PROFESSIONAL COLUMN ML K P. IAKKOKOUGH rilridu u4 RT Office la Btckett ud Yar borough l>IL ARCH K PERKY General Practice WhA Pi. C. Office la Service Drat Ce. OK. W. K MASK Veterinarian Loulsburg. N. a Office* end Hospital Bast Nash Bt. 'holie Office S35-L, Residence 316-J Special Attention to Small Animal*. We wish to aanoaaee to ear Patient* and the public that ear practice will be conducted on a cash basis begin ?lag January 1st 1M7. UK. U. T. SMITH WICK UK C. H. BANKS UK A. H. FLEMING Members Ueutist Protective Association. K K COUNCIL, M. D. White Level K F. D. No. 4 Loalsbarg, N. C. General Practice G. M. KB AM Attorney-at-Law Off! over Poet Office Pre< ?...? in ail courts. W. K Yarborough Hill Yarboreagb YABBOKOUGH A YARBOKOUGH Attorneys and Counsellors at Law Office In Egerten BaUdlag Over Kline's tore Practice in Franklin and adjoining counties, and In the United States Courts at Kalelgh. 1)R. J. & DATI8 Physician and HirgtM Office at Residence, North Main St Telephone: Hours: Night 64 8:30 to 10:30 a. at. Dot 64 12 to J p. 0 to 8 p. I R R White t. 11. Baivce J. E. Malenc WHITE A ? ALONE :" LAWTMR8 Lnlabari, North Carolina ?eneral practice, settlanient of aa fetes fundi In Tested. One awbar oI tee Arm always In the oSee. DR H. CL PERRY Physician and Sargeea Lealsbarg. Narth Carolina Officea Adjoining Ayconk Drug Co.. ITelepbonee: Day 387; Night 387 MBS. N. B. TUCKER __ Registered Nurse Calls Answered May or Night Phane 888 MONET TO LEND ON LONG TERMS ON IMPROVED FARM LANDS Six per cent Interest, ne commissions can repay alter fire years. W. L. LUMPKIN, Attorney First National Bank Banding Leaisbarg, N. C. 3-18-tf DR. H. D. JOHNSON Physic Ian and Sargeea Lanlsbnrg, . North Carolina Office oyer Aycock Drag Co. Telephones: Day and Nlglit both No. 10 A. V. NEWEL1* M. >. Lonlshnrg, N. . Office In First National Bank Building Day Phone 343 ? Night Phona 343-2 C. L. BLACKBURN, D. & Chiropractor ?01 N. Garnett St. Hendr ion. N. C. Office Hours: ? to 12, 2 to 4. 7 to 8 Chiropractic is a natural, safe and scientific Health Ser7lce * JOS. T. INSCOE Registered Land Snrreyor, ? and Notary Public Castalia, N. C* R F. D. No. 1 16 TEARS EXPERIENCE IN WELL Drilling, Pump and Accessories. White Pump and Well Co* Norllna, N. C. 7-87_&2t T. C. GILL Land Snrreylng a Specialty Kittrell, N. ?* Route No. 1 "INSURE AND BE SURE" .. "BE SURE and with T. W. WATSON 2.24-tf INSURE" _ EARLT JERSEY WAKEFIELD CAB bage plants for sale by W. C. Coley, Wood. N. C. 10-19-9t DR. J. C. MANN the well known Eyesight Spec ialist and Optician will be at Parrtah Jewelry Store, Louis - bare, N. C., every first end third Thursday. Office hours 10 a. m. to 8 p. m. Headache relieved when caused by eyestrain. Chil dren with weak eyes should be given attention before school opens. Over twenty years dally experience In examining eyes. His next visit will be Thurs day, December ?th, 1988. TRUSTEE'S SALE OK LAND Under and by Tlrtne of -the powei of sale contained In that certain deec of trust executed by Katie L. Yar horo to E. H. Malone, Trustee, datec I December 2, 1926, recorded In Bool 250 page ?17 Registry of Franklli County, North Carolina, default hav ing been made in the payment of the Indebtedness thereby secured and de mand having been made upon the undersigned trustee, by the holder ol the bond representing the Indebted ness, the undersigned trustee will on Monday the 3rd day of December, 1928, at or about the hour of noon at the courthouse door in Louisburg, N. C., oiler for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the fol lowing described real estate: That certain tract or parcel of land situate In the town of Louisburg, County of Franklin, State of North Carolina and beginning in the center of Winston's Avenue, A. W. Alston corner and Yate's line; thence N 4d W 8 poles 23 links to a stake Mrs. Yates' corner in old K. H. Davis line; thence N 85 1.2d W 9 poles 10 links to a post J. M. Allen's corner; thence S 1 l-2d E 156 1-2 feet to the center of Winston's corner (Ave.); thence along avenue 159 feet to the begin ning containing about one-half an acre, more or less, and being the lot conveed to Katie L. Yarboro by Thorn as W. Ruffln, Trustee, by Trustee's Deed dated March 7, 1924 recorded In Book 274 page 271 Registry of Franklin County, North Carolina. This November 1st, 1928. E. H. MALONE. 