EVERYBODY r MT1 BOOST 1 H LOCUBIRQ - L XJ tE Franklin Times AN ADVERTISING MKDIl'M THAT RHINOS RHtl'l/Itl 4. ?. JOHNSON, Sdltor And Maamgsr THE COUNTY, TEN STATE, THE UNION SUBSCRIPTION $1.50 Per Ymi VOLUMN LXI. LOUI8BUEG, N. 0., FRIDAY, DEC. 5TH, 1930 (12 Pages) NUMBER 42 MOSS ELECTED CHAIRMAN Hill Yarborough Elected Coun ty Attorney E. P. Griffin Re-Elected Prosecuting Attorney?Reduce Salaries of Re corder and Prosecuting Attorney ?Administer Oaths and Appoint Listers and Appraisers The new Board of Commission ers for Franklin County mat at ons o'clocM "Monday, and after taking the oath of office before Clerk of the Court, J. J. Young perfected an organisation by electing W. T. Moss, chairman and Hill Yarborough, County Attorney. AH members be ing present business was taken up and disposed of as follows, the ses sion lasting through to Tuesday af ternoon - E. F. Orlffin, was unanimously elected Prosecuting attorney at a salary of $>00.00 per year. The salary of the Judge of the Recorder's Court, upon motion dnly made and carried was made $1,000. 00 per annum. The Sheriff came before the Board and took his oath of office. The Register of Deeds came he fore the Board and took hla oath of office. The following Constables came be fore the Board and took oath of of fice: W. N. Pearce, Dunns; J. B. Young, Youngsrille; Benj. F. Mor ton, Frankllnton; Joe. S. Rowland, HayesTille; Frank F. Hicka, Sandy Creek; H. W. Wood, Cedar Rock nad J. A. Dennis, Louisbnrg. On motion the officers as follows were required to give surety bonds: Register of Deeds, Clerk of' the Court, Sheriff, County Accountant. On motion the constables were required to give Justifiable $500.00, either surety or personal bonds. On motion R. M. Minor waa ap pointed Janitor for the Court House and Jail at a salary of 50.00 per month. On motion C. C. Collins was given a license to peddle in the State un der Section 7880(142) Consolidated Statutes of North Carolina. On motion J. T. Inscoe was elect ed Tax Supervisor for the coming year at a stipulated salary of $8.00 per day and 7 l-2c mileage for the time actually employed. Mrs. H. W. Perry was appointed Court Stenographer at the salary as allowed by law. The Jurors for the January term of Franklin Superior Court .were drawn with the assistance of the Sheriff. The following list-takers and as sessors were named for the revalua tion and equalisation of property for 1931, the first named being list-taker for their respective town ships: Dunns?J. O. Williams, C. T Cheaves, J. Fred Perry. Harris?J. L. Byron, Robt. Whe less, Edgar Harris. YoungsvtUe?8. E. Winston, C. C. Winston. H. M. Green. Frankllnton?R. H. Jones, C. O. Moore, Will O. Wilder. Hayeevllle?W. P. Wilson, D. T. Dickie, H. F. Mitchell. Sandy Creek?G. B. West. O. B. Egerton, J. R. Parrlsh. Gold Mine?Johnnie Neal, John Wood, W. D. Fuller. ^ Cedar Rock?S. H. Boone, J. B. Sturdlvant, T. W. Stokes. Cypress Creek?Arthur Strick land, Arthur Splvey, T. M. Harris. Louisburg?H. W. Perry, A. S. Sherrod, N. M. Perry, F. W. Whe lees. v 11 The motion was made and carried t, that the above asessors be peld I ? i AA ? J ?* ?* $4.00 per day while engaged In duties of assessing and revaluing land. ' . On motion the lands of R.' R. Parry was ordered segregated for the payment of taxes. On motion Clyde Bartholomew was reappointed as Road Trustee of Cedar Rock Township roads for a term of $ years and John Wilson. Jr.. was appointed for a term of 3 yearn. The following commissioners were appointed by the chairman to handle the matters pertaining to the vari ous departments and districts: District No. 1?Dunns and Harris, W. A. Jones, Reads and complaints; slso appropriations, special tax dis tricts real estate told for taxes. District No. I?YoungsvUle and Frankllnton. W. T. Moss,'Bonds and complaints; also Count* indebted ness, County Homo, Health. State Highway Commission nad Rev anus. District No. 8?Hay Seville sad Sandy Creek, H. P. Speed, Roads sad complaints; also report of of fice ra, Employment of prisoners. Home Demonstration, stills nad foes. District No. 4?Gold 1 Cedar Rock, T. B. Dean, Roads and A complaints; also officers bonds. Edtf- g cation, Walfare, Fees of County Of-J J 1 I f trials, ? , District No. ne of franklin County's most popu lar and progressive citizens. TOBACCO SELL - INGGOOD Lotiisburg Market Nearing Its Five Million Mark?Tobacco Coming From Distant Mar kets Prices on the Louisburg tobacco market the past week have been holding up fine and the farmers 11 seem well pleased with the prices received. The smoker grades are selling especially well and decided Improvement in the leafy grades is reported. The buyers are all anxious for the weed and each sale is a lively one. Quite a lot of tobacee is being sold here from distant Counties and many growers from neighboring counties are making this market headquarters this season. The market is now closely ap proaching the five- million mark, with the expectation of selling ap proximately three million more be fore the close. Louisburg