Cold Weather Hardware Low temperatigre brings with it the need for many ar ticles that become actual necessities when cqld weath er comes. We can supply your wants, having antici pated tliom with a large stock of winter hardware that we are offering at very attractive prices. STOVES?Cold weather comfort can be obtained only by keeping your home warm with good heating stoves. The stove you need i8 here. Special January pricings make "them gootl purchases at this particular tijne. Winter Sporting Goods, Tools for Farm and Homo, Use, Cutlery and Cooking Utensils. FURNITURE STORE (3or Furniture Department is full of real bargains tljjst you cannot appreciate Unless you see them. ? H. C TAYLOR FURNITURE .4 Phow 305 HARDWARE One New Chrysler65 4 Door Sedan One New Chrysler Plymouth-4 Door Sedan * One Hudson Coach Perfect Condition 1 ? One Esse 4 Door Sedan :x / ? Sevei ?al Fords , Fred's Filling Station F. B. LEONARD, Proprietor - LOUISBUBO. y , North Carolina ? * We Wish Ton All A - '**. V - A Most happy . and Prosperous NEW YEAR P. BODDIE, Druggist 9 LOUI8BUEG, N. 0. NOTICE Franklin County hereby gives no. tiae that on January 4th, 1929, at 2 o clock p. m.. In the County Account ant's office In the court house In Lou lsburg, N .C., it will selllfor the pur pose of paying appropriations made for the fcurrent fiscal .year, one ten thousand dollar ng4e-?1o- he- due ana payable not later than April 4th,'1929. Sealed bids will be received with the ri*ht to rfject any and all bids. This December 18th, 1928. C. L. McGHEE, Chairman ot the Board of County Com missioners of Franklin Coun. ty. 12-21-2t FARM FOR RENT?THE J. 0. BRAS ley home farm near Ingleslde, one of the best cqtton and tobacco farms in the county, well improved arid equipped, for rent for 1929, Bee J. Y. Beasley, Rout 5, Louls burg, N. C. 12-21-21 STOCKHOLDERS MEETING First National Bank, of Loulsbnr. Loulsburg, N. C? December 1, 1928 The annual meeting ot the stock holders ot the First1 National Bank of Loulsburg will be held in the banking rooms of said bank In* the City of Loulsburg, N. C., on Tuesday the 8th day of January, 1927 at 12 o'clook nooh. F. J. BEASLET, l2-14-4t Cashier. SALE OF VALUABLE LANDS Under and by virtue ot the pdwpr and authority conferred in me in that order of sale made and entered by Hon. J. J. Young, Clerk of the Super ior Court for Franklin County, North Carolina, In that (pedal proceeding entitled "W. H. Journlgan et als vs Mrs. Anna Ann Journlgdn et als," I will on Monday, the 21st day of Janu ary, 1929, at or about the hour of noon at the court house door for Franklin County, in the Town of Lou. isburg, -N. C., sell at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described lands lying and be'ng in Hayesvtlle Township, Frank lin County, North Carolina. Bounded, on the North by the lands of A. R. Thompson, on the East by tne lands of E. M. Newman, on the South* by the lands of Jim Bobbltt and on the West oy the land of O. H. Ayscue, containing 68 acres, more or less and being known as the. Home Place of R. J. Journlgan, deceased. This December 17th, 1928. EDWARD F. GRIFFIN,, 12-21-5t Commissioner. SALE OP REAL ESTATE A Under and by virtue of an order/of the Superior Court of Franklin t^un-1 tLoC?ier4i at the November' term, .1 *,th.a.1.8peclal Proceed thg entitl vniif' j 0ne' Jr-? James ?V illlams, deceased, vs Sdsie Williams et als., ? the undesigned will on Mon day the 7th day of/January, 1929, at cr about the hour/ff noon at the court house door in Louisburg. N. C., ofTer tpr sale at pybllc auction to the hlgh ?t bidder/6r cash the,following de scribedldta