frVRBTBODX BOOST LOCISBUBG The Franklin Times AS IDVCB1 ISlNti MEDIUM THAT BRIX,3 RESULTS A. F. JOHNSON, Editor and Manager THE COUNTY, THE STATE, THE UNION 1 SUBSCRIPTION $1.50 Per Year VOLUMN LIX. LOUISBURO, N. 0., FRIDAY, JULY 20th, 1928 (10 Pages) 1 ? w NUMBER 22 Dr. Davidson Speaks To Kiwanians The Loulsburg KJwanls Club met lu regular meeting at seven o'clock Friday evening, with Major Sam P. Buddie, president, prealdlng. The mln. utes were read and approved. The program was turned over to Ferry Burt who Introduced Dr. David son. Dean of the Medical Department of Duke University. In hla talk. Dr. Davidson told of a new organisation which la to be formed. This is a medical school and hospital upon which millions of dollars will be spent.The building will cover some, where' around twenty acres of land. They will be prepared to receive stu dents in 1930, he said. His idea Is to muke it three terms in a year instead 01 two, thus enabling the young tnen to complete a medical course in three yearg instead or four, allowing him to piactice medicine at the age of 13 instead of 28. Arthur Fleming, Jr., rendered de lightfully two aolos. The meeting proved to be Interest, lug and instructive to all. Family Reunion The children and grandchildren of Mr. Wyatt West had a family reunion nt the home of his daughters, Mrs. W. H. Holmes on Sunday. July 18. The larre shady grove was an ideal place for the meeting and tor the de licious picnic dinner. The table was spread under two large oaks and the dinner was so plentiful that It would ' r,ve served a crowd twice as large. Mr. West received many presents, 1 ' eing bis 73rd birthday. large number of friends of the f.:i ' enjoyed the day with them mak I: c . rrowd number about one hun. Crci Ev. c'ldy enjoyed the day and ell tic;. .I'd they wished Mr. West as many rr.are birthdays and reunions. FAP.M AND HOME WEEK PROGRAM The' following Is the program tor the Farm and Home Week to be held at State College, Raleigh, July 24th to 27th, 1928: 8:00-8:45. Legumes and their place on the dairy farm. Discussed by coun. tv agents W. G. Yeager and A. R. Morrow. 8:45-9:15. Raising dairy claves. A. C. Klmrey, Dairy Specialist at State College. 9:15.10:00. Feeding, dairy cows for profit. JI. A. Patten, dairy farm er, New Bern. 10:00.11:00. Crop farming vs Live stock and dairy farming. Dr. Clarence Poe. Progressive Farmer, Raleigh. 11:00-1:00. Joint meeting. Pullet: HcU. 1:00.2:00. Lunch. 2:00-2:30. Farm milk problems. W L. Clevepger, creamery manutactur. ing specialist. State College. 2:30-3:00. Developing a high pro. ducing herd. R. L. Shutord, Daln Farmer, Newton, N. C. 3:00.3:30. .Contagious abortior and its control! Discussed by Dr. C D. Grinnells, dairy experimentalist ol State College, and Dr. Wm. Moore Department of Agriculture. 3:30-4:00. Judgtng demonstration. F. M. Hatg, assistant professor ol animal husbandry and dairying. Stat< College. Intermediate B. T. P. 17. At the business meeting ot the In. termedlate B. Y. P. U. the two groupi chose the names ot True Blue and ' ore Geld. Tnou as a friendly rivalry contest It was decided thi*. the groups making the most talks without uuar teriics for six weeks and having the most members reading daily Blbe Readings were to be entertained by the other group. The following ta the program tor Sunday, July 22: Topic, The Best Cltlsen. In traduction, * Lillian Allen. What Is a Christian? Leulae Wil. llama. Interest In the welfare ot others, Davis Perry. Clean Personal, Lula Mae Timber lake Lover ot Right, Neal Allen. 4 Willingness to Sacrifice, Billie Phil, lips. America's Great Need. Newell At. len. Program tor Sunday, July tt: Topic: The Young Christian and His Church. ' Introduction, W. L. House. What Is a Church? Ernest Weaver. Who ought to Jofh a church, Anna Gray Watson. How may I prove my loyalty to my church. Group of Members. ?t the Baptist Church There will be services at the Bap. tist church next Sunder morning ac cording to announcement by Rev. J. A Jfclver. pastor. The pastor will preach at the usual hour. Sunday schools moots at 1:15 a. m. B. Y. P. V. meets at T o'clock la the evening. The evening service will Ms held In connection with the other churches at the Methodist church. Tom: Gladys, on what grounds does your father objelt to me? Gladys: On any ground within a . mils of the. house.?Anhwers 4 \ V Where Robinson Hung