THE FRANKLIN TIMES, A. F. Johnson, Editor 6 Mgr. One Tear $1.50. Eight Months 1.00 Six Months 75 Four Months 50 Foreign Advertising Repressntative THE AMERICAN PR^SS ? ??< snCIATION J Entered at the Po*t Office at Lonla Smrff, N. C? aa second class Matter. McXinch's speeches will uo doubi help the Democratic cause In North Carolina. Our voters are not so easil >' tooled. . Hop. J. \V. Bailey will speak at Loulsburg Friday, October 5th, 1928 at 8 o'clock In the court house. You are invited to come. -- The registration books (or the No. vember election will be opened Sat. urday morning, October 6th. All who are entitled to register and have not acne so should register at once. Reports ot two different instances in Franklin county where preachers have received campaign funds to be used in influencing voters, has cotne to the TIMES within the last week. If these reports are true it loks to us that it is time tor a housecleaning in the ministry as well as in politics. The Federal Trade Commission in. vestigation of the big po?vr monopoly is disclosing many big salaries and Ites paid for propaganda to be scat, tered broadcast to fool the people into disposing of their private property and giving control to the big power bear. Big power companies are a great help to the country, hut thes> methods make them very untrust worthy. If they can't get control on their merits, then let them stand olf It is very generous in Hon. Thomas D. Warren, ex-chairman of the State Democratic Executive Committee to defend Senator Simmons against the attacks of Hon. Hallett S. Ward, and others. But the fact that he is en dorsing McXinch and others 1 bo are (reaching Republican doctrine under the self-assumed denomination of De mocrat, is enough to cause all the political power he ever had to leave him. And nothing Mr. Warren can say or do will change the result.. Respect To Tne flag (By Alvin M. Owsley, Past National Commander. Used in the Flag ode as adopted Jnne 14th. 1923, at the Flag Conference in Washington, D. C.) When you see the Stars and Stripes display<\). son, s l' foieign decorations?from Czechoslovakia. Poland, Pert am! Venezuela?v.-huh were held two to three year? in State De rttrtnent vaults at Washington were presented to General 'John J. rar: hi..a cn hi3 recent 68th birthday bv Secretary of V.'ar Dwig'nt F. Davis tlalt). A recent act of Congress permits,Jor the first time, fciaif officers to accept foreign decorations. Flyer" Lands Blazing Pl?ne Tb!s ? h r. rred shell of a U. S. nary piano was brought to a rate l.nsJl'-K at San Diego, Calif., by Lient. A. P. Sierra (Inset) after a thrilling aerial race with Are. The plane-burnt into fiames at an al titude of 12,060 feet. Unshaken by his experience, Storts helped extinguish the flames after bringing the plane to earth. j Twenty-four well fattened pica net. ' ted one Davidson county farmer a ' clear profit ojf $(29.10 at the first sales made in September. Subecrfoe to The rraahtta $1.89 Per Tev tn AdWfap^ ? The combination of barley an hairy vetch Is growing In popularlt in Caldwell county and new farm era are planting this mixture this fal FOR FIRST CLASS JOB PftOfTlWl praam THE lDLITH'AL FOOTBALL MEAN ON OPENS THE CftiEAT AMERICAN HOME I D0NV9EE wptf Vouc. FATHER 0OOQHT VOO TMAT FOOT GAUL <3UiT - Voo'LL PUAV WITH THAT COOQH COCNEtt OANq- A NO QET HoR-T \ t?ON ALONQ-AJouE Got GE CAKetol l? timmv / y//. /AWRlQ^rn^hAY- \ NOW ~fc$X roQQ&r j WHAT S'ooR ANOTHER \ TOt-P You AN O GET ' OVER. THERE AND PlAY TrOOT&A L\r AMD A DOH-AP TOfcEVEPy/ ^Gl ACiC TiyTi VC'v/ Early Thursday morning of August 30, 1928, God saw fit to call home our j beloved wife and mother, Martha Elizabeth Hayes, of Epsom, who died , suddenly at her home about 10 o'clock ' while she was preparing dinner for, Heart failure seemed to have been the cause of her death. It i was quite a shofck to the family and ' community. j Hhc was 69 years old and had lived practically all the 36 years of her married life In the home where she died. Her going was a great loss to her Mrs. Sam Hayes Dead home, her church and community, ood she Since early glrlhoodsne had been a faithful member of New Bethel Bap tist chnrch. In her home she will be missed most for she was aver pa tient, kind and loving to husband and children. There is a place made vacant that no one can fill. i The funeral services were conduct ed by Rev. John E. Ayscue of Camp, bell College at New Bethel Baptist Chnrch where the church overflowed with sorrowing sympathetic friends. Her pastor. Rev. John F. Mitcbiner, was ill and could not be present j Thp music was especially pmty and appropriate. She was laid to rest in the cemetery near the church un. der a mound of lovely floral designs. The Junior Philathea Class of which Pauline Is a member carried the flow. pallbearers were1 Messrs. J. T. Weldon. W. L. Duke, B. A. Wort ham, W. C. Medltn, Philip SUInback and Johnnie Renn. Besides ths aged father and mother,' Mr. and Mrs. Bam Hicks, she testes three sisters and five brothers, her husband and five sons, Lem, Henry. Otha, Sidney and David Hayes and four daughters, Urs. Fisher Stone, Mrs. Onnie Renn, Mrs. Julius Smith and Miss Pauline Hayes, ail of this community and a host of relatives, besides 16 grandchildren who will miss her sweet, gentle smile daily. Mr. Sam Hayes and Children. Current Literature Club The Current Literature Book Club met on Tuesday afternoon, Septem ber 25, with Mrs. Jamie White. The meeting was called to order by the president, Mrs. Malcolm McKinne. In the absence of the secretary the' minutes of the last meeting were dis pensed with and the following pro. gram delightfully rendered: Paper: Paris and the Parisians, Mrs. Malcolm McKinne. - 1 Reading: A Wanderer in Paris, Mrs i M. S. Davis. g A travel talk: Rambling Through' Paris, Mrs. Jamie White. The club has taken Travel for the year's study, and this meeting was da voted to France. As several of our members have traveled expensively In this country the discussion became Informal and intensely Interesting for the ones rendering the program were speaking ?rom their own ex. pertences and observations. The club was delighted to welcome as a new member Miss Evallna Ter ry as a new member and learned with regret that our affsMe hostess, Mrs. Jamie White, would not Ms with us again this year as she is to spend the wittier xrfth her eon in Prayne, Cie-j chb-8iavakia. i At the close of this pleasing meet, ing deli ht