- RADIO - YOU WILL MAKE A MISTAKE TO BUY ANT > RADIO WITHOUT FIRST TRYING T?E NEW CROSLEY SOCKET POWER SET Free Demonstration in Your Home. ONLY A. C. Set Selling under $200.00 with full 180 Volts on Power Tube. YOU ARE THERE WITH A CROSLEY" $138.50 Complete. Nothing Else to Buy. / Authorised Dealer 1 * Louisburg'a Oldest Garage BECK'S GARAGE Phone 311 Louisburg, N. C. PENDER'S The Belter Xbain-Stores Fanning's Bread and Butter Pickles 16 oz. jar _L^.19c Pure Fruit, 16 oz. jar Red Wing Preserves 27c Pure Pack or Prudence Corned Beef Hash, .. can 25c For a Healthy Breakfast D. P. Oatmeal 3 pkgs. 25c Wimp's Sausage Meat can 27c THE UNIVERSAL CAR The Ford Brakes ,Don't listen to the propoganda about Ford brakes. It is nothing but propoganda. started by manufactur dealers and salesmen of competitive makes of au tomobiles; in order to promote the sale of their own cars beforcytm have an opportunity to try a new Ford for yourself. We have a copy of aletter from the "Government of the District of Columbia'^toJFord Motor Co., assur ing them that after careful tests "ind discussion they found that the New Fords are equipped with adequate brakes that complied with the District of Columbia Traffic Regulations. Inspect and test them for yourself before forming an opinion. ? Parsons Motor Co., Inc. Ford Motor Co. Products' Authorized Ford Dealers 1 Loulsburg, N. 0. Th? clerk who every day and all day doee tha little thlaga well la worth employer than the clerk a while doee tome apec. well, bat who makhe mla of hie every day. The new Nash County Poultry Asm clstlon hM ordered 1,600 baby chick ud lour standard lfiOO.chkfk cap* city oil brooders. Different member ot the association hare finished build Ins 11 brooder hookas. . . !l* HOME DBMOHSTBATIOk Din. * ? ? * Centrlbuted WmUj By Kha Daisy ? ? Caldwell, Ageal ? Monday?Field work. < Tuesday?Sandy Creek. Wednesday?Wood. Thursday?Mltchiner'a. Friday?Bunn. Saturday?Office. ? ? ? Now is the time to plan tor next winter's vegetables. It la now time to plant carrots, parsnips, salsify, and beets. Ail of these root craps make a welcome addition to the diet next winter. "The Farm . and Home Garden Manual" published by the ex. tension department of State College gives varieties suitable tor North Carolina and directions for planting and culture of the different vegeta bles. It can be had tor the asking either from State College or from the county home agent e e.e A contributor to the car fund not mentioned In the treasurers report last week is Mrs. H. C. Taylor, who contributed a dollar and Hit/ cents to this fund. The county demonstration work has no better friend than IfrsJ Taylor. e ? ? ' Zenobta Baker, who was captain ot Franklin County's group ot cl.ub girls at the State 8hort Course last year has entered Walter Reed Hospital. Washington City, to take training as a nurse. ? ? ? Bans Wins The Gavel There was good attendance at the Home Demonstration Federation meet ing Saturday. It was hard to decide which num ber on the program was most enjoy ed. Miss Delia Austin, graduate nurse of Johns Hopkins, who la doing educational work with the American Red Cross gave a demonstration to-' bathing the baby and talked on child care. She said to bathe the babies. eyes and nose but to let its month and ears alone. She-told how to take care of the babies scalp so it would never look scalev. Miss Austin gave uiiectlnns forv prnper parental care . 