is welcoming the grow ers to its market where everything is being done for their interest end convenience. -*? i . KLINE'S STORE IS ROBBED Burglars entered L. Cllne and Co'a. btock, after which an, Investigation was made and offloers with blood tounds called. These were reinforced ater by detectives, but up|to going ,n press no clue has been found to warrant arrests. There Is noivay of estimating the oss only by sheer guess which places be loss way up in the hundreds, poe dbly a thousand or more. Wednesday morning a 'tag was dls 'overed on the automobile wash rack tack of :ho J.oulsburg Dry C" caning Vorks, formerly the Nash Street Mo or Co.'s place that upon Investiga ton was found to oontxin a lot of mods taken from K'.'f's. presumably n this robbery. In the bag were 14 Iresses, 10 hats. 1 coat, a pair of ihoea and a lot of curtains. The bag rag first discovered by Mr. W. M. Measants on his way down the street, ind was reported to Kline's and the tfflcers. No one has any knowledge if how or when it was placed there, ["he bag was In plain view of Spring. Itreet Supt. Bett Speaks At Tarboro ? E. L. Beat, addressed the >arent-Teaehers Association of Tar oro In the Tarboro High School Ludltorlnm on Monday night. De ember 1st. Ho was accompanied hero by Misses Bobbys Williams, aloist, and Olgm Lotrtse .Johnston, seder, members of the Tmnlsburg lotlege Faculty and Mies Bernn ette WOodHef, student of the Col ige, who presented s program of male and recitations. On Friday night. 'December B. rof. Bast will sneak to the Sdu Itlonal Club at Wtta- Foflot. \ Subscribe to the Franklin Ttaesa i TRUSTEES TO RAISE FUNDS NEW JUDGE AS SUMES DUTIES Adopt Plans at Meeting In Lori3burg Friday ? College | To Continue. The Board of Tsnstees of Louis-1 burg College In session at the Col-1 lege, December 2, 1230. in pursauce of the expression of the North Car-1 ollna Conference In a resolution passed by the Conference Monday.! November 24. adopted the following 1 plan to raise approximately 313.-1 000.00 for the operation of the I Collego for the.spring term begin-1 nlng Wednesday, January 21. "3M This action was taken by the Trus tees subject to the approval and co operation of the Presiding *loors, 1 pastors and people of the Confer ence. , . I This plan was approved and l adopted by special resolution at the Durham district set-up meeting Wednesday, December 3. It Is ex pected that similar action win be taken at meetings to be held tn other districts of the Conference during j the next few days. A brief outline of the plan fol '0,Flrst that Sunday, December 211 (and Sunday December 28 on cir cuits) be observed in ?" Jhe Conference as Louisburg Ccylege Day, when the emergency and ur gent needs of the College shall lie explained to the people ami volun-1 tary offering and contribution be taken for "Special Funds" for the purpose of the operation of the Col lege tor its spring term. Second, that every pastor in co operation with his Presiding Elder may net as a representative for Louiaburg College In raising the "Special Fund" and may designate such church workers as he may see l" Third*'8'tha? all contribution, should be collected and subscriptions paid and forwarded by each pastor to his Presiding Elder not later than January 5, 1931. Fourth, that each Presiding Elder forward all offerings and contribu tions turned in to him to Rev. F. S. Love, at Raleigh. North Carolina, who has been designated as tre?*T m-er of this "8pecial Fund . not later than January 10. 1931. Fifth, that Rev. F. S. Love as treasurer of ths "Specal Fund shall disburse the same only *or the oper ating expenses of the Collegp after January 20. 1931. V Sixth, that in the event a sufd e'ent amount is not raised for this "Special Fund" for the operation of the College for the spring term the treasurer of the same shall re fund to the Presiding Klders a" con tributions raised from th"?' turn will refund these contributions through the several pastors to the churches through which they were contributed. Seventh, that the editor of the North Carolina Christian Advocate be requested to devote special space and emphasis to the cause of Louis burg College in IU Jfue of the week of December 16-21. Eight, that the alumnae of the College be invited and ref Police were read and approved. Mr. W. E. White. Chairman of the Finance Committee, advised the Board that Atty. W. L. Lumpkin tad reported to him that he had nade every effort to collect the bad :hecks given to him for collection by :he Board, without resorting to luit, and was unable to collect the ihecks. The Board instructed the Clerk ,o secure the checks from Mr. Lumpkin. and to give them to Town htty. C. H. Yarborough, and to In itruct Mr. Yarborough to pursue the iollectlon of the checks to a finish. Mr. W. B. Tucker was be fore the Board requesting a rate of Ic per K. W. on the Franklin Seed Co. motor. This matter was disposed if in the following motion. "That the Board amend the franklin Seed Co. motor rate from I 1-2 cents per K. W. to 4c per K. ff.. this 4c rate to apply from Oct. L L93H through the 1930-1931 lining season."