i To the first half-ynillion new Ford owners TO THE half-million men and women who have re ceived new Fords in the last eleven months, there is no need to dwell on the per formance of the car. You have tested its speed on the open road. In traffic you have noted its quick ac celeration and the safety of its brakes. You know how il climbs the hills. On long trips and over rough stretches you have come to appreciate its easy - riding comfort. Continuous driv ing has proved its economy of operation and low cost of up-keep. This is an invitation to you to take full advantage of the service facilities of the Ford dealer organisa tion so that you may con tinue to enjoy many thou sands of miles of carefree, economical motoring. The point is this. You have a great car in the new Ford. It is simple in design, constructed of the best ma terials and machined with unusual accuracy. It is so well-made, in fact, that it require# sur prisingly little attention. Yet that doesn't mean it should be neglected. Like every other fine piece of machinery, it will serve you better and longer if given proper care. One of the best ways to do this is to take your car to the Ford dealer every 500 miles for oiling and greas ing and a checldng-up of the little things that have such a great bearing on long life and continuously good performance. Such an inspection may mean a great deal to your car. To you it means thou sands upon thousands of miles of motoring without a care?without ever lifting the hood. Ford dealers everywhere have been specially trained and equipped to service the new Ford. You will find them prompt and reliable in their work, fair in their charges, and sincerely eager to help you get the greatest possible use from your car for the longest period at a minimum of trouble and expense. 1 bat is the > true meaning of Ford Sertice. Ford Motor Company Parsons Motor Co. LOUISBURG, N. C. ' LOCAL EORD DEALERS rops Marketed Money Banked That is the stosy with a ' "happy ending*' that every farmer likes to hear. , > . ? You will find safety,-/ convenience and personal service at this bank. Citizens Bank & Trust - . tl ? j , Company ' ~ 7 r HENDERSON, N. 0. "The Leading Bank in this Section" ? Bigger Business- Bulletin For The Conservation of Local Business To Local Business Firms Published by * THE f HANKLIN TIMES (Copyrighted) V .New-paper Adtertl-iug Secrets Volume and Rapid Turnoters Right now?when merchandising is once more a man's game and mer. ohants are compelled to sell, rather than hand the goods over the counter r> anxious buyers?is the time to pay particular attention to advertising in order to secure rapid turnovers to offset the smaller margin of profit we have today. On a declining market, such as ex ists at the present timer'merchandise must move fast Or a store will get into difficulties. The public is asking for lower prices and the only way a store can give them lower prices is to increase its volume and the num ber of times it turns it stock. This can be accomplished in only one way and that Is by adopting the cue proven method which the big sue. cessful merchandisers of the country use in securing volume and rapid turn over?newspaper advertising. Newspaper advertising is the cheap est and most effective means of in creasing your volume of business. The flow of trade toward your store'will steadily increase it you will but keep the buying puMlc Informed- of your preparedness to meet Its needs. Ad. vertising in your local newspaper will sell the merchandise it liberally and consistently used, but careful con sideration must be give^ the prepara tion of your copy. Store-news advertising should be ,'ust as interesting and attractive as any display page of a mall order cata log. The mail order house must of necessity have strong compelling copy in order to sell goods, on account ot the great amount of extra trouble the customer is put t.o in buying by mall V. 1th a little time and thought any merchant should be able to produce advertising copy as compelling as that cf the mail order house, which would be sure to attract the public to hts store. Let your home newspaper Increase yt ur volume of sales by presenting tb the town and country folks regular ly. as Interesting and attractive mer chandise bulletins as those of the mall t.ider houses. Any