Z T. JoatUOH. EdlUrt^llluafK jOT OpMff*, IHI STATf, IHHTWdB SUBSOMmOll ?1.M Per Y' ^ * , *~ 111 ? i p i i ^^?i^???? - _ i y j ?? VOLUMN LXI. LOUISBURG, N. C., FRIDAY, DEC. 12TH. 1930 ? (10 Pifea) _ NUMBER 43 POISON FOG TAKES LIV1S DEATHS ABE SUDDEN f Victims Am\ hKilns Choking Al VKlllDK IB Work Hard Of DhMter, ?? Villagers Safety. ?: sj Brussellq, Belgium, Dae. S.-? Ad* ditional death* Tata tonight in th# villages of Hamey .and Ampstn' brought the total of JOgnterious fa talities to (4. One theory, that the tgggedy wi caused by fumes from afhj works in the neighborhood of Liege, failed hare been because the plants hare been closed of late. Moreover, Amnsin probably would be out of reaqb K-s'ttch fumes.' A prominent bhysiclan of Liege today discarded the poison gas hy pothesis *u'd recalled a simlllar mysterious epedemlc in 1911, when 11 persons died unexpectedly in one day aftbr.an icy tog. the victims were eithhr elderly persons, or work ers in cOat; sine, stone, lead and sul phuric gcid industries, Srlth lnnga unable to resist the sudden cold. Brussels, Belgium, Dec. 5.?A mysterious poison fog. blanketing the Meuse valley lh 'Belgium for three days, has teriffled the coun tryside and ? already caused 68 deaths. Many domestic animals also have fallen as victims. For 72 hours an extremely heavy tog has hung over the valley. Peas ants, groping their way through the dense clouds of mist, have died In sudden and horrible asphyxiation. Poison Gas Suspected. At first it was believed the cas ualties were caused by the choking mists aggravating respiratory com plaints, but the magnitude of the epidemic has brought fears that poison gas is responsible. It Is known that great quantities of German war material are buried around Liege, where most of the fa talities have occurred, and some be lieve the trouble to some noxious by product of an industrial works which has mixed with the fog and drifted slowly down the aircurrsnta of the valley. Still others believe that a secret store of poison gas has been loosed in some manner. Authorities are working frantical ly to determine the exact cause, per forming postmortem examinations on victims and otherwise investigat ing. Villagers Panic-stricken Panic seised the villagers. They fled to the shelter of their houses and In many cases packed In their livestock to save the animals from the unseen but deadly threat. The village of Angls appears to be the center of the extraordinary epi demic, with 14 deaths reported and the public health committee center ing Its prlndlhi] investigation there. Among the otner fatalities reported are eight at Flamalle Haute, four at Flamelle Grande, live at Tvoy-Ram et, 10 at lemeppe-Surmeuae and seven at Othee. Most of the terrified inhabitants are convinced that bnrled stores of German war gas, ramnants of the supply dumps concentrated in thla area during the "wcfrld war, are re sponsible. The victims have died lust as did soldiers without gas masks in the war. Organize Charities Miss Lois Dosler, of ths State De partment of Charities and Public Welfare, rtslted Loulsburg on Thursday of last weak to represent Mrs. W. T. Boat, in a meeting of citlsens In the Court house where the question of providing aid to take care of the many cases of char ity that will in all probability exist throughout the winter. Quite a good number were present at the meeting and a full discussion of the question was had, resulting in a decision to try to form a County organisation to eliminate ao much duplication of effort and assure a more general distribution of the assistance. Hill Tarborough, E. C. Perry and A. F. Johnson were appointed a commit tee to carry out this effort as far as possible. As a part of this work It was agreed to make an attempt at set ting up as far as possible a work man's bureau, with the Idea of put. ting the one who wants work In touch with the one who wants work done, even though the Jobs are of especially short duration. This was recognised as a most healthy sug gestion that would relieve a large portion of the distress without helng a burden to the organisation. There fore any one needing any work of any kind or length of time are re Snested to get In touch with ffupt. I. C. Perry, who will soon connect one who Is In need of work with same to the mutual advantage of both. A labor Income of ll.lll.SO from ft?L0 bushels of apples grown on 3800 young trees Is reported by J. S IHllteH WW '? TAX MEETING TOMORROW W. W. Natl, of the FroaAUn County Tax Hejiof Aaso qurtfota, Informes the fUlWf tie 1? Toting aft exceeding!