BABY CHICKS CUSTOM HATCHING ? Cedar Rock-Cypress Cieek Poultry Association Hatchery , Telephone No. 1105 R. F. D. No. 4 Louiaburg, N. 0 Custom Hatching $4.00 per tray of 96 eggs. Reservations for any week between Jan. 8 and May 1 may be made by advancing $1.00 per tray. Baby Chicks $1Q.OO per 100. . I I ? Tlio burning subject of the day Is Coal?can I get the kind 1 'vant, the grade that burns best in my stoves and get It when I need I!? Our answer is?Yes, If you order from us. We have just received a new shipment I C E Don't forget that our Ico Is made from pure well water that is O. K'd. by the State Laboratory and our price la attractive. Call us over phone. R. G. P ER S O N Chevrolet Nash Dodge and other makes of slightly Used Gars. Different Styles, Good Condition ALSO New Chryslers and Plymouths CASH or TERMS ? Fred's Filling Station F. B. LEONARD, Owner LOUISBURO, North Oorolina FACTS ABOUT FRANKLIN COUNT! Mr. C- A. Sheffield, aisfatant t< Dean Schaub at Stale College, after i careful survey of Franklin Count] lute revealed thq following facts an< figures: Franklin County produces 99 pel cent of the consumption of corn li the County. Only 1 per cent belnl imported. But we are raising cori at a loss of $2.70 per acre, duo to I low yield. By making this crop mon prolific we will be able to prodnci the necessary 1 per cent to supply de maud and will make this crop pay ui a dute dividend. Franklin 'County produces only I per cent of tho consumption of wheat Mr. McCrsry stated, however, tha wheat could not be grown profitably In our county. Surveys reveal tha It Is produced at a loss of $12.96 pel acre. We produce 20 per cent of the Oat censumed. We do not raise enongl f this crop. Surveys reveal that thti crop isn' profitable, but we do no lose money on it. It Is about an evei break. 40 per cent of Hay consumption ii raised, and that crop can be raise, profitably on our Durham soli. Fig ures reveal that Hay la raised at i profit of $16.St an acre. Only 1 pe cent of our cultivated lands are plant ed In this crop. By doubling tht amoont we can practically suppl; our county's demands. And we cai ill, that at a profit. We produce 61 per cent of the Irisl Potatoes consumed. United State Surveys reveal that the averag American consumes 3.3 bushels pe year, but N. C. statistics show tha Carolinians eat only 1.8 bushels pe year. That- difference Is contribute, to the fact that we eat more Horn lr ies. Rice, Orits, etc., than the aver age American, thus cutting our Irisl Potato consumption in half. Approximately 92 per cent of th. Sweet Potato consumption is mad in our county. Average Carolinian consume 3.3 bushels per year. Tha amount being about < times the con sumption of Northerners. Sweet Po tatoes are grown In onr county at i profit of $48.00 per acre. Figure further reveal that this Is ouy bes uicney maker. Exceeding tobacco- tr. $3.00 an acre. And percentages shot that' jre do not raise enough to sup ply our local demands and consump tfhn. Franklin County produces only 2 per cent of the Beef and Veal con sumed. 80 per cent Is Imported int our county every year. Compariso: will show that beef cattle can b raised at a good profit If the farme will grow his cover, or feed crops. We raise 13 per cent of our mutto end Lamb. Statistics show Sheep t be the lowest Hay consumer of th cow, horse or mule. 56 per cent of our pork is raise annually showing that we raise onl half enough for our county's nee< The county is paying out annuall $125,000 for pork. We only have enough milch _cow Ul.the xoanty te pi UUucS" 4T~per cei of our milk consumption. At Ihff Mr. Sheffield tells us. we drink nc ever one fourth as much as the at erage amerlcan. . Poultry products are 66 per cent c our consumption. The average ma eats about 18 pounds of this meat pe year. To be exact it is 17.8 pound) So we are short 34 per cent and an man can raise poultry at a profit. ,85 per cent of our egg consumptio is supplied by our bounty. U. 8. Sui vrys reveal the average man to ee 17.6 doxens per year, or an averag of about one half an egg per day. During a three year average, com posed of 1926-7 and 8. tobacco wa raised at a profit, In Franklin Count] of $46.00 per acre. In this same period cotton wa grown at a loss of $.60 per acr< Average yield per acre of lint cotto was 238 pounds. This low produc lion is contributed to infestation c the boll-weevil. In the rear 1928 Franklin's mone crops brought the county approxl l.iately $4,600,000,00. Tobacco $2,633 206.00 Cotton $1,742,864.00 Peai Soybeans,' Beans, $30,000.00. Frui $60,000.00. Now let's turn to a few drains froi the county. Franklin pays annuall for Its Kay $240,000.00; $180,000.0 for wheat: $126,000.00 for pork; $660. 