11.9-4t Trustee.! TRUSTER'S SALE OF LAND Under and by'virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain deed of trust of Aaron Perry to E. H. Ma. Icne, Trustee, dated Hay 24th, 1227, recorded in book 250, page 246, Re gistry of Franklin County, N. C. de fault having been made in the pay ment of the bond secured by said deed of trust and demand for fore, closure thereof having been made upon the undersigned trustee by the holder of said bond, the undersigned trustee will on Monday the 3rd day of December. 1928, at or about the hour of noon, at the courthouse door in Louisburg, N. C., offer for sale at motion to the highest bidder for cash, the following described real estate: That certain tract or parcel of land situate in Louisburg Township, Frank lin County, State of North Carolina, and described as follows: That lot or parcel of land situate uear tLe town of Louisburg, N. C., known as the Aaron-Perry Homepiace and being the land conveyed to Aaron Perry by deed-of J. P. Timberlake, dated October 23. 1896, recorded in Book 113, page 69, Registry of Frank lin County, N. C.. and by deed of J. P. Timberlake dateid January 24th, i900, recorded, in Book 124, page 91, said registry, less those parcels sold off by the said Aaron Perry to-Zollie VMlklns by deed recorded in book 148, page 599, said registry, to O. H. Har. ris by deed recorded in book 168, page 165, said registry, and to Julius Leh i.iau by deed recorded In Book 158, page 217, said registry, leaving in the residue hereby to be sold, about 1 acre, more or less, reference being heke made to all of said deeds ana records for a more particular de scription of said lot This November 2nd, 1928. E. H. MALONE, 11 -9.4t Trustee. NOTICE OF SALE North Carolina, Franklin County: Default having been made In pay* ment of the Indebtedness secured by the deed of trust from J. D. Wlnfree to Edward F. Griffin, trustee tor Mrs. Pearl S. McKinne, which deed of trust was executed on October 15th, 1925. asd registered, in book 251, page 492, Franklin County Registry, said trus tee, will under and by virtue of the power of sale vested by him in said deed of trust and at the request of the pftsent holder of the notes secured, >.roceed to sell to the highest bidder for cash, at the courthouse door, Louisburg, N. C., at 12:00 o'clock noon on November 19th 1928, the following describe#*property, to.wit: Being four lots No's. 7, 8, 9 and 10 in block B of College Heights, all of said lots lying and being on the south side of Noble Street, in the Town of Louisburg, N. C. For a further de scription of said four lots reference is hereby made to a map of College Heights recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Franklin Coun ty, North Carolina, In book 168, page 522. This October 16th, 1928. " EDWARD F. GRIFFIN, 10-19.5t " Trustee. COMMISSIONERS SALE OF REAL ^ ESTATE .1 Under and by judgment of the Su perior Court of Franklin County, ren dered at the August term 1928 Frank lin Superior Court in that action or Special Proceeding entitled "Harriet Coley et als vs George G. Coley, et uls,'' the undersigned Commissioners will on Monday, the 19th day of No vember 1928 at or about the hour of noon at the courthouse doer in Lou1 j burg, N. C., ocer for sale at public auction to the.highest bidder tor cash the following/described tract or par cel of land. A certain tract of land situate in Gold Mine township. Franklin Coun ty, State of North Carolina, bounded on the North by the D. J_ Burnett tract of land now owned by Hererra Jones; on the- East by the lands of Sam Moseley and George Harris; on the South by the lands of C. C. Coley and on the West by the lands of Rob. crt Boone and others. Containing 54 acres, more er less, and known as the Old Orren Coley Homeplace. This October 16th, 