New Spring Goods ARRIVING DAILY We nave just received a ship ment of Ladies' and Children's New Spring Coats, Hats, Dress es, Shoes, Pumps, Oxfords, Hos eiry, Dress Goods, etc. - ?Men's and Boys' New Clothing Shoes, Oxfords, Shirts, Ties, Hats and Caps. X All winter goods mast be sold to make room for spring goods. Look over our stock of merchan dise before buying and let us show you how we can save you some real honest to goodness money on Spring and Winter good& -r~' H A. Roth Co. - The Store That Saves Yon Monty LOUISBURG, :: N. Carolina Automobile Tires and Tubes COOK STOVES and RANGES * / w_ / ? ? Shovels, Grub Hoes and Axes Gome to See Me First / ' ^ W. G. Tharrington Phone 234 Louisburg, N. C. LOUISBURG PLUMBING and Electrical Co. Expert Workmen Best Materials Repair Work and New Work Solicted. All Work Guaranteed Prices Reasonable r ?? tfjlvc | . i ?' * - ? ?? -*? ?? -/ ? ' 'V , Show Rooms and Shop next to L. W. Parrish Jewelry Store, Court Street, Louisburg, N. C. ? Q. A. EZZELL, Manager BOBEBT E. LEE The following speech on Robert E. Lee was delivered before the Louie nurg Klwanls Club on Friday night January 20th, by 8upt. W. R. Hills, of the Mills High School. Robert E. Lee is a fit topic for a Klwanls Club to consider. Especially is this true in this time when men who have acquired a surpassing mea sure of physical skill can earn a for. tune in one evening, and the news papers the following morning will print par-' after page giving the de. tails of the bloody spectacle. Robert E. Lee is a fit subject for our con sideration at a time when we are so given to worship of the unusual, to gloilfying the speculator. . ' "Gcnc-ul Lee was born of dlstln guished ancestory; on the fathers side he could trace an unbroken line back to the Battle of Hastings' in the year 1066; another of his forebearers went with Richard the lion hearted on the third crusade, was wounded at the siege of Acre and was created the first Earl of Litchfield as a re ward for his services. Another of his ancestors won tame and fortune In the service of Queen Elizabeth. His first ancestor to come to Virginia was Henry Lee who settled in the county of Westmorelandr?the county) hh&t was the ancestral home of Gen. Wash, htgton. He was a member of the Virginia Oounctl and served under Sir William Berkley; as Secretary of the Virginia Council. Robert E. LAes father was Light Horse Harry LAe. of Revolutionary fame. On his moth er's side Robert E. Lee was descend ed from roch and influential Ma?g: His mother wsb Anne Hill Carter, the daughter of Carter of Shirley. ? Robert E. Lee was born str*\ ford lo Westmoreland county, Va., ia 1807 Hir father died when he was eleven years old, and from that time to the time when he entered Weet Point he was the stay and councilor of his mother; she is reported to have said that Robert was husband, sou and daughter to hei, By this it must not be thought that young Lee w?? effeminate; he was far from R^ne delighted in swimming, rowing, hunt ..g and horseback riding?in short ne was a strong, manly, boy. But his fine oourteay afid solici tude for ills mother and younger me ters elicited from his mother the aotve tribute. , , .. "Entering West Point at the age of itflUeen. he went through the en tire four years without a single de merit or a single reprimand from the school authorities; he stood high in ocnolarshlp and showed such nvkM II genius in military science thatlnhls senior ysarhA^wee made adjutant of the battallion?the highest honor in the gift of the college. He graduated second in a class o 46?a class re markable for the number of men who aiterward became eminent leaders in the army of theCo^ederacy_and_ln the army 'of the UniWd States. ??Immediately after graduation he was assigned to the engineering corps j the army. Trom that on he resigned his commission in 1861 he gave individual attention to his >. ...w service and was promoted tor h? bravery and skill. So favorably did he impress his superiors in command that General Winfleld Scott pronounc ed him the greatest military genius in ^General bee was opposed to slavery and long before the Civil War had freed all of his negroes. He was op posed to secession in 1860. but be lieved firmly in the right of a state to secede from the Union. He c0">d not be censured for his opinion, the book on the Constitution at West Point when Lee was a student spe cifically stated that the question ot remaining a member ot the La'?? was one for the people of each state to decide. It was turthe taughtat West Point when Lee was a etudent that the federal Government bad no right to force a state to remain in the UWhen political passion was running high in 1860 Lee saw that secession would mean war, and be foresaw that war would mean untold suffering and hardships for the people of the coun try be loved. He counseled "pota tion, but when his native State. V -, ginla, threw in her fortunes with the Confederacy, Lee felt-that .therejr sniy one course open to him, ft promptly resigned his commission in the army, and when, a day or so later, he was offered the chief command of toe army of the United States, he refused the command and In a letter | to his old commander and corf" in arms, General Scott, Lee said, that save in defense of his ""ative, state did he ever again wish to draw bis sword. Immediately he was called into the service of Virginia and when the army of Virginia was transferred to the Confederacy. Lee went wit*\ . From that time till the final at Appomattox, the history of Robert. E Lee is the history fit toe Confed eracy Lee did not win renown early) ?,T*e war; in fact. hi. first service, were not successful and he ^as bitter. ly criticised for his failure "" te!* West Virginia against almost lns"* mountable difficulties. Because of his lack of success, he was transferred to the personal staff of toe Presldent of the Confederacy as a sort of:mUttanr advisor. He remained In this capa. | city until the battle ot 8*T*n.??n"*i Gen. Joe. Johnston was wou?ded an* Lee was placed in command. From that hour his home was with the Ann/ of Northern Virginia. "Lee's rank as a soldier is secure. Among his comrades in arms, he waa considered while in the field the peer of any man then living. As the pen sions of men have ?ol?d and ? view has become poeslWe. even hie enemies have accorded him ss a field marshal. Gberlee Frencls Adams ot Massachusetts said. It to my contention that Lee and his army never sustained defeat. They succumb si to exhaustion. Lee's placs,toimi? taw history !? secure. Theodore Rooeevelt sal* 'Lee will nndoubtedjy rank without any excepUon m the greatest captain the English speak, ing people have brought forth.' In England Lee's fame was high; Col. Henderson of the British army who was mnch in, the camp of Lee said, 'Lee stands out as one of the greatest soldiers of all times.' "Time does not permit a considera tion of Lee's battles add campaigns. Suffice it to say that he saw the fall of General after General placed in command of the Union army to crush him. For three years he Waffled every attempt to take Richmond, and Rich, mond fell only when the army of Lee was exhausted. "After the surrender Lee was plac. ed in a trying situation; he was al. most penniless; his magnlflcient home at Arlington had been confiscated by the Federal Government, and his home at the White House on the Pamoney river had been burned. He had not a root over his head nor the means of earning a living for his family. la his seemingly helpless situation the manliness of the man shone with all its purest splendor. When offered by a big corporation, a handsome salary for the use of his name as head of the corporation, he replied that he knew nothing about the business. Upon being told that he would not be expected to know anything about the business, that his name was,all that was wanted, the grand old hero said, 'My name is not for sale.' When his admirers in England offered him (Continued on Page Six) Get Up Nights? Try 48 Hour Test If your pep, health and strength are being lowered by frequent night and day calls, backache, bladder weakness burning or itching sensation, leg or groin pains, why not make the Cystex 48 Hour Test? Don't fire up. Don't wait Get Cystex today. Put it to a 4ft hour test Cost nothing if it does not satisfy, only 60c if you soon feel like new, sleep well, full of pep, with pains alleriated. 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