EXTRA! ANNOUNCEMENTS Of GRAND SALE OF LOTS APRIL 15th ] The Franklin Times AS ADVEIi'i IM>i. MEDIUM THAT bkim;s mrn.li> A.. F. JOHNSON, Editor and Manager THE COUNTY, THE STATE, THE UNION SUBSCRIPTION $1.50 Per Y--? VOLUMN LXI. ~ LOUISBURG, N. C., FRIDAY, APRIL 11TH, 1930 (10 Pa'clock, after the Board of Directors xad decided to cease operations *nil urn the bank over to the State Bank .xaminers for the protection of its ?roditors. The action of the Board esuilted from a run on the bank fol owing the receipt in Louisburg of he information concerning the clos ng of the Citizens and Commeraial Hank at Franklinton early In the - orning from which followed heavy withdrawals that were not contem plated. The bank was captllized at 1 ?>0,000.00, had a surplus of $30,000.00 FBB had deposits of approximately M50,000.00. C. P. Harris was Prol iant and M. S. Clifton, Cashier. It is stated by friends of the institution that Ilia hank. affairH are Itl spienri id shape with plenty collateral, and that it is highly probable that it will reopen within a few- days. _ Mr. C. 1. Taylor, State bank exam iner, arrived Wednesday afternoon and took over the affairs of the bank. The First National Bank Is in no way affected by the closing of the Banks at Franklinton and Louisburg, said Mr. F. J. Beasley, Cashier, to the TIMES man yesterday, and he sso said that he expected no unusual withdrawal of funds. This bank is in a very liquid condition according to a statement published elsewhere In this issue, and . enjoys ' complete . onfidence of its " depositors and the public generally in this and sur rounding counties. A statement elsewhere In this is sue also shows the Bank of Youngs ville in splendid shape and dissipate; any cause of or anticipation of un due withdrawals. Franklinton Bank Closes The Citizens and Commercial Blnl ?ft- Franklinton failed to open forbtft iac.ia on Wednesday morning .anf relative*. He was a. member of ?"?hiloh Methodist church and the fun sval waa conducted by hi* pastor ftev. A. L. Thompson. H# possessed fin* qualities of the todthern gentleman, whtch made for ilm ecoree of friends In all walks of. tfe. He will be much missed In hie I ommunlty and In his death Frank-1 tn County loses one of Its boat ottl-| Mrs M. a Nowlnnd I C? was the ggoot of k. D. Wllcoz during th ho Methodist Revival, night SPLENDID HOME SITES TO BE SOLD NEXT TUESDAY On Tuesday, April 15th, the old home place of the late J. J. Person on North Main street, which has been subdivided into nice building lots will he sold. The sale will be conducted by the American Auction Co., of Siler City, for Mr. J. T. Pru,ttt, the present, own er. This Company will present for the first time in this Community, the Qoldston Brothers, who have won the title of "The famous twin Auction eers". They are also twin brothers, and have mastered the art of twin auctioneering to a moved degree. It will be a treat to hear them as they speak the same words at the same time, and conduct their-sale in a pleas ant polite and business like manner throughout. They have expressed themselves as being highly pleased with this property and the prospects of a splendid sale, as well as with Louisburg as a genial, well located and splendid town, both socially and fiom a business standpoint. Attention is called to the half page announcement of the1 sale in this is I sue and the TIMES-jetno-In- wishing Mr. Prultt and the American Auction Co. much success in the development of this" portion of our town. Annual School Debates The past week has brought much interest to the many schools in the observance of 'the annual triangular debates: The following debates in Franklin have been reported: Edward Best Defeats Bonn In the debating contest Friday eve ' ning Miss Margaret Smith, Miss Eula ; Mae Bartholomew, Miss Ruby Sykes and Mr. Marvin Sykes representing | Edward Best High School defeated I the Buna High School in a dual de tate. " '? ? Gold Sand School In Debate Gold Sand high school was in tri angle with Pink Hill and Pikevllle for the annual debating contest sponsor ed by he University of N. C. The contests came off Friday night April 4. Pink Hill's negative came to Gold Sand and defeated Gold Sand's Affir mative, white Gold Sand's negative vteat -to mcevillo and-dobatod-thole affirmative. The results were that Cold Sand's affirmative won while her negative lost to Pikevllle. Gold Sand's debating team " was composed of: affirmative, Clinton Gupton and Walter Fuller. The neg ative was upheld by Thomas Speed and Fuller Parrish. Rtrffin Harper was alternate debater