The Drugs and Chemicals nsed nt this Pharmacy aro guaran teed pure and fresh. It is our desire to render you service unequalew any where. Get your prescriptions filled bore and gave time, money and wen rj-. Ask Your Doctor ?rnunri oiu? SCOGGIN'S DRUG STORE Louisburg's Leading Drug Store Nash Street Louisburg, N. G. Low Prices on Ford Service AU labor charged at Flat Rate Bring your Ford here for the important jobs. We use only genuine Ford Parts and til labor is charged at a low flat rate You know in advance what the cost w*U be. Satisfaction guaran teed. All mechanics specially trained. Ask about our Special Inspection Service. It will save youi money and keep your car like new. '? - Hodges-Green Motor Co., Ford Products Louisburg, Nortl. Carolina We have in stock the Now ATWATER KENT Radios and the VICTOR RADIOS with all the new features. Call or telephone our store for Free Demonstration. Attractive prices for Cash or terms. Full line of tubes and accessories. RADIOS W. E. White Furniture Co. Louieburg, : N. Carolina New Low Price ? Crosley Radios Try a Crosley Screen Grid Test and Compare with any other Radio at any Price. Free Home Demonstration V . We Repair Any Make of Radio BECK'S GARAGE Day Phone 311?Night 46 Loniabnrg, N. 0. A A A - SERVICE Louiaburg's Oldest Garage V RELIEF ^ ^ that la REFRESHING "We have used riiedford's Black Draught for yean in our family. I can highly recommend it far many afl monta. Ws take it far colda and for constipation. "I havo four chil dren, end I give it to them. When my little girl gets Mo ras, or complains of | beadachn. I sire hsr ? ucauuuu ui iMau'i/nuKUH and aha is all right in a day or two. "Sometimes whan I hova in digestion from improper eat ing, I bay* headache. Than I take BUck-Draught. I always fcei fresh and hove more energy after I have taken "L-"?lfaa.1 it-"?Mrs. E. Reich, 2215 East First Street, Anstin, Three, WOMZTT wfco need ? tonic take CAKDUL IonieoverM WHY WAIT TILL THE LAST HAY AllVKKTISKMENT Wilts THE All HAS CAN GIYI TOU A MU'JH BIT TEB JOB IF TOD SEND IT IN SOONKB? HOSTFOBGET IT. NOTICE OF RESALE ""Under and by rlrtuc of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed on the 18th day of April. 1929. by H. L. Griffin and wife. Annie D. Griffin, and J. W. Finch and wife, Alice Finch, to E. F. C. Mctx, Trustee, recorded in Book page IS in the office of the Register of Deeds of Franklin County, N. C.; de fault haying been made in the pay ment of the indebtedness secured thereby, and under an order of resale fey the Clerk of Superior "Court of FrenkHn County the undersigned -will offer for resale to the highest bidder for cash, at the Court House door in Louisburg, Franklin County, N. C., at twelve o'clock noon on Monday, the 10th day of February. 1930, two certain tracts of land, bounded and described es follows: FIRST TRACT: In Cypress Creek Township, bounded as follows: On -the North by the lands of Billic Bow den, on the East by the lands of Sal lie Hoi lings worth, on the South by the lands of W. A. Mitchell, and Pearl Kollingsworth, on tho West by the lands of Frank Hollingsworth, con taining thirty-three (33) acres more or less and known as tho Carrie In scoe share of the late John Hollings worth estate. SECOND TRACT: In Cypress Creek Township, bounded as follows. On the North by the lands of Car rie Inscoe, on the East by the lands cf W. A. Mitchell, on the West by the lands of J. E. Wilder, on the South by the lands of W. A. Mitchell, and being known as the land of Pearl Hollingsworth estate, containing four teen (14) acres, more or less. This 20th day of January, 1930. H. F. C. METZ, Trustee. Kenneth C. Royall, Yarborough & Yarborough, l-27-8t Att'ys. SALE OF VALUABLE LANDS Under and by virtue of the power rested In me by that certain Deed of Trust executed by W. M. Pinnell on the 24th day of May, 1928 and Re corded in Book 250 Page 295 Registry of Franklin County, N. C., default having been made upon me to fore close said Deed of Trust, I will on, Monday the 13 day. ot January. 1330, at or about the hour i f noon offer Cor sale to the hlghp-t Slider, to' qash at the Court IJouee door iu LoulsLiur.', N. C., tne following de scribed trnqw "or pnrcela ot lu?i'l ly ing and beiiii; in Franklin CO>tn>y, State or No:111 Carolina^ and particularly described as fqllows, to wit: 1st Tract: Situate in Sandy Creek Township, Franklin County State of North Carolina, containing 71 acres, more or -less and being the land con veyed to W. M. Pinnell by deed of Mrs. Lucy J. Myrlck, dated Feb. 23, 1913 Recorded in Book 179 Page 460 Registry of FTanklin County, N. C. 2nd Tract: Situate in Sandy Creek Township, State and County afore said, containing 37 3-4 acres, more or less, and being the land conveyed to suld W. M. Pinnell by deed of F. W. Pinnell dated July 29. 1922 Recorded in Book 229 Page 451 Registry of Franklin County, N. C. Also all the right, title and Interest of tlie said W. M. Pinnell in the lands belonging to his deceased mother, Mrs. Polly W. Pinnell at the time of J>er death more particularly described as follows: 3rd Tract: Situate on the West side of Spring Street In the Town of Loulsburg, State and County afore said. known as the Polly W. Pinnell Home Place and being the lot convey ed to said Polly W. Pinnell by deed of W. H. als, Trustee of Lotllsburg Methodist Church dated July It, 189$ recorded In Book 108 Page 440 said Registry of Franklin County, N. 0. 