or parcels of land: lMJITacI: Situate r in Loulsburg Towifsliip, Franklin County, North OsTolina and being the. tract of land ?touveyed to said James Williams bH -eed of Ida Richardson et als, record eJ in Book 202, page 23, Refistry of Franklin Count7, N. C., containing 3 acres more or less. 2*KkXract: That tract of land situ ate in the( Toufnship, County and State aforesaid and conveyed to said James Williams by deed of G. W. ford and wife recorded in Book 229^ page 313, said Registry containing 10 *cres, more or less, lees S acres con veyed to Rucker Williams by the said James Williams by deed recorded in ^ i ' pa*e 1W* Ba,d Registry. 3rd Tract: That certain tract or parcel of land situate In said Town ship, County and State, and conveyed to said James Williams by deed of E- Lon*. et als. Trustees by deed ,n.2??' ?7' pa?? ??? Registry originally containing about l acre, but from which has been sold It about one-fourth acre, which is now used gs a grave yard. ~ This November 24th, 1928. r ' J- MALONE, JR., Adminis trator of Jamas Williams, de ce*?ed. 12-7-5t SALE OF REAL ESTATE By authority of two mortgage deeds I from Thomas H. Kinney and wife, I Margaret Speed Kinney to the under signed mortgagee, recorded in Book **1. Pages 87-88 and book 281 pages I 415 and 418 records of the Register! ??,ca for franklin oounty. uth' w':| said mortgages, ti^Td? Vn^'mort I gagee will on Monday the 31st day! of December, 1928, at 1* o'clock M.,1 at the courthouse door,'frank;in Counl VM,uburg N. C., sell to the highest! bidder, *at public auction (or cash ! a certain tract of land Wanted In I Youtigsvllie Township, Franklin Coun-! low?" and fuHy descrtfc(* as fol. a ltaka? comer of lot No. 1, In the P. H. Mangum lint; | trs e1^ ?'vv*ot ,ot n?- *? n 4 ]~,d E K.?l chains to a stake and ErLn'rh" 0,8 chamP,?n Spring Branch, corner of lot No. 1 In W. T Young's line; thence with W. T I in?inn,h.8. "n! down 141,1 Braach about stake and pointers of a lton? c?rner of lot No. S; thence with the line of lot No 3, N 58 1.4 d W 24.65 chains' stake, corner of lot No. 8, Mangum's I ,u E 4-45 chal,?? a stone', | the said Mangum corner: thence with I said Mangum's line, N 68 1.2w W 12.90 chains to the beginning. Containing i7?. b8,n* tbe 8affle land al_ lotted to Maggie Speed (now Kinney) ( in Special Proceeding entitled ?J. Dl 7* W" H- Harrla" as Wlli appear by reference to Book of Record ot Orders and Decrees, No. 8 Pago 3881 ZT records of office of the Clerk County, NM2. C?7n ?J m?klln| MEREDITH COLLEGE, White and ^oia.^Attys^'^UMlst1 FORECLOSURE SALE By virtue of a power contained In a deed of trust executed by D. L. . nes and Mary A. Jones, recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Warren County in Book 113 page DC and also recorded In tbe office of the Register of Deeds of ^rankll C< unty in Book 280 at pa^e 197, | I fault having been made In tbe Afay m-nt of the debt therein secufld, on ruquest of the holder of the/same, I s tall sell for cash by puMfc auction, a*, the courthouse door/lp Warren ton, N. C., to the hig)rest bidder, on the 27th day of December, 1928,, at 12 00 o'clock noojj/the following de scribed property, That-certain -tract or parcel of land situate 111 Sandy Creek township, War ren Couhty, N.