The Franklin Times EVKBTBODI BOOST LOC1SBDBQ AS ADVEBllSUie ?EDIUX THAT BKIM.S HESUXTS THE COUNTY, THE STATE, THE UNION A. F. JOHNSON, Editor and Manager SUBSCRIPTION $1.50 Per Year LOUISBURG. N. C., FRIDAY, FEB. 28TH, 1930 VOLUMN LXI. (10 Pases) NUMBER 2 A County Farm Board Organized For Franklin Co. On Monday a .group of Interested and representative farmers off Frank lin County met in Louisbu'rg and ruade an organization to be known as the Sranklln County Farm Board, the purpose of which Is to improve the agricultural situation in the County and bring about a sympa thetic and helpful relationship be tween country people and town peo ple. It is hoped that this organiza tion will serve as a clearing house on farming activities, keeping before the people the best and most modern method sand practices in farming. The county committee will consist < f one man from each township who will serve as chairman of his respect ive township committee, which will be selected and appointed by him. The function of the county committee will be to direct in a general way the ac tivities of the various township com mittees and will meet not less than twice each year, one meeting to be held in January and one in Septem ber. The township committees will is thought best and its function will be to improve the agricultural situa tion In that particular township. Monthly meetings of these townshtr committees will be held and definite programs arranged. The organization was perfected as follows: W. T. Moss, Youngsville Township, wa3 elected president of the County Board;.J. D. Newman of Hayesville Township, Vice-President and S. E. Wilson of Louisburg Town ship, Secretary. The other members of the county committee who will serve also as chairmen of the various township committees were elected as follows: Dunn . ?. Mullen. Harris?Morris Hill. Youngsville?Wf T. Moag. Frankllnton?Fleming Fuller. Hayesville?J. D. Newman. Sahdy Creek?Grove? Farrtsn. Goldmine?W. D. Fuller. Cedar Rock?Philip Inscoe. Cypress Creek?Arthur Strickland. Louisburg?S. E. Wilson. After the election of officers W. T. "McJfcs tSok chSrge of the "meeting and ? Instructed- the- various chairmen of the twonshlp committees to meet him in Louisburg Monday night, March 10. At. this meeting each township chair man wilt report tha -orga hIrs ilon for his township nanling .the members of committee. The president at this tim? will suggest a tentative program for the year's work," of course, for the approval of the County Board. In a general way the organisation expects to work along the following lines: 1. A system of living at home. 2. Diversified crops. 3. A keener Interest In scientific farming. 4. A keener Interest in poultry, cattle and hogs. 6. Better marketing facilities. 6. A close working understanding and cooperation between country people and town people. Franklin Superior Court Hon. Frank A. Daniels, of Golds boro Is presiding over the present torm of Franklin Superior Court now lu session trying civil cases. Only a few minor cases were set for trial and no court at all was held the first week of the term. The business of the court has been moving along r.icely and smoothly under the mas terful guidance of Judge Daniels, one of the States ablest and most popu lar Judges. KEV. A. L. THOMPSON EXPECTS . TO BE AT HOME SOON Rev. A. L. Thompson, pastor of the Louisburg Methodist Circuit who un derwent an operation about three weeks ago Is lnproving rapidly at 805 Third St.. DUrham, N. C. He left Watt's Hospital Feb. 23. After Feb. 28th he will go to his home at Vans In Moore County for awhile. He an nounces that he will be back for his work by the second Sunday In March. Mr. Thompson has arranged for someone to meet his appointments at Leah's chapel March 2 at 11 A. M ; Prospect 2:00 P. M.: and at Bunn 7:30 P. M. A CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our apprecia tions to the people of Louisburg who rendeped us so tfiany deeds of kind ness during the recent Illness of my little daughter. These deeds will ev er be remembered. We hope some day to be able to return them. If we can not return them there Is one who. can and will reward you In that home not made with hands. If we could only pass the chiist-llke spirit on to some one else as you have passed It to us we would be happy. Mrs. C. M. Vaughan ft Children. Subscribe to The Franklin Times 21.