MONEY TO LOAN on improved farm property. W.L. LUMPKIN Correspondent Louisburg, N. C. DR. t. a. M A N M The Wall Known Bye Specialist Will be at Dr. A. H. Fleming Office, Loolsburg, N. C. THURSDAY, JUNE Otll From 10 A. SI. to a P. M, PROFESSIONAL COLUMN Dr. Herbert G. Perry Physician and Surgeon 101 W. Nash St. Louisburg, N. C Telephones : Office 287-1R Residence 287-2R Hour*? 10 to lit; S to 4| 7 to tf Special attention to office work. Obstetrics and Diseases of Women, X-Ray and Fluoroscopic Examina tion, Diathermy and Ultra-Violet light treatment Miss Lacy Timberlake, Sec'y. Miss Rath Perry, R. N. Graduate & Registered Nurse. Dr. H. H. Johnson Physician and Surgeon Louisburg, N. C. Office* In old Dr. Ellis office build ing on Main Street next to Standard Service Station Telephones: Day lO; Night 10 Dr. James E. Fulghum Louisburg, N. C. Office in Professional Building Next to Franklin Times Building Office Hours 9 a. m.-6 p. in. ? 7 p. ni.-O p. ni. Telephones Day 210^1R Night 210-2K Dr. Arch H. Perry General Practice Wood. N. C. Office in Service Drug Co. D. T. Smithwick Dentist Louisburg, N. C. Office, over Rose's Store Dr. W. R. Bass ? Veterinarian Offices and Hospital East Nash St Phone: Office 885- L Keg. 835-J Special Attention to Small Animals ?" Dr. J. B. Davis Physician and Surgeon Louisburg, N. C. .Office at Residence, S. Main St. Telephone : Hou rs : Day 04 8:30 to 10:30 a. m Night 64 12:00 to 2:00 p. m 0:00 to 8:00 p. m G. M. Beam Attorney at Law Louisburg, X. C. Office In Professional Building next to The Franklin Times Practice In all Courts W. L. Lumpkin ^Attorney Louisburg, X. C. Office in First National Rank Bldg Practice State and Federal Courts W. H. Yarborough Hill Yarborough Yarborough & Yarborough Attorney* & Counsellors at Law Office In Egerton Building Orer Tonkel's Store Louisburg, N". C. Practice In Franklin and adjoin ing counties, and in the United State* Courts at Raleigh R. B. White E. H. Malont J. E. Malone White & Malone Lawyers Louisburg, N. C. General practice, settlement of em - tates," funds Invested. One mem ber of the firm always In office. Radio Repair Service loo 1 1f ton Ave., Phone 240 Louisburg, N. C. STUART DAVIS Main Street Baiber Shop L P. Wheeler, Jr., Proprietor Barbers Louisburg, N. 0. Parlors under Union Warebooat on Main Street. First class was* guaranteed. Give me ? sail. H. T. Bartholomew Notary Public Harvey's Oarage Louisburg, X, G Albert: "Yes, the bullet struck my head, went careening Into space, and ? " "How terrible! Did thfey get it out?" Tills Month'* Lesson in Grammar Teacher: "William, construct a sentence using the word archaic." William: "We can't; have archaic and eat it too." ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having qualified as AdminiBtra trix of the estate of W, G. Roe, deceased, late of Franklin County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims againBt the estate of said deceased lo ex hibit therii to the undersigned on or before April 12th, 1936, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebt ed to said estate will please make mmediate payment. This 11th day of April, 1935. MRS. 0N.N1E ROE, 4-12-6t . . Admlrx. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having qualified as Administra trix- of the estate of ^ R. Cottrell, deceased, late of FrailKlIn County, North 'Carolina, this is to notify all' persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to ex hibit them to' the undersigned on or before 12th day of Aprif; 1936, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please made Immediate payment. This 11 day of April, 1935. MRS. L. R. COTTRELL, 4-12-6t Admirx., EXECUTRIX'S NOTICE Having qualified as executrix of the estate of W. R. Perry, de ceased, late of Franklin County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to ex hibit them to the undersigned, or to her attorneys, Yarborough & Yarborough of Loulsburg, N. C? on or before the 26th day of April, 1936, or this notice will be plead ed In bar of their recoovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make Immediate pay ment. , This 26th day of April, 1935. MOLL1E A. PERRY, Executrix of W. R. Perry, deceased. Yarborough & Yarborough, Attorneys. 