THE FRANKLIN TIMES A. F. Johnson, Editor <& Mgr. LOCAL HAPPENINGS ?One of the coldest spells of the winter visited Loulsburg Monday. ? ? ? ?The closing of the Loulsburg to bacco market has been postponed to Friday February 7th, on account of the bad weather the past week. ?Mr. and Mrs. John W. Neal, of Ccntervllle, charmingly entertained at supper, Sunday night, a number of 'relatives and friends. The occasion was in honor of Mr. Neals birthday. ?-Miss Daisy Caldwell, Home Agent, has arranged for a poultry car to vls tt Kranklinton on Saturday, Febru ary 1st, 1930. The car will be there ^l -dap to^ buy- ohlckens. The price of hens ranges from 19 to 22 cents a pound. Get your extra chickens ready for this car. YOirXGSTILLK HIGH SCHOOL ? DISPATCH * The Y'onngsville Periscope A glimpse at the financial 1ob3 to our school due to the absence of stu dents reveals the fact that a real tragedy Is being enacted. The school Is being maintained by the hard-earn ed taxes of the people for the educa tion of their children, and yet they will allow this money to be spent without taking advantage of what they pay for. The amount of $414.75 has already been ?nent for the benefit of ing this school year. This cost for the keep of the building, teachers, janitor and trucks has been spent for children who have not come to reap their, due benefits, and yet the ex pense must go on in anticipation of their coming. It is a case of plac ing the advantages here for them to enjoy at their will. One wonders why folks will pass up what they pay for and what they need so much. Aside from the loss to the absent students, consider the advantage if every child would attend school ev ery day. If the 2765 absent ones had come to school our average daily at tendance would have been increased thirty-five. This added to our at tendance of 392 would give us 427. With this possible average Youiigs ville. school could haye fhrse olagr teachers valued at $3000.00 per year. TJth t&e addition of teachars ifie standard and efficiency of oilr school system would be greatly increased. Patrons, will you look and see how your money Is going and what it could'jaean to the educational life of your child? Students, will you con rider what you mean to"ybuj- school :n profit and loss as well as to your own profit and loss? Oratorical Contest Youngsville school held its elimin ation contest for the American Legion Oratorical contest in the auditorium en Thursday. January 17th. The fol lowing girls participated: Helen Roberts gave "To a Waterfowl," by Bryant; Beatrice Earham, Lincoln's "Gettysburg Address"; Ruby Steph enson, "Student Government," origin el; Helen Hill, Longfellow's, "A I'salm of Ltfo." The judges selected one of these on the merits of her de livery to write the oration on "Our Tlag" and represent Youngsville school In the county contest. Each contestant acquitted herself well in the short span of time slotted lor preparation and caused the judges much deliberation in their decision. The judges composed of Mr. E. T. Farham, Miss Effie Tharington, and Miss Mildred Steward finally chose Beatrice Barham as the most out standing and gave commendatory vords to the others for their good work and honest efforts. Donor Roll for Fourth Month 1st and 2nd Qrade?Stella Perry, Pcbccca Andrews, Frank Bailey, Kll ton Grissom, Ethel Mae Hendricks, Evelyn Little, Howard Perry, C. V. Pearce, Sibyline White, Doyet Oak ley, Haywood Wiggins. 2nd and 3rd Grades?James Thomas Baker. Ella Rue Alford, Thelma Fra zlcr, Dorothy Pearce. Hazel Fearce, Mali sua Pearce, Onedla Wright, Vel n a Mac Mitchell, Kathleen Jackson, Mary Elizabeth Layton. 