Wear ft Poppy In Ecmembniice .Wear ? peppy in remembrance Of tie heroes who lost their lives, And especially those of oar Own Poet. Jsxnbes 106. Tls little enough to ask, When we think a boat the pest. Of those thousands who were gassed And the misery they endured-*" That this land we proudly claim By no tyrants hand be defamed. And It would certainly be a sh. - If we forget to prove our faith. ?FRANCES TO.VKEE. Chicago had an automobile court as early as 1911 NOTICE \ Hiving qualified aa executor of the (Mtt of R. T. Clifton, deceased, late cf Franklin County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims .against the estate of said de ceased to present them to the under signed on. or before the 2Sth day ot May, 1*29, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please come forward and make immediate settlement Ti'.e May 24th, 1928. M. S. CLTFTON, . ? a H:r??utor. to THE FRANKLIN TIMES SLU Per Tear in Advance Man* Homes Saved Through Auxiliary Poppy Program , The disabled service men in tb? hospitals are paid l l-4c aach for tha poppies for the American >ulllUry' *nd tor many this ? the flrst money earned! alnce the TflL' .a ,e5Tlc* work accomplished (with the poppy profits can excel this! aerrice to the disabled which brinsa (to them the realization that they are ?*ain able to take their places among the wage.earning citizens. To many this money is a Uesainc ? 'arge. number of unco^ pensated men in the hospitals and the m?.Utr '* b^n* UMd t0 "UPPOrt families, to pay off mortgages, to pay taxes on homes and farms. One aerrice ?nan whom the Auxiliary helped to get on his feet by loaning him money ?o Pa* th, taxes and inters? oT?? mortgage on his home, had to leave his family and go to the hospital. His wife returned to her parents with the children while he w?.w1yand .rKt>e made P?PP'M in his * ?o pay off the mortgage, to save the home and to have a place ** little family jS?2?? when he returned. J' These are the men and women for *k?m tie poppy program was plan ned, and many are the minds made easier and the homes made happier ?Th?ief the AOxl!tary Program. Thu the little poppy plays an important P ft tie Legion and Auxiliary Re cr^ ^'r aDd ehild WaUar7pro gram before as well as after the mOe! Tha profits derived from the sale of P?Ppj" *"er* Pledged 100 par cent to service for those foj whom the waV s not yet over-It caW used oITv l?eBwortreh,b"1Utl-0n ?r Chl* w?'*. The poppy will mean more this year to those who selllt as well astotCe bJU "? The poppy Should never again be worn as an ordinary l ed tan but may all wh0 buy thTJ>ppy ^ its message and wear It In the Mbow lodge that someone for whom this w^s ^b.c.?100 Auiiliary P'og?? was a blessing made each flower Only when the public has the true c^Uadlng ?l this Iitt,e red flower can the poppy fulfill i,8 real mlsslon ts a Memorial,Emblem to be worn in tiihnte to all who dled, . hp1nP?hli? Wi" have an opportunity SL ? ? . *reat work of lis Ameri A^f .ueg and the American Legion Auxiliary and of paying a tribute to sll who died in service by buying a r?ppy uay. Satur k- a^gOf wearing this flower which reprelents the sacrifi "7". u "Presents the sacrifi. if1' 01 ^e men who fell in Flanders V*! ; It_|f a memorial to alj who Ce" In reTerence and un derstanding wear it never see a poppy red But minds me of our soldiers dead, Each waiting in his tent bf elav TTte dawn of resurrecting. ,}? While drowsily above hiX|d The 'sleep flower' hang* flb ,< RATI Kaa/1 e 'sleep flower' hangs A .crim son head? A thoae who wait and ween He giveth his beloved sleep." The Catawba County Fair will have a special show for Four-H Jersey Calf club members this fall with a ST!" <* ?? ? manh.er!,?L?Dk the modern wo man s styles have done for us. They bgve eliminated the danger of a ro? ernment by petticoats. - ' ? DONT ? FORGET ? TO SEXD ADVERTISING " COPY IN early Funeral of Mr. &. T. Clifton \ I Held Last Friday Afternoon The funeral services for Mr. E. T. "Clifton, who died at hta home about seven miles south of LotU^eUrg on Thursday morning of last weelk were held from the home at 4 olcldpk Fri day afternoon, conducted by Rev. E. C. Crawford, and the Interment was made at the family cemetery nearby. The pall bearers were M. 8. Clifton, J. E. Harris, T. C. Harris, O. C. Mitch iuer, E. J. Cheatham, J. D. Morris, J. T. Baker, J J. Young, L L. Joyner, 8. P. Boddie, B. B. Perry, J. P. Tim be risks. The floral tribute was especially