THE FRANKLIN TIMES A. F. Johnson, Editor A Mgr. ?TAB, DROPS? ?Right many people were In town Monday. , . . ? ? ? ?Its a pleasure now to ride across the bridge. ? ? ? ?Quite a lot of gardening Is now being done. ? * ? ?The Board of Education did not meet Monday. ? ? ? ?Work Is progressing nicely on the Creamery building. ? ? ? ?Cotton sold for 18 3.4 cents a pound in Loulsburg yesterday. ixl __nz^z ?The weather Is true to March. You don't know one minute what it will be the next. * * * ?Messrs. P. 8. & K. K. Allen are having a new roof put on the old. storage warehouse next to the depot.1 ?It Is a great deal'more comfort able to ride across Tar River bridge slnoe the abuttments were repaired this-week. ?His many friends In Franklin County will be glad to learn that Mr. U. E. Hlght, who underwent an oper ation at a hospital In, Raleigh on Fri day of last week la improving.; ?The flrst^ new Ford to he sold on . the Louisburg- market by Parsons Motor Co. was purchased by Mr. W. H. Allen, Jr. It was a rumble seat coupe, and was a nicely appearing car. ?r? Merry Makers Minstrel Friday evening : 30 o'clock the I Merry Makers of Oold.Sand High School tinder the direction of Mr. Fred U. Wolfe, presented a Negro Minstrel. . The entertainment was begun by the opening chorus by the entire troop. After which the stage was lert to the conredtana and" the Inter, locutor. The comedians were Josh May, Graham Nelms, Clinton Gupton, Btuce Tbarrlngton, Parham Gupton. " Kugeue^narper, Owen Aubrey Gupton, Walter Fuller and! Jasper Conn;, the interlocutor, Maur ice Bledsoe; the end men, Lin wood Murphy and Tburroan Griffin. The comedians and the Interlocutor held the Attention of the audience very tensely with many Jokes whieh were "Lets Get Together" by Thur. man Griffin, and "My Blue Heaven" by Graham Nelms. The chorus girls, then, who were Sue Egerton, Zena Bledsoe, Rachel Garble, Elisabeth Fuller, Gladys Bledsoe, Jewel Oottrell, Ava Joyner, Mary Sturgls, Ernestine Cottrell, Mary Lou Gupton, Annie Laura May and Miss Adelaide John. ion entered dancing while thev sang, a Dew? What Do We Do on a Daw; Dew, Dewey Day." After the cborua girls left the stage Leland Oupton sang "My Bungalow at Dreams" and Josh Thgrrington sang "De Wes' Wind Blows From De Wes. Also many local jokes were told... The chorus entered again .sing ing "Silver Moon" and waltzing. Tbeae was a short Intermission and when the curtains were opened the audience was presented with a mono logue, "My Girl and Her Pa" by Le land Gupton. Elizabeth Fuller, stan. ding before an Indian scene, which consisted of the tent and the pines, sang "Indian Love Call." Maurice Bledsoe and Thurman Griffin gave a dialogue "The Automobile Ride." Af ter this the roosters Ben Garbee and David Parrish, entered and had a reg ular rooster light. Just as they left, the clown, Torb^rt Sturgis, danced. Frances Person -entertained the au dience with an aesthetic dance. A reading, "Seeipg Things at Night" was given by lda Fuller in a very Im pressing manner. Again the chorua girls entered and dressed in old fash-/ Ion dresses delighted the crowd with an old time dance, the Minuet, which they dl<] very beautifully. Soon the comedians appeared to have more jokes: Linwood Murphy sang "Swanee River Blues" and the chorus girls danced, singing "Croonln* Neath the Cotton-Plckln' Moon" and afterward the finale. GOLD SAND NEWS * Editor In Chief * _ Lois Ma; * Assistant Editor In Chief * Llnwood Murphy *. . fiWter Editors ^ ?: * Gladys Bledsoe, Mary Loa Gapton * Sophomore Editors * Zenn Bledsoe, Cattle Bath Moore * Freshman Editors Fnller Parrlsh, See Fgerton Farmers Meeting On W edneaday evening at'7:30'the farmers of the Gold-Sand High School District held their regular weekly meeting in the Agriculture room of the high school building. The topic of feeding BjajNM was takoa up by Mr. Homer H. B. Mask, who is state manager of the Chilean Nitrate of Soda Educational Bureau. Mr. Mask explained the feeding hair its of plants in relation to the use of concerning the sources and duties of the plant food in fertilizers was en. gaged in, and a">ttto r uuderctnnfng of the requirements of crops was the result of the meeting. During the last two Saturdays we have gotten considerable work done on the school yard preparatory to the plaaUng- of shrubbery. We must get it planted ficxt Saturday. A lot more work remains to be done. If you' Can help do the work or furnish fertilizer for enriching the soil, please see Mr. .Wolfe and offer your services. * * * Jokes Miss Wells went to Mr. Parrish's store to get her a dress, she asked The Cream of the i Tobacco Crop T?