4-26-6t ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administra tor of the estate of James W. Young, defeased, late of Franklin County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 26th day of April 1936, or this notice will be plead ed in bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate pay ment. This 26th day of April. 1935. S. C. EAVES, Administrator of James W. Young, deceased. Yarborough & Yarborough, Attorneys 4-26-6t NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY North Carolina. Franklin County. Under and by virtue of the power vested in the undersigned, by that certfftn deed of trust ex ecuted and delivered by Jones Smith and wife, Nellie Smith, to C. C. Ward, Trtfstee, recorded in Book 271, Page 256, Franklin County Registry; default having been made in the payments of the indebtedness therein secured, and the holder of the notes having re quested a sale of the land describ ed therein, the uDdersigned will on JUNE r.TH, 103o at about the hour of 12 o'clock M. in front of the Court House door, Loulsburg, Franklin County, North Carolina, sell at public auc tion for- cash the following des cribed real estate: Beginning in the center of the Flat Rock Church Road in line with a stake on its south side cor-' ner of lot No. 2; thence with linS" of lot No. 2, south, 1 degree west 10. SO chains to a stake; thence west 10.67 chains to a stake, cor ner of lot No. 2 in the Timberlake line; thence with the Timberlake line north 4 degrees east 23.75 chains to a stake, corner of the Flat Rocky Church lot; thence with said Church lot and G. W. Wiggins' line, south 88% east 13.56 chains to a stake near a pine; Wiggin's corner; thence with his line, north 1% degrees east 6.30 chains to the center ok aforesaid Flat Rock Church Road in line with a stake on Its south side; thence along the center of said road, south 88% degrees 7.96 chains to the beginning, con taining 47 % acres, and being the identical land allotted to Jones Smith in the division of land be tween him and his brother with division is recorded In Land Divi sion Book No. 8, Page 522, et seq.. Clerk's Office, Franklin County. Reference is hereby made to deed from Monroe Smith to Jones Smith, Book 87, Page 221, and deed from Jones Smith to Nellie Smith, Book 199, Page 496, Franklin County Registry. It is intended to convey all of the in terest of the grantors in the above described property. This 2nd day of May, 1935. C. C. WARD, Trustee. Alexander & Oold Attorneys. 6-10-4t ADMINISTRATRIX'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Franklin County, North Carolina, made in the special proceeding entitled "Mary Orey H. Allen, Admin iatra jtrlx of the estate of T. C. Harris, | I deceased, vs. Mary M. Harris, I widow, and Bettie Clifton Harris, ; minor, heirs at law of T. C. Harris, (deceased, and E. C. Buliuck, 'guardian ad litem for Bettie Clif ton Harris, minor", the undersign ed Administratrix will on MONDAY, TDK 3KI) DAY OF JUNE, 1 935, at or about the Hour of twelve o'clock noon, Bell at public auctloa at tbe.Court House door In Louts burg. N. C., to tbe highest bidder for cash the following described real estate: First Tract: Beginning at a point In tbe center of tbe old Ra leigh road, a stake on the west side, corner of the forty acre homestead of Bettie Clifton Har ris; thence N. 55 % deg. E. 555.0 feet to a stake in said old Ra leigh road, corner tor Mrs. Patter son; thence N. 30% deg. W. 16 50.0 feet to a stake and pointers In Purkereon's line; thence N. 84% deg. W. 1815.0 feet to an iron stake, corner for tbe Purker son land; thence S. 6% deg. W. 170.3 feet to a stake and Hickory pointer, corner for Bank of Youngsvllle; thence 8. 