f COMPANIONATE WEDLOCK. OUR WASHINGTON HOLDINGS. ONE SLIP FOR WOMAN. LINDBERGH AND MARIE. / | President Coolidge talked with ..William Green, president of the American Federation of Labor, about soft coal labor troubles in 'wuyrtiaa. mm virgmu -ndr Ohio. Labor men charge that railroads are united "to depress prices of coal for fuel purposes." ^Oorenu nent might in certain cases affecting public welfare fix prices of the product and the labor lull prOQQCCt Hi ~ There was no. hesitation about fixing the wheat prices during the war, a fixing process that cost the farmers about $2 on every bushel that they might have got and didn't get on every bushel The much discussed "compan ionate" marriage of a young man of twenty with the eighteen-year old daughter of Mr. Haldeman Julius is not as new as it seemed. After marriage each will live at home to solve problems of house keeping, while the bride continues her work in high school and then In college, and the young man con tinues studying at the University of Kansas. Tf the marriage doesn't turn out - to be perfect, the plan is to ar range for a divorce. That is looking farther ahead than yOung people generally care to look. Life, marriage and other things may not be perfect, but the young think, hope and believe that they are. , And THINKING, HOPING ar.d RELIEVING gradually triid cp what is worth while, in jiie. Germany signs the League of Nations agreement "affording pro tection to women workers before and after childbirth." A woman would be allowed to quit work six before the birth of a child and remain away tlx weeks after ward, with pay and free medical attention. . \ That sounds almbsf "Eke crrutau tion?governments compelling em ployers to do for women what in telligent horse owners did for mares a thousand years ago. ' A tax assessor at Washington, D. G, values White House, build ing and grounds, at $22,000,000: the Capitol, $53,000,000: State, War and Navy buildings, $13,500,000; Treasury Building, $23,000,000. Uncle Sam should get some fly ing machines to protect all that property.' A dozen bombing enemy fliers could soon knock those buildings around the ears of men that live or work in them. A mother and father hid $60 in a bureau drawer telling only their thirteen-year-old daughter, Chris tina, where the money was. It dissappeared. Three times the girl denied that she had stolen the money, then drank carbolic acid and may die. Not all parents re alize a child's intensity of feel ing. V Judge Inch says "one slip" does not prove a woman immoral, or justify withholding citizenship 'from her. IT seems to depend on the size and kind of the slip. Poor Eve bit the apple and that slip cost not only her citizenship but her actual residence in the Garden and the great privilege of bearing children without pain. ? Besides, the law, which allows each dog one bite before con demning him, might well allow a lady one slip. 1 Ruth Elder, charming young lady, attracted attention and- news papers gave her at least $100, 000,000 worth of free advertising. Now the intelligent Loew Com pany gives her $1,000 a day for 100 days to tell about it in vaude ville. Por $100,000 intelligent Mr. Nicholas M. Schenck gets the benefit of $100,000,000 worth of publicity. Madame Cnrie could not get $100,00(1 for telling about radium. The people want action. Students at Chicago's North western University vote Lind bergh and Henry Ford "the biv rest men of the year." - Qu--n Marie leads the women. * President Coolidge, Mussolini, t"e Prince of Wales, Mayor '"hompson, Edison, Tunney, A1 Smith, Babe Ruth got votes. Fortune teller: Beware of a hand, home, tall blonde. Weary Willie (sadly): Too late. I*vs married her. , Mrs. Youngbride: I don't want to ftave any trouble with you, Bridget v -Cook: Then, bedad, ma'am, let ait no