for the affir mative and Wilson Parrish was al ternate for the negative. Miss Crvrtch firld, a teacher in. Pink Hill high school came with her negative team which was composed of Miss Mildred Davis and Misa Gladys Strouse. Clinton Gupton and Walter Fuller are members of the senior class, and the school feels that it is losing two of Its best speakers this year since both have won medals in public speaking. However Thomas Speed. Fuller Parrish, and Wilson Parrish ere promising speakers. Clinton Gupton has more distinction in speak ing this year by winning first place In the county-wide oratorical contest sponsored by the American Legion, rod also second place in the district contest sponsored by the same or ganisation. Dr. R. F. Yarborough Conducts | Franklin County Pre school Clinic Under the supervision of Dr. R. F. Yarborough County Physician, the I re-School clinics of Franklin County were conducted last week, at the sev en High 8chools of the County. Prior to this. Dr. Yarborough ad t ressed the County Parent-Teacher Council and several school assemblies on the subject of the Clinic stressing the argent need of It In the County and inviting the .assistance and co-op cration of the Parent-Teacher-Also ciatlona and all of the Doctors, Den t'atd and Nurses of the County. In these lectures he laid great stress on the importance of children taking advantage of the Pre-School Clinic examinations, since those chU dren would have first privilege of any follow-up tonsil-adenoid Clinic. He emphasized that the object of the Ife-School Clinic was to determine the physical defects of all Pre-School children and to advise parents of de fects .that such defects might be cor rected by family physician or special Ml ! '? He quoted statistics that show the average American child 25 per cent physically imperfect, that three mil lion children have some Imbairment of hearing, that 2$ per cent of school children need glasses, provine the cbsolnte necessity of continual exam (nations of children. > The Pro-school Clinics of Inst wsek. rt the majority of plncss, wsro well rt'ended. with more than double that of lint year. Epsom bad 100 per cent of regis tration examined. The County physician*, dentists, trained nurses and P, T. Associations gave splendid aid at tbeee Clinics. FOR FtJtST CLASS JOB PRINTING PHONIC 222 I Property Owners Call Tax Relief Meeting The Franklin Times has been re luested to state that all tax payers Irom every township of Franklin lounty are invited to gather at 2 >'clock Saturday April 19th. at the liourthouse, to organize the Franklin Property Tax-Relief Association of *.'orth Carolina. This county wide meeting has been diclded upon for fco 19th in order that each township tiay hold local meetings Saturday vpril 12th. Hon. Hallct S. Ward of Washington, flolonel Willie M. Person, and other Iraders against the shameful tax bur den placed upon land, will address the meeting. Tax payers from every sec tion of the county will express them selves upon present conditions, and measures for relief will be voted upon by the assembly. Seats will be re served for the taxpayers from each township, and they will elect two of their members to the Executive Com mittee. Democrats, and Republicans, Farmers and Business men, Simmons and Bailey supporters. Land owners and Tennants, all will unite at this assembly. The one single object of I tills organization win be lb ""relieve] permanently?the uufali?taxes forced I upon property. Though docile, patient and long .?uttering as the tax payer has been. mand for relief, and relief at once, whether it be given by new methods of taxation, by reducing inflated sal aiies and extravagant expenses, by abolishing unnecessary offices and over-expanded departments, or, in ed. by an Indignant Declaration of the home owner and farmer that he will not snbmit further to "Property Confiscation by Injustice of Taxa tion." , Let every township and special tax district be well represented by its tax payers at this county meeting, and acain let Franklin Countv be even stronger represented at the State Wide Convention to be held in Ral eigh April 21st. Come and bring your best citizens. A New Plan To Finance Farmers t Through the effort. rtnl C J, McGhee, Franklin County has been organized and put in shape for its farmers to share in the distribution ?f the seven million* of dollars made ? available by the -Smith resolution in C< ngress for the relief of farmers who suffered heavy losses due to ex cessive rains. In speaking ot the working of this organization Col McGhee said