87% deg W 141*6.9 feet to a stake and white oak pointer, corner for Carter and for Mitchell; thence S 85% deg W, 357.1 feet to the center of the road leading from the Tarboro road to the Raleigh road, a rock ' on the East side, Mitchell's cor ner; thence along Mitchell'* and Eaves' lines S 6% deg W, *17 00.0 feet to a point In center of the road leading from the Tar boro road to the Raleigh road, a stake on the East side, corner tor Bettie Clifton Harris ; thence due East 4254.0 feet to the point of beginning, containing 174 acres, more pr less, as surveyed by Jos. T. Inscoe, February 20th, 1935. Second: Lots Nos. 67 and 89 In Block G, as shown ou map of "Bunn Annex," as prepared for North State Development Com pany by W. J. Wells, C. E., in 1909, as appears of record in the Public Registry of Franklin Coun ty, and being the Identical two lots, situate in the Town of Bunn, N. C., which were conveyed to T. C. Harris by deed of Luther J lies and' wife, dated May 24th, 1926, and recorded in Book 270 at page 230. said Registry. Third: A one-eighth undivided interest in and to the timber and timber rights now growing on the following described lands; said timbers belonging to the A. J. P. Harris estate, and the same not having been divided among the neirs at law of the said A. J. P. Harris, deceased, by the Commis sioners of the Court who recom mended that the timbers be sold l>y a Commissioner of the Court, 1 Which has not as yet been done, 1 said timbers are now growing on a part of Lot No. 1 and Lot No? 1 2, and are described as follows: Beginning at a large white oak, corner of the Mittie Young land; thence N 8 deg 10' E 23.50 chains to a stake in a sassafras stump, Mittie Young and J. J. Young's corner; thence N 3 deg 30' E 38.25 chains to a stake, J. J. Young's corner; thence N 88 deg W 36.25 chains to a stake, J. E. Harris' corner and Spivey's corner; thence S 11 deg W 26.62 chains to a stake about 1.00 chain past a pile of rocks, a corner of Spivey's land in line of J. B. Perry's land^ thence 89 deg E 3.00 chains to a" stake; thence S 6 deg W 56.16 chains to the corner of Nos. 1 and 2 of the division of the A. J. P. Harris land in J. B. Perry's line; thence continuing the last course about 5.00 chains to the line of timber; thence eastward and north-eastward about 19.00 chains along the border of the timber to the line between Nos. 1 and 2; thence along that line S 85 deg E 5.00 chains to the Raleigh road, at corner of No. 2; thence along the road N 47 deg 30* E 5.00 chains to Mittie Young's line; thence along her line N 35 deg W. 1.91 chains to a stake, Young's corner; thence N 8 deg 15' E 18.82 chains t6 a stake, Young's corner; thence S 80 deg E 10.00. 'chains to the beginning, contain ing about 288 acres, more or less. There is charged against the one-eighth undivided interest of T. C. Harris, v deceased, in the above described timbers the sum of $300.00 as an owelty to the other heirs of A. J. P. Harris, de ceased. Fourth: The reversion after ' the dower of Mary M. Harris In 1 (he 92 acre tract of land alloted to the said Marjr M. Harris as her 1 dower, described as follows: Beginning in the center of the ' old Kaleigh road (forked poplar 1 pointing to said point in road), 1 corner for Mrs. Walston, formerly 1 the Paul Jones land; thence along the old road N 32 >>4 deg E 2674 feet to a bend In old road; thence N 65% deg E 268 feet to a point ' in the new road (the same be ing on the bed of th?T old road , at this point), a new corner for the dower and the homestead bf Bettie Clifton Harris; thehce a, new line, due west 3627 feet to a point in a road, marked by a stake on the east side, a new cor-i ner for said dower and said home-; Btead; thence 3 31% deg E. 363 feet to a stake on the east side of the road; thence S 87% deg E 347 feet to a stake; thence S \22\ deg E 496 feet; thence S' 49*4 deg E 582 feet; thence 8 12 deg E 600 feet; thence S 11 deg { E 330 feet to' a rock eighty-nine feet passed the center of the new highway; thence S 70% deg E 613 feet to beginning, containing 92 acres, more or less. I This the 29 day of April. 