complaints. | Doctor: You had better be X-rayed. ? Patient There's no need. Get my V1fe; she's always been able to see NOTICE Op H1J OP LAND under DEED OP TRUST Under tii by Tirtm oI the Mar and authority conferred by ? certain dead of trust, dated February 2, ltlt. executed by Katie L. Yarboro to Cale K. Burceaa, Truatee, tor North Card. ?Mdlt Corporation. of tn>st 1? recorded SSfSS?5^?,'?y?s i?Uhtr' Nor? c*roliu^ default bay. m*d* to the payment of the indebtedness secured by the eald deed offer*?1, un(,#r*!?ned trustee will hMHa, S *nd sell to the high? bidder (or cash, at the courthouse l" Countj- North Caro. I it? ??l,r It**0*1 01 Btad. located In Franklin County. North Carolina, more particularly described as fttL Iowa. to.wit: 7; All those certain tracts or Aareeie ^ containing in th. 1468.75 aorM, more or lees h?in? auN ate In Cedar Hock and Crpreaa Creek ??antY of Franklin. SUts 1i Si t"1 aa*1 b*la* toe lands itt?. ?1.K^U* ^ Yarboro to^AtbStk Joint Stock Land Bank of . Ralelsh ated July 29. 1914. recorded la Book ?#<1 rrf*r,ace to which tor a more particular description of said lands. The shore mentioned book Ml being the Regis, jry^of Franklin County, North Carol This December ?, 1917. CALB K. BURGESS, SALE OF VALUABLE REALB8TATZ Jtr ?ontXdJtt.Tlrt'W 0t anU,or "y contained in a certain mortaasa deed assented to the onderelrned 2?3*rn ?? duly rZZSF? FrunhUu County Registry, Book ?50 wesie. Default hT^'b^^ to the payment of the Indebtedness ^^tbenmU^rSn! MONDAY. DECEMBER 2$ 1?2? at the courthouso door in Louisbur*. !L.Cl/t. ?:,'boot?th< kour Of noon, sell at pub4c auction to tne highest by ?**. that certain piece or' tract of land lying and being In Frank iinr??Un=' StAte of North Carolina. S TowMhlP' *?d deacrlb. ed and defined as follows, to.wit: .B'gtoninr->t_h fOfik o" the East side W t]"^Je'ish Ro*d' J- N. Wester and W. J. Boone e corner; thence 8 69 lJd E 18S poles to a twin white oak 5-? N *>'" to * rock^pUe j?T*- ydgeeu_and W. J. Boone's, Z? , :. .W T1Ul T. W. Boone's 1 to the Raleigh Road thence S with the Raleigh road 72! "nd ? Itok. fTttTlegtnning j ?nt*lnlng M acres, and is the tract rf tond on which the abore named ?*? Bcone now resides. This November 22, 1227. '? w w^, T *- BOONE. Mortgagee. * "?IP "7 rr ea-s^ NOTICE OF SERVICE BY Pnnr rnT y|Q^ Vwth Carolina, Franklin County, in Superior Court. Beatrice Conn Joyner Vs John Lawrence Joyner The defendant ahbre named will eke notice that an action entitled as wore has been commenced to the Su torior Court of Franklin County, and omplalnt wlth copy thereof duly filed or sn absolnte divorce upon statutory (rounds; and the defendant will fur. uke "otlce that he Is required ?4fe omce of the Clerk of he Superior Court of eald county on he 10th day of December. l?r at -ourt house of eald county In the town it Louisburg. N. a. and answer or lemur to the complaint In said action " by 1,w or the plaintiff wUl J }?. * court ,or ?>e relief de nauded in the complaint. Tills December 2, 1227. J. J. YOUNG, Clerk of the Su perior Court for Franklin County, N. C. 12_9_4t RE-SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ES TATE Under and by virtue ot an order if re-sale made and entered by the Clerk of the Superior Court tor Frank li'i County, North Carolina, on the 10th (lay ot December, 1927, and in accordance with the terms ot a car. Lain deed ot trust executed by Clln. Lou Tharrlngton and wife Betsy Thar, ringtor which said deed of trust is duly recorded In the office of the Re. giater of Deeds for Franklin County, N. C., In book 251 at page 160, default having been made In the payment of the Indebtedness thereby secured and demand made upon me to tore close, I will on Monday the 2nd day of January, 1928, at or about the hour of noon at the court house door for Franklin County in