merchant who will make a care ful study of the five leading mail or der catalogs and their supplements, as issued. Is bound to become a bet ter advertiser and also a better mer. rhandiser. Private Ball With Air Corps New York, Nov. 12.?Private Clar :nce O. Ball, aon ot Mr. O B. Ball 1 >1 Route 1, Louisburg, N. C., 'who re. ?tiitly enlisted (or\ service with the Vir Con>s branch of the Itegular Ar. ny, has been assigned to duty wlih loops in Hawaii, and left New York Jfty today aboard the United States 1'iunsport "Cambral" for Honolulu. Upon his arrival at Honolulu, Pri vate Ball and the youug men who sail, ?d today with htm will be assigned lo units In the Hawaiian Islands, lo cated at posts which generally lfe ad jacent to Internationally famous re. sorts and tourist shrines. Soldiers on Hawaiian duty enjoy unusual recrea. tional prlveleges there being provid ed for them summer rest camps where all may go for two week period during vacation time. Always within reach U the tar-famed beach of Walklkl, and the surf bathing resort at Halzi WJ. Athletics play an lmoortant part In the life of soldiers In Hawal, and ev ery organization prides Itself on a galaxy ot teams In the prospective championship class in every sport. The climate is Ideal for It Is a land that knows no winter, an doutdooi sports thrive the year round. Private Ball will remain In the Ha waiian Department for approximately years, when he will be returned to lie United States tor discharge, hav. 'ng In the meantime eujoyed a teu thousand dollar outing Including a visit to Panama and San Frahclaco, st the expense of Uncle Sam. Franklin County's Democracy r Franklin County Is Democratic; ? Led all counties in the State, Rolling up its Smith' majority In the campaign of '28. All her sons are tftie as can be, County officers, State, and all Carried the Democratic standard In the struggle here this fatj. Our forefathers would be happy If they knew that all went well. In that dear old Southern county. Where they used to work and dwell. May the Democratic counties In the State of old N. C. Work like yeast to swell their number In the coming years to be.> Let us then be up and doing, Keep our sons and daughters true To the Democratic party So sheTL.win in '32. ?ADELAIDE JOHNSON, Louisburg, N. C. Subscribe to The Franklin Timet ? ? ? ? ? * * ? ? ? * YOUNGS* ILLE HIGH 8CHOOL ? DISPATCH ? , Editor-in-Chief Henry T. Tlnberlikt Sixth Grade rrogram !l_ Song?Star Spangled Banner, by Society. 2. Play?The Spirit of America, by Lena Mae Glenn, Moseley Hart, James l'earce. Marsh Wiggins, Ruth Brld. gers and the chorus. '3. Sextette: Sallie V. Newton, Ru by Gray Holden, Lena Mae Glenn, Ruth Bridgers, Marsh Wiggins, Gerald Lit tle. : - ? ' Miss Claire Layton was a visitor at her uncles, Mr. W. G. Ransdall, at Varina on last Thursday. We are glad to have Thomas Carter, Robert Mitchelle, Clara Bell Goswlck, who have been out on account of ill. ntss. with us again. Dr. R. E. Timberlake and family were called to New Jersey last Friday night on the account of Mr. C. C. Clawson's illness and death. Miss Bonnie Belle Horton spent the past week end in Clinton. Viola Mitchell and Estelle Lancas ter have been absent on the account cf sickness. We hope to have them laclp with us in a few days. Mr. O. E. Holliday spent the past week end with his people in Youngs vllle. Mr. Hubert Holden spent the ^vreek end with his people befo:? leaving for Pennsvlvania. Mr. Leslie Harris was in towh this week end. 0'Henry Literary Society Not. 9, IMS Devotional, R. R. Hill. Reading, J. M. Young. Poem, Louie Fuller, t Original Story, Wyatt Glenn. Wonder Why, Winston Ragan, Debate: Resolved that the death penalty should be abolished. Affirmative, Clark Roberts, Robert TImberlake. Negative. Vernon Green. W. T. Shearon. / * Jokes, I. T. Winston. Critics report, Mr. J. L. Lynch. Censors report, Mr. J. R. Nixon. The O'Henry Literary Society met Friday, November 9, 1928, Joseph Hart, vice-president, presiding be cause of the absence of the president, Henry TImberlake, who left the first of the week for New Jersey. As there was no business to be descussed the' society proceeded with the" program. The query for debate was, Resloved, that the death penalty should be abol ished. The affirmative was represent ed by Clark Roberts and