ou smoke for pleasure ?you're out of the er class. Camels are made for smokers who know their cigarettes "I'd walk a mile for a Camel* 11MB MUNI TO L0U18BUBG Ob tile third Sunday in tUi month. Dr. John H. Moor*, of Durham, will basin a series of revival meetings at South Main Street Baptist Church, colored. Dr. Moore u the Rellsione ICdysMpnal Secretary and one of the beet pulpiteer* In the race. Each af ternoon will be siren to Biblical ex position and evening to evangelistic appeals. Every one is invited to at tend these services. A bank at Salisbury in Rowan coun. ty is Ananclng the purchase ot con siderable sweet clover seed this spring in an effort to help county agent W. G. Yeager promote the growth ot this valuable legume. Bees have wintered well in North Carolina and the outlook tor a good honey crop this season is very good Demonstrations conducted with dol. omitic limestone in Suitj county Inst year indicate that this material is ?aluable under both tobacco and clo. ?sr. The farmer who increases his acre age to cotton and tobacco and doss not-nroride some food farMe s??.nT and some feed for his livestock wlH be out of luck this fall, says Tom Tar. heel. ? M* i h?? ? KOI i I AWHbMhv Overwhelm ing Endorsement - SL l^ew Chevrolets on the zr Road since Jan.19 Nine million people hw * able?and lower in price! twcoach the Bigger and Better JLNever in history has any 4 JVT- Chevrolet the first three! newChevrolet model bean ? '585 days following its public f so enthusiastically re- . n.T?Wiiu presentation! Thousands * ceived?because no new( SVl ' '??1 nave been delivered to . model has ever represent buyers every day since! f ed a more amazing revela There are a quarter million T- tion in beauty# perform* c i bin U.665 now on die road! And its ance and quality! Come tuim?popularity is in?drive this sensation* every day because it is t al new car* Learn why it u#?iMH?rr*375 smoother, more powerful is everywhere hailed as and more beautiful-easier die world's most luxurious to drive and more comfort* loss-priced automobiLe. _ . LOUISBURG MOTOR CO. West Nash Street Louisbtirg, N. C. MAIN STRUT MOTOR COMPANY, Pranklinton, North Carolina Q?U A L I T Y A*T LOW COS'T STATEMENT Citizens Bank & Trust Company HENDERSON, N. C. FEBRUARY 28, 1928 _ Made at the Call of the State Banking Department RESOURCES ~~ Loans and Discounts $1,855,411.03 N. C. State BondB 101,000.00 U. S. Bonds and Certificates 155,260.21 Other Stocks and Bonds 50,685.67 Heal Estate Owned 16,193.32 Banking House and Fixtures n............ 66,000.00 Carolina Bank Building v . .. 51,019.27 Cash on Hand and in Banks *... 1,05^, ? .. >? TOTAL -J,o51,761.94 , * " ? - LIABILITIES Capital Stock Paid In $ 500,000.00 Surplus Fund 100,000.00 Undivided Profits 38,834.65 Interest and Reserve 2,500.00 Insurance Department 4,551.33 Dividends Unpaid 267.75 Deposits 2,705,608.21 1 * 1 '; TOTAL $3,351,761.94 Deposits?February 28, 1927 $2,334,774.84 Deposits?February 28, 1928 $ 2,705,608.21 INCREASE $ 370,823.37 'THE LEADING BANK IN THIS SECTION" V- OFFICERS J. B. Owen, Chairman of the Board William A. Hunt, President J. P. Zollicoffer, Vice-President S. P. Cooper, Vice-President Thos. G. Horner, Vice-President Boy 0. Rodwell, Cashier A. H. Cheek, Asst. Cashier and Secretary ' Jno. L. Wester, Asst. Cashier _ ^ / W. H. Fleming, Trust Officer - J. P. and J. H. Zollicoffer, General Counsel BOARD OP DIRECTORS J. H. Owen, Chairman " M. Y/Cooper - * Thos. G. Horner J. C. Cooper C. A. Lewis 8. P. Cooper S. S. Parham Melville Dorsey W. S. Parker F. R. Harris - - B. H. Perry Geo. B. Harris Saml. M. Watkina W. C. Hight * A. A. Zollicoffer W. A. Hunt J. P. Zollicoffer TRUST COMMITTEE J. B. Owen, Chairman B. H. Perry Thos. G. Horner S. P. Cooper J. P. Zollicoffer dividends paid since organization, January 28,1889 - $609,000.00