the Town of Lou. isburg, N. C. sell, at public auction to the highest bidder tor cash all the right, titles. Interest claim and de. mand owned by Betsy Tharrlngton in and to that tract of land situate In Louisburg Township Franklin Coun. ty. North Carolina, bounded as tol. lows: On the North by the lands of Mrs. Wallace Neal. on the East by the lands of Haywood Bowden, on the South ny the lands of J. A. and Thomas Whe less, and on the West by the A B. Perry and Newell lands, containing one hundred and seventy .tour (174) 1 acres, snore or less, and being the same lands devised to the children of A. H. Baker, Betsy Tharrlngton be. lug one of the said children. This December ISth, 1927. BEN T. HOLDEN, 12.16-St - ? Trustee. Style dictators say men's clothes for !all should have more color, but most sen will still cling to the blues, the trays and the blacks. It never rains In the Sahara desert, which would be a fine place to go on a picnic. When the caddies chase high balls mrtead of hunting lost .balls, there's a aid sooner or later. NOTICE or BALB or FRANKLIN COUNTY NOTES Undsr and by virtue ol the authority conferred upon me. by resolution of the Board of Commit* loners of Frank lin County, N. C-. at lta meeting on Deoember Kb. 1927, I wiU on Mon day, the tnd day of January, IMS. In the offloe of the Accountant for Franklin County, Louiaburg, N. C, offer for sale to the higheat bidder 4 Krankliu County Negotiable Notqa, two in the sum of 110,000.00 each and two in the nun of S4.000.00 each, all dated January Clttl, and due and payable on the tnd day of April, 10SS, payable to bearer and bearing, inter eat from maturity at the rate of t per cent per annaaa. Sealed bids will be received and may be filed with J. A. Hodgee, County Accountant until II o'clock, noon, on the said tnd day e< January, 1?M. The right to reject any and all bida or to kail any num ber of the described notee ia reserved. This the 10th day of Dee., '1927. Q. a LEONARD. Chairman. Board of County Commission I2.lfi.2t era of franklin County. WWW nanwAwrai Be it enacted by the Board of Alder men and Mayor of Louie burg, North Carolina: 1. It shall be unlawful to use or maintain any residence or other build ing la the dty of Louisburg, which ia located on a lot abutting on the dtjr MWtr line, mid residence or building being not more than two hundred feet from the asms, where one or more persons live or congregate, ualeaa such residence or building be provided with flush closet or closets connected with said sewer, provided water ia available from the city mains within two hundred feet from said residence or building. A That all ordinances.or parts at ordinances previously enacted which are in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed. A That this ordinance shall be In Force from the date of its peaaage. 4. Violation of any of the provisions of this ordinance a hall coastitute a misdemeanor, and shall be punished >y a Una of five dollars for the first lay and one dollar tor each additional lay the violation is continued, dating 'rom the time specified in official no. lce from the city. Paeaed and adopted this 4th day of November, 1327. Utest: A. W. GREEN. City Clerk. Signed: B. N. Williamson 1.26-fit , Mayor. iOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of the power ind authority conferred upon it by i certain deed of trust executed on Iprtt 1. 