(0 Per Year In Mr. J. J. Holden Takes Own Life; Leaving a roughly scribbled note !u which he said that be did not want bis children to suffer, J. J. Holden, well known farmer of Youngsvllle, killed himself Monda?. His wife beard the report of a gun from her hus band's room. Rushing in, she found that he had sent the load of a shot gun through his chest. It is sup posed that a stick found close by the gun was used by the man in pulling the trigger of the weapon. Mr. Holden was 49 years of age. Ho was a brother of Ben. T. Holden, well known attorney of Loulsburg, and pf Sid C. Holden, register of deeds of Franklin County, and Stephen Holden of near Youngsvllle. Funeral services were held at Oak Level Christian church Tuesday by Rev. E. M. Carter the pastor and burial was?in the church cemetery. Mr. Holden was a member of the Jun ior? Order and burial was with the honors of tile' Youngsvllle Council. He was a former superintendent of the county home of Franklin county. Financial difficulties and ill health had been weighing heavily upon him. ^ ^sid^s hiB wife the deceased ja Brltt, Misses EJstelle, Aleatha, Ruby and Julia Holden, Messrs. Hubert, John Henry, Joe Ben, Edward and Newell Holden. He v/as especially popular among a host of friends who extend the deep est sympathy to the bereaved family end relatives. r< CHUIiCH | THE METHODIST CHURCH The service next Sunday morning will bo of unusual importance. The sermon by the pastor on the theme. "A Church tn Ernest," will deal with 71 very IBHRIRlflt mailer III church' urer ' The evening service at 7:30 o'clock trill conclude the . series on "Love Courtship and Marriage," with a ser mon on "The Home." This will be celebrated as family night'and the en tire- family is requested to attend in a body, bringing the grandparents rnd the little children. Special music centering about the home will bo -rendered by -the choir. There will Ic a delightful song by Glen Beasley and the college orchestra will render n selection. Miss Lawson will read two short selections by Edgar Guest. The congregational singing will be the old hymns. The pUblic is Invited. ST. PAUL'S EPf'sCOPAL CHUBCH EPISCOPAL CHURCH Rev. J. D. Miller, rector of St. Paul's Episcopal Church, announces that evening prayer will be observed p.t his church - next Sunday evening at 7:30 o'clock to which service all are invited. ? ? ? LOl'ISBUBG BAPTIST CHUBCH The sermon of the Rev. Sankey L. Blanton at the Baptist Chcurch Sun day morning at 11 o'clock will be on the subject "The Missionary Per ppective." March has been designat ed Mislsonary Month throughout the Southern Baptist Convention. All de partments of the Church will bufld their programs around this theme for the month of March. The topic for the sermon at 7:30 T M. will be "Hungry Hearts". This sermon will deal with the religious unrest of our day. The causes for much of the prevalent religious de spair will be traced and suggestions a? to the way out will be offered. Large congregations have attended cm* services In recent weeks. A warm welcome awaits all who come. The services begin and end on time with no service lasting longer than an hour. FOR FIRST CLASS JOB rKlMTfNC PHONE MS TO INVESTIGATE RATI W. Cameron Porbaa of Boston, gradaon of tha famoua Ralph Waldo Kmeraon, former Oorarnor-Oanaral of the Phlllplnea. named aa Chair man of tha Praaldant'a Oommlaalon on Haytloan affalra. Lindy Can Fry, Too Col. Charles A. Lindbergh ccokir.g supper in his camp in the Tehachapi mountains of California, where he is practicing with glider9. To Beautify < College Campus to- beauttfy- -fcuulsburg College campus Is meeting with very encouraging response from the alum nae ano friends of the College. Alum nae from such widely separated points as New York city and Birm ingham, Alabama, are sending In con tributions and expressing interest'in the movement. Actual planting of shrubbery and evergreens will begin this week. Lo cal friends of the College are contri butlng to the fund and donating hun dreds of shrubs and plants. Contri but'ons are being sent either to Mrs. J. O. Newell, treasurer of the Alum nae Association or directly to the Col lege. I.YULESIDE ITEMS A local wag who says he has quit talking and taken up singing, since joining the League mentioned In this column three weeks age, submits the following. There is only space in tMs Issue for the "chorus," but the whole "song" when set to