1928. J. E. MALONB, Jr., HILL YARBOROUGH, 10-19-6t Commissioners "INSURE AND BE SURE" "BE SURE and with T. W. WATS01 2-24-tf INSURE" NOTICE OP SALE OP VALUABL1 PARK IN YOUNGS VILLE I TOWNSHIP Under and by virtue of the power ol I Kale contained In the will of Charlotte [ H. Mitchell, late of Pranklln County, i tbe undersigned Executor will on Mon uay, December 3rd, 1933 at or about tnc hour of noon, at the courthouae door In Loulaburg, N. C., offer for aale '< r caah to the highest bidder all that ! certain tract or parcel of land situ ate in Youngsville Township. Prank lln County, N. C., adjoining the lands of Dr. N. Y. Gulley, the lands of the heirs of M. D. Holmes, John P. Mitch, ril and others, and more particularly described as follows: __ Beginning at a Spanish Oak, M. D. Holmes' corner In Mrs. Sarah Moore's (now N. Y. Gulley'a) line; thence N S7 1-3 degrees W 118 poles 3 links to a post oak, Moore's (now Outlay's) corner; thence N 8 degrees E IS poles 9 links to a a post oak pointer, Wil liams' corner (now E. M. Mitchell); thence N 87 1-4 degrees W 33 poles 4 links to a stake and pointers the Dower corner; thence S 7 degrees W 166 poles 19 links to a stake and point ers In the Dower line; thence S 87 1-3 degrees E 163 poles to a stake and rolnters In Holmes' line; thence N 2 degrees E 37 poles to a post Oak siump, Holmes' corner; thence N 4 degrees E 134 1.3 poles to the begin ning, containing one hundred and for ty-seven acres, (147). It being the land of which Charlotte II Mitchell died seised. This October 25th, 1928. BLAND O. MITCHELL, ll-2-5t . Executor. COMMISSIONERS SALE OF RBAi. ESTATE Under and by virtue of am order of tbe Clerk of the Superior Court of Franklin County, North Carolina en tered in that Special Proceeding en titled "D. N. Nelms et als, Ex Parte," the undersigned Coaunlaioner will on Monday, the 19th day of November, 1928 af or about the hour of moon at the courthouse door In Louis Ml rg, N. C offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the following described tract or parcel of land: Situated in Franklin County, State of North Carolina and described as follows: Beginning at two willows on the Spring Branch; thence North 72d Tast 104 poles to a stake and pointers; thence North 18d West 117 poles to a post oak In Foster's line; thence South 72d West 32 poles to s stake In Et A. Qupton's line Foster's corner; thence South 6 1.3d East 52 poles 20 links to a poplar In the Spring Branch; thence down said branch to the beginning, containing 46 acres, more or less, it being the land devised under the will of J. N. Nelma, deceas ed which will is of record In Will Book T, page 446, office of C .8. C., of Franklin County, North Carolina. ThU October l?th, 1928. * J. E. MALONE, JR., 10-19-61 Commissioner. "IN8UBB AND BE 8UBE" _ 'BE SUKK and wHh T. W. WAT80S 1-24-tf IN8UPB" NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the estate of J. H. Medlln, de ceased, late of Franklin County, N. C., notice Is hereby given all parties hold !ng claims against said estate to pre. sent them to the undersigned on or before the 12th day of October 1929, or this notice will be plead In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate wll please come for. ward and make immediate settlement This October 11th, 1928. R D. MEDLIN, 10-12-6t Administrator. TRUSTEES SALE OF VALUABLE I LAND i Under end by virtue of the power of sale contained In that certain deed i of trust executed by A. A. Shearon snd wife, Hattle Neal Shearon, on the ' 9th d?>y of March, 1926, to the under signed trustee securing an Indebt edness therein described, which deed of trust is duly recorded ip the office of the Reglitcr of Deeds for Frank, lin County, N. C., In Book 260, page 406; default having been made In the payment of the Indebtedness there in secured and demand having been made upon the undersigned trustee for foreclosure, I will on Monday, November 26, 1928, at or about the hour of noon, at the courthouse door In Louisburg N.