1926. by Katie L. Yarboro la he Raleigh Savings Bank and Trust Fompany, Trustee, which said deed I trust ia recorded in the office of he Register of Deeds for Franklin Xranty. North Carolina, in Book 246. age 524, the undersigned trustee will ?ffer -forsale and sell to the higheat itdder for eaah at the court house loor in Louisburg. Franklin County, lorth Carolina, at 12 O'clock noon, "bursday, December 29, 1927, the fol. 3wing described tract of land: All that certain piece, parcel or tact of land containing 121.2 acree.j tore or leas, situate, lying and be-j if on the road leading from the lOnisburg Road to Sukey Young's roes Roads, known as the Murphy toad, about 2 1.2 miles East from the *own of Louisburg, N. C.. in Louis, targ Township, County of Franklin, tale of North Carolina, having such tapes, metes, courses and distances a will mora fully appear by reference o u plat of said land made by J. W. ?ugh, Kngr., October, 1924, recordsgj a Map Book 1. page 17C. Registry ot ranklln County. N. C.. a copy ot sala let being attached to the abstract >ow on file with Atlantic Joint Stock and Bank of Raleigh the same being ounded on the North by the Mnrphy load and the lnnde of Mrs. A. O. lolt. on the East by the lands of G V.~Ford estate, on the South by Syca. sore Creek and On the West by the andt of G. W. Ford estate, said tract ippearing on the above mentioned >lat as three smaller contiguous tracts lumbered one. two and three. This November 23. 1927. RALEIGH SAVINGS BANK A xrrv rpnTvcm - ? AND TRUST COMPANY, Trus vPfl. iunn and Arendell, Attorneys. ll_25_5t ? NOTICE Under the power contained In a deed >f trust given by W. H. Yarborough, Fr. and wife, Elolse H. Yarborough, 0 W. H. Rnffln, trustee, on April 12, 1918, recorded In book 192, page 319, ?Yanklln County Registry, default hav ng been made In the payment of the ndebtedness therein secured and de mand for foreclosure having been nade on said trustee bythe holder of udd Indebtedness, the undersigned ?rill, on Tuesday, January 10, 1928, at ir about the hour of noon, at the courthouse door In Lonlshurg, North Carolina, offer for sale, at public auc. ion, to the highest bidder fOT cash, 1 certain lot or parcbl of-land situate In the town of Loulsburg, Franklin County, North Carolina, and described is follows: Beginning at a point on Main Street where the western boundary of Main Street Is Intersected by the southern boundary of Noble Street; thence along Main Street 8 81 1.4d W 124 1-6 feet to Mrs. Annie R. Malone's corner; thence N 59 1.2 W 247 2.8 feet to an Iron stake, John D. Alston's corner In Mrs. Annie R ? Malone's line; thence N 32 1.4d E 124 1-6 feet to Al ston's corner on Noble Street; thence 8 69 1.2* E 247 2-3 feet along Noble Street to the begtnnlng, and contain ing 30.761 17-18 square feet, and be ing the lot conveyed to Elolse H. Yar. borough by William Bailey and wife. This December 1, 1927. THOMAS W. RUFFIN, Exe cutor of W. H. Rnffln, Deceas ed. ' 12.9.61 Maybe you want to be Rockfeller and maybe you don't. We don't, be-1 cause every pjtcure of him we see he's wearing an cveroaat. ' COMMISSIONERS HE 8* I.J OF VALUABLE RIAL E8TATB Under u( kLTlrtu of u order of ro-oalo of thWSupnrior Court of Franklin County In that special pro ceed lm entitled 0. B. Barhsm, admin istrator of Jonu Denton .deceased, Logen Denton, et els, Kx Porte, the undersigned Commleeloaer will, on | Friday. December 13rd. 1927. at or about tbe hour of noon, at the court, house door, Lou la burg, N. (X. offer lor sale to the highest bidder tor one half caah and the remainder due la twelve monies, all taoee certain treats or parcels 'of lend lying and being la Harris Towtsnlp, Franklin County, N. C., described as follows, to-wit: FIRST TRACT That certain tract of land contain, lag 11 and one-half acres, more or lees, situate In Harris township, | Franklin County, bounded on ths North by the lands,of C. B. Barham and wife; bounded on the Bast by tbe lands of C. B. Barham, bounded on the South and West by lands of J. E. Denton, being a part of lot No S, of the division of the Drew Den-1 ton land, fully described in the Clerk office tor Franklin County,Tn Ordera and Dec: S page 849. L _ SECOND TRACT That certain tract