applicants for loans fiom this fund are limited to those * hose financial statement shows In ability to borrow from normal cred it agencies. The fund is Intended to help farmers who have no security or credit standing. Upon approval of the application a check for sixty per cent of the amount to be loaned is given the applicant. The applicant Is required to report In twenty days tnd to how he has spent the amount already secured. This being approv ed he is advanced twenty per cent more, a report of the expenditure of which must be reported within an other twenty days, after which the remaining twenty per cent, less S per tent will be paid over to him. Applications will be filed with eith er of the four vocational teachers. G. I- Winchester, of Franklinton, John J. Wolfe, of Edward Best High School. Fred U. Wolfe, of Gold Sand High School, or T. D. O'Quinn. of Bunn High School, or with G. L. Cooke. County Accountant, at Louisburg or Franklinton. These applications will be passed on to the County Committee, who in turn pass them on to the Extension Deparment. at Raleigh., The County Committee is composed c*f Col. C. L. McGhee. chairman, G. M. Beam, and" Q. L. Cooke. It would seemu that with the plans tf this organization together with the regular credit agencies now organised *nd working Franklin County Is in position to finance Its farming oper ations for another year at least. Masonic Notice ? All member* of Louisburg Lodge are urged to attend an Important business meeting Tuesday night. April It. ?: oTlock There will be work In The Fellow Crafts Degree. Visiting Master Masons are cordially invited to attend. Farm Board News The Louisburg unit of the Farm Board held a meeting In the cowrt. house Saturday, March 29. There were thirty Intereeted farmers at the meeting. Mr. Troy Fergurson, North Eastern District Agent, made a verv Interesting and practical talk on "Live it Home". Thse meetings that are hetng held over thg county are very Interesting and helpful Donate Books To Oollega LQxrary We are requested to state that ?onlsburg College le much indebted o the Mwin Puller Club and Mr. O. if. Beam for e number of books d i*ted to the library recently. RECORDER'S COURT ?pzsaaisss ss ?. K.*?d"" ""** "?'*-*??> - Clarence Wright was found not bltlon law ?harge ?' Violating Probi o.JrU'C^r'8 WaS glT?n a sentence o. six months on roads, commission ers to hire out, for larceny. Jim Debuam, plead guilty to a ?hi?te unlawful possession of and was ^Iven 6 months on roads, Commissioners to hire out. ued' lowing 04868 ?ere contin weapon.' Perry' aSSaUlt witb deadly t.iWUonrLClarke' Jr"' Vl?latiDg pr? W. H. Shearon, bad check chect' PIaC6' Jr" N B Harris, bad republicans hold COUNTY CONVENTION itJ?L ?2ipt*~*?~8ute and Other I I),rr,are Per Convicts I Tn* F*r Red?ced The Republican County Convention wet -at the Courthouse in Louisburg Monday April 7 jn accordance with the ca|i issued by Mr. Wm. R. Young hairman of the Franklin County Re publican Executive Committee. A email but enthusiastic group of men from the various precincts of Frank lin County attended the Convention. Three delegates were selected to rep resent the County jn the Republican State Convention which will be held in Charlotte, April 17. An invitation was ais0 TOted any other from Franklin County to attend the Charlotte Convention, which carried With it the privilege of sharing pro rate in casting the vote of the County in the State Convention. Delegates chosen for the State Convention were s Iso designated as the County dele pates to the Republican Congressional Convention for the 4th District, and also to the Judicial Convention when called. County Chairman Wm R Tr oung was unanimously re-elected as Chairman of the Republican eaecu --Ufe Csmjuittee. Pelegates were jn sTructed to vote for Mr. SuI C WesT to retain his present position on the Republican State Committee. Chair man Young was invested with full a"f*?frUy imns, and meditations on the words : from the cross. All are invited to attend each of ' these services. see LOnSBCKO BAPTIST CHTECH The Rev Snnkey L. Blanton. Pan. tor, wil I preach Sunday morning at or' W" preach Sunday morning at At the evening service at 7: SO o'clock the last of the series of ?ecmons on the life of Jeeas will be delivered. The topic of this bmux? will be "Th? Death of Jesaa". The public Is Invited to all eer HO SERVICES AT 8HTL0H ABB PPfBT ABOVE Thar* will be no aervkiog at AM and Ptney Grave on the Loulsbani Circuit next Sunday. April It The pastor will be at Jaekeon, N. C. an slating In a revival ?""Irg there. I