Out Shingle In tnis one-story frame building in Lonoke. Ark., Senator Joseph T. Robinson, Democratic candidate for vice-president (inset), received hU early training as an attorney. Little Rock is now* the candidate's home, but Lonoke stljl claims him as her most prominent sen. Delightful Barbecue Supper I Thursday evening at s^/en o'clock tne employees of the town of Louis burg gave a delightful barbecue sup. per to laeny clttiens of the town at the power plant. I Mr. E. L. Best, acting as presiding officer for the'occasion, extended a hearty welcome to those present. The object and motive of this get-together supper, he explained, was to bring about u more sympathetic understand ?ng between the employees and the citiieiio of Louisburg. , Mayor B N Williamson, who was introduced as the Mussolini of Louis, hurg. responded to the greetings of Mr Best | J. A. Hodges, auditor, very highly complimented the plant and explained that It Is bringing in pro&table re 11 ?9v ,Mr8' Ben T- Holden, speaking In behalf of the women of Louisburg. told what the women could do. She | termed their support as loyalty which ' they could express by beautifying the . grounds and boosting the town in. I stead of criticising It Mrs. A. W. ? Person also complimented the town on Its One plant, the wonderful de. I velopment of which has placed Lou tsburg In the rank With larger cities. Among the other speakers of the I evening were R. E. Ward of Oxford, electrical engineer at the Oxford Or. Phanage, A. F. Johnson, Col. C. L. McGhee of Franklinton. J. O. Pernell Mayor of Franklinton, Malcolm Mc. Kinne and Mr. Ben T. Holden who complimented the employees of the town for the splendid service and sug .gested that they were in great need I ot a voltage regulator which he was sure they would sooa lusts 11. Mr. E. L. Best then thanked the em. p.oyees for the wonderful supper and expressed in behalf of the citizens their delight at being present at such a gathering. ? [ The supper was HnS Barbecue, brunswlck stew, cold slaw and bread, all of which were well prepared and well served. ? Recorders Court Only a small docket was before Judge Perry in Franklin Recorders Court Monday. Two cases were tried I ">ree continued. One of the two tried appealed. The docket was as follows: State vs Ernest Macon, unlawful possession of whiskey, continued State vs Major Williams, nuisance, continued. State vs George "Hartsfleld, distill ing. continued. I State vs J. B. or Buford Bryan, cruelty to animals, guilty, 60 days in Jail to be paroled at end of SO days upon payment of costs and jail fees. I Appeal. | State vs Eugene Colbert, unlawful possession of whiskey, guilty, p>ayer I ror judgment continued for four weeks | upon payment of costs. j Dreamery News ! | Farmers Creamery, Inc., wants the ^ t0 know that u 1" Paying 4S! cents per pound for butterfat and that itri!8 !LB!W'k*tJfor the butter that I ?** ,.m*ke ^ fannot flu all orders cream J II wanl" r?ur M ?-?aa use several thousand gallons each day and hae a market ? " can make. a. will bTYin o7butUrr#" th8re ?? ? abortage Butter production in the United ^11 19,7 w" M.M0.0O# production In the Unlt. Si?*** to Jn,r 1- MX. was ??, shOTt^ pound,? ?^tJ0 million pounds The creamery wants your cream, no matter how large or small amount' h,Tm- TO* creamery oan 1 handle itas It is in constant touch' n'th the northern marksts Snd thi1 local trade and Its brand is Increas lag very fast It also wants to Invite everybody to come la and look the creamery over, you will be welcome at any time you coma T?e Romans ate live tapes 1 Farmers Tour Quite a number of farmers ot I ranklln county are arranging to go on a farmers tour through the Valley ol Virginia the week of July 30th to August 4th. The itinerary includes besiles a trip up the valley. a lr Washington City and return by Nor folk coming home through eastern North Carolina. This trip is eatlmA ed to cost about 25 and only a limited number is being provided for. If ym are interested see Prof. W. E. Howarc by Saturday. July 21st and leave you; check for *15 or leave It with A. r Johnson at the Franklin Times Thli will be a wonderful trip and all wh< can should go. Wood News The friends of Master Joe Oallowa are very sorry to hear of him beini in the hospital. We all hope for hit t. speedy recovery. ? . . . Mrs. Paul Galloway, of Ra'e'f* spent the past week ?nd,wltJj,h"P