of tand contain ing seventeen acres, more or less, eltuste In Harris Township, Franklin County, N. C. bounded on the North by lands of 8. J. Perry, bounded on the East by Alex Hoyle and O. B. Barham, bounded on the South by lands of C. B. Barham. and bounded en the West by the lands of 8. J. Perry, being lot No. 6, of tbe Drew Denton land which Is fully described In Orders and Decrees, Book B, at page 849, Franklin County Clerks of. tee . THIRD TRACT That certain tract of land contain ing eighteen acres, more or leas, ad. Joining the Ida Denton dower tract, and lying on the Bast bank of Little River, described as follows: Begin, nlng at a stake in the Bast bank of Little River; thence along said river as It meanders South 1 l-4d West 870 chains; thence South 474 E 1.21 chains; thence South 4 1-ld West 8 chains; thence South !9d Best L48 chains; thence South 81 8-44 West 3.20 chains; thence South ?6d West I.95 chains; thence South 1 1.4d West li4 chains; thence South 11 1-Sd East 6.15 chains to an Ash on the East bank of said river; thence Bast, erly 8.40 ehalns to a stake In the Ida Denton dower tract; thence along said doWer line North 19 1.4d East 19.40 chains to a stake; thence In a Westerly direction 1020 rhaiws to the point of beginning on Little River. FOURTH TRACT The reversionary?interest subject to the dower of Mrs." Jonas D. Duutuu | ; In that certain tract of land contain, lng twenty-two and one-half acres described by meters and bounds aa Follows: Beginning at a stake Nerth Bast Corner of eighteen acre Little Rhrer tract; thence South 88 LJd East 11.85 chains to a stake; theUCO South 10 l-4d West 1840 chains along drs. J. D. Dan ton'a Una to n stake: hence South 89 lJd Weal IS chains ir o a stake 8ontk Bast oorne^of 18lr icre tract; thence North 10 1.4d East 19.49 chains along the Baet Use of ilghteen acre tract to a stake te the Mint of beginning, and -IMag the tract which was previously allotted Mrs. Fonas Denton, widow, as bar nterest in the estate of her ?usband. Said four tracts of land being the and of which Jonaa Denton died Mb. id. This November 29. 1987. W. L. LUMPKIN, II.25-5t Commissioner. ? RE-SAL.E OF VALUABLE LANDS Under and by virtue of an order eC -?-?ale made and entered by Hon. J. f. Tonne, Clerk of the Superior Comrt 'or Franklin County, North Carolina, >n the 18th day of December, 1887, fa hat Special Proceeding entitled "W. 3. Brewer, Frank Brewer, et ale, er. jarte," I will on Monday the 8nd day >f January, 1928, at or about the hour >f noon at the court house door tor Franklin county In the Town of Lou. sburg, N. C., sell at public auction, to :he highest bidder for cash the A. P. Murphy Home Tract of land, herein, ifter described lying and being in 3old Mine Township, Franklin County, s'orth Carolina, as follows: Beginning at the middle of the Old Warrenton Road, a rock on the East side of the same, Mrs. Pattle Gupton*a corner, and running North 89d 4 mtn E 276 feet to a stake; thence S 24d 30 mtn. E 460 feet to a locust; thence ilong a hedgerow 8 77d 4 mln W 1866 Feet to a stake corner for Mrs. Pattle Qupton and J. J. Lancaster; thence N 6d E 1298 feet to a Red Oak Stump; thence E 71d 46 mln. W 439 feet to a stake; thence N 6d E 696 feet to a ?take; thence N 71d W 46 mtn. W 281.6 feet to a post oak stump, J. J. Lancaster and Allen's corner; thence 3 68d 30 mln. W 2030 feet to the mid. die of . the Old Warrenten Road, a stake on the EaBt side thereof; thence along said road S 13d E 672 feet to the point of beginning and containing seventy-eight (78) aeres, more or less, as per survey made by M. S. Davis and R. 1/ Holmes, C. Es. in December, 1926. TlUs December 13th, 1927. EDWARD F. GRIFFIN, 12.16.3t Commissioner. NOTICE . Having qualltled as administrator c. t. a., of the estate of A. C. Carter, de. * ceased late oi Franklin County, North Carolina, thl? la to notify all persors having claims against the estate of < said deceased to exhibit the same to 1 the undersigned on pr before the 2nd 1 day of December, 1928, or this notice I will be plead In bar of their recovery, j i All oersons indebted, to said estate i will please make Immediate payment. 