music, may be given in a future One:. Just "over the hill" not far away, Its over the hill from day to day; Some may come and some may go. And Its over the hill both to and fro. Miss Kittle Foster, matron at the Methodist Orphanage, Raleigh, spent a few days the past week with Miss If? first grade children entering -4' ?T?fe,Tss-?? the ^hi^ren and ' advise the pa lenu-as to how such defects may be TtTvery Important for a child to wmteghaSndicapped during Its entire clinics will be conducted by Ul.COUntyndrhI^ntittsaof the County. Doctors and DentUU o^t^t of lT^theand C^mmUtees appointed by . fheT Parent-Teachers Associations. THE f. w- A- *EETS The Y. W. A. of the Maple Springs Haptlst Church met in the lluth Perry Wednesday eTSning reb. 26 1930 and the program was gi>e "^Topic*8 Happiness Highway^The rH^rue Hearted, Whole Heart 6dScHpture Reading-Matthew 5:1-13 by Ruth Perry. wester Prayer by Annie Leigh Weste . SSd-s Face Shines Through by Nellie Murray. w A clean Heart by Mrs. J. SUf.'Tn the Making by Mildred Gup ? A Sincere Heart It Is easily Recognized .by Bertna ^"'business was attended, *>11 called, minutes of last meeting read, s.nd collections of dues. Hymn?Face to Face. WILLIAM EARL dPTO* DEAD William E.H Gupton three^cmths old eon of Mr. and Mrs E w. ?*??, Ton. of Castalia. died Feb. 20th. WU n-m Earl was born Not. Tin x??. therefore bis life vas brief. Yet. great was the nap plneee and joy be imparted and sweet '^Mr'and^Mrs. Gnpton extended many A* .belr reUm- ^n^Sflr for the and MM. Oupton hereayement. Mr. ana hare the deepest sympathy | community and county. Mountain f*r?*r.' ^iirley toba'cco 3*3^3^ "JTSW circular may beb*d . MTonomy at from the department ot agro State College. Basket Bali Tournament Closes Friday Night The basketball tournament, which ie one of the activities of the Frank lin County League, comes to a close Friday, February 28th. at the Frsfcik linton School. The first ganse be gins at 7'SO. -a?u The following games will be played at that time; Epsom Girls Vs. Frank linton Girls, and Edward Best Boys Vs. Franklinton Boys. These games will determine the first and second places in the county. A large crowd Is expected to see these gdmes, 'as they should prove very Intel eating to all basketball fans of the cccntv. During the elimination contests the various teams have displayed many good qualities, and it la believ ed that these contests furnish a good opportunity for developing a splend id type of sportsmanship. The resujts of the basketball tour nament will be announced in next week's TIMES. ' 'EN'SCS REPORTS FOR ABSENT FAMILIES 'ensns Bureau Makes Special Pro i is ion for Enumeration of Families riMminr: n lit 'Away-From Home During the Month of April. The Fifteenth Decennial Census of the United States will be taken dur ing the month of April. The enum eration will be made by a force of about 100,U00 enumerators who will go from house to house and secure the information required for, the cen sus. Every person is to be enumer ated, so fat as possible, at his "usual place of abode" or the place where he uftiaHy lives.?Where?individual members of a family are away from home at the time the census ista ken they will be reported to (he en rmerator by other members of the family. For cases where it is known in ad vance that the whole family will be ?nay fiom home at the1 time, special; provision ing been' mndo-by the Di-4 rector of the Census In the TUTm" otj t n absent family schedule which is j to be filled out by some responsible' member of the family in advance of the census date and transmitted to the local-Supertvisor of'the "eeusus. A. copy of this schedule can be se cured by application to Mr. Hobart Prantley, of Rocky Mount, N. C., who is the Census Supervisor for this Families planning to be away dur ing the month of April, leaving the home closed or with no one in charge who is qualified to give the census information to the enumerator, are urged to obtain one of these schedules at once and to fill it out and send It to Mr. Brantley at the earliest pos sible date. Or if Ahe house, is left In charge of a servant who wilKbe sure to be at borne when the enumerator calls, the schedule may be left wUh such servant for delivery to tfta, j enumerator. The information fur nished on this schedule will be treat ed as confidential and will be used only for the tabulation of statistics which will