3rd Grade?Alice Conyers, Lnieile Creen, Annie Mae Gay, May Nora O'neal, Helen Pearce, Mozelle Wig gins, James Mitchell; David Spivcv, Dorothy Mifchell, Mildred Pearce. 4th Grade?Frances Allen, Nancy Vlnston, Charlie R. Edwards, Sara Ann Baker, Josephine Hendricks, Wood row Wiggins, L. G. Catlette, Ashley Thompson, Richard Mitchell, Lizzie Hayes, Vernon Hill. Bland Hill. 5th Grade?Lucille Timberlakc, Mae Roberts, Louise Frazier, Lucile Per r.ry, Mable Wheeler, Bettle Clifton Hrrris, Mary Chas. Mitchell, Clauz relle 'Carter, Robert Cheatham, filvin Pearce, Julius Hendricks, Clifford Layton, R. B. Gill. Fred Cheatham Cash. 6th Grade ? Catherine Edwards Bcnnie Franklin. Clarence Hendricks, Helen Pearce, Virginia Perry, Ella 1'rlvette, Ruth Roberts, George White, 7th Grade?Ruth Bridges, Ruby Cnwthornc, Linda Mae Roberts, Lena Mao Glynn, Helen Hill. Sth Grade-Sidney Mitchell, Myrtle I.ce Hendricks, Qdna Young, Helen Robortc. 91 h Grade?Martha Carter, Edns Pallet I. Allethla H olden, Havannah Mitchell, Mary Susan Pearce, Thelma Roberts, Llnwood Stephenson, Jose phine Wade, Margaret Young. 10th Orade?Katharine Cheatham, Clara Belle Goswtsk, Ines pulley I ^Persona/ *11 i oupr. a. u. rerry viaueu iuuvi?> I Wednesday. . Judge G. M. Beam and son paid I Nashville a business visit on Monday. Mr. Harold Abbott was the we'ek 1c nd RUcBt ot his sister Mrs. Dr. H. O. Perry. Mr. F. W. Newton has returned to [Mars Hill, where he is attending col lege. Miss Mollle Strickland left ycster I day for a short visit to friends aud relatives in Raleigh. Miss Columbia Crudup, of New I% ork City, was a visitor to relatives in LoUisburg this week. ? ? ? - *J? ' Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Reynolds, of I Henderson, were visiting Dr, and Mrs. H. G. Perry last Sunday. Mr. J. Forrest Jayner is in Chica I f < attending a Conference of the Na I tional C'anuers Association. 1 | | Drs. Caviuess and Wilkens, of Ral Ieigh, were the Sunday night guests of Dr. and Mrs. H. G. Perry. ? ? ? Mrs. H. H. Aycock has returned I from a week's visit to friends and | relatives in and near Oxford. Mr. and Mrs. Faulcon W. Alston, Iot Warrenton, were guest of Mrs. William H. Pleasant, Sunday. Messrs. C. A. Walker and Geo. Tur ner of BuVlington were the huning guests of Mr.' WAT. Person the past v.eek. Mr. and Mrs. William Bailey and I children, of Raleigh, were dinner I guests of Mrs. William Pleasants, | Sunday. ? 11 Frank Hudson, who has accepted a position on a boat, sailed from New Orleans on Jan. 14 en route to Ant werpt, Germany. ? ? ? Miss Dick Turner has returned from Laighon, Pa., where ahe was taking a nurses training course and intends resuming tbe same work with St. Luke's Hospital in Richmond very soon. | Merna Young. 11th Grade?James Allen, Richard I Hill, Elita Bar ham, Viola Cooke, Claire Layton, Lois Winston. Youngsvllle P. T. A. The Parent Teacher Association of Voungsvllie - Scliuul met tB" regalaf | pftBoion on Tuesday dft&rnooii, Jan. 7 1930, in the school auditorium, with the president, Mrs. E. M. Carter, in the chair. A short devotional period was led by Mrs. J. M. Williams, after which tho members oT the Association ans wered the roll call by giving a New \ ear's resolution for the school. The minutes of the last meeting were by Mrs. Margaret Parham, sec t etary, ajtfl the reports bribe commit tees were submitted" by the chairman. The voting by grades, to see whose room was entitled to have an hour ;ff for haying the most members present, was then held. The fourth grade, Miss Stewart, teacher, won in the voting. Mr. Parham, principal