* 1ar? b?? of cttUens attend thq Tax meet held in the CmittHo*#* t On Saturday, , aftri" _^ jiabhr 13th. 1?J* at J "Speaking farther on thtf subject .aid. -I a? Wfaa ially interested in having IlKJttjWdSSJ'^SE 4J| ladies of tKo County. are cor* Oially invited.' . - "There will be kpeechos made by certain citiaeni of this county, and by citizens of other counties In eon* wection with the presentation of the iiet of reeolutlona by the Aseo ciatlon to our new Board of County Commtasioners, who hare set thle special meeting to hear the citlsena ot the County through this Associa tion." Bunnie Pearce Held For Court Bunnie Pearce, son of Joe Turner Pearce, of Cedar Rock, was held un der a $500 bond for the investigation before the Grand Jury at the January 1931 term of Franklin Superior Court, as being responsible tor the death of Wiley Branch, colored, near Waster's Filling Station about twelve miles east of Loulsburg on Wednesday af ternoon, Nov. 26th, when Branch was run over and killed by an automobile. The Inquest was. held In Loulsburg Wednesday afternoon conducted by Coroner G. S. Barp, with a Jury com posed of W. H. Delbridge, O. H. Har ris, W. E. Strange, B. F. Wheless, J. A. Wheless, A. T. Wilson. The Coron er was assisted by Prosecuting Attor ney E. F.Griffln in examining the wit nesses. Quite a number of witnesses were examined and a quantity of evidence produced. The evidence,however, was all circumstantial. The fact that the old negro was killed by a grey Chev rolet Coupe, traveling Inwards Louls burg which did not stop, was con clusive. Mr. Pearce was connected with It because he was the only one In the community that had a car of similar description, and was seen on the road near the scene of the acci dent, soon after it happened. Close Wednesday For Christmas Prices for tobacco on the Louls burg Market the past week have been In keeping with those paid the paat month, as reported vr the warehousemen, and sales have bean pretty good, with. In moat cases gen eral satisfaction among the farmers. The Market will close after the sales on next Wednesday. Dec. 17th, to observe the Christmas holidays. It will open again on Tuesday. Jan nary 6th. All who wUh to sell be fore the holidays had best get It ready and bring it on as early as possible. _ Kills 245 Pound Deer In a "most exciting hunt in the eastern edge of Qranvllle County Monday Morning a party composed of C. A. Ragland, W. B. Barrow, J. A. Hodgea, Robt. M. Law?. and Robt. W. Alston killed a 245 pound deer. The Buck waa routed early In the morning and gave a moat excit ing chase until about 10:30 when a shot from the gun of Mr. Laws brought him down. The prise waa loaded across the hood of one of the automobiles and brought to Lnuliburg where large numbers viewed tv" kill and pic tures were made of It. 29,456 People In Franklin County Mrs. R. F. Tarborough, County Chairman for ths Christmas Seal Campaign, suggested that suppose these 3t,4M people would buy one Christmas Seal sash. Franklin Coun ty would go over the top with Its quota. She reports having receiv ed 10,000 Christmas Seals to sell In Franklin County by December Itth. AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY An Interesting program rendered by the children of the members of the American Legion Auxiliary Will be given at the meeting to be held at the home of Mrs. R A. Bobbttt Tuesday afternoon, December on Tuesday afternoon, Deoember l?th, at 3119. .All members are re quested to attend, especially the pa rents of the children. Also, a requa Ik madd that the duM tor the yw 1931 be paid at this meetes, ItftrFerrest Joyuer. Bee'y. PRESIDES -SPLENDIDLY Judge James B. Malone held hie first session of Franklin Recorder's Court on Monday with a pretty full