1935. MRS. MARY OREY H. ALLEN, Administratrix of the estate of T. C. Harris, deceased. Edward F. Griffin, Atty. 6-3-Bt NOTICE OK SALE OF HEAL ESTATE Pursuant to a Judgment enter ed In that special proceeding!, en titled: "Clara S. Allen, Admx. of Estate of K. K. Allen, dec'd., t. Clara S. Allan, individually, et als," entered on the 8th day of April, 1/935, in the Superior Court of Franklin County by the1 Clerk of said court, I will, on MONDAY, MAY !*>, MM, at or about the hour of 12:00 o'clock noon, at the courthouse door in Loulsburg, Franklin Coun ty, North Carolina, sell at public auction to the highest bidder therefor the following-described tracts of, land: 1. One-half undivided interest In May Land, situate, lyitfg~ and being in Loulsburg Township, Franklin County, North Carolina, fully described in book 249, page 482 of the Public Registry of Franklin County, reference to which is hereby made for more complete and accurate description of the same. 2. Those certain lots vin the Town of Louisburg, situate on the corner of Nash and Church Streets, fully described in book 264, page 234 of the Public Re gistry of Franklin C,ounty, re ference to which is hereby made for mora complete and accurate description of the same. 3. That certain tract of land containing 54.16-acres, known as Green land, in Cedar Rock Town ship, fully described in book 285, page 142 of the Public Registry of Franklin County, reference to which is hereby made for more complete and accurate description of same. 4. That certain lot in the Town of Louisburg,, known as the Stan dard Oil Company lot, fully des iribed in book 262, page 131 of the Public Registry of Franklin bounty, reference to which is here by made for more complete and accurate description of the same. 5. Two lots in the Town of LoiilBburg, on Main Street and Tar River and known as Old Gas Tank lots, fully described in book 249, page 335 of the Public Registry Jt Franklin County, reference to which is hereby made for more :omplete and accurate description thereof. 6. That certain tract of land containing 82-acres, known as Jupton land in Cedar Rock Town ?hip, fully described in book 278, page 65, of the Public Registry >f Franklin County, reference to which is hereby made for more complete and accurate description A the same. 7. That certain tract of land containing 108*?-acres, in Cedar Rock Township, known as Sills and, and fully described in the Public Registry of Franklin Coun y in book 262, page 375, refer ;nce to which is hereby made for nore complete and accurate des cription of same. 8. That certain tract of land containing 53 \ -acres, in Cedar rtock Township, known as Sills and, and fully described in Public Registry of Franklin County in^ jook 249, page 421, reference to vhich is hereby made for more complete and accurate description )f same. 0. One-third undivided interest n lot situate on Main Street in he Town of Louisburg, known as r'armers Union Warehouse lot, !ully described in book 280, page 143 of the Public Registry of franklin County, reference to which is hereby made for more complete and accurate description it same. This lot is SUBJECT TO DEED OF TRUST duly recorded n Franklin County Registry book 27 2, page 138. *"? 10. One-half undivided Interest n 3-acres of land known as Betty Z?harmelhouse land in Louisburg Township; fully described in the Public Registry of Franklin Coun y in book fc2S, page 559, refer-f jnce to which is hereby made fpr nore complete and accurate des cription of same. 11. One-half undivided interest n 12% -acres of land in Louisburg Township, known as John Harris and, and fully described in the Public Registry, of Franklin Coun y in book 261, page 13, reference to which is hereby made for more complete and accurate description )f the same. 12. 