1 This December 1st. 1927. 1 WILLIE CARTER, 1 12.2-6t Administrator, tit I i ? i You can't have footprints on the ? sands of time by riding In an automo. bile all the time. , : SALE or VALUABLE LAND Under and by rlrtue ol tie power of tale contained In that certain deed of tract executed by Katie L. Yarboro to the undersigned trustee, dated reb. ruary 8, 1817, and recorded In Book >80, pace ?(, Registry fit Franklin County, N. C., detault having been made In the payment of the Indebt edness thereby secured and demand tor foreclosure having been made upon the undersigned trustee by the holder of the bond representing said Indebtedness, the undersigned trus. tee will ?n Monday, the ltth day of January, 1IM, at or about the hour of noon, at the oourthouse door In Loulaburg, N. C., offer for sale at public auction to the hlgbest bidder for cash, the following described real estate: All of that certain tract or parcel of land, situate In Loulaburg Town, ship. Franklin County, State of North Carolina, ar.d described as follows: Situate on the South side of Nash Street la ths Town of Loulaburg, N. C., and comprising Lots > and S of the Katie L. -Yarboro Oarage property as the same appears on plat of said property made by J. W. Pugh, Eng., sd In Book of Maps 1 at page 177, In ths office of the Register of Deeds of Franklin County, N. C., which Flat and record la here referred to for a more particular description, said tract or parcel of land being bounded on the North Vy Nash Street, on the East by the store now owned by F. N. Egerton and others; on the Boutb by the Spot Cash Co., and en ? ths West by P. 8. and K. K. Allen pro. perty upon this lot or parcel of land there is situate the building occupied by tbe military company as an VS ory. ?? This December 6th, 1817. . . . , B. H. MALONB, ll.16.5t * Trustee. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of the power of sale oontalned la a certain deed of trust executed by A A Shearin and wife to Leon T. Vaughan, trus. tee, the same having been recorded In la the office of the Register of Deeds it Franklin County in Book >71, at page Ml. on the 11th day of March, 1887, reference being hereby made to the same for full particulars, default laving been made In the payment ot he indebtedness therein secured, and he holders of said note having de nan ded that the same be foreclosed, [ will on Tuesday, the 10th day of lanuary, 1828, at or about the hour if 12:00 M? In front of the Bank ot Tastalla, North Carolina (the contract Mt out in said deed of trust requlr. ng that said land be sold at the above tamed place), offer for sale to the ilxhest bidder for cash, all of the ollowing described real eslale: ~ A certain tract ot land lying in i^ranklln county, State aforesaid, and I escribed as follows: Bounded on the east by D. J. Burn. >tt; on the south by D. J. Burnett; ia, the VlSSt by George Andrews; on he north by Franklin U. Griffin, thle islng a let la the town ot Ceutervllle, ontalning 8-8 of an acre, being the dentlcal lot which the store house if A. A. Shearin was on. This lot ras conveyed to A A. Shearin by ifankttn V. Shearin. Terms of tale: Cheh. This December fife, 1827. LEON T. VAUGHAN, Trustee, .eon T. Vaughan, Attorney, tashv Ule, N. a 12.16-4t NOTKB By virtue of * paw ax of sale cob. alned In n certain deed of trot made ry J. A. Wine ton and wile Roaa Win. ton to T. E. Holding, Trustee, and Inly registered In tlw office of the legister of Deeda