ents. Mr. and Mrs. Early Denton^ Misses Lucy Bell Denton and ^'' mer Gupton and Mr. Ernest Thomp son spent a few days last week 1 eMrsSbNr8C. G*upton visited her daug ter, Mrs. Edgar Harris, at Pierces lai W^dUs_ Pearle Gupton am) Messri Austin Fuller. Raymond Sturgps an Thurman Gupton visited Pierces Sut dJMiss Irene Gupton visited friend in Rocky Mount and Goldsboro las W<Mr! and Mrs. E. C. Spivey and daug ter Rachel, of Marion, S. C., are vu King Mrs. L. H. Shearin this week. Dr. Arch H. Perry spent a few day 1: western North Carolina this wee Mr. and Mrs. Claiborne Griffin. < Rocky Mount, visited qr. and Mr Perry Sunday. , M. Mr and Mrs. Nick Shearin and Mia Neva Harper, of Rocky Mount, spet Sunday at Mrs. Nancy Gupton s. Mr. J. Raymond Shearin spent Tue day night of lasLweek in Jackson. Miss Frances Griffin, of Lou sbun Is spending this week with her grand mother, Mrs. L. H. Shearin. ' Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank Raynor an family, of Rocky Mount, visited rela 'tives here last Sunday. I Master Russell Raynor visited re latives in Rocky Mount last week. I Messl-s. Ezra Gupton, Ollle Guptor Colie Thompson, Clolce Burnette an | Eugene Denton motored to Norfoi 'Sunday and returned Monday. I Mr. and Mrs. Claude Bryant, c ' Rocky Mount visited relatives her Miss Mary Galloway, of Hamle was at home near here last week oi account of her brother Joe being sicl The G. A's. are planning to sel cream Saturday afternoon. Everybod buy some from tlfem anl help them i little. J j c. Revival Services The revival will Begin at Shilol Methodist church Sunday, July 25 with one service at Servicw every evening through tbe week a 8 p. m. Afternoon services at 3.30 P m. beginning Wednesday. The revival at Plney Grove will bi brought to a close with two Sunday, 3:30 and 8:00 p. m. No serv ices Saturday. ' Jr. Order District Meeting A district meeting of the of the Junior Order for the 20th Dis trict will be held with I^ulsburi Counsel on next Monday night, JuW 23rd, 1928, at 8 o'clock. All counclli are expected to send delegates. Ser. eral speakers hare been pecured ant n most interesting and enjoyable meet tng will be held. All Juniors are in vited to attend. Farmers of Beaufort county haw ?hipped 73, cars of hoga this year ant most of them brought top prices or (he eastern market#- because of th? feeding "methods followed. f SIGNS OF FRIENDSHIP * .* Lnuiibur* wants nt Finn. er\ business, and we are ask. ? inir (or It hi u friendly manner. * Through tlie eforte of the * LouNhurg Cham her of Com. ? inerre we are laying down a aet * work o( sigan of Friendship * throughout Franklin rountj. * 'Soon we will place arrow sign* * on nil the principal roads that * lead to Lenlsbwrg, and wo will * not h?ve time to seek each pro. * pert; owner and ask permission * to place an arrow sign on kls * land. We are asking anj and every farmer who objects to a sign being placed on his land, to re port his objections to the Frank. Un Times office, and we will gladl) remove the sign. We thank our friends for their co. operation in this matter The Loulsburg Chamber of ' Coi Farm Women On Tour The regular annual tour for farm women is iii progress this week. The big orange colored bus arrived In Loulaburg early Monday morning where ten Franklin county women bearded. At Henderson others joined the party filling the bus and proceed, ed on the way to Lexington. Those on the trip were as follows: Frank lin?Pattie Beasley. Elizabeth John, son. Beulah Lancaster, Virgie Duke Adelaide Johnson, Ruth Parrlsh. Hel en Alston. Eva Cooke.-Mlnnte Cot^ke i PBttie Lamm. Vance?Jdrs. Emm: , I Fleming, Mrs. Harry Wright, Mrs. E P. Holloway, Mrs. S. F CoghlU, Mrs [ i Geo. W Collins, Mrs. Annie Duke, Mrs . | L. V Reavis, Mrs. Bennette HuuL_Mrs [ Plummer, Viola Hester, Margie Stew ,' art, Jean Stewart, Edith Collins, Myr I tie Alston. To World War Veterans An' act of Congress on May 29th 1928. extended the time for Hie Worli War vote-ra id to file applications fo adjusted compensation to January i _ 1930. Any World War veteran wh ? fa ed te file application for these be , r.efits can do so now. They are invit B cd to call on Maj. S. P. Boddie, c I Louisburg, or an/ member of tb , [American Legion who will be gla j to render any assistance they ca towards securing these benefits. _ ; " j Her Meat Story Best . Miss Frances Aycock, Fremont, I N. C., high school girl who6? essay on meat entered in the Fifth Na tional Meat Story Contest, won highest honors in the state of North Carolina. The contest is conducted ar.r ua!!y by the National Live Stock and !