35-acres of land in Dunn rownship, known as Shamburger land, and fully described in the Public Registry of Franklin Coun ty in book 22S. oaee 358. refer ence i.u ib ..ereDy made for more complete and accurate des cription of the same. 13. One-half undivided Interest n 155-acres, known as Back Bay, in Louisburg Township, fully des cribed |iQ. book 246, page 258, re ference to which is hereby made for more complete and accurate description of the same. This tract .f land is SUBJECT TO DEED' OF TKUST to Atlantic Joint Stock Land Bank of Raleigh, duly re corded in aforesaid registry, book 246, page 2I>8. 14. 97-acres land in Gold Mine Township, known as Andrews land, fully described in book 249, page 296, reference to which is hereby made for a more complete and accurate description _ of the same, in the Public Registry of Franklin County. 16. One lot In Town of Wood, Gold Mine Township, fully des cribed In book 270, page 312, re ference to which 1? hereby made for a more complete and accurate description of the same, in the Public Registry of Franklin Coun 16. Lou No's. 2, 3 and 4 la Louisburg Township, known a I May land, containing 28-A., 30-A., and 36%-A., respectively, as will appear In Map Book 1, page 174; and being the lands 'conveyed by deeds recorded In the Public Re gistry of Franklin Co., aa follows: book 249, page 421; book 261, page 375; book 310, page 621, respectively; reference to all ot which la hereby made for" more complete and accurate descriptions of each tract. Dated and posted, this the 17th day of Afrril, 1936. G. M. BEAM, 4-19-Bt Commissioner. NOTICE OK FORECLOSURE SALE OF LAM) North Carolina, Franklin County. The Federal Land Bank of Co lumbia, Plaintiff, V. Ada L. Timberlake; E. W. Tim berlake, Jr. and Ada L. Utley, Executors of the Estate of E. W. Timberlake; E. W. Timber lake, Jr. Individually, Ada Lee Utley, Individually, and her husband, P. M. Utley, Defend ants. Pursuant to a judgment enter ed in above entitled action on the 11th day of March, 1935, in th?f Superior Court of said County by I th< Clerk, and an Order entered j on the 22nd day of April, 1935,1 by said Clerk of said Courtj Ij will, on the 24TH DAV OF MAY, 1935 at the hour of twelve o'clock M, at the courthouse door In Frank lin County, sell at public auction to the highest bidder therefor, the following described lands sit uate in said county and state, in Youngsville Township, compris ing 568 acres, more or less, and bounded and described as fol lows: All that certain piece, parcel or tract of land containing 568. acres, more or less, situate, lying and being on the Youngsville-Louis burg Hoad, about three miles Northeast from the Town of Youngsville, in Youngsville Town ship, County of Franklin and State of North Carolina, having such shape, courses and distances as will more fully appear by refer ence to a plat thereof, made by M. S. Davis, Surveyor, December 5, 1917, and being bounded on tne Northwest-North by the lands of S. E. Pearpe, J. R. Pearce, the estate of A. Pearce and A. M. Harris, on the North-Northeast by the lands of Harris, Mrs. B. H. Winsttth ancP Haley Perry, on the South by the Louisburg- ? Youngsville Road, the lands of Mrs. C. E. Tiuiberlake, Nathan May and E. W. Timberlake and on the West by the lands of E. VV. Timberlake, said tract or par cel of land comprising the tracts heretofore conveyed to E. W. Tim berlake by R. H. Timberlake, Mortgagee, by deed dated October 17, 1891, and recorded in book 92 at page 9 et seq. Registry of Deeds for Franklin County, N. C., by deed of W. K. Martin and wife, Jennie S. Martin, dated January 4, 1895, and recorded in book 99 at page 601 Registry of Peeds for Franklin County, N. C., by deed of W. S. Holden and wife, Etta ? Holden, dated December 