of Franklin Conn, y In Book 172 at pace 1(1, I will on laturday, December Slat, at 12 o'clock L, In front of the Bank of Youngs llle, In YonngavUle, N. C., sell at nbllc auction to the highest bidder or cash, the following described lot ir land: Two lots situated In the Town of foungsvllle, N. C., and bounded as pllows: First lot: Begins at a rock on Per. Immon Tree Street aad runs thence long the line of lot Bo. 2, In a north, irly direction 67 yards to a rock In he line of lot No. 2; thence an east, uly direction 20 yards to rock; hence In a southerly direction 67 ards to a rock on the aforesaid treet; thence west along said street o the beginning, containing about one Mrd of an acre. Heference is here >y had to former conveyances re. istered in the office of the Register il Deeds of FrankBn County as fol. owe: Book 146, page 681, Book 217, ?age 640. . ? Second Lot: Begins at a rock on 'erslmmon Tree Street, corner of lot fo. 1, thence alang the line of lot ?o. 1 nearly north 133 feet to an Iron itake In Winston and Massey's line; hence In a westerly direction ten eet to an iron stake In Massey's line; hence nearly south 183 feet to an ron stake on the 8outh side of Per. ilmmon Tree Street; thence along laid street nearly east ten feet to he beginning, for further description lee Book 327 page 273 office of the Re. [ister of Deeds of Franklin County. Being the two lots conveyed by J. N. Winston and wife to J. A. Winston md Rosa Winston by deed dated No. rember 24, 1226. 'This November 28th. 1927. T. E. HOLDING, L2.2.4t Trustee. NOTICE Having qualified as executrix of the ?state of J. M. Dlckerson. deceased, late of Franklin County, North Caro lina, this Is to notify all persons hav. ;ng claims against the estate of said leceased to exhibit them to the under, ilgned on or before the 3th day of December, 1328, or this notice will be plead In bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please come forward and make lm. oncdlate settlment. This December 8th, 1927. EMILY DICKERSON, l2.9-(t . Extrx. sale or valuable . property IN THE TOWN OF LOUI8BURO Pursuant to an order of raaaU mate and entered by Horn J. J. Youug. Clerk of the Superior Court for Frank ltn County. North Carolina, on the 14 day of December. 1917, and the power, contained In that Judgment of the Superior Court for Franklin County, North Carolina, made and entered In the cane of "M. Stamp# et ale, True tee# of the Loulsburg Graded School re W. H. Allen Jr., et ale." the un. deralgned oommleeloner* will on Hon. day the tad" day of January, 1927, at or about the hour of noon at the court houae door for Franklin County in the town of Loulaburg, N. C., cell at public auction to the hlgheat bidder for caah a one-half undivided Internet in and to the following described property, via: 1 A certain tract or parcel of land altuate In the County of Franklin, State of North Carolina, and In the Town of Loulaburg, lying on both sides of Tar River and bounded as followa: On the North by the lands of D. F. McKinne, L. P. Hicks and F. N. Bgerton estate, on the Bast by Main Street In the said Town Of of J. M. and W. H. Allen and the Q. W. Ford estate and on the West by the lands of the G. W. Ford estate and the F. N. Egerton estate, contain, lng (17) acres more or less and known as the Loulaburg Mill Property and Including the blacksmith shop, mill building, grist mill, cotton gin, scales and all machinery of every kind and description used' In conectlon with the said grist mill and cotton gin, , also the mill dam and all easements, water power, water rights, privileges, powers and rights of every kind and description belonging to or granted to the owner or owners of said described property In a certain agreement re corded in the office of the Register of Deeds tor Franklin County, North