**to"S/ William T. Tilden 2nd to protect his throat smokes Luckies J "During the course of some of my ptage appearances, I am called upon at intervals to^moke a cigarette and naturally I have to be careful about my choice, I smoke Lucky Strikes and have yet to feel the slightest effect upon rny "It's toasted" No Throat Irritation-No Coufth, ?1928. The American Tobacco Ofc, lac. fays With One Treatment RUBBED on k throat and cheat, Vicki does two things at once: (1) It is vaporized by the body heat end inhaled direct to the inflamed air passages, and (2) It stimulates the skin like an old-fashioned poultice and "draws out" the soreness. WICKS Ovat nttfujQNJtoKtoa) toucr him if It was all wool. He told her no tjiat the buttons were made ot bona. Miss Harper: Rachel spell bird cage. Rachel: Bird-cage.' Miss Harper: Correct but what la the hyphen used (or. -Rachel: Oh, thats (or the bird to afl on. ' ? IK L0VIX6 MEMORY OF MOTHER On January 9, 1928, Just at the dawn ot day, God saw fit to call our dear mother away. Sarah Louise Ham was born March 6. 1843. She was the wile of Jno. W. Ham. who preceded her to the grave in 1893. They were givfen ten chUdren tables? tb#r home. Mama was a faithful wife, and there never was a more loving and devoted mother.?Her first thought was always tor others. In sickness she wag a devoted friend to those who needed her help, never counting kei titne lost when spent in loving str ydce?foc-others.?it-was- often said ffiat she Bore everybody's trouble, and | that sympathetic cord bound her to the hearts of manv. She was known las the community mother and frisaC to all. She alw ays looked "ot). the [bright side of life, and was.-?ulm?is sive to the hand ot late. only her Children rise up to cajrher blessed, buy many feel that words cannot ex. press her real ti>?e Christian charac : a? long as.-health would permit her. I We feel that our dearest friend on earth has gone, and how-we miss her words of counsel, yet we want To say las did David of old, "The Lord giveth, the Lord taketh, blessed be the name I of the Lord." May each- of the seven children, sixty-one grandchildren, fifty-Seven I gjeat-grandchildren,, and one great. : great-granacmia wno survive, so nve [that- her sweet -Christian character | will be reflected through us. and that we may let our lives exemplify the life of Christ Jesus, whom she loved .and served. In. bo doing we will honor her and glorify our Lord. A precious, one from us has gone," A voice We loved is stilled, A place is vacant in our home. That never can be filled. WANTS lCc A Line For First Week 5e A Line For Each Week Alter First Insertion. CHRYSLER SEDAN FOR SALE TO the highest bidder. Run 7400 miles in good shape. Saturday, March 10th, 3 P. M. W> N. FULLER SINGLE COMB REDS?Female* fit males ?3.50-$4.00. Mrs. Troy Wilder, Castalia, N. C. 3-9-lt RESIDENCE LOT FOR SALE?One nice residence lot on Kenmore Ave. nue, adjoining H. C Taylor and Mrs. W. H. Pleasants, '60 foot front for sale. Apply at once to, Mrs. W. J. Shearln, 211 Spring Street, Louis burg, N. C. 3.9.3t LET ME CUSTOM HATCH YOUB eggs $5 per tray of 128 eggs. Set ev. ery Tuesday, hatch every Wednesday G. T. Robertson Poultr Farm, R 1, Henderson, N. C. Phone 2103. 2.3-tf HATCHING EGGS? Single Comb black Minocas, no better layers $1.60 per 16 prepaid. Mrs. J. H. Mul. len, R 2, Zebulon, N. C. 2-24-4t COWS FOR SALE?I have two fresh Jersey cows for sale, will give 3 to 4 gallons of milk each per day. Ap ply to Q. S. Leonard, Louisburg, N. C. 3-2-2t LOST?White BnU Dog, spot on right side, dark ears and right eye white. Finder will please return to C. G. Oakley, Louisburg, If. C. 3-2-2t APARTMENT FOR RENT?A nice ..apartment on Church Street, furn ished or unfurnished for rent. Ap ply to Mrs. W. L. Beasley, Louis burg, N. C. 3-2-2t "INSURE AND BE SURE" ? "BE SURE and with T. W. WATSON 2-24-tf INSURE" PUPS FOR SALE?