Robert TIm berlake; the negative was represented by Vernon Green and W. L. Shearon. The affirmative won the decision over the negative. Mr. Nixon gave a talk on "The Betterment of Our Society," alter which the Society adjourned to meet November 16, 1928. MELVIN YOCNG, Secretary and Treasurer Esther Wake Literary Society Novem ber 9, 192S. . Devotional, Eliza Barham. Song by Society, No. 91. Reading, Nina Pulley. Original Poem, Clara B. Goswick. Jokes, Laura Mae Mitchell. Characterization of any six mem bers of Society. Beatrice Barham. Who's Who in Y. H. S? Viola Cooke. Song, Ola Hoiden. Questions and Answers, Clara Hold en and "Lillian,-Holmes. A talk on any subject, Ruby Pulley. Critics report, MlSg Watson. Censors report, Mrs. Weathers. i--? . LOIS WINSTON, Group 2. The Esther Wake Literary Society held Its regular meeting Friday, No vember 9, 1928. Since the president and vice-presjdent were absent, Mil dred Goswick presided over the meet ing. After a very, interest!program presented by Group 2, Mi3s Wat son and Miss Peele gave a talk on "The Improvements of Society. RUBY STEPHENSON, Secretary. Sore Throat Don't Gargle Quicker and Better Belief With Fa mous Prescription Don't suffer from the pain and sore ness of sore throat?gargles and salves a#e too slow?they relieve only tempo rarlly. But Thoxlpe, a famous physi cian's prescription, is guaranteed to | give relief almost instantly. Thoxlne has a. double action?re lieves the soreness and goes direct to ?.?.e Internal cause. No chloroform# iron or other harmful drugs?safe and pleasant for the whole family. Also tonderfully effective for relieving coughs. Quick relief guaranteed or your money back 35c, 60c, and $1.00. Sold by Beasley Brothers and all oth *r good drug stores. HEALTH IS WEALTH I Health is wealth, someone has said. It Is also happiness, because to be I unhealthful is to be unhappy. - That happiness means health has a scientific basis, according to a noted 1 scientist, who has experimented with lists. ^ Those that have been tamed so that t'aey could be handled in the hand do not suffer the lit effects from experi ments as do those that are wild and sfraid during the experiment. This is directly due to properties of several glands of internal secre tions in the human, this scientist says. Since fear affects health, and there to! e happiness, wise people will avoid fear. Most fear Is fancied anyway, and It is a mental condition thatrtn a large majority of cases can be overcome. To be healthy and fearless then, Is to be happy, which Is the goal of ev ery human being. HORSESHOEING I am glad to tell my friends airf the people of Franklin county that I have return#) to Louisburg and opened a shop In the Dr. Bass building on Nash street where I can take care of your horseshoeing and Iron and wood repair work. Call and see me. My prices will be right. All work guaranteed. ir-16-3t WILSON SILLS Everyone Wants to Know Where they can buy a really high grade and nutritious line of groceries and table necessities without paying high prices. We are supplying the same to hun dreds of families everyday. The large volume of our sales enables us to tell quality foodstuffs at lower prices. Our policy Is low profit and quick turnover. 0UB FOODSTUFFS ARE FRESH AND GOOD litis same policy also serves, to give you''.the freshest, best foods at all times, for we do not carry things on our shelves long. The supply Is continually replenished with fresh stick. Tears far service, A. J. Jarman 1M W. Nash St Opposite F. 0. ' Fhon* 11-J J FARM LOANS Loans on improved farm lands are now offered fanners of Franklin County at a rate of 5 1-4 percent interest. No bonus charged. These loans may run over a period of 33 years and be repaid on the amorti . ** sation plan, or same may be repaid earlier. Louis burg National Farm Loan Association A. F. JOHNSON, President MERCHANTS BANKf Safest For Savings NmnGmunJ On Many Application Forms of Employment IS THIS QUESTION DO YOU I Importance of this question to the employer is that if you have not learned to manage your own affairs, it is , not likely ybu will be wanted to manage his. _ ?' It seems to be the felling of all employers that if a mari! 1 I cannot save for himself, it is hardly probable he can i save for them. ~ --SAVE THROUGH , j ?OUR BANK j PW\ iLOUfSBUR&l