large and pretty giving evidence of the esteem in which the deceased was' held by his many friends. Large1 crowds attended both services. Mr. Clifton was one of Franklin county's most popular citlsens, was a brother to the late Dr. J, B. Clif ton and Mr. John T. Clifton, a form er Register of Deeds. He was 70 years old and leaves one brother, Dr. W. R. Clifton, of Waco, Texas, and a large numher of relatives In Frank Iin county. He was intimately known throughout this section of North Care Una as "Babe" and wrote many arti cles from the Franklin Times over the signature of President of Punkln Cen ter, all of which were eagerly sought and greatly enjoyed. He was always jolly and full of wit which together with his high gentlemanly! bearing won friends for him ' in all walks of life. He was a man of high Ideals of citizenship and character .a true friend and a conservative and dependable ci tizen, whose council was often sought by his neighbors. In his going Franklin county loses one of its richesf characters, his community one of Its most valuable citizens, and bis r^ighbors a true and staunch friend. We Join his many friendl in ex. tending ti)e deepest sympathy to the bereaved relatives at his going. 1 [Beaufort county la leading the state in breeding. feeding and ship nine hogs to the eastern market*. [Over ??0.000 in cash has been receiv ed by farmers of thla 'county so. far this spring for their fat hays. ' '' fOR FIRST CLASS JOB PRiNTINO PHONE Na 281. L J M. Hustar of Foriytb coua te states that hi* n*w paatur* planted last spring cam* through the winter In axcsllant sbap* and la now turn lahlug gracing at tha rate of one cow par acre. TtLt rKANKUN TUfBfi 91.10 Par raar in AdTante Kill Germ Laden Flies I la daaotliqatdhtUaFlia^ Aata. Bcachaa. Poahiy Uoa.Moaqahoaa,Plaaa,BadBag*aadotharia aactaWoet (pot or staaa. U*a powdat on piaata aad pats. Writ m ft fl?? aaacd M daalat cant topp?y, wa arill ahip by parcal poat at BEE BRAND 10c m 2Sc 50c # 75c SOc 6T 51.0O 5125 30c C3?r*c?) 35c Bee Brand INSECT POWDER , ORlIQUW f NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY A CREAM SEPARA TOR AND GET IN LINE FOR THE CREAMERY. Beady to take your order for New 4 riding cultivator. A complete stock of plows and castings. Edison Mazda electric bulbs both 110 and 32 volts buy a box. Come to see me when in need of hardware. W. G. Tharrington Phone 234 Lonisbnrg, N. C. 1! jOutseHing All 'Sixes' world's greatest value kif the venf/ct of the world ? - . . The moat important thing ever said of Essex is mid by buyers in the largest " "">der i>? U " this-vry 6-cytnder i'es, and the roost overwhelming competitive preference of auto rnobilelUk In many territories Essex sales exceea tnose of any other Six" by more than 2 to 1. And, with slight variations, this preference is the nation's and the world's. Coach - $735 ? Sedan (+?*>??) . $795 ? Coupe - $745 (*?????? j?>w?i AM prlcmr Bn it. war mmcim to ? ? pay for cart oat af tncomt at 'west ntinflnWs for bwcrtitt, hmmdHng and 'irnroacm ? ? STREET1IMOTOR CO. - LOUBSBUM, _*i-' * "OSl S. P. BODDIE Druggist and Pharmacist Doing Business in Place Formerly Occupied ? by ? Scoggin Drug Store . \ Our Intention is to Give PROMPT The Most ACCURATE Service EFFICIENT -4 ' Day _ or Night S. P. BODDIE, Dru^ist (Successor to Scoggin Drug Co.) MAIN STREET LOUISBURG, N. C. S>*?iwt A BOllAB Pots IT5 OOTT YOUR CHILD Will be given the same care ful attention that yon would receive when shopping at Our Store. FANCY BLUE ROSE RICE, 3 lbs ...: 20c PEACHES, No. 3 Can, Large Halves, Can 20c P. & G. SOAP, 4 cakes 15c" NEW CROP IRISH POTATOES, lb %c FANCY SUGAR CORN, No. 2 Can ... 11c POST TOASTIES, 2 pkgs 15c WE ESPECIALLY INVITE Ton to visit our store and inspect oar market, we haye tried to make it just as sanitary as is possi ble to make it. We buy the best grades of Meats, for we believe the best is cheapest. Let us solve your Eating Problems. G- W. MURPHY & SON, "W* UPTON'S Yellow Label Coffee AND UPTON'S TEA Grown, Roasted and Packed by SIR THOMAS LIPTON ftranrt rS5?SP!J And sold throughout the world. Awarded highest honors at the following Expositions: Paris 1900 St. Louis 1904, San Diego 1916, San Francisco 1915. Lipton's Pure Rio, ground and whole grain wonderfully good value for the price. We carry it in all grades at all thnes. Ask your Merchant for it. LOUISBURG GROCERY CO W'WbntOB to MtooluaU for Vnnvit. . ? Vwt tot Franklin and Adjoining County