22, 1897, m and recorded in-* book 112 at page - 479 et seq. Registry of Deeds for ? Franklin County, by deed of W. Ashley May and wife, Elizabeth May, dated November 27, 1900, and recorded in book 124 at page 133 Registry of Franklin County, N. C., and the tract allotted to Mary A. Timberlake in the Divi sion of the land of James Harris, deceased, and described at Lot No. in said divisioiS, record of which ..appears in book of Orders & decrees 2, at pages 20 et seq. In the office of the Clerk of Superior Court of Franklin, said lot No. 5 having descended to the saM E. W. Timberlake at the death of his mother, Mrs. Mary A. Timber lake. Reference to all of said re cords being hereby made. Also, all that certain piece, par cel or tract of land, containing 93 1-3 acres, more or less, situate, lying and being on the Voungs ville-Louisburg Road about 5 miles Northeast 'from the Town of Youngsville, N. C. in Youngsville Township, County of Franklin, State of North Carolina, having such shapes, metes, courses and distances as will more fully ap pear by reference to a plat there of made by W. N. Fuller, Sur veyor, October 30th, 1889, a copy of which is attached to the ab stract now on file with the Fed eral Land Bank of Columbia the same being bounded on the North by the Louisburg-Youngsville-Ra lelgh.Road and the lands of E. W. Tlmberlake, on the East by the lands of N. M. May and W. A. Massey, on the South by the lands of W- A. Massey, on the Southwest and West by Little River and on the Northwest by the lands of N. M. May and being the Identical lands conveyed to W. E. Tlmberlake by deed of Troy T. May, K. P. Hill and wife, date March 18th, 1902, recorded In Rook 135. page 273. Registry of Franklin County, N. f The terms of sate are as fol lows: One-fifth (1-5) of the ac cepted bid to be paid into Court in cash, and the balance on credit, payable In ten (10) equal annual Installments with Interest thereon from date of sale at the rate of six (6%) per centum per annum, payment of~bal$?ice to be secured by mortgage ot said latid. All bids will be received sub- 1 Ject to rejection or confirmation by the Clerk of said Superior I Court and no bid will be accepted > or reported unless Its maker shall j deposit with said Clerk at the | close of the bidding the sum o| Nine Hundred ($900.00) Dollars, as a forfeit and guaranty of com pliance with his bid, the sam be credited on his bid when .-epted. ^Notice Is now jplven that said j lands will be resold at the sam? < place and upon the same terms at j 2 o'clock P. M. of the same day unless said deposit it sooner made. 1 Every deposit not forfeited or \ accepted will be promptly return- , ed to the maker. This the 22nd day of April, | tC I. M. BAILEY, ; 4-26-4t Commissioner. ( SUDAN GRASS A splendid hay and pasture grass for all stock. Select seed. McCORMICK MOWERS CULTIVATORS FERTILIZER DISTRIBUTORS Get your new implement or the repairs for your old ones now before the rush of work begins. ROYAL ? STAF-O-LIFE CHICKKEN FEED The kind that makes your chickens grow and lay. Costs no more, but produces results. LOUISBURG SUPPLY CO. (INCORPORATED) J. P. TIMBERLAKE, JR., MANAGER WHAT-NOT BARGAIN STORE Hundreds of yards of New Plain and Fgured Silks, Voiles, Organdies, Dress Laces, Dress Net and Silk Voiles, both plain and flowered. Lovely flowered Chiffon and Georgette. Large sizes in Printed Dresses, 75c each. Children's Dresses. Boys' pre-shrunk everfast Pants. Variety of rooted Flowers and Potted Plants. Remnants of all kinds. Come up and see me. THE LITTLE STORE WITH BlG VATtJES The What-Not Bargain Store MRS. H. G. PERRY, Proprietor Across from Franklin Hotel Phone 45- W Next to Dr. Johnson's Office 118 N. Main WANTED Salesman who can furnish his own car, to sell the New ELECTROLUX Kerosene burning Refrigera tors, in Franklin County. rV WHITE'S RADIO SHOP W. E. WHITE, JR., PropiitoiJ NASH STREET p* LOUISBURO, M. 0.