Carolina In book 34 at page 283. But there has been sold from the above described lands a certain lot facing on Main Street In the Town of Louis, burg and conveyed by a warranty deed from J. M. Allen and wife and W. H. Allen Jr., to J. S. Howell a full de. scriptlon of said tot appears In said a?A SUA th? men I. .Trcnt>ri fI0m this sale. A deposit of ten per cent of the amount bid by the last and highest bidder will be paid in cash immedt. a.tely after said sale to the commis sioners to guarantee the faith of the successful bidder or bidders. This amount will apply toward the pay stent of the purchase price. This December 11th. 1237. O. M. BEAM, ' - EDWARD F. GRIFFIN, L2.16.3t Commissioners. SALEOELANBS Under mui by virtue of the power ind authority contained in that deed >t trust executed by J. I* Bowden, Fr., and wife Sarah J.- Bowden on he 28th day of December, 1922, ae. curing an indebtedness. therein dp. tcribed, which Mid deed of trust Is luly recorded in the office of the Re gister of Deeds for Franklin County, s'oeth Carolina in book 234 at page 1(9; demand having been made upon ne to foreclose, I will on Monday, the .6th day of January, 19X8, at or about he hour of neon at the court houee loor lor Franklin County in the town if Louis burg. CL C, aell at public luction to the highest bidder for cash, he following described tracts of land, ylng and. being attests In Cedar Rock rownnldgi, Franldin County, North Carolina, vl*: FIRST TRACT: Winning at a ock, corner in the division of the V. B. Bowden estate, tor George D. Jowden and othats; thence by sdrvey alls in said dlvWen N 78 l_2d B .78 poles Xft links ta a stake with oak lolnters aa, Peach True Creek, corner or Rhode S. Bowden; thence up the :reek as it meanders to a stake with in Mh, two black gums and a target west gum, as pointers; thence u new lne S 79d V 105 poles to s rock In a Hex Bewdena line; thence S 2 l-4d W call of 1996) 28 poles to the begin, ling, containing 28 acres, more or ess and being the same tract convey, id to Sarah J. Bowden by Mary L. Jowden ami husband by deed duly ?eglBtered in the office of the Reste er of Deeds ter Franklin County in look 216 at page 61 to which refer, ince is hereby made for further de. icription. SECOND TRACT: A livejtxth 5.6) undivided Interest in and to that ract of land described aa follows: beginning at a rock Southeast of the [raveyard, corner for No. 1 and 2; hence S 2 1.4d W 95 poles 22 links o a stake near a Sweet gum on Turk. ;y Branch, corner of No. 2; thence down said branch as ft meanders ibout 264 poles to the entrance into 'each Tree Creek; thence up said :reek as it meanders about 56 poles o a stake with oak and gum pointers :orner of No. 4; thence 8 78 1.2d W .78 poles 20 links to the beginning, x>ntalntng 61 ucres more or lees and jeihg lot No. X allotted to Rhoda 8. lowden in the division of Mary p. 3owden*s lands, both of said tracts idjoln and are the home place of the. nld J. L. Bowden, Jr., and wife, 8a. -ah J. Bowden. This December 14th, 19X7. BEN T. HOLDEN, L2-16.5t Trustee. NOTICE OK SALE OF AUTOMOBILE UNDER MECHANICS LIEN Eddie Shearln will tyke notice that inder and by virtTO of section 2017 >t the Revlsal of 1915 of North Caro. Una and the Hen thereby given to mechanics for repairs on personal property the undersigned will on Mon lay, January 1st, 19X8, at the court House square In Loulsburg, N. C., at ibout the hour of one o'clock p. m. >ffer for sale to the highest bidder lor cash that Ford touring car, motor lumber 6619505, 1928 model, placed ly him for repair and storage, with :he undersigned and that sale will be nade to pay the repairs thereon mada ind storage. This December 1st, .1917. P?i L2.2-5t LEONARD ft JdEDLIN. I-. * ' 'sm, '9~, -tiftCit

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