-"C., offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the following described tract of land situate on the Centervllle to Gupton Road In Franklin County, de scribed as follows: That certain tract or pnrcol of land containing fifty six isA? acres, which teas Inherited by I Initio Neal Shearon from her father J. T. Neal, and bound ed as follow': on the North by the land of Hernia Neal; on the East by the laud of J. W. Neal; on the South by.jhe road from Centervllle to Gup Ion and on the West by the public road from Centervllle to Louisburg. This sale will be made subject to a prior deed of trust for $1,600.00 to the Atlantic Joint Stock Land Bank of Raleigh, N. C. A cash deposit of 10 percent will he required of the successful bidder at said sale. This Octobr 22. 1928. 10-26-6t F. W. HOL8T, Trustee. W. L. Lumpkin, Atty. for Trustee. NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of tbe estate of Maude Collins, deceas ed, late of Franklin County, N. C rotlce Is hereby gtven all parties holding claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 2nd day of November, 192$, or this notiee will be plead In bar of their recovery. All persons In debted to said estate will please come forward and make Immediate settle ment This November 1st 1928. B. L COLLINS, ll-2-6t -*? v Administrator. Subscribe to The Franklin $1.66 Per Tear la Advenes ll COMMISSIONERS SALE OF VALtT 1 ABLE FARMS Uud?r and by virtue of *n order of the Superior Court of Franklin Coun ty made In that Special Proceeding enticed "O. W. Strickland et als, vs Ellaa 8. Moore et ala," the aame be ing duly docketed upon the Special Pre needing Docket of aald court; tbe underalgned Commlaaloner will on Monday, the 3rd day of December. 1928, at or about tbe hour of noon, at the courtbouae door In Lqulsburg, N. C., offer for aale at public auction to tbe highest bidder for cash, the fol lowing described tracts or parcels of land situate In Harris Township. Frauklln County, N. C. described by metes and bounds, as follows, to-wit. FIRST TRACT: Beginning at a Uake, corner for No. 1 In Cheaves line; thence by W. N. Fuller's call of 1898, N 8 1-2 deg E 52 poles 5 links to an Iron stake, Cheaves corner; thence N 89 1-2 deg B 44 poles 10 links to a stake. Cheavee corner and the corner called the Telfair corner; thence N deg E 77 poles 10 links to a stake, corner of No. 4 In Cheaves line; thence N 87 1-4 deg W a new line 114 poles to a stake; borner for No. 3 in line of No. 5; thence S 3 deg W 131 poles to a stake, corner of No. 3 In line of No. 1; thence S 87 1-4 deg W 77 .1-2 poles to the beginning, contain ing 84.3 acres, being lands allotted to H. J. Strickland as ghown In orders and Decrees No. 8, page 484, Clerk Superior Courts Office Franklin Coun ,ySECOND TRACT: Beginning at a rock, near a peach tree, S. S. Strick land's corner; thence 8 84. deg W 82 poles to a stake S. 8. Strickland s corner; thence S 3 deg W 7 1-2 poles to a stake, corner of No. 5; thence due West 49 1-2 poles to a stake, corner of Nos. 5 and 7; thence N SO deg W 52 poles to a stake, corner for Nos. 7 and 8; thence N 2 1-2 deg.E 35 poles to a rock on the North side of the new road. 8. 8. Strickland's cor uer; thence *1 88 1-2 deg E 108 poles to the beginning, containing 42 acres, being the home house lot, being the let of land conveyed by Warranty Deed from A. R. Strickland to H. J. Strickland, recorded In Book 170. at page 541, Franklin Registry, reference tc which is hereby made. THIRD TRACT: Beginning at a stake, five poles north for a bunch of sycamore trees; thence S 87 1-4 deg E 108 poles 8 links to a stake, corner of No. 2 in line of No. 5; thence S 3 deg W 131 poles to a stake c??*r ?