'I and told of approved clothing for to. |?ants and showed how to dress vh liahv She then tnnk tin the fee/ilne of young children. She said that ot the hundreds of babies In the nursery at Johns HopkinB all were on a four hour feeding schedule, the beet doc-, tors agreeing that this was better tor both babies and mothers than more frequent feeding. The Jieed of rags tables in the babies diet was stressed and directions were riven for nranar.j lng them. Misa'.Anartw Im IstwsW 1 lng speaker and held the attention Of. her audience for over an hoar. Short talks by several ot the cUtt>: members followed Miss Austin's dem onstration. Everybody had a- good langh over Mrs. Hobfoodfs descrip tion of "Three breakfasts I hare ask. Ted" but it brought home, a good last son in meal "-planning. Wain who are Interested in earning spending money took notes -oa Mrs. Kudg'M Moore's account of the returns she had secured from a small farm flock ol Barred Rock*. ib-J?JJ Just before lunch prises In the klb chen campaign ware awarded. Miss Lois Rainwater, home agent of North ampton county, had been in the coun ty two days lodging kitchens entered in the kitchen contest An she award ed the prises Miss Rainwater told ot the Improvements made in some ot the kitchens since she scored thent the first "Jime. In some the oats tan , Bpsom S. Hickory Rock 1, Justice!. Mltchlners; 14, Pilot 5, Pope 1. Seven Paths 1.1 Maplevllle 8, Wood 4. Everybody ap. I pfguded Pilot and Pqpe as this was c their first appearance at the Federa- F tkm. We hope they will he represent. tb .y ? '?<- ? * ' . ; . lyji j - ? ? WHEN YOU WANT WEARING APPAREL THAT IS SMART and at LOWEST PRICES Try KLINE'S New Spring Coats $/J.OO all sizes Silk Dresses $ .95 all sizes 5 $4 All Styles In $4 .00 New Spring Hats ? And Everything New in Dry Goods at LOWER PRICES. L. KLINE & CO., INC. v ? * THE PLACE TO SAVE LOUISBURG. N. CAROLINA Greatest Value altogether or part by part Aaide tram neb irit-c*idem auperiorltiea aa tt* briUiut _ Mriorann beauty end qnliir that you can tea and \ fled in the very upholstery, the wheel you handle and the i Compara With Aajr Car -aha advantaeee we have Itemized here hecauae they apeak for the complete quality way la which the New Eaeex Super-Six it built?thiosa eeen Jf , >?* r. -irci, a Tht instrument board In* ^ **?e? c r*kc, / eludes motometer, gasoline c 'yp.,, "** / $??*?. 011 rpeedom 0? *?> / eter and ammeter. COUPE $746 UtmmMa Samt S30 COACH $73} SEDAN W-Aor) $795 A 0 pricms t.o.b. Drtroft, phis tear mxcis* tax Bt&wra emm pop for ears cm of tmeomn at Ummsi ovaOabU chary* for tntsraat. tumOUng and insurant NASH STREET MOTOR CO. L0UI8BURG, NORTH CAROLINA I everytlme now. A notion ?u passed making the of the gavel depend on at. and promptness. Instead of only, a club receiving two sints tor every member or guest at. mdtag sod an additional point tor ich of these who are on time. In the absence of the president the kse-prefcldtnt, Mrs. a C. Pippin of puns sfuhgs t. w. a. The T. W. A. of Maple Springs Knrch met In the home of Mrs. Sam arris, March fth with twelve mom. it, and only one absent. rte meeting vu called to order b >ur lender Marlon Lancaster. An the following program was then rsn lered: Topic: Far Above Rubles and Qood Housekeeper. Hymn: O Eton Hasts. Scripture: Marion Lancaster. Prayer: Mrs. Willie Davis. Far Above Rabies: Ruth Perry. Hsr Portrait: Mollis Reese Woe tor. Her Beauty: Ternserenes Baker. Her PrwtfMrt Features: Mr Willie Davie. Her OMMagt Mrs. I. W. j Admired Mr KMpi Heater. A Good House Keeper: Myrtle Terrell. A House Keeps Time: Nhoml Phelps. She Consldereth and Buyeth: Mrs. Sam Harris. Modern Parable: Sallle Louise Sledge. ?he Looketh Alar: kMhataam ter*. f. I was then oallad ml minutes i..?n/?5r th rand of the last meeUnrnUkt1 this attended. We were dls. by sentence prayer by each a part Then " taking a part Then the hostess frntts. We adjourned to meet wtth Marten Lancaster March II. ,