000.00 for guano; and large sums to beef. On figuring crops made In Frank lin the Extension Dept. has taken In to eonsideratioi. your tax?based o; an average taken from tax list book of the county; on your In terest of 6 per cent on your Invest tnent; rent allowed at $10.00 per cul tlvated acre; and your operating ex penses, labor, etc. Mr. Scheffleld points o.ut that .dairy tug can be carried on'In Franklli County at a profit provided the own ?r or operator will make his ha: crop. Otherwise II is dubious. That an expansion. In the last fer years, towards money crops has help ed to bring on our existing condl tlona The department has founi that farming is more profitable I crops are balanced. If a farther wtl live at home, in accordance with Gov ernor Gardner's program, he will hav. much easier sailing. So lets Dlversl tr. Toacher; Why do you Insist oi spelling bank with a capital "BT" ^ Jonpy: Well, pa said a bank wai no good unless It has a big capital. The stock market gambler and th? girl who marries an aviator are alike: Tbey both take a flyer. DON'T FORGET TO SEND ADVERTISING OOI'V IN EAULY DR. J. C. MANN tbe well known Eyesight 8pee UlUt and Optician will be at Parrlab Jewelry 8tore, Louis, bare, N. a. every Brat i ad third Thursday. Office boara 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. Over twenty yeara dally experience In exnmlnlnff ayes. His next visit will be Thnre day, Feb. fi, 1930. FOR SALE! We have listed (or Mle follow . lug properties: Nice lot, N. Main St, near col. lege. t lots facing Graded School grounds. Lot N. Church Street 48 acres (arm land Cypress Creek owns hip 885 acres (arm land, growing timber, Cedar Rock Township. 76 acres (arm land Cedar Rock Township 1 nice dwelling town ot Louis, btarg. Franklin Insurance & Realty Co. We sell all kinds Insurance and Bonds?See as for yosr needs. Prompt and accurate service. If It's Groceries See "GUS" Coffee 25c lb. Black Duke Coffee 30c. Yonra to serve, A. J. Jarman 103 W. Nash 8L Opposite P. O. Phone US DANGER Warning to The Public! influenza is prevailing, parti illy on aocount of people wear fng damp or wet shoes, half bJes are not water proof, there fore we have purchased a stock if water proof fall or whole Pnnco Soles which we can gua rantco to keep yonr feet dry. Price only a fraction higher Ian half soles. .OUISBUBQ EEPAIB SHOP I. llHAI. ftiiatma Next to Tar Elver Bridge ixscu Ajm Roir "BE SURE ui ?Mi T. V. WATSOH ?tf nsoxi" _ PIT* hundred black walnut eeed lln(s h**e been planted thle winter by 4-II club moroberi of Vance Coun ty. aCentury ?=rr "**" of helping American Farmers MAKE BETTER CROPS The coming year round* oat an even centnry eince the first nee of Chilean Nitrate of Soda in &? United Statea. Andrew Jackson, famous "Old Hickory", of Tenneasee, was President of the United States in 1830 when the first cargo of this nitrogen fertiliser arrived by sailing vessel from far-off Chile. That was years before we had the telephone, the telegraph. ' -1 TO?I^ AY On sheer merit alone... strict " ly on the basis of the good it has done, Chilean Nitrate to-day is the standard nitrogen fertiliser. Last year more than 800,000 farmers used it to make more money from their crops. Every cotton champion in the Soath... add every corn champion... made his winning crop with Chilean Nitrate. For nearly half a century, Experiment Stations have proved the value of Chilean Nitrate. In Penn sylvania, for instance, experiments have been con ducted continuously since 18811 The success ob tained by farmers who use it, leads many more each year to follow their example. Chilean Nitrate pays back its small cost many times over. Do not confuse Chilean Nitrate with other fertilisers. It is the world's only natural nitrate nitrogen. Not synthetic, but the real thing, mined and refined in Chile and nowhere else. It will pay you to insist on Chilean Nitrate. It is quick-acting food for almost every crop that grows... proved by 100 years of use. Special Book Offer Fill Our new 64-page illustrated book "How to Fer tilise Your Crops" gives all the Jpfocat3.tifln.yaa. ' need.~Free. Ask for Book No. 1 or tear out this ad and mail it with your name and address on the margin. Chilean Nitrate of Soda EDUCATIONAL BUREAU 220 Professional Bldg., Raleigh, N. C. in replying, please refer to ad No. 63 ^ ?itTs soda NOT LUCK * CHAMPION- PLOWS CLIMAX increased production permits immediate delivery If Your Dealer Cannot Supply, Write U? C. Billups, Son & Company, Inc. NORFOLK, VIRGINIA ESTABLISHED 185S Sole Manufadurers of the Genuine "Champion" and "Climax" "Plows and "Parts Gov. 0. Max Gardner Visions the New Year "If I were to give any advice to the public, it would be this: To save a little. It is bound to be true that that person or that bus iness wljich spends a little less than its income in the future im mediately in front of us is bound to be much happier than the average individual or business. Save a little." Citizens Bank & Trust % Company HXNDEBSON, N. 0. T? "TheLeading Bank in this Section**