* No. 2 in line of No. 1; thence N 87 1-4 deg W 98 poles 3 links to a stake, comer of No. 1 In the Horton line thence by calls of Mr. Fuller of 1898, N 7 1-2 deg W 41 poles 8 links to a rock, Mrs. Horton's comer; thence N 1-2 deg W 84 poles 21 links to a bunch 01 sycamores; thence N 4 1-2 deg E j poles to the beginning, containing 84.3 acres, being the tract of land conveyed by G. W. Strickland to 1L J. Strickland by deed recorded In Frank lin County Registry, Book 249, page 52. but there has been sold from this tract to J. V. Arnold, the following ^Beginning at a cedar stake, Allen s corner In Splvey's line; thence along luen's line South 87 deg E 52 poles 18 links to a stake, a new corner n aliens line; thence a new line SoutM 2 1.2 deg W 131 poles to a stake ln Big Branch, a new corner ln AUen s line; thence North 87 deg VT41 poles to a cedar stake, Allen's corner In Iones line; thence along an old line !>ased on a survey of W. N. FnH*r of IS98 N 7 1-2 deg W 41 poles 8 linksto an oak stump near a rock the old Horton and Young corner, now Jones and 8plvey's comer; thence N l-e leg W 84 poles 21 llhks to * bunch of Sycamore trees; thence N 4 1-2 K b poles to the beginning, containing 40 Acres, more or loss. 1 Leaving In this tract 44 3-10 acres, more or less. . Each of the above tracts of land will be offered for Bale separately. This October 30^1928. Commissioner. SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of the power oonferred upon me In a certain deed ot trust executed by C. B. Kearney and wife, Lucy Kearney, and duly re corded In the office of the Register of Deeds for Franklin County in book 232, page 342, default having been made in the payment ot the notes therein secured and at the request of the.holder of said notes," I will on Monday, December 10, 1928, at or about the hour of noon sell at public auction to the highest bidder for, cash at the courthouse door In Lou. isburg, N. C., a one-fourth undivided interest in a certain tract ot land ly ing and being In Franklin County, State of North Carolina, and described as follows: Adjoining the lands of the Camp Lumber Company, Albert Carr, the Andrews land, and others; bounded on the N by the land known as the Andrews land; on the E by the lands of the Sam Person estate; on the S by the lands of the,-sald William T. Person; and on the W by the lands of the Camp Lumber Company, said tract of parcel of land containing 742 acres, more or less, and being the tame land owned by William T. Per son, Sr., and upon which he lived at the time of his d*ath. Being the same undivided interest in the above de scribed land conveyed to C. B. Kear ney by William T. Person by deed of record In the Register of Deeds office of Franklin County In book 217, page 218. This November 6, 1928. - R. Q. BAILEY. ll-2-6t Trustee. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP The Arm of 3. M. and W. O. Stone Is hereby mutually dissolved, and W. O. Stone assumes all FlaM'.it'.es and all debts due said concern are to ne paid to W. O. Stone. W. O. STONE. 3. M. STONE. 10-?.4t "ISSUES A ED Bl SURE" - ?.r tf msfTRF" TF SUBI and r Ith T. W. WATSOB NERVES Went to Pieces 1 suffered ? long time, before < 1 tried Cardui," says Mrs. Iillie I Pruitt, 130 "K" St, Anderson, S.C. i 1 wee badly rundown in j health. My nervee Vent to ; pieces', and I hod to go to bed. j 1 got so bad oft I ooold not ] beer to have anybody walk j across the floor of my room. J The least little thing upaet me. j Sometimes I became bystericaL 1 I bad bad pains in my back and j sides, and my hoad and Hmha would take spells of aching, which almost set me wild. f "One day I saw where a wo- j man, who had a trouble like my ] own, had been relieved by CarduL 1 I decided at once to try it It be- ? gan to help me Trom the very j first I took Carded regularly, for 1 several months, and my improve- I ment was so remarkable my fami- j ly and friends were delighted." j Try Cardui for your troubles. tTAKU CARSMII USED BY WOMEN P ?OVER 50 YEARS Don't blame ?y the Hen if she doesn't produce eggs for you as you think she should. More than likely she's starving ?not for want of enough feed, but for the RIGHT feed. Give your hena Quaker ful-o-pep EGG MASH and you c^n't go wrong. For this feed has An oatmeal base ?con tains everything your birds need to epahle them to lay regular! y. Come ?n and see this great egg mash. L. P. HICKS Louisburg, C. FARM FOR SALE?83 ACRES FINE farming land near Loutsburg, known as Hawkins farih, containing three good residences and