docket, and a good crowd of specta tors who agree he presided .wttt nsuch ehgrMSTdlgettr end "rulings w2re ?fted with falrneap ajxd equality for nil. Quite * number ot cases were disposed ot and several Continued. The docket, was n fot lows: Alvln Woodllef was found guilty of Operating an automobile tntoxl eated and was. given four months in Jdl Commissioners to hire out and to be discharged upon payment of ttfr and costs. ^ B. A. Rogers plead guilty to n Charge of bpcratlng an automobile Intoxicated, prayer for Judgment was continued. Herman Deraa was found not guilty of a charge of violating pro hibition law. The case of fraud against Cas well Hayes and Walter ldyera. was tranafered to Superior Court. H. R. Moaeltoy pleads guilty to a charge of had check And was allow ed^ to pay oheck and coeU. . Willie Pharos and Loonle Lancas ter were" found hot guilty of a charge of assault with deadly weapon In two cases. " ' The following eases were contin ued: Morris Davis, violating automo bile law. Waddell Alston, assault. Crudup Davis, continued. Davis Pearce. disposing of mort gaged property. Herbert Phelps, manufacturing whiskey. _ i James Coghill reckless driving. S. A. Williams, reckless driving. Gives $25 To College Franklin County Colored Welfare Association Held Interesting Meet ing Sunday In Court House The Franklin County Welfare As social ion held a very Interesting add important meeting in the Court bouse Sunday afternoon. December 7, 1930. The meeting wag featured by excellent singing by quartettes representing Jubilee, Concord Church and Timberlake'a Grove, to gether with five orations and en Bays. A very forceful and pointed ad dress was delivered by Mr. S. H. Averltt of the Burgees Lumber Co. In the course of which he declared that the present depression was or dained by Almighty God who to chastising the people for their 41* obedience. Mr. Averltt was profnee in his praise of the program, espec ially the singing. Previous to Mr. Averltts speech, following a suggestion by the Chair man who hud forcefully ennnclated the needs and distress of Loutsburg College?en entire lqsollclted nt tude of hie own?a motion was made by Patrick H. Thomas and seconded by Walter M. Alston that the sum of twenty-flve dollars be donated the College. The motion was unanimously passed. Enlarging upon his snggeslon. Dr. J B. Davis. Chairman of the meet ing declared that" the monetary con sideration was nil In comparison with the fine Influence of Louisburg College, together with its untold value as an asset to the community. Therefore, the spirit behind this gift Is whet he desired that the white cltlsens and college offlclals should know- ? .v. Mr. Averltt was present thrnout the exercises, and was especially com mendatory concerning the eplrit Just enunciated. , . Hon. J. B. Malone. Judge-elect of the Recorder's Court of Franklin County will be the speaker, at the next regular meeting In January. Completes Basket Ball Schedule OoMhM of schools la Franklin County mot In Superintendent B. L. Rnt'a offleo Saturday and completed a basket ball schedule for both boyp' and girls' teams. The sche dule Includes games to be played from - January I to February II. These games will not count toward the eeunty championship. The last two weeks of February will be used for tournaments to select the best teams of the county. The basket ball contests are a part of the pro gram of the Franklin County High Scho ool League which conducts all contests between the schools of Franhltn County. Lean B. Spencer of Frankltnton is In charge of bas ket ball. First class basket ball is expected as both boys' and girls' teams have been entered from the following schools?Epeom, LoulS hnrg, "Gold Sand, Frankltnton, Toungsrtlle. Buhn. and Bdward Best. Butter made at the new mitk plant In Tarboro toBdtng well re ceived locally, report* Hen Taylor. Bdgece?N-OounlT agent tktm ENCOURAGING ? y, Efforts on the pert ot friends of Loulsburg College to re tee approxi mately fit,POO.00 to gapplemCnt the Income of the institution to meet it? operating expenses for the spring{ term are meeting with e encouraging response on afl aides. There is a