DR. J. C. MANN the well known EyMight spe cialist and optician will be at M. Stamps ? Son, Jewelers, Lou lsburg, N. C., every first Thurs day In each month. Headache re lieved when caused by eye-strain. Office equipped Vrith the latest examining Instruments. When he fits you with glasses you have the satisfaction of knowing that they are correct. Weak eyes of children should receive His next visit will be Thurs day, August 4th, 1927. Office hours 10 A. M. to 3 P. M. Subscribe 10 Tfie vtuukIIq Time* FRESH AS SPRING A dress or a suit of cloth es that comes from our "shop"" cleaned and pressed Is as fresh as Spring itself. You can't en,ter into the spirit of the season it the thought haunts you that your eloth Ing is not neat and clean. ?You'll feel better, and you'll look betjter and be bet ter satisfied with yourself it your clothing is ammacu late?and dry cleaning mak es- it that way. Send Your Clothes To Us Regularly. Hogwood's Cleaning and Pressing Shop Phone 321 Court St. JOHN P. H0GW00D Proprietor lam I should be killed! Bee Brand Powder or Liquid kills Flies,Flea a, Mosquitoes, Roaches, Ants, Water Bugs, Bed Bugs, Moths, Crickets, Poultry Lice and many other insects. Powder Liquid roc end ssc soc and 75c 50c and Si-00 - ?'?as }QC?Sprcj Ona a,r Writ, for free booklet on kill Inshoneoflndseidenineocta 1b5SSm?. Mi.?* Bee Brand INSECT POWDERe ^Liquid It may be true, as physicians claim, that more than 85 per cent of the po pulation use only one eye. We,, for one, are afraid to risk more than that -r-wlth women's styles what they are. Overdoing! Hurry, Worry and Overwork Brfnf T I .? ? ?? i - * - - ncavy jiTuirt. ? X _ MODERN life throws a heavy burden on our bodily ma " chmery. The eliminative organ*, es pecially the kidneys* areapt to be come sluggish. Retention of excess uric acid and other poisonous waste often gives rise to a dull, languid feeling and, sometimes, toxic back aches and headaches. That the kid neys are nonfunctioning perfectly is often shown by burning or scanty passage of secretions. More and more people are learning to assist their kidneys by the occasional use "**-'? ? slliuulaul illm retic. Ask your neighbor! DOAfCS^S^ Stimulant Diuretic to the Kidney I have installed the latest in Water Filters for storage battery water and can furnish you with the best in FREE WATER for your batteries. If you desire to keep water at home we will fur nish same at 10c per gallon. Drive around and let us fill your battery. Free Air, Water and Baf^ tery inspection. Gas, Oil, Tires, Tubes and Ac cessories. Eight Hour battery service^/ Car washing, greasing and repair work. Louisburg's Oldest Garage BECK'S GARAGE Phone 311 Louisburg, N. C. You'll likeit. It'll new exquisite Cu tile. Lsthers pro. fosely. For toilet aaduempoo. met CASTILE JNO. W. KING LOdSBUMt ??Bn CABOLDfA Sees Snake Personality now in the U- S., ii head of the or ganization which annually exter minates 2 million snakes and liz ards fit Tndia and Java. He ex plains here that "Charlotte"?in hand?is deadly?but really of gen tle breeding and full of "person ality^" when you know bor right. IN. CONFIDENCE By Flo - ? Headers desiring a personal re- * ply can address Mis Ho, la ? care o( this newspaper. * Two Pictures of the Woman of To. morrow In a recent Interview, Mme Alex andra Kf 11 ant ay, the Soviet. Minister to Mexico, said: 1 " "The modern woman, the self-sup porting professional woman, cannot allow love to take first place tn her life. The modern woman is learning to subdue her emotions to reason. *to master her tenderer feelings, and to put business and work befoye senti ment. There will be no flappers, be cause flappers* are drones. TCiere will be no Son Juans, or Lord Byrons, for the simple reason that women will not have time for them." Now, all of us will be struck by a certain hallowness in these observa tions and the lack of an understand- j Ing of human nature, but the thine that Interests n? particularly la fust how men would react to this new specimen of womanhood. What is the Ideal woman in the American man's mind? Is she the sue. cessful. independent business woman who can turn a deal wttii the beat of her male competitors? Is she a candi date for a political office? Is she the auffigf "Of the year's-best seller? 