plenty out houses. The part offered tor sale is on the South side of Halifax roid and Is splendidly lo|cated. Apply to W. W. Webb, Louisburg, N. C. 11-9-3 TRUSTEES SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain Deed of Trust executed by W. C. Kearney to E. H. Malone, Trustee, dated Janu ary 29, 1927 recorded in Book 234 at page 223 Registry of Franklin Coun ty, North Carolina, the undersigned trustee will on Monday the 26th day of November, 1928 at or about the (hour of noon at the courthouse door Injjoulsburg N. C? offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cashJ those lots of land situate in Franklin County Frankllntori Township, State of North Carolina and described as follows: V Numbers 7, 8 and 9 in map of H. C. Kearney estate showing-division be tween heirs of said estate, December 18, 1919. as surveyed by G. B. Cooper, C. E., said map being recorded in Re gistry of Franklin County said lots be ing now occupied as home place of W. C. Kearney. This October 22, 1928. E. H. MALONE, 1 10.26-5t Trustee. NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Brooks Arnold, de ceased, late of Franklin County, N. C. notice Is lierby given all persons hold lug clclms against tald estat- to pre sent them to ths undersigned en or sent them to the undersigned on or before the 19th day of October, 1929, or this notice will be plead In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please come for ward and make Immediate payment This October 18, 1988. O. L. ARNOLD, 10-19-6t Administrator. NOTICE ' Having qualified aa administrator of the estate of Mtsa M. A. Oay, de ceased, late of Franklin County, Nl C? notice is hereby given all parties hold lug claims against said estate to pre. sent them to the undersigned on or before the 9th day of Noveniby.^1929 or this notice will be plead in bur or tholr recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please come for ward and make immediate settlement. This November 8, 1928. W. F. OAY. 1 l_9-6t Administrator. Den T. Holden, Atty. NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the estate of II. A. Kearney, de ceased, late of Franklin Couiity, N. C., notice is hereby given all parties hold Ing claims against said estate to pre sent them to the undersigned on or before the 9th day of Ntivcmbeil 1929, or this notice will be plead in liar of their recovery. All persons- Indebted to said estato will please come for. wara aid make Immediate settlement ' This November 8. 1928. F. J. BEASLEY, ll.9-6t Administrator^ roit FinsT class job ntnm PHONE NO. 288. NEW CHOE ^HOP Now Opei I am pleased to announce to my friends In LotUshurg and Franklin County That I have leased a room under the Ford Warehouse on Nash Street and have Installed, the necessary machinery and Y>p, ened a Shoe Shop, where I am prepared to do your Shoe and Harness repair work to the best advantage at most reasonable prices. I can also make you anything you want that can be made of leather. Give me a call. You know me and my work. I will apprec iate your patronage. Gantt Shoe Shop I.nulshurg, North Carolina FOR SALE! Wo have listed for sale follow ing properties:-^ , Nice lot, N. Main St, near col. lege. 2 lots facing Graded School grounds. Lot N. Church Street. 48 acres farm land Cypress Creek ownship 385 acres farm land, growing timber, Cedar Rock Township. 75 acres farm land Cedar Rock Township 1 nice dwelling town of Louls. Wurg. Franklin Insurance & Realty Co. We sell all kinds Insurance and Bonds?See us for your needs. Prompt and accurate service. Leather and Shoes Have Advanced 25 Per Cent Owing to thq,J?0t. that a tannery has gone Into the fianda ot a receiver we have purchased a large quantity ot best quality sole leather at a re. dlculouely low price and therefore we are enabled to do work at the old price. Mena Boles |1.00 Ladles - 860 Goodyear Rubber Heels 60c Auto Tops mails to order. Uphol stering an 1 seat covers. All work guaranteed. L0UISBURG REPAIR SHOP J. LEHMAN. Proprietor. Next to Tar River Bridge

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