deposition to sacrifice and tide the College over its present financial crisis shown in the spirit of the fac ulty, etndent "body, Trustees juii Iff the ! irth CSro e institution throdgh rolina Conference sad T4? faculty and administrejtre i laffjlhu manifest the spirit .Of ioy Ity aid sacrifice by definitely pro ally aid sacrifice by definitely pro posing to donate from twenty-Are tb thirty-three per cent of their sal ary lor the Spring term to aid "in carrying on the work of the College. This generous offer comes from the faculty end staff as nnanimons and voluntary action upon their part. The stadeot body in its expres sion of loyalty and derotlon is mak ing propositions to work or "aid fa any other manner possible to rend er assistance at this time. It is an-: derstood -that a movement is being originated among the students whereby every student will endeav or to raise among friends a mini mum ef 15.00 between this date and the return to College after the Christinas holidays: The Alumnae Association of the College, under the leadership of its President. Mrs. M. S. Clifton, of Loulslmrg. is very active in its en deavor to render aaeistance to its Alma Mater at this time ot finan cial itnls. An effort is being made by tA Association to reach every former student of the College and requeit each one to make e sub stantial contribution and to work among her friends In behalf of the College. The Alumnae Association has qlways been very loyal in Its atapport of the Institution and It la believed that the aid it will rend er at this time will help very mater ially to save the Institution frpm financial disaster. A great deal of Interest is being manifest by the local people ot Lontsburg and Pranklln County. Work In Lontshnrg and Franklin County is going forward under the leadership of a locrfl committee, heade^by Mr. W. H. Yarborongh. The people of Pranklln county have the cause ot Lonlsbnrg College very much on theiy hearts and they an sure to make' a generous response to the cause. It has been suggested tttat contributions at th|s time might be credited upon unpAid pledges of former campaigns, it M also pointed out that supplies and food stuffs which could be used kg the College would be very accept able contributions. The response throughout the North Carolina Conference is prov ing most encouraging. Last week meetings in three of the districts ol the Conference were attended by President C. C. Alexander hnd rep resentatives of the Board of Trus tees. The response fn these meet ings showed that each pastor was thoroughly Interested In the cause and determined that his charge should bear its share of the respon sibility It has been estimated that an average of $60.00 from each pas toral charge within the North Caro lln Conference would provide eaf flclent funds to Insure the operation of the College through to Its closing date the last of May. During this week President Alex ander sad representatives from the Board of Trustee will present the cause on the following dates and placet Monday, December I, Elisabeth City District, at Elisabeth City. Tuesday, December $, Washington Distriot, at Greenville. Wednesday, December 10, New born District, at Newborn. Thursday, December 11, Wilming ton District, at Wilmington. Friday, December IS, Fayetteville Distriot, At Fayetteville. And Monday, December 16. Rock ingham" District, at Hamlet. Don't Shoot Fireworks Acting Chief of Police C. E. Pace, requeets the TIME8 to cell atten tion of the cltltene of Lonlshnrg to the ordinance which prohibits the ?hooting of fireworks on the streets. He states thts ordinance was pa?ad for the conrenience and safety of the people of Lonlshnrg and those rlsltlng Lonlshnrg rather then an effort to deprive anyone of any priv ilege. Ladles. e^fecWlly and only a. few men cgfe Id ga to -a store to trade where "a crowd has gathered and are footing fireworks and many times people go to other towns to trade to escape the un pleasantness The police department Is asking all the Mtlsetm. Including the younger cttlseas. to Cooperate with It In making Lontshurg pleas eat and safe, by not shooting fire works on the streets. U you wish