4s she a career seeker In any of?the branches open to the women of Ameri ca today? Or l? oho the woman nf xharm-and. grace, ministering tenderly, devotedly to the needs of her'home, her hus band and her children?and putting love hcfnre everything else ? ilng else "Picture Another Another important' Interview was given about the same time by Senor Alejancjjo Cesar, Nlcaraguan minister to the United States. He said: "The ideal woman of Nicaragua is not the governor of a state She is not photographed casting her ballpt for public officials, nor is she tjie head of a real estate firm. No ballot or political career can help hCr to- be more than she is today^a charming figure on a moonlit balcony?a rose in her hair and a great love in her heart." / The balcony and rose are figures of speech?to Americans at least?col orful.^es?but not essential in the woman of the American man. ie picture painted in colors deep down In the heart of every man regardless of his country?is the pic ture of the home.maker. That is the ideal that he cultivates. Who wants to live in a world where there are no gay, irresponsible laugh ing little flapDers?even if they are drones? Perhaps the flapper of today is too frivolous, possible she is way ward and unable to concentrate seri ously on any great subject?not that we believe that?but even if it were so? isn't she preferable to the humoj. less grind conceived by Mme Kolla'n tay? Who would want to llrb In a world where women are so intent on their struggle for economic indepen dence that they had no Inclination to listen to pretty speeches under the moon? Try This Test?Maybe Isn't the picture presented by Senor Alejandro Cesar a far more Inviting one? To get a little light on the subject you might ask your male relatives? or, 'if you have a husband, ask him. Ask him whether he would have yon leaning over the moonlit balcony or over the executive desk My belief is that if you are a woman with a great love In yonr heart you will be told yon are perfectly satisfactory as you are. But if you are a woman with yonr whole heart in your career, placing love second to it, perhaps It will be wiser not to ask any questions at all. For you might put notions In yonr husbands head that life was cheating him of something that he might find elsewhere were he to look for it . , For Romance is still Piece "de Re sistance to the average man aad woman. The kaiser's deformed arm fsraa the cause of the world war, it is now asserted by someone?it doesn't mat ter who. Rut the thing we are prln. clpally interested in now is effect Almee McPherson says cosmetic* are all right It not put on too thick. And to Almee it might' be said, ali bis are all right if not stretched too far. The,molecule has been broken up, according to a college professor, and he must have been in a champion, ship Msfketfeall time. You Just Know He's Glad By Albert T. Reid STftEl Hey! Cvfr By caacky ' I'm Glad to see You back T' m aoH NOTICE OF SALE UNDER EXECU TION North Carolina, Franklin County In i no Superior Court. D. W. Spivey V?. ' ' : Z. X. Tharrington "f rtrt^? of execution directed to the undersigned from the Superior ?Court pf Franklin Pnnnfy in the aHr>vq entitled actlbii.TwfTf on Monday, the 29th day of August ,1927, at 12 o'clock M at the courthouse door of said coun. ty, sell to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy. said execution all the right, dflo wnd interest which the satd Z. L. Tharrington, the defendant, has In the following described reaf estate, to.wit: 1 A certain tract of land situate In Toungsrtlle Township, Franklin Coun ty which Z. L. Tharrington inherited ?from T:?Mr- Tharrlngfnn. under. .Kill which is recorded in Clerk'of the Superior Court's office, said tract con. tatnlng about 132 1.2 acres, and be. ing hounded qnthenorth by M. C. Perry, on the east by the Bank ot Youngsvllle and J. B. Perry, on the south by J, B. Perry and on the west by Mrs. A. J .P. Karris, but from this tract, ds excepted 50 acres which ia allotted to Z. L. Tharrington as a -Homestead, said .homestead being de scribed as follows: Beginning at a stake In the center of causeway or road, thence N 4 E 33 chains to a stake' in center ^of same causeway; thence N 85 W 15^ chains to a stake; thence S 4 W 33.25 chains to a stake; thence S 85 E 15.15 chains to a stake, the point Qt the beginning. This July 29th, 1927. F. W. JUSTICE. Sheriff. 