of the s^iool paper and Its needs. He said that Youngsvllle School Is lead ing the way for other schools of the county in this undertaking, and urged the members of the P. T. A. to give the paper their cooperation now as they had given it in other matters. It May Be Unfcnt When yo Children Ciy for It Castoria i? a comfort when Baby b fretful. No aooner taken than tho little ouo i? at eaae. If reatlcsa, a few drona 7No " soon bring contentment. No harm done, for Castoria is a baby remedy, meant for babies. Perfectly safe to giro tho youngest infant; vou have tho doctore' word for thatl It ie a vegetable pfo duet and you could use It every day. But it's in an emergency that Castoria means most, Korao night when constipation must bo relieved?or eolio pains?or other suffering. Never bo without it; some mothers Kerp sn extra bottlo, un opened, to mako suro there will always be Castoria In tba house. It Is effective for older children, too; read the book that comet with It. More Millions Treat Colds Direct i.auad ?About Mei'coj of "Dosing" Give; W-.jr Tj Maseru Yapor'i"^ Salve j.Xs>r* r~<l . r'oji>? each year r.rt gl.-ir ^ iv itt indirect vey' ol t, er' <?'ds by "dosing" with internal r ?;i ~ n'-s.~:iEd are adop,. ?ht*"f>?: rr ??' r: rf.icct treatment?1 ?V'ioks V'JiX".".'>?? \ . .ki goes direct to the aifected parts &?ii check-- the cold in two ways ? Its medicated vapors, re leased by the heat of the body, are i. haled diieci to the ir.darned air- / passages; at the same time It seta direct through the skin like a padl tlrc or plaster, "drawing out" tight ness and rorenesq. / Vicks is especially appreciated by mothers because it La just rubbed cn. and therefore, cannot upset child err/a delicate s'.oglncha as Vd?t l.iy" is so apt to do. Today the tvhnlo trod cf medical -practice is avuiy ' ":u needless "dos;ng." ? ?o k- cp pace vvi.h the evir-frc.-v demand. the- famous sic.yu.t. "17 -l-xililon Jatq- feed Yearl;-,'1?wm raised to "21 Million" a short time e.go. This figure too has been or Krovm. as there are now "Over 2'j trillion Jars Used Yearly"?a jar for every family in the Vailed TUe Association voted to change the t ine of the February meeting to Wed nesday night, February 5, just after the tegular prayer meeting at the church. As there was no further business, the meeting was turned over tq Mrs. B. H. Patterson, chairman of the so cial committee. With the ablet help ?>[ Miss Bujlard, who gave directions, Mrs. Patterson put on many stunts cud games. After this feature, a fruit course was served hv a group ' f the high school girls, during which the^nemberg present enjoyed an infor mal hour of conversation, then, the meeting adjourned. Basket Ball Schedtfe Jan. 10. Bun 11?There (Boys and GWs) Jan. 28./E. Best?Here (Boys). Jan. 31/ Louiaburg?Here (Boys). Feb. 4T Franklinton?There (Boys and Girls). Feb. 7. Open. Feb. 11. Goldsand?Here (Boys). Feb. It. Franklinton?Here (Boys end Girls). There are to be added to the above games at least two more boy's games, end about six more girls' gainoe to complete the schedule for the pre tournameut season. At completion of the- above- schedule m eutei ur eotm-' ty tournament to determine the Coun ty Champions. This tournamenttpvill be held either In Franklinton <i in I.outsburg. the cbampiGns will be de termined by elimination. TomigsvlUe Vs. Goldsand On January seventeenth tie Youa'gs ville boys' team won a loosely played game from Gold Sand by a scene of Both teams played as if has ket b^U were a game to which they had just been introduced. The pass ing was bad and shooting was off aim. ' Let us hatch