- C., bounded by the iands of W. D. Dorsey, ?. P. Fleming and others, containing twentyAhree <23) acres, more or less, being my part of the Frlmas Jones Estate. This November 23, 1928. B.'H. HICKS, BELLE H. PURVIS, Executors of the Will of the late T. T. Hicks, Trustee. Henderson, N. C. ll-30-4t SALE OF REAL ESTATE " Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain deed of trust executed by Lena C. May and husband J. O. May, to E. H. Malone, trustee, dated May the 4th, 1927 and tecorded in Book 250 page 248 Regis try of Franklin County, North Caro lina, default having been made in the payment of the Indebtedness thereby secured and demand for foreclosure having been made on the undersigned trustee will on Monday, the 7th day of January, 1929, at or about the hour of noon, at the court bouse door In Loulsburg, N. C.. offer tor sale at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash thdTollowing described lots or par eels of land: Those certain tracts or pdVcels of land situate iiyCedar Rock Township, Franklin County, State ot North Caro lina, and described as follows: First Tract: That certain lot or parcel of land situate at Cddar Rock, N. C.. ad joining the lands of W. R. Fulghum, Mrs. Lena C. May, and others and be ing the lot conveyed to Lena C. May by deed of Jas. T. Inscoe et alb officers of Cedar Rock Lodge A. F. and A. M., dated April 26, 1926 recorded In Book 271 page 308 Registry of Franklin County, N. C. Second Tract: Adjoining tlie aljove described lot and being the two Contiguous lots conveyed to Lena C./May by deed of W. R. Fulghum, et ^ns, dated September 6; 1921, recorded In Book 244 page 236, said Registry. This December 5th, 1928. \ H. MALONE. 12-14-4t ?' * Trustee. FOR RENT?ONE FRONT ROOM. with all conveniences. TELE PHONE 248-W. 12-7-tf MORTGAGTES SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the jjower of sale contained In that certain Chat :ell Mortgage executed on March 27 1926 by J. M. Sykes and wife, Lillian L. Sykes. to the.Spot Cash Company, lc?. which Chattell Mortgage Is duly j/corded In Register of Deeds Office for Franklin County. Book 266. page 227: default having been made In tbe payment of. the. indebtedness thereby secured, the undersigned transferee of the Spot Cash Company, Inc.. will on Saturday, December 29, 1928, at 10:30 A.-JM. at the J. M. Sykes home place In Cypress Greek Township. Franklin County, offer for sale to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described personal property, to-wlt: One Iron gray mare, eight years old. one black horse mule,-ten years old; one black horse mule seven years old; one aorel mare mule eight years old; two bay mare mules ten years old-; two Jersey colored cows and Increase, one No. 46 missen wagon, one two horse wagon and harness; one one horse wagon and harness; one one horse power gas engine and wood saw outfit, mounted on steel wagon, also all plows, planters, stalk cutters farming Implements, tools and har ness of J. M. Sykes and Lillian L. Sykes: also all household and kitchen furniture; one wheat thrasher, one Auburn automobile. This December 7, 1928. WILSON GAY, Transferee of the Spot Cash Co., Inc., Mort gagee. 12-14-8t Wishing You a ? Most Happy and Pros^erhus New Year. ? ? with all its pleasures* and. profits. A. J. Jarman 101 W. Hash St )pporiU r. 0. PhaSa 118 David Harris The Store That Saves You Money Look at These Prices. Men Work Gloves J 48c Men Work Shirts _ 69c Men Overalls $1.00 pair Men Sweaters -98c Boy Sweaters 98c Mattress Ticking 10c yard Good White Cloth 4 10c yard Children Cqats $3.95 Ladies Coats ^ $6.95 9 If you buy at this store you will be a satisfied customer. - David Harris "The Store of a Thousand Friends" c \ \ All Sizes and Shapes from the smallest sheet Iron Heater to the larger \ A Air Heater N for heating entire dwellings and auditoriums. Prices $1.95 up ? i?. The Spot Cash Co. - ^D. F. McKINNE, Praldutf ' J PAY CASH and PAY LESS , Z