?This motion was arrted. An application was read from C. I. Collins for a position on the .onlsbnrg police force, in case a acsncy existed. The Board ruled hat since no. vacancy exists at >resent, no action conkl be taken on his application. Bills payable were presented to be Board by the Clerk for payment pproyal. No bills were approved for ayment by the Board that had not een approved by the proper de artment head, the purchasing gent, or that did not bear properly ttached purchase permits issued by te purchasing agent. A letter was read from the Utll :ies Engineering and Management o., requesting the Board to pass a esijlutloa endorsing a Notice for I roposals on Utllttlee. for the pur oee oh receiving bids from tnterest 1 parties, for the sale of the Louis org Light and Power Plant. With the provision that the Board i not obligated in any ssannsr to toept any bids that might ha of nd to them. After diacuseiOa the Ulowing motion wan placed la er "That the Board grant the request ~ Utilities feaglaoerlng r the Utilities Engineering and, anagemeat Co." 'A requtet from the First Nation l Bank. Louishurg, N. C. seeking total deduction of fl4.MI.00 from te Ex rim Tax returned by the tate Commission, because of t at that the above amount of ?operty Is not In Town, was road i the Board. The Clerk was Instructed to eon r with the State Board of As to making eats. In reference to making any Ijastmeats lis the returns mode by W to the Town of Loniebarg, N. ACCEPTS SHERIFFS SETTLEMENT Pa-ss Resolutions of Respect T. W. Watson, Deceased, Former Member Board? -Close Up Unfinished Busi ness and Adjourn Sine Die The Board of County Commis sioners met in regular session on Monday morning with all members present. Before the business of the day was commenced resolutions of re spect to T. W. Watson, a deceased member of the Board, were passed. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The $22,000 Bonds were sold by the County to Gaspell, Vieth and Duncan, Davenport. Iowa, at $105. 00 premium 5 per cent bond. On motion the county accountant was instructed to correct an error In the acreage of A. T. Howell land .in Harris Township. The Chairman designated J. Z. Terrell to handle the Department of T. W. Watson. J. Z. Terrell reported that he had Tisited the Welfare offlce and found everything working smoothly. He filed report of E. C. Perry, Welfare officer. He also reported that the Court house, jail and property in town was in good shape. C. B. Barham reported ten pris oners in jail, 7 serving sentences from Superior Court. J. B. Sturdivant reports that the Home Demonstration offlce is func tioning efficiently and files Miss Caldwell's report. He also filed re port of Dr. Yarborongh. Health Of ficer. A. W. Sandllng made his bridge report. On motion, W. N. Fuller was re funded $97.80. same being for tax certificate purchased by Mr. Fuller, which has been found was listed in error. On motion M. S. Clifton was re funded poll tax for the year 1928 and 1929, same being paid in error, Mr. Clifton being over fifty years of age at the time same was paid. The Chairman reports that be hM visited the County Home and it is clean and in a most sanitary and satisfactory condition. Mr. Hedge peth reports twenty five inmates now at the Home. The First National Bank reports a collection of taxes for November 1930. of $17,792.9$, making a total collection of $38,545.(3 collected to date. The requisition for the Schools for the month of December by the Board of education was filed asking for $34,359.(4; W R. Mills School ?$9,914.75; Franklinton School? $5,321.00. On motion the lands of D. B. Kearney located in Franklinton Township, and being lots originally purchased from the Franklinton Holaery Mills be segregated with his personal property, for the pay ment of the 1929 taxes. On motion the list as turned In by the Sheriff as insolvents for the fiscal year ending June 30. 1930 was accepted as insolvents. On motion the settlement of the Sheriff for the fiscal year closing June 30. 1930, astendered, was ac cepted. Upon mottnon, it was ordered that the tax books for the fiscal year be ginning July 1. 1930 be delivered to the Sheriff for collection upon settlement of the First Natieaal Bank with the County Accountant and saisfactory bond as required by law being given by the Sheriff. Upon motion the retiring Board of County Commissioners wishes to go on record as passing a resolution thanking the County officials for their co-operation and assistance during the term of their office and expressing their pleasure at the cor dial relations existing between the said Board and the oMclals. Upon motion the Board adjourn ed sine die. Killed By Hit and Run Driver siity years of n*. was IU orwr mm staatly kilted by mm Maaterilla Tka drirsr of tb* ear was not known to tbaa* wko saw it sad Nat to asks a loot of oarsalf u>d tontloain at tu mtm, and Atty. ? k rvftdy to ?ttt i ?* 4P?*A *