your Eggs. 22 years iu the Hatching business. F. L. Her man, Mgr., Franklin County Hatch ery. l-24-12t 9 NOTICE ,1, North Carolina, Ih Superior Court, Franklin County. Before the Cler1:. J. S. Gay & W. S. Gay, Admrs. of the estate of W. J. Gay, dec'd. Susan Gay, J. S. Gay, W. S. Gay, J. T. Gay, A. O. Gay, R. F. Gay, Frankie Rich ards, Reddle Mitchell and husband F. R. Mitchell, Viola Perry and hus band W. R. Perry, Agnes Perry and husband Raymond Perry, Shelton Stalling* and wife Iols Stallings, Chlarice Stallings, Vs. Retta Stallings, Woodrow Staliings, Ruby Staliings, Leon Stallings, Marshall Stallings. Elbert Stallings, Rosa Stallings. Martha Stallings. Mary Lee Stallings. Ned Stallings, Ted Stallings and Susan Stallings. Tho defendant Retta Stallings. will lake notice that a secial proceedings entitled as aborc has been commenced ill the Superior Court of Franklin Counly, for the purpose of the par tition of certain lands belonging to the estate of W. J. Gay, deceased and the said Retta Stallings will further take notice that she is required to appear before the Clork of Superior CSurt for Franklin County, at the court house of said county, within thirty days after the completion of Service by Publication, which service will be completed on the 21st day of February, 1930. and answer or demur to the complaint of the plaintiffs or the relief therein praised will be granted. This the 21st day of January, 1930. J. J. YOUNG, C. S. C. 1 24-4t . Frankln County, N. C. SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of the power if sale contained in that certain deed of trust executed by. C. B. Kearney and wife, Lifcy Kearney to R. B. White, dated June 17th, 1921, recorded in Book 224, page 53P, Registry of Franklin County, N. C., default hav ing been made In the payment of the Indebtedness thereby secured and de mand tor foreclosure having been made upon the undersigned trustee by the holder of the bond represent ing said Indebtedness the undersigned trustee will on MONDAY. FEBRUARY 17TH, 1930. it i or about the hour of Noon at the Coucthouse Door In Loulsburg, N. C. offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the follow ing described real estate: All those certain tracts or parcels of land situate In 8andy Creek Town REMEMBER--We buy our goods ? at right prices, and we let no one [ undersell us. We sell both the "SUNSHINE" and "NATION- ? AL" line of Cak s and Crackeis. CALIFORNIA ORANGES, Fancy, Doz. 60c j Rock-Go Cocoa .. .21b Can 25c Gordons Fish Roe 2 Cans 35c Eagle Milk Can 20c Fancy Rice 4 lbs 25c Herring No, 2 Can 10c Swan Matches 6-5c Boxes 20c Octogan Soap 6 cks 25c Aluminum Percolator .... 2 qt Size 75c FANCY PATENT FLOUR We Stand Behind It ELUE RiDGE, Plain KITCHEN QUEEN Self Rising, Barrel $7.00 NOW IS THE TIME Figaro Liquid Smoke $1.50 Size. .i$1.25 Anti-Skipper Compound 2 Sizes.. ... 50c & $1.00 Sizes "CAPITOL SPECIAL" Coffee, fresh ground, lb. 20c "MURPHY'S SPECIAL" Coffee, fresh ground, 3 lbs. 70c COFFEE, inase & Sanborn and maxwell House, lb. 5Uc OCEDAR POLLISH, I Bottle 60c, and I - 50c DUSTER FREE G. W. MURPHY & SON, LOUISBURG, N. C. ship. Franklin County, State of North Carolina and described as follows: 1st Tract; Lying and being in Sandy Creek Township adjoining the lands of C. B. Kearney, the Mrs. Tip Terrell lands and others, containing | seventy-five acres, more or less, It lieing the Identical tract conveyed to C. B. Kearney by M. D. Strolher and wife by deed dated Oct. 26. 