to ?hoot them anyway ressain In your ?yard- Ml home nnttl yon hare enjoy ed the gatne sufficiently ? -v ?? ''1 ? r ]' TO ORGANIZE BRASS BAND An effort will be pads In the next few weeks to organise a brass band at Mills High School according to asnonacetpmt coning from the ?eh601 authorities. Thia Fill be a very nice moye if the iteet Is not too great mid StsiJft)lM ntttobcr of bore can be WrtTM who have tin enongh to put to the work. The ? act plan and details wffl be made public later. PROPERTY For Sale For Taxes?Motion to Im ?tract i? Collector To Proceed To Collect bj lory M Necessary Fails?S. W. Yoaog Appointed The Board of Commissioners of Louisbnrg. N. C-, met In Special Session, Tuesday, December 9th., at 7;S0 P^fjL, upoh orders .of Mayor U- Ik Joyher. Upon roll call all members if the Board were present. Mr. S. .W. Vou{ was before the Board 'ibd applied for a position on the PWtOe force of Louiaburg, N. C. This Application was disposed of by the following motion by A.H. Flem ing and second ^by Q. W. Ford. {gin with the issue 9f the Franklin * fill; 1 Times of dan. V, 1931; ill property so advertised to he sold on the 2nd. "That Mr. 8. W. Vonng be appoint ed as temporary night policeman, until the return of Chief of Police, B. H. Meadows", this motion was carried. , , Town Attorney, C. H. Yarborough addressed the Board and explained the laws that govern the advertise ment of property for sale for the payment of delinquent taxes. A lengthy diqeqssion of the de linquent tig problem followed Mr. Yarborohgb's address, and motions .were set In order as follows: A mo tion by A. H. Fleming, "That all delinquent taxes, prior to 1930, be advertised for sale Immediately be ginning Dec. 13, 1MB. to ron in the Franklin Times for four con secutive weeks, and sold on the first Monday in January, 1931", was lost by receiving no second. G. W. Ford, with n second by A. W. Person, moved "That all delin quent taxes, prior to 1930 and not previously advertised, be advertis ed for sale according to law, the advertisements to be published in a newspaper in the Town of Louis burg, N. C., said publications to be ? and1 that "al' tSSnPSASS la to he ao persons wSoae property advertised in accordance with this motion, be notified that their prop erty will be so advertised and sold." This motion was carried. A motion by A. H. Fleming. "That tha Thsrn Tax Collector be instrnctisd to levy on all personal property, for delinquent taxes, in accordance with the law," was lost by reason or no second. A motion by A. H. Fleming, sec onded by A. W, Person. "That the Board ppoint a ptoson to represent the Town of Louishurg, N. C., aa a member of an arbitration Board to arbitrate the disputed delinquent taxes of. L. L. Allen and Allen Ma chine Coj this Arbitration Board to consist or one member selected by L. L. AUen, one member selected by the Board, end n third member to be selected by the two above men tioned members," was carried. In consqdaenee of this motion. Mr. H. C. Taylor was selected to represent the Town of Louts burg, N. C. Mr. M. 8. Davis reported to the Board that he had completed the survey to establish the correct Town Limits of Lonlahnrg. N. C., and that his survey raves red the tact that the natural land marks do not co incide with the boundaries as set forth in the Charter of the Town of Lonlehurg. N. C. Mr. Davta re quested that the Board apolnt n committee to confer with him and decide upon the correct location of the boundaries of the Town of Louishurg, N. C. As a result of this request the following motion was made bp O. W Ford seconded by M McKlnae. "That tha previously appointed Town Savvey Committee, [eonaiatlag of W. E. White. M. McKinne. and A. H. Fleming, be in structed to confer with M. 8. Davis, and agree upon the correct location of the Town boundaries, aad the proper permanent markings of the Town boundaries and limits," and carried. Mr. F. N. Egarton was before the Beard, and requested that tha Town extend the aetrar lines in order to barve n residence owned by the F. N.; Bgerton, Estate, located on Bgertoa Street. This request wab disposed of by the following motion, by A. H. Fleming and seconded by M.' McKinne. "That the Light and Wat-1 ar Committee Investigate tha coot | of. the extension of tha aawar line., aa requested by Mr. T. N. Bgertoa, and report its findings to the Board] at ita neat FRANKLIN CLUB WOMEN MEET (f In Ecmonlc Farm Home C< Im MO*. School?Miss H<*? Agent, To ,Go To Const; Tire Franklin Const; Federation of CMy* women met for the eco nomic Farm Hosts Coo Cot once lit Lofiaburg at Mills High Mttol bt tbw Some Economies. 