OUR RALEIGH LETTER (Continued from Page Three) local manager la expecting to Va transferred to another post, in the nature of a promotion. The great crop of North Carolina potatoes will begin to move about May 16 and It la esti. mated It will hare a value of around 14,000,000. Negro child welfare in North Caro lina will probably be studied aa Jut. lui Rosenwald of Chicago has given (6,000 for this purpose. It Is but another gift of thig great Jew who all his life has devoted tlma to hiding the condition of others and who has done a great work among the ne groes. Orphanage workers of the Southern jfethodlst church'held a two day conference here during the week and It was (aid all present derived a great deal of good from the meet, tag. For a second time Insurance Com missioner Stacey Wade has been elected president of the Fire Marshals Branch of the National Fire Protect hlra at the recent meeting held la Chicago. The Commissioner has ae. cepted the Invitation to address the Life Underwriters' Association ana the Charlotte Insurance Exchange at OharloHe on Wednesday of this week. O. Max Gardner, who appears to have a clerk filed tor the gubernatorial nomination next year, was the prln. clpal speaker at the opening of Dur ham's indrustrtal exposition tonight In that city and to lost'until the 21at. The theft bureau ot the automobile license bureau recovered 139 stolen cars during the month of April. Bide on around half a million dollars worch of printing for the State will be re trials* ceived by the printing commission t^ntll June 1, the contract to be 1 on competitive bids. v Considerable Interest hn been matt ifested locally In the success of blind Him.CaUiey l|i being nominated -for solicitor of the municipal court o> Ashevllle. Cathey Is well known here and his hard light against the grkit handicap of blindness has made many his admirers and they rejoice in fhia success. Another event of Interest to local persons was the presence ol Dr. Ben Lacy, Jr., at Greensboro on Sunday to preach the major sermon at a Presbyterian celebration there. Dr. Lacy is president of Union The. ological Seminary at Richmond ane VsSH of State Treasurer Lacy. He Is 'regarded as one of the foremost men In the Southern Presbyterian churcbi The New Pardon Commlsslner, Ed win B. Bridges began his active work this past week by passing on a num. Face BLACK AND WHITE AZUREA PRINCESS PAT COTY : m ARMAND THREE FLOWER ruwucr FREEMAN MAVIS = UWAM DOWN JASMIN s o VIOLET NARCISSE LILLY OF VALLEY THREE FLOWERS -t - ? ? Waters DJER KISS AZUREA MARY GARDEN ROUGE? ARMAND PRINCESS PAT POMPEIXN - 1 ALL COLORS lazell' BEASLEY BROTHERS \ Next to Franklin Times Louisbnrg, N. C. Beck's Exide Battery Staion Bring me your Starter, Battery, Generator and Light work. I do this work myself, know how and will guar antee satisfaction. Brakes relined and adjusted. Ford repair work using Genuine FORD parts only. Car Washing and Greasing. FREE Cank Case Service, Air and Water. Batteries recharged in one day $1.00. If rent battery is * furnished charge will he $1.50. \ BECK'S EXIDE BATTERY STATION Louiflburg, North Carolina REAL ECONOMY IN FOOD Lies in baying good food?food tttat possesses a flavor that makes it palatable and enjoyable. Cheap foods are never worth what they cost. They are usually tasteless and have no valne in adding strength to the body. Did you ever bay can of cheap food or vegetables 1 Were yon not disappointed and wished yon had bought a better gradeT Did yon ever buy a pound of cheap crackers and not wished afterwards that yon had paid a cent or two more an got crackers that were really good to eatf No waste or extravaganoe in our groceries?the good foods cost no mor^thaa the ordinary kind when bought ofiu. -Vn ^ JNO. W. KING LOCUBVM, "i" RORICAXOLDU bar of application* for clemency. He succeeded H. Hoyl* Sink who became a Judge of the superior court. Dr. Jason .Noble Pierce, pastor of <be church in Washington which'' Presi dent Coolldge attends, described his emotions at being the pastor of ths President's church. Dr. Pierce says It feels the same as being the pastov. of any other man high In puMltxHle s-segaiU Lku Presl wl)" Iw sincere. H*_ dent as a sincere, upright member ot his congregation who'never presumes on bis ofTlclal position. Truck and teed crops are replacing eotton on North Carolina farms, it Is reported by the state agricultural de partment, evidently Indicating that the farmers of North Carolina are profiting by the experience with last year's huge cotton crop and low 'prices. The department feels that this diversification Is a' fine thing for the farmers. The department also feels that fruit crops will do well this year and reports that the strawberry [crop, probably will run to more than two thousand carloads. The value of the strawberry and potato crop la ex Ftt-tCO lO tXCCtfU f6V,UW,VVv. Colonel Fred A. Olds, known to school children throughout the State 'and to thousands of visitors to the capital city gave some estimate or the work which he haa done in the past lew years showing people the historical points of Raleigh. Long the historical