4th Tract: Situate In Sandy Creak Township, State and Connty afore said, bounded on the North by thi l.i ads of John Ball, on the East bj the lands of D. T. Fuller, estate, o; the South by the lands of D. T. Fullei estate, and on the West by the land: of J. W. Merritt and being known ai the Pearson land, containing 56 acres more or less. 6th Tract: Situate in Sandy Creel Township, State and County afore said, bounded on North by the land: (f Hoi den and Leonard on the Eos by E. S. Herritt, on the South by E S. Herritt lands and on the West b] the lands of 0. S. Macon estate am D. T. Smith wick, containing 42 acre: more or less, and known as the Mer ritt land, reference being made to al of above mentioned deeds and rec ords. This the 13th day of Dec., 1929. E. H. MALONE, 12-20-4t Trustee The above sale was continued t< Monday, Jan. 27, 1930, by consent o all parties concerned. This Januar: 20th, 1930. 1-24-lt E. H. MALONE. Trustee. SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATI Under and by virtue of the powei of sale contain*] in that certain mort gage executed by Jessie F. May am wife, to The Farmers and Merchant: Bank of ^Louiaburg, N. C., date: March 19, 19$8 Recorded in Book 28< Page 208 Registry of Franklin Coun ty, N. C., defaulbhaving been madi in the payment of the indebtednesi thereby secured theN underslgnei mortgagee, will on Monday the 20ti day of January, 1930 at or abajit th< hour of noon at the Court House in Louisburg, N. C., offer for sale public auction, to the highest bidde for cash the following described rea estate: That tract of land in Cedar Rocl Township, Franklin County, State o North Carolina, containing 39 acres more Or lgps, bounded on the Nortl by Mrs. Anna Collins, on the East b: Mrs. J. O. May and Road from Coda Rock to Dickens, on the South by W M. Collins. For full description, ref ercnce is made to deed book 244 Pag< 269 et seq., Franklin County Registry This the 14th, day of Dec., 1929. THE FARMERS & MERCHANTS BANK OF LOUISBURG, N. C., 12-20-5t Mortgagee The above sale was continued t( Monday, Jan. 27, 1930, by consent o all parties concerned. This Januar: 20th, 1930. FARMERS & MERCHANTS BANK, of Louisburg, N. C., 1-24-lt Mortgagees NOTICE?SALE OF COLLATERAL Under and by virtue ot powers vest ed in this bank under note date< April 8, 1929 and due December 1 1929 and signed by Ben T. Holden wt will sell for cash at public auo tion to thw highest -bidder at th< Courthouse door 'a 1 -o'litburg. N. C on Monday, February 10, 1930, th< following described collateral: - One Note, $3000.00, payable to Th< First National Bank, Loulsburg, N by Ben T. Holden and wife, date< April 6, 1929 and due December 1 1529, secured by deed of trust to Ed ward F. Griffin, Trustee, which l recorded in the Office of the Registe of Deeds of Franklin County, N. C Book 285, page 318 to which referenc ts made for a description of the rea estate described in said deed of trus r.s security to the above note. Note of Mariah Alston and Bill AIs ten dated March 7, 1928 and due De camber 1. 1928 for $3253.25 payabl to Ben T. Holden secured by deed o trvgst to Edward F. Griffin, Trustee which is recorded in Book 285, pag 132, Office of the Register of Deeds Franklin County, N. C.. and to whicl reference is made for the dcscrlptioi cf the real estate therein togetbe with personal property, all of whicl is security to the above note. Three (3) bonds of Louisburg Fc male College, bearing numbers 64, 6 ai d 70. Each of said bonds beini first mortgage 6 per cent bonds o the par value of $100.00 each. All of the above notes and bond being held by this bank as collatera under note of Ben T. Holden as abov named. The above collateral may be exam lued at the First National Bank o Louisburg, N. C., at any time durim tanking hours. This the 16th day of January. 1930 The First National Bank of Louisburg, N. C. l-17-4t By F. J. Beasley, Cashier. SALE OF VALUABLE LANDS ?Uader and by virtue ol the pnwe conferred In that certain deed of trus executed by It. L. House and Wife, 01 the 1st day of January, 1925 to W. N D'.ckcns, Trunteo Recorded In Bool 262 Pago 215 In the Registry cf Frank l!n County, fj. c.. default having beet made in the payment of the bonds se cured thereby and demand havini been made upon me for the foreclos ure of said Deed of Trust, I the un derslgned Trustee, will on the 27tl day of January, 1930. at or about thi hour of noon, offer for sale, at Pub lie Auction, to the highest, bidder foi cash, at the Court llouse door it I.ouisburg, N. C., the following do scribed lands: A certain tfCct of land In Frankllt County, North Carolina, bounded ai follows: v Beginning at a stake in line of the Murphy land, a now corner recentl: made for W. P. Leonard; thence N. 89 l-4d B 46 poles, 11 links to a stake Murphy's corner; thence along th< line of the land recently conveyed bj W. H. Gupton and others to R. L House, S 2 l-2d W 26 poles to a stake Murphy's corner; thence 8 76 l-2d 8 20 poles to a stake; thence N 3d 8 104 poles to a stake (the last line be Ing a new line made in a recent ex change of land by W. H. Gupton ant R. L. House); thence along Mrs. Car row Bartholomew's line, 8 84 l-4d W 36 poles, 7 links to a rock; thence ? IN V I 1-4 poles to a white oak: thence N. 83 l-2d W IS poles, 28 llnki to a