'Department, orf Saturday, December 6 with a la/go namber 'of dale members ta attendance and a number of -#tate Specialists U guests. , . The meetrng was opened at 10:30 A. SC. With Mrs. C. C. Pippin Piinatr Chairman, presiding and the morn ing session was devoted to talks made by several of the guest spec ialists and work of separate com mittees. The purpose of the con" ence, to study the home conditj In Franklin County with the of bringing each home up to a cer tain minimum standard, waa given by Mlas Helen Brtabrook, Extension Economist Home Management pad House Furnishings, who also ? later in the morning spoke on the sands of Franklin County as shown try the survey. Especially interesting and instructive was the talk on "What Other States are Doing"' or the rural standards of living in other parts of the country by Mlas Mary Rokabr, Extension Economist* Home Management, U. S. Department of Agriculture. ? . Following these talks, the at tendants were divided into groups as follows: Foods and Nutrition?Mrs. S. B. Nash, Chairman: Miss Mary Hooter, Foods Specialist, secretary; Cloth ing?Mrs. John Mitchiner, Chair man, Miss WUlie Hunter, Clothing Specialist, secretary; Home Equip ment and Furnishings?Mrs. M. M. Person, chairman. Miss Helen Esta brook. State Specialist. secretary; Home Living?Miss Daisy Caldwell. I secretary. Committee discussions were held until twelve o'clock when lunch was ! served in the kitchen deportment to nil present (After lunch the committee groups ware continued and afterwards a general assembly held when the I committee reports were accepted by the entire gronp. Also at this time. | much anew to the elnb women and ' people of the County, Mrs. Jane S. McKlmmon, State Home Agent, an nounced the departure of Miss Daisy Caldwell, Franklin County Home Agent, who leaves the first of the year for Iredell Connty where she will take up similar work. Several members of the Federation expres sed their appreciation of Miss Cald well's work among the women of the Connty and their slncerest re grets for her leaving, yet wiahing her great success and happiness In her new field. The specialists who were guests of the conference were Mrs. Jane S. McKimmons. State Agent. Miss Mary Thomas, food specialist. Miss Willie Hunter, clothing specialist. Mrs. Mclnnis. Home Agent of Wake County, Miss Alexander. Agent of Beanfort County. Mrs. Cornelia Maurice and Misa Pauline Smith. District Agent. Call For Donations Supt. E. C. Parry, of the Public Welfare Department of franklin County requests all those vho can do so make a donation for the use of furnishing some Christmas sheer to the many families in the county who will be entirely without unless provided in this way. The need will I be a great deal, greater this year than heretofore and Supt Perry re quests that all who can send in their donations, as liberal as possible, at once. He also wishes all who know of needy families to report same to htm so that he can make inves tigation and provide as well for them as the division of the dona tions will permit. A list of contributors will be pub lished In a future issue of the Franklin Times and after the holi days a list of cubes looked after will be published by numbers. Spectacular Escape Crudup Davis, white, made a spec tacular escape from Franklin Re corder's Court Monday, whore he was under s charge of having given n ' worthless check, by jumping out one of the hack windows and taking | "French leave". Davis, it Is alleged, went into (me of the witnem consul tation moms supposedly to talk to friends, and ^han the officers found out about his absence he was gone. It is stated he was also to answer e charge of hunting without '