*eat Beard. More than 16,000 , girls competed this year, d The Joderah W. M. S. >t The Joderah Missionary Society o Centerville Baptist- church held it , regular meeting and social hour Sat '? urday afternoon, July 7 in the hom " ot Mrs. N. H. Griffin Circle No. 1 en : tertained Circle No. B. A program had been arranged con y sisting of mission hymns, BiWe read ings. prayer and lesson talk The sec .retary called the roll and read th minutes of each circle. We are glad that the work of mis sions is finding its place in the heart ot the pqople* Our roll shows a larg cr membership than we have hai 1. before and oar bank book also show that our members have been at worl raising money for different object! We are sore that every member feel; a pride in the work that they an ? doing for the masters cause. ? After the program and busines: 'period the social features began, con sisting of a BlWle contest, a muslca contest and a list of memory work All of this was very entertaining. Tb< hostess then served delicious sand wlches, tc?d tea and cakes. The guests departed expresslm > themselves as having thoroughly en ' joyed the evening. Farm Womn's Tour '? Monday, July lfi, a bus of farm wo men from Vance and Franklin coun. ties left for a trip through the Shen. audoah Valley to Washington, D. C. returning by the way of Richmond I and Curies Neck Farm. A tax haa been pot on- balconies to Paris. : .?i. MR. JOEL Z. TERRELL Nominated in the recent Democrat ic primary for County Commissioner from District No. 3, composed of Hayesvllle and Sandy Creek town ships. He will succeed Mr. H. P. Speed, the present Commissioner from this District. Mr. Terrell is a young man of marked ability and who, through good judgment and conser vative business methods has become one of Franklin County's most sub stantial citizens. He is progressive and broad in his views and will no doubt make a splendid Commission er. AMONG THE VISITORS SOU IOC KNOW AMI SOU IOr DO NOT KNOW. Personal Items a beat Folks kmi Their Friends Who Travel Hon And There. t j Mr. H. C. Taylor visited High Point j > .this week. ? ? ? | Mr. W. G. Tharrington visited Ral >1 eigh Tuesday. it I * * * ' Miss Dorothy Roth is visiting friends at Roanoke. Va. ? ? ? Mr E. F. Griffin was a visitor td" Raleigh Tuesday. J ? ? ? Mr .and Mrs. W. E. White went to High Point Tuesday. ? ? ? Mr. D. E. Cone visited Raleigh and Farmville Tuesday. ? ? - Mr. A. S. Wiggs returned Monday from ar visit to Goldsboro. _ ? ? ? } Mr. C. C. Hudson paid Warrcnton a business visit Wednesday. Messrs. Paul Beasley and J. E. Thomas visited Raleigh Friday. Mayor B. N. Williamson and Mr. W. H. Allen visited Raleigh Friday. Mr. T. K. Stockard returned the past week from a vlsltlo Greensboro. * * ? Mr. and Mrs. W. E. White, Jr.. are vacationing at Wrightsvilie Beach. ? ? ? Dr. T. O. Coppedge. of Nashville, was a visitor to Louisburg Monday. Messrs. W. F. Beasley and Sidney Edens visited Bayview the past week, end. ., ? ? ? Mr. T. B. Wheeler, of Scotland Neck spent Sunday with Sheri? F. W. Jus tice. ? ? ? Mr. A. J. Jarman left Sunday for Norfolk to enter a hospital for treat ment. * * * Lieut. W. W. Boddie, of Kingstree, j S. C., was a visitor to Louisburg Wdd e neaday. , ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Thomas, of Ocala, Fia.. are visiting Supt. and Mrs. O. C Hill. i ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Simpson, of Mt. Airy, were visitors to Louisburg Sat urday. * ? * Mr. and Mrs. C. B Pearce, of Ral eigh. were visitors to Louisburg Wed nesday. ? ? ? Mr.> J. S. Lancaster and Mr. ?. ? Morris were visitors to Louisburg ?! Tuesday. ? ? ? ?' M-. H. C. Williams returned this - week from & trip to Western North I. Carolina. ess Miss Neta Mae Strand, of Kinston, will be the guest of Mrs. R. H. Hunt this week. ? * ? < Miss Mary Helen Wheeler, of Scot land Neck, visited Miss Lucy Timber, like Sunday. ?I ... j Miss Dorothy George, of Washing-, ton City, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. E. T Scboonover. ... ? I Mr. J. W. Perry and son, Dr. A. H.