not reveal any informa tion with regard to Individuals or families. Corn grown by adult farmers under demonstration methods in Catawba county last year produced an average of 53.3 bushels an acre as compared with the county average of 20 bush els. The cost per bushel was only 73 cents as compared with the aver age cost of 51.45 a bushel. A fund of 5500 has been raised In Clay county by the farm agent to be used as prizes to 4-H club boys and girls this year. Mr.'Hoover's^ C*tck? This sailfiah, weighing forty-five pounds end more than seven feet long, was tha first one caught by the. President on Ms Ftewa trip. The Zander Gump Wedding ?? The Home Economics ? Department of Mills High School will present a short play. "The Zander-Gump Wed ding" in the school auditorium thru the best local talent in town, at eight o'clock March 4th. The pro ceeds of this entertainment will be used by the Department to sectfre a r.urse for the Nurse's Course. The following is a cast of charact ers for the "Zander-Gump Wedding": Broadcaster?Hill Yarborough. Pinky-Dinky Club?Darrel PerTy, William Perry, John Holden, Robert Smithwick, Jr. Miss Emmy Schmaltz?Miss Lou^ia Jsrman. .Moon Minims?Air. irogueu. Kayo?Reginald McFarland. Jiggs?Dr. Fleming. Maggie?Mrs. H. G. Perry. Miss Jiggs?Blanche Weaver. Walt?George Griffin. Skeezix?Alfred Cooper Hicks. Rachael?Mrs. Levy Beasley. Goliath Gump?Imagene Phillips. Mutt?Mr. A. W. Person. Jeff?Marshall Medlin. Tom Carr?Aleck Wilson. ? Mary-Gold Musgaept .Tumor. Mandy?May Fisher. Plato?Pete Shearin. Boots?Annie Taylor. Boots' Best Buddy?Alene Godfrey. Freckles?James Person. Jay?Thomas Wheless. Tagalong?Bob Beasley. Barney Google?Maurice Joyner. Sunshine?Harold Tonkel. Mayor Hoople?Mr. Arch Qrega. _ Rejected Suitor?James Cooper. Aunt Pclly?Mrs. Tha Harris. Tom?Edward Collier. ? Ophelia?Peggy Ford: Special Feature?Edward Stovall. WEDDING PARTY Groomsmen: Mac ? Sterling Cot irell. Hairbreadth Harry?Mr Holli lay. Bridesmaids: Tillie the Toiler? Victoria Adcock, Belinda?Miss Mary PTOson. FlOVggr Girl: Orpliln Aftille?Jitriii Fleming. Rjngbearer: Cljester Gutap?Karl Allen. ' Train Bearers: Katzen jammer Kids?Wm. David Wells. Hugh Per ry Jr. Bride: 'Henrietta "Zander ?"Mar pa ret Wilder. Matron of Honor: Min Gump? Beatrice Turner. Best Man: Andy Gump ? Poss Wilder. Pres. Alexander Honored Announcement has just been re ceived that President C. C. Alex ander of Louisburg College has been elected as an alumnas member of North Carolina Beta Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa scholarship Fraternity at Ihlke University. Election to Phi r>eut\Kappa is considered one of the highest honors in the academic field, The election of Mr. Alexander was in l:nc with the policy of Beta Chapter to select from time to time certain alumni who have achieved disting uished service. In addition to Phi Beta Kappa President Alexanler holds membership in Sigma Upsilon, National literary fraternity; Tail Kappa Alpha. National debating fac te rnlty; and Sigma Chi; social fra ternity. MB. C. C. COLEY DEAD Mr. Council Coggln Coley, one of Franklin Coitnty's substantial plant ers, died at his home near Centeryllle on Thursday, January 30th. 1930 in his 74th year. Mr. Coley had been ill for some time and his death was not unexpected. Besides his wife he Is survived by six children, Misses Kannle, Bulah, Lelia May Coley, Mrs. Graham Radford, William and Law rence Xeal Coley. three sisters Mrs. A1 Gupton, Mrs. Henry Burnetts end Miss Willie Coley. and one brother Mr. Orren Coley all of Franklin County. Mr. Coley had been a consistent member of Sarepta Methodist church s.'nce boyhood and was one of the Community's most 'dependable citi zens. He was a good, dutiful and loving husband and father. He al ways spoke a word of love and advice to those wtih whom be came in con tact. The funeral, largely attended was hell from the home and was conduct ed by Rev. S. E. Wright, pastor of Saropta church and the pallbearers were Major Gupton. Eddie Hotase. Elijah Gupton, Alex Wester, Oole man Denton. ?. ?. Alston. The pretty floral tribute spoke the tender esteem in which the deceased was held by those who Anew him. The deepest sympathy Is exteud rd the bereaved family. U.BC.W The Jos. J. Davis Chapter D. D. C. will hold Its regular monthly meeting with Miss Belts at the College March ?th 1930 at ?:M P. M. MRS. O. K COOKE, 8ec*y. in The PtenkliB