7.29.5t Franklin County Communities don't go forward whet a majority of the citizens go back, ward. \ Gosh?We've begun to think Henry Ford didn't have anything to do with his apology for attack on Jewry? Judging by the number who are now clalmthg credit for faavtng brought it about. , , - The seat of most of Uncle Sam's troubles these days is somewhere-4?e^ tween the 17th and 19th amendments. "Nuf Sed" toon to serve, A. J. Jarman "X \ 103 W. Jfash St. Oiiposite P. 0. Phone 118 W9 are informed that both Preet, dent Coolidge and Vice-President Dawes were^ fairly deluged with fish ing tackle as gifts when they announc sd their vacation plans. We might, mention here that "our vacation starts wock after neat- - It's not so much what roan stands for as what helps with. NEWTOPS= and Upholstering SCAT COVERS For all makes of ears. Curtain lights of all kinds, Furniture upholstered. AH work handled right away. Harn ess and Shoe repairing. Our Mr. Phillips Is aa expert in these Urns and we guarantee satisfaction sfad a ' prices. LOUISBURG REPAIR SHOP J. LEHMAN, Proprietor.. -.. - Next to Tax River Bridge Attention-Poultry Raisers Are you planning to build any dew poultry houses thiSvsummer? Now is the time to do so for a concrete floor should have at least a month to dry out. If -you wait until fall the houses are quite cer tain not to be ready when you need them. What happens is this: The pullets come into production while still on the range. Moving pullets that are laying is almost sure to mean an upset in their pro duction and very apt to force them into a partial or complete moult similar to a yearling hen. It will mean a loss in egg production Just when egg prices are the best. \ 1 Before proceeding to. build a hen house, let's make sure that we have a desirable location for it. Good soil, drainage Is of prime importance; It may be secured by building the house on high ground or by tilling the l'and'around the house. Locating on a soil that will* grow good crops is particularly de. sirable for It helps to .purify the soil and does away" with the green food problem for a greater part of 'the year. Avoid building In an air pocket where frost comes early and fogs collect Do not hare the house or the ground in front of the house shaded by trees for it keeps the house and the grouid damp. Let the birds get into the shade away from the house. The size of house you will want to build will largely depend on how many birds yon plan to keep. A large house holding good many birds is cheaper to construct and easier to take care of. One man can look after a certain number of units in a day almost regardless of the size of the unit. Convenience in arrangement and the accessibility of location will cut dow the amount of labor required. The labqr prob lem is an extremely important one. The house should afford ample sunlight and fresh air, be'free of ~ drafts, dry, and prove easy to clean or, in other words, be conductive to the health of your stock. Have it roomy: we generally figure to allow four square feet of floor space per hen. ' Are you feeding your pullets so- that they will be fully matured and ready to come itato laying early this fall? Stunted, undersized, poorly nourished birds will prove to Ne a bunch of boarders all next win ter when feed is high in price and egg prices are good. Ful.O.Pep Growing Mash Is a scientific combi nation of just the things that a pullet must have to build strong, large bones, flrm flesh add good plum- I age. It is especially prepared to use right at the time when pullets are developing their egg.productng organs. Pullets that get Ful.O-Pep Growing Mash grow into good layers of large, sound, welLshaped eggs provided they are fed the Pul-O.Pep Way through the laying period. ON THE BUST CORNER

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