(German Poll** pupa, females $16 each, male# $26 each. J. J. Wolfe, Route 4, Louie burg, N. C. \ t-?-tf * BAR! CHICKS OF QUALITY THAT are bred to lay, priced low quality considered, White Leghorns, R. L Rede, Barred Rocks, Q. T. Robert, son Poultry Farm, R 1, Henderson, N. 0. " HM Winner Theatre L0UI8BUBG, IT. C. Program lor Week Beginning FRIDAY, MARCH 9, 192* ?FRIDAY? "TWO FLAMING YOUTHS" ?With? Chester Conklln and Geo. CHESTER CONKblN and GEO. BANCROFT Two reel Pathe Comedy and Fables. ?SATURDAY? William Fox Presents BUCK JONES ?In? "GOOD AS GOLD" Extra: 'Comedy ?MONDAY? MARION DAVIES and CONRAD NAGLE ?In? ?QUALITY STREET" This is one of ber best picture. Don't fall to see Quality Street. Added: Two reel Metro Comedy ?TUESDAY? FLORENCE VI DOR ?In? "ONE WOMAN TO ANOTHER" A. Paramount Picture Also Two Reel Comedy -WEDNESDAY RICHARD DIX =15= ? "SHANGHI BOUND" Extra: Educational Comedy ?THURSDAY? CDOJEEN MOORE "HER WILD OATS" _ "Hir best and latest picture Also Good Comedy COMING ATTRACTIONS .M.r.'t'i i;nn. Constance Talmac: in ' ilieaKlan' ;.t Sunrise,' mati nee Tuesday at 3:3u p. p., lu icrm-itu cents:?Tuesday.?Mareh 2utli: the Oxford-Qiphanage will will be charged. Come early and get a good seat. The entire re. phanage. Coming soon: "London after Midnight,"-'Last Command "Iron Sides." NOTICE: Show now opens promptly at 7:30 P. M. Two shows nightly. 7:30 P. M.. 9:15 to 11 P. M., Winner Theatre R. R. KIv?ell, Manager I.OITSBUKG, N. C. ! God in His wisdom has recalled Our Mother He had given, And though her body slumbers herK Her soul is safe in Heaven. ?Her Loving Children. The silent customer mustibe han tle(l very tactfully: Just give her ler own time, but be ready when she haws out. Politeness, pleasantness ind attentiveness will win. Never be iver-insistent. Tom Tarheel says the $200 that he tot the other day when the county igent shipped a car of poultry comes n right haniy at this time. Farmers of Ashe county have ship ted their first car of seed Irish po. atoes to growers of the early crop n eastern Carolina. Just Tottering, So Weak 1 was in a bad state of health and was going through a critical time of my life," says Mrs. Ella Scarborough, R. F. D. 6, Dothan, Ala. "Several dif ferent things were recommend ed to mat but I did not get any real relief until I began to take Oardui. "I was just as weak as oould be. My legs were shaky, and often I would just totter around the house. I Anally got so bad that I was in bed sever al weeks. "It was then that I began to take Cardui I kept it up for quite a while, and at last I re gained my health. Cardui was certainly a Mend to me in time of need. "Mr health is splendid now, and I seldom have to use medicine, but I gladly say a word about Cardui whenever I And a Mend going through the same suffering which I sn I*w sale by all dmgglata. David Harris New Spring Hats Just Arrived Beautiful Straws, Grosgrain and Silk. Large Headsizes Our Specialty Price 98c to $4.95 I just bought a stock of 500 prs. Shoes to Sell ChAp. of the Whole Year I FURNITURE SAVINGS WITHIN YOUR GRASP | We are offering remarkable values in dining room suites. They | are in the popular finishes and the new designs. These prices | mean something, but they mean more otter you see the suites. LOVELY BEDROOM SUITES ! The coziest bedroom furniture at most modest prices. The auites vary in size and number of pieces and the price range is wide, enough to meet the requirements of every family. ' FOR THE LIVING ROOM There are many upholstered suites that will lend beauty and | charm to your living room. Also odd chairs and tables that you | will want to possess as soon as you see them. But best of all are j the bargains they represent. We invite your early inspection. W. E. White Furniture Co. Louisburg, \: N. Carolina Onion Sets ^ ^MT ? English Peas Irish Potatoes OTHER SEEDS Begin early if you want to do a full years gardening. Boddie Drug Co., Inc. TOUR DRUGGISTS Louiabnrg, N. 0.

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