1612, and duly recorded in Book 192, page 62 tf the Registry of Franklin County. N. C. 2nd Tract: Lying and being in Sandy Creek Township adjoining the lands of Turner Petry, T. T. Hunt Estate and others, containing one _l.muUetL.aad. ten acres,-mere or loss.t it being the HUatjfial .tract conveyed. by G. W. Ford and wife to C. B. Kear ney and wife, Lucy Kearney by deed dated June 20th, 1905 and duly re corded in Book 146, page 285, Registry of Franklin County, N. C. 3rd Tract; Lying and being in Sandy Creek Township adjoining the lands of C. B. Kearney and others, and containing one hundred acres, it being the identical tract conveyed by Gilley L- Peoples to C. B. Kearney by deed dated August 15th, 1905, and duly recorded in Book 152, page 112, Registry of Franklin County. N; C. 4th Tract: Lying and being in Sandy Creek Township adjoining the lands of C. F. Faulkner and others containing Lota Sv amf 4. nf~tWWtttte V. Ingram place formerly owned by Mrs. Wainwright, a plat of which Mrs. Willie P. Ingram place appears of record in Book 199, page 246, Reg istry of Franklin County, N. C., said Lots 3. and 4. together containing Ninety Eight and 39-100 acres, more cr less, the same having been con veyed to C. B. Kearney by deed of P. A Reavis and wife and J. P. Hill dated April 6th, 1914 and duly record ed in Book 202, page 34, Registry of Franklin County. ? / Reference to all of the deeds and records above mentioned being here made for a further description of the property herein conveyed. This 17th day of January. 1930. j? R. B. WHITE. THREE BIG DAYS _ OF THE MOST INUSIIAL BARGAINS EVER OFFERED AT-? L. KLINE & CO., Inc. THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY JANUARY 23rd, 24th and 25th 3 DAYS SET ASIDE TO CLEAR OUT AI L LADIES READY TO WEAR AND ODD AND ENDS VALUES THAT CANNOT BE DUPLICATED WILL BE OF FERED AND IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN SAVING MONEY YOU WILL NOT MISS THESE 3 BIG DAYS. $10.00 to 815.00 Silk and woolen Dresses newest FaV Styles beautiful materials and styles all sizes Special $5 89 815.00 to 825.09 Iiresse3 newest styles l.cuntlfnl materials all sizes Special $8.89 815.00 Value Winter tents new styles sport and dress coats scvne hare fur collars Special $5.89 880.00 Value Coats iur collars and beet styles Special $9.89 ALL oniKR COATS I* STOCK AT LESS THAM HALF PHICB LADIES' SILK HOSE Regular $2.00 Values SPECIAL $1.00 Pair Silk Chiffon and Serrtce weight slik Hose double pointer heels and trench heels sold regular 82.00 pair special tar 8 days only $1.00 Pair Sweaters at Greatest Reductions of tbe Year Ton can practically name your own price on any swentrr for womesi or children In the store, now Is (lie time to bay sweaters 81 x 90 SHEETS Special $1.00 Each Those i*-e fifellent qunWty no starch and thej are regular <1.7."? sheets only ? sheets will he sold to any one customer. i* $5 00 PART WOOL BLANKETS Special $2.98 Yon will want to bny serernl at this price bat the -aypij is limited so come early and set your share. $15.00 Men's All Wool Topcoats Special $7.69 All soo' and beautiful patterns c41 sixes ALL MEN'S AND BOY'S CLOTHING AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICKS FOB THESE 3 DATS IP YOU HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR THE LOWBST PRICES NOW IS YOUR OPPORTUN ITY TO BUY Men's fancy Sox as loair as hey last 10c Pair MEN'S HATS AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES?ANYONE CAN HAVE A NEW HAT AT THE PRICES Wt. OFFErf THEM ..HnccVeda of Other Equally Exceptional Bar (rains If Yon Want To Make Yonr Doll<?rs Go Further Be Snre and Come To Our Store Thurs day, Friday and Saturday. L. KLINE & COMPANY, INC.

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