Hawaiia^'Queen" \ | HONOLULU . . ? Mabel Ukelike Lucaa (above), ~whoe? grandmother was a half-sister of Princess Kainlaul, has this year been named "Queen" at Hawaii's Lai Da/ Festival " ISaHfl!! O'vt TH* DEPREXflON THET If AN OPTlMinr \S A FEUER WHO HAJNT ANY MONEY, AN' THE, PttflMI/T, A 6UY WHO HAJ IT BUT WON'T LEND ANY. ?VER/j LATf ST ? Bq MriciaDow* ??>?>?> ? ???? Designed In 8lies: 34. 3(. 38, 4H x IS" AIR-BALLOON TIRES There is only one Ford V-8. Each car U mechanically the same, built to the same standard of quality. De Luxe equipment is available for those who prefer ft. Every Ford V-8 give* you the soma fine ear perform ance and big car roominess. Comfort Zone riding has been engineered into the Ford V-8. All passfngers now ride cradled between the axles on the full -floating 123" springbase. Every single Ford V-8 owner gets the smooth per formance of the powerful V-8 engine the thrill of an "8" with the thrift of a "4". Every Ford V-8 owner gets safety -glass all around at no extra coat. Allot eel welded body, 6:00x16" air-balloon tires an standard equipment on every Ford V-8. Fender* match the body color without extra charge. Examine the new Ford V-8 feature by feature and you will agree that it U the biggeat dollar ralue Ford has erer offered. And It it the moat economical Fori ever built. Select the model you prefer ? with or without DeLuxa equipment. Either way you get a Ford V-8. Ford builda to only one standard of quality. FORD V-8 '495 IV AMD OF, VAJ. BVIBOff i ^ ^ _ ai_ iiMMnaM worm rtmmmm rw ON THE AIK ? ForJ armfkmrnr Onk?tn, S?xUr In.l??i ? FrW ?artag, Tkan^r KtmUo ? Cohndrfa Natwwh. Hepburn and Garbo Get a Lift * X* i *f NEW YORK . . . Doane Powell's exhibition of lifelike masks of noted celebritiea at the Industrial Arts Exposition at the Rockefeller Osntre Forum here, has created considerable favorable comment. The maaka can be worih-- Among those on display are those of KatherUe Hepburn and Greta Garbo, as shown above. On the left, the mask of Hepburn is sup ported by Orace Moore of Tortato. Gkrbo, right, U .assisted by K ajr D 'arey of Philadelphia. * LOUISBURG THEATRE Matinee 3:30 ?SHOWS? Night 7:15 & 9 Saturday's Continuous 2:00 to 11:00 SATURDAY May 18th TIM McCOY "The Prescott Kid" MONDAY May 20th Jean Parker Russell Hardie "SEQUOIA" WEDNESDAY May 22nd Liberty's 4 Star Picture PAUL MUNI "B 1 a c k Fury" Bargain Day Discontinued Adm. 10c & 25c SUNDAY May 19th Janet Gaynor Warner Baxter "One More Spring" TUESDAY May 21st RALPH BELLAMY "AIR HAWKS" THURSDAY May 23rd James Dunn Alice Faye "Geo. White's 1935 Scandals'^ FRIDAY & SATURDAY MAY 24th-25th Wallace Beery "WEST POINT OF THE AIR* Authorized Dealer Crosley and Westinghouse ELECTRIC REFRIGERATORS DON'T FAIL TO SEE THESE REFRIGERA TORS. $79.50 and up Small Monthly Paymtntf v BECK'S GARAGE LOUWBURG'B OLDEST OAItAQB 1917 ? IMS PIOKI til ?4? II I II Ml 11*11 1 ?