department, decid-j SLaA. AmtliulM * - - SS**1 ^ _ ? |. M ,, ?. M w in#i entirety too tittle was Known of the capital city and since thgt time he has been leading many about the city and recalling them with the his tory of the place. He estimated that shows about Z&.000 'people a year the Capital, most of these being schoos delegations visiting Raleigh. He takes Infinite pains to give them the right historical background aa he pilots them about "" J Music week was observed here dur ing the past week, the aim being to interest the citisens in good mnaie. [The civic music association hag been I formed and it Is hoped that many notable musical programs will be pre. sented under its auspices. One event which 'has been announced' for nexv fall will delight music lovers. Marlon Talley, the young star of the Metro politan Opera will appear on Decern. Jjer 7 and the event is looked forward to by thuosands. She Is aald to hava an almost perfect coloratura soprano voice. Raleigh is being tooted as the key stone of Southern progress and proa, perity by the Raleigh Chamber oi Coraaejce. This is a booklet Issued to get wholesalers and the like to establish central trade offices "here. The title ot ciurse will be disputed by Qreensboro which claims to be the "pivot of the Piedmont" and Chat lotte which claims to be the great center or the new area of souther* manufacturing. However, Raleigh is going to do Its best to get new busi ness enterprises and the th- 'ring towns of the Piedmont sect! in will have to watch their laurc>.<. zone of the Mississippi according tc hip ura rmivg.1 neiv rram Bkhiiary engineers o( North Carolina who have been conscripted for service in the gret.t flood area. The mind can not conceive of what Is really the situation it is said. Governor McLean has urg. ed the people to redouble their sub scriptlons for relief ot the stricken people and all contrlbutins sent to | the capital will be forwarded to the Red Cross for use. The Raleigh sub scriptions have passed the $6,00< mark and are coming in daily. The death of Joseph E. Wearn re. moves one who was active in the business world of Raleigh uhtll a serious accident some years ago which crippled him badly. Mr. Wearn con tinued to conduct hie business from his residence, though his movements were restricted. He died suddenly at his home here last Saturday. He came here from Charlotte where his family is well known in the business 'world. The death of Coloner Robert Bingham at Asheville saddened many in Raleigh who knew the great edu cator personally and were acquainted with the work he did for boys and ?img men during a long and active life. IV vwfcj.tflwuorne C. ?to, U.5. || ^ h'.'ss. **? consciousness ?ram he pal 1*4 the exhaust cord to retwa to earth with A new world altitude record ( ELECTRIC FANS . ELECTRIC COOKERS ELECTRIC CURLERS ELECTRIC BULBS ELECTRICAL FIXTURES FLASH LIGHTS ICE CREAM FREEZERS FREEZING SALT ASSORTED EXTRACTS LEMON SQUEEZERS ICE PICKS ICE SHAVERS r? CHASE & SANBORNS TEA COLD TEA GLASSES TOILET SOAPS TOILET POWDERS FIELD PEAS, SEED PEANUTS, CANE SEED, SUDAN GRASS, BROOM CORN SEED, WATERMELON SEED, CANTALOUPE SEED. Screen Doors, Screen Wtre.Screen Wift d ows,"TTy Swatters, TaseerPo wr for insects, Arsenate Lead, Paris Green, Sprayers, Pine Tar, Fly Chaser, Disinfectant Mr. Drinker and family testify that Our Fresh Ground Coffee LOOKS GOOD, SMELLS BETTER, TASTES BEST. ? Don't forget the Garden Seed. Don't forget the FUL-O-PEP. ON THE BUSY CORNER LOUTSBURG, FT COLDS nETrrag <CRU-MQ THE FRANKLIN TIMES ILM Par Tor in idnso*. COMMISSIONER'S SALE By virtue of a decree of the Super, ior Court of Vance County in a spe cial proceeding before the Clerk, en tilted Lottie B. Andrews; widow and administratrix of J. A. Andrews, de ceased vs George Andrews and oth ers, I shall offer for sale by public auction for cash, subject to Judicial confirmation, at the courthouse door In Loulsburg on Tuesday, May 24th ,1 1927, that tract or parcel of land situ ate In Franklin County, adjoining the lands of Mrs. George Cooper and others, allotted to J. A. Andrews in the partition of the lands of his fath er, William Andrews, and containing forty acres, more or less. This April 20th, 1927. THOMAS M. PITTMAN,. 4-29-4t Commissioner A TONIC drove's Tasteless chill Toeic restores Energy and Vitality by Purifying and Enriching the Blood. When you feel'its strengthening, invigorating effect, see how it brings color to the cheeks and how it improves the appetite, you will then appreciate its true tonic value. vjuvrvtr a 1 aatctctjs (.11111 lunlC IS Sinipiy Iran and Quinine suspended in syrup. So pleasant even children like it The Mood needs QUININE to Purify it and IRON to Enrich it Destroys Malarial germs and 'Grip germis by its Strengthening. Invigor ating Effect 60c. FOR FIR8T CLASS JOB PRINTING PHONE NO. 283. Farmers Wholesale Department FROM MILL TO CONSUMER YOUR CONFIDENCE IS OUR BEST ASSET We Are Absolutely Closing Out Heavy Fat Back Meat 13c lb. ?nkxtdooe above vaembbs and kxeghants bank LOUISBURG, N. CAROLINA SALVE

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