Ford Nash St 1926 50 5* rs Luis Ford M St 1925 ? h? /i1" r?rd * St 1926 2A3J jrs Lula Ford M HI 1526 MM Ir? Lula Ford M St 1926 H Harris M St 1924 ?* 2 M 8t 1926 23 Mar m 1926 S Howell M St 1926 tokieru Nat Bank Court. st .Ic*jnpe B~e M St 1926 24 32 B ~ its JilSFi^&K s-s en Ave 1^24 24.71 s Howell Ch St 1926 ? 8 Howell Ch 8t 1926 it ? . B Wilder M St 1926 , JHS' B Wilder M St 1926 ^ t??? ?' B Wilder M St 1927 I W Cfcbb HUn"et Av* 1824 37 43 I w 2SJ luaM Ave 1926 24 29 ? IwtCoWl Sunset Ave 1926 *11* r M st 1926 SHf r Lehman M St 1926 ti l? 4rs Kate r* ?arb?ro M St 1926 69 69 ) Y Yartew Ytrb?J? U 8t 1926 63 21 ) v vtj?? ?"h ^ 1925 J* ? I LT522* St 1926 u 'l I H ~ St 1925 26 70 I 5 v *^oro N St 1926 m 2 1 H vV^.ra Ch 8t 1926 10 52 0,1 8t 1926 . ,ij j * E 8 Ford Nash St 1926 10 77 ^926^ MeKlnne Mid 8T l<?926thelT,l<1 McKinne MM St UM Ssjssbsss B This February 3rd. fir W " coKm'Clerk Md T? SALE or REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue ot the power >f sale contained in that certain fred >( trust executed by J. W. Paachall ? B. H. Makme, Trnstee, dated Janu iry 8th, 1818, recorded in Book 884, >age 8(7, Registry ot Franklin Ooun 7, N. C, default having been made n the payment of the indebtedness hereby secured and demand for tore slosure having .been madd upon the indersigned Trustee by thfholder ot 'ho bonds. tine A&id Sndcbt* sdness, the undersigned trnstee wilt tn Mpnday, the 7th day ef March, 1887 it or about the hour of noon at the :ourthouse door in Louisburg, N. C., ? >Ser for sale at public auctiou to the ilghest bidder tor cash all ot that sqrtain tract or paroel ot land, s(Uu its in Hayesrille and ' Louisburg rownshlps, Franklin Codnty, State ot <orth Carolina, and described as tol ows: ? . Lot No. 8 in thd DivUlOn ot the lands of Richard Footer deceased, mid tract containing 188 8-4 acres . iccoding to survey of 8. T. Inscoe, Surveyor, a record of aai d division irith plot and survey, being fl|#A in the office ot the Clerk of the Superior Court of Fraaktin County, N. C? In jrders and Decrees No. 8 at pageu iff st seq , said tract being the identical tract this day conveyed to J. W. Pas* chall by deed of A. J. Jarman and the bonds secured hereby being for tbe balance of tbe purchase price of said tract ot laud and reference is here made to the atoreesM records and deed for a further deeerlption of said tract ot land. This February 1st, 1|87. , E. H. MALONB. , 8-ll-4t ? Trustee. tddsBilHmdtEMB

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