\lee?. hrown by the Supreme Court V uling. Motor Touring By C. W. Wood National Service Director Chevrolet Motor Company Motor touring in the vacation eriod should be a pleasure trii rom beginning to end. It is all he more reniarkabble, therefore hat the average motorist glvas ittle consideration to obtaining he maximum pleasure by select ng the most interesting route foi ach day's run. "What's the shortest route tc ?" is the average tourist's uery as he starts from his hote! ?ach morning. Naturally, the shortest route >etween two cities is also the most congested with traffic, especially srith commercial vehicles and )use8; also, it is the most Jbuilt ip, and therefore traverses more ow-speed zones and has more en forced halts. The shortest route, n fact, ,is not necessarily ;the iuickest way between two points. The alternative routes may bt onger in distance, but often are horter in time; however, even if Hey require more time, they re >ay the motorist by their pleasan er motoring. Not only do they xvoid the dense traffic and the nforced halts of the main routes, >ut in many cases they make the ?xtra time well worth while be ause Ihey are more interesting n scenery, and less trying to Irive. Unfortunately, the kind of road map supplied for use in the Unit ed States falls short of helping he tourist in his search for tht jcenic and picturesque routes European road maps make i>. pecial point of showing th^ tour st how to avoid the ordjjMtfy nain road in favor of oth&r routes hat will reward Mm with su * irior scenery imd^fnte resting hi oric landmarks or natural wou lers. Picturesque stretches of rotfd ire edged with green ink; spec;* jymbols mark points where there particularly interesting views jver the country, ,or indicate the 3xact location of ancient ruins, MAKE YOUR OWN| WAVE SET Vir your hair at home for a penny! Mew improved Wiidroot Wave Powder nakea a pint of profteelonal wave let 'or 10c ? 3 pint* for 35c. You make your m wave aet by mllinc powder with rater. Keepe indefinitely. Laavea I vhite flake*. Approved by Qood Houae ceeping Bureau. directiona in rrery package for finger waving or r*-J letting permanent. Oat a package now, it any Aug store or toilet good* counter. 25c ra mams limn 1klIL1 MKT WILDROOT WAVE POWDER N ormandie Brzc.is Trans- Atlantic Record! Crossing the Atlantic in record breaking time, the Normandle arrived In New York this week with more than 2,000 passengers aboard. The top photo shows the ship itself ? the largest floating object In the world: the picture on the left was taken In France, Juat before sailing; It shows hundreds of barrels of marine oil being taken aboard to lubricate the ship's 1(0,000 horsepower motors? enough to propel ten pverage ships; on the ? right Is shown the prow of the ship In drydock. battlefields, caverns, and other at- i tractions to tourists. ?< With no such maps as these to< guide them. Ar^wican touripr [< must rely on advice collected en < .oute. 'me lmoi iiicuion ouieaus o jl automobile clubs can be relied on to give the tourist tips on routesji from point to point. The motorist, t it each over-night stop, will do' well to call on the club bureau for advice on alternative routes: to his next objective; oftentimes.' t by asking for the most interesting route, instead of for the shortest, j I he will be directed over highways' that will add immeasurably to his! pleasure. Planning the tour so that each1 lay's run will bring the motor-, sts to a pleasant or interesting 1 iver-night stopping place is an- 1 other point frequently neglected1 by vacationists. Because many a 1 large city can be by-passed en ?oute, at a great saving of time. >ver-night halts in smaller cities ire advantageous. Many small lities imw have hotels that are luite as comfortable for a short lalt as the larger hotels in the big cities. Thope who make a practice of staying in the smaller owns urge as advantages the ab sence of parking difficulties, the >ase of finding a garage, the low ?r cost, and the great saving in :ime in getting away from the hotel in the morniing. and in finding the route out of town. THANKS I wish to extend my deepest hanks and appreciations for the many kindnesses extended me dur ing my recent illness. They will [fe long and tenderly remembered. Graham Holmes. STEADY WORK ? GOOD PAYj Reliable Man Wanted to call on' farmers in Franklin County. No experience or capital needed Write today. McNess Co., Dept. S., Free port, Illinois. 6-14-lt mLS? TEiiTrt I Needn't Worry or Fail Ye Don't endure loos^ false teeth as th. . ' 1 '7* V.?ry ?"*?wpn,nain?f to you and yo?.r' . riends. They make your ?umn *or~ ni Interf. r.- wi'h pro|. r ch?i?vi Th often a O.VIM Jf in-iic-ttiou. Thoi. ?nas of grateful user* of KA8TEf,*'T" 1 1 1 '?*%? "?""?f'ly arvt Com'f ) t| Willi I tlwir ffllso tcotfi. 11 holds the pi,. ; tight all day. oiucg nor> puma, sweet-' i*n.H tireath.? and .within;; to th-. ?north nwitihnhe. FASTrtETH jprlr (led on your plate ?>ach luorninir riv< * <*H day comfort. No vummy. gooe K?p4i}ai*. r,. f-fi!'n5 U'rauw PA8-! rr.KTH Is alkaline *nd will not sour- r> ? store "Wa Buy it today at any dru?* CAMELS DONT GET YOUR WIND ""-" irs important to ME THAT CAMELS ARE SO MILD THEY NEVER GET MY WIND. wsmammf ^ I'M JUST AS ANXIOUS AS SMITH TO KEEP FIT. SOI SMOKE CAMELS. TOO ..A CIGARETTE THAT I KNOW IS MILOl AND THEY TASTE JUST RIGHT. goAjjM ???/ v cM 1*** "**** * HAROLD ("DUTCH") SMITH Olympic high diver COSTLIER TOBACCOS ! Planting trees today is likely o give the child its safest and >est legacy,, says R. W. Graeber. Alexander County hog growers have lost a number of animals from an outbreak of Cboiera. BARGAINS IN USED CARS We are listing a few of the many cars we have on hand. Every car we have is guaranteed to be in first class condition. 1928 Chevrolet Coupe 1929 Chevrolet Coupe 1927 Ford Coupe 1929 Essex Coupe 1930 Pontiac Coach PRICES FROM $20,00 UP ALLEN SALES COMPANY Nash Street Louisburg, N. C. THE MOST FINELY BALANCED LOW-PRICED CAR EVER BUILT You cast better with a BALANCED ROD a You'll enjoy motoring better in a BALANCED CAR! The Matter De Luxe Coupe Save money ? get everything ? own a Master De Luxe CHEVROLET Nowhere else, in the entire field of motor cars, will you get such balanced design, balanced riding qualities and balanced performance . . . at such surprisingly low prices ... as la the new Master De Luxe Chevrolet! It's the only car in its price range that brings yousmartly styled Body by Fisher, Turret DEALER ADVERTISEMENT Top coQ8truction,Koee-Action Ride and Blue-Flame valrfe-in-head engine! And the Master De Luxe brings you these advantages at the world's lowest prices and with the world's lowest operating costs for any motor car that has them! Save money, get everything ? own "a Master De Luxe Chevrolet! untvnuuii wuivn LUMrAni, ubiHUil, MlLHlUArl Campari Chevrolet' t Utw delivered prion and easy G. M. A. C. term. A General Motors Value LUXURY [COMMIT SPEED SAFETY EMIMCC KNEF ACTIOS COMFORT L tOU STUIUTY PICK UP iepeh UIUTT ALLEN SALES COMPANY WEST NASH STREET P. S. ALLEN, Manager LOUISBURQ, N. Q,