| Perry, left Sunday by motor (Or a trip to Ashevllle. v f } . , I see Elsie WboMrtdge returned this week from a trip to Richmond JNION SERVICES AT METHODIST CHURCH Rev Daniel Lane, pastor of th* .oulsburg Methodist church annouli es that the Union Services vtU be eld at the Methodist church Sunday ight at 8 p. m. and that he will preach rem the subject "God Real and Really Cnown." Services will be held at 11 a. m. at. bis church and pastor Lane will neach from the subject "Be Sura four Sins Will Find You Out." All are Invited to attend these serv ces. Sailors Wives Sailors Wives, a most interesting licture, featuring Lloyd Hughes and llary Astor, with two reels of com ply will be presented at the Winner rheatre on Wednesday nlghit, July !5th for the benefit of the Louisburg Fire Department. The admission will je 25 cents and th e entire receipts will be given the flremen by Manager Kissell. All are invited to go out and assist the boys. Sunday School Picnic The Methodists, Baptists and Epis copalians of Louisburg all joined in. a Union Sunday school picnic at the Washout near Epsom, yesterday af ternoon. Large crowds attended and a Wj supper was greatly enjoyed as well as the many games indulged in before the repast. Cooking lessons are given daily from many radio stations, but so far none of them have come up to the way that mother used to cook. and Virginia Beach. ? ? ? < Dr. Elbtert Caldwell, of Baltimore, visited his sister, Miss Daisy Cald well the past week. ... Mrs. A. F. Johnson and little son, A. F. Jr., left Friday for a visit to her - people at Greensboro. ? ? ? Mrs. J. R. Johnson, of Roberson iville, visited her daughter, Mrs. R. W. Sn?lthwick, the past week. . . ? | Mr. Jlmmle Ray Johnson, of Wil mington. was. a visitor to his sister, I Mrs. R. W. Smithwick this week. ... I Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Barnes, of Nor | folk, spent the past week-end with, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Perry. ? ? ? | Mr. A. F.Johnson, Misses Adelaide, : Elizabeth and Sadie Johnson ahd James, Johnson visited Raleigh Fri iday. , ter. Myrtle, of Scotland Neck, Is vis ' iting Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Justice of Mrs. T. B. Wheeler and little daugh r, Myrtle, ng Mr. a near town. * ? ? j" President A. W. Mohn visited Dur ham Tuesday in the Interest of the I proposed Fine Arts building for Lou isburg College. I Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Carlyle, of Sa j vannah, Ga.. were visitors to Louis burg Saturday, guests of Mr. and Mrs. ! S. S. Meadows. I ? * * * Miss Edna Earle Perry returned | Friday from Rocky Mount where she has been visiting her sister, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Griffin. | ... j Mr. C. P. Harris, Jr.. who has been visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Harris near town, has returned to j his home at Wilson. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Goddin and , Mr. Frank W. Brown, Jr., of Rich mond, Va? were guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Thomas the past week-end. ... Mr. and Mrs. Ruskin H. Hunt mo tored to Kinston Saturday. There they joined a party and went to More head hnd Atlantic Beach for the week end. ... Miss Fannie Rowe Brown, of Rich mond, and Miss Elizabeth Young, of Roanoke, who have been the guest of Mrs. E. F. Thomas, returned to their hemes Sunday. ... Sheriff F. W. Justice and Chief ot Police B. H. Meadows went to Roa noke Rapids Tuesday to bring Robert Holmes back to Franklin county to answer to a charge of forgery. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Thomas and their guest Miss Fannie Rowe Bream of Richmond, and Miss Elizabeth Young, of Roanoke, and Miss Elisa beth Webb visited Raleigh Friday. ... Mrs. W. M. Freeman, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. H. B. Burlepf son. in Grace hospital. Banner SIM has returned home. Friends will be glad to know Mrs. Burleson is slowly Improving. ? . . Dr. D. T. Smithwick attended the burial of "Mis brother J. W. Smithwick at Browns church In Warren county yesterday. Mr. Smithwick was 7\ years old and died in a Richmond hospital on July 18. ... - Miss Anna Wheless has returned to her horn* after spending some time with relatives In Richmond, Va. and Washington, D. C. She was accom panied nome by Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Savts and children, and Mr. R. C. Wray, of Richmond, Va. _ J

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