XidaStiS' ? DR. J. O.MANN lite Well Known Eye Specialist Will be at Dr. A. H. Fleming'! Office, Loulfburg, N. O. THURSDAY, JUNK 20tli Prom 10 A. M. to 8 P. M, PROFESSIONAL COLUMN Dr. Herbert G. Perry Physician and Surgeon 101 W. Nash St. Louiaburg, N. t Telephones : Office 287- IK Residence 287 all Hour* ? 10 to 12; 2 to 4; 7 to U Special attention to office work, Obstetrics and Diseases of Women, X-Kay and Fluoroscopic Examina tion, Diathermy and Ultra-Violet light treatment. Miss Lacy Timberlake, Sec'y^ Miss Huth Perry, R. N. Graduate & Registered Nurse. Dr. H. H. Johnson Physician and Surgeon Louiaburg, N. C. Office e? in oid Dr. Ellis office build in# on Main Street next to Standard Service Station Telephones: Day 10; Night 10 Dr. James E. Fulghum Louisburg, N. C. Office in Professional Building Next to Franklin Times Building Office Hours 0 a. m.-G p. m. ? 7 p. m.-O p. m. Telephones Day 210-1R Night 210-211 Dr. Arch H. Perry General Practice Wood, N. O. Office In Service Drug Co. D. T. Smithwick Dentist Louisburg, N. C. Office over Rose's Store Dr. W. E. Bass Veterinarian Offices and Hospital East Nash Si Phone: Office 33ft- L Kes. 335-J Special Attention to Small Animals Dr. J. B. Davis Physician and Surgeon Louisburg, Ji. C. Office at Residence, S. Main St. Telephone: Hours: Day 04 8:30 to 10:30 a. m Night 64 12:00 to 2:00 p. m 6:00 to 8:00 p. in 0. M. Beam Attorney at l>aw Louisburg, N. C. Office in Professional Building next to The Franklin Times Practice in all Courts W. L. Lumpkin Attorney Louisburg, N. C. Office in First National Bank Bldg Practice State and Federal Courts W. H. Yarborough Hill Yarborough Yarborougti & Yarborough Attorneys & Counsellors at Law Office In Egerton Building Over Tonkel's Store Louisburg, N. C. Practice In Franklin and adjoin ing counties, and in the United States Courts at Raleigh R. B. White E. II. Malon< J. E. Malone White & Malone Lonisburg, N. C. General practice, settlement ef es Utes, funds Invested. One mem ber of the Arm always hi office. Radio Repair Service lO" llfton Ave., Pbona Ixiulsburg, X. C. htuarx davih ^ -V" ? ^ Main Street Baibe? Shop L- P- Wheatpr. Jr., Proprietor > Barber* Loalsbarg, A. O. Parlors under Union Warehouse on Main HI reel. First clans wort guaranteed, Give me I call. H. T. Bartholomew Notary Public Harvey's Garage l/ooisburg. N. t SALE OF IjANDS Under and by virtue of the pow er and authority Vested- In me F in that certain order and decree made by Jlon. W. V. Avent, Clerk of the Superior -Court for Frank lin County, In that special pro ceedlngs entitled "Edward F Grlfffn, Administrator of the est ate of Ben T. Holden, deceased, Willi* S. Holden, et al.. ex parte' on the 30th day of May, 1935, I will on , / MONDAVi JULY 8TH, 198* at ur about the hour of noon, al the courthouse door for Franklli .^"County, In the Town of Loulsburg N. C., sell at public auction to th< highest bidder for caah the fol lowing described real estate ; ly if Ing and being In Youngsvllle and Loulsburg townships, Franklli County, North Carolina, to- wit: First Tract: Beginning at i rtaks, corner of Lot No. ? In th< f - ? i Ine of the railroad right of way; hence N 88V4d W 15.25 chains to the center of the road, corner or No. 6, marked by a stake on the east side; thence along road 3 20 Mid E 3.82 chains; thence S 34 E 1.80 chains to a stake near a corner of ?the graveyard; thence S 88Vfed E 13.50 chains to a corner of Lot No. 6 in the line of the railroad line; thence along that line N 8d W 5 chains to the beginning, containing seven and one-half acres, less one acre re served and excepted for a family graveyard. " Second Tract: (A) Bounded on the north by the street or alley which crosses the S. A. L. lty. at the old W. B. Neal (now G. W. Ford's) storage house, on the east ' by the lands of P. N. Egerton, on the west by tract No. 2 hereinafter described, formerly owned by Mrs. Mamie M. Harris, on the west by the 12-foot alley which runs north of the Standard Oil Company's lot. (B) Beginning at a stake on the 12-foot driveway in line of lot formerly owned by Mrs. Lula M. Hollingsworth, running east 90 feet to Egerton's line; thence N. 75 feet to Allen's line, now Tract No. 1; thence West 90 feet to a 12-foot alley or driveway; thence S 52 % feet to the begin ning and being the lots conveyed to' Jacob Spire by deed duly re corded in Franklin County Regis try In Book 202 at page 235. Third Tract: Being a house and lot fronting about 28 feet on the Heavis road, or "Pig Trot", and running back about 96 feet, boun ded on the west by a house and lot formerly owned by J. C. Tuck er, on the north by the lands of P. S. & K. K. Allen, and on the east by the lands of J. S. Howell and on the south by the Reavls Street or "Pig Trot", upon which is situate a colored dwelling house. Fourth Tract: Beginning at an iron stake, alley way which runs south of Annie Green's lot corners on S.. A. L. Ity. nixd runnlii4l thence in a westerly direction I along said alley 180 feet to a corner on said alley in the line of S. P. Hawkins; thence in a southerly direction a line parallel I to Main Street on the road run ning from Louisburg to Franklin ton 135 feet to a point in the line of W. H. Hawkins; thence in an easterly direction along the, line of M. T. Hawkins 180 feet to the line of S. A. L. Railway; thence along the line of the S. A. L. Ry. 135 feet to the point of beginnflfg; also an easement in and to a strip of land to be used as an alley for public use fifteen ; feet with and running through the center of S. P. Hawkins land with Main Street in the Town of: Louisburg, or of Main Street toj the western boundary of the lot 'coiiveyed. (See deed from S. P.| Hawkins to J. S. Howell, recorded in Book 184 at page 426.) Fifth Tract: That certain lot or parcel of land situated in the northern part of the Town of Young8ville, east of the S. A...L. Ry. upon a part of which there is a large barn or stables building, the same being Lot No. 8 on Map -No. 1 as appears on map and survey made by R. G. Ball, C. E., of J. S. Timberlake property, which map and survey is recorded in the office of the Register of. Deeds for Franklin County in Book of Maps page 10*2 to which reference is hereby made for par ticular description of said lot. bounded as follows: On the north by Green Street, on the east by Lot No. 9, on the south by an alleyway, and on the west by the S. A. L. Ry, it being the same lot conveyed to W. H. Hudson by R. E. Timberlake by deed duly re corded in Book 236 at page 585. Dated and posted this the 3U.t>i day of May, 1935. EDWARD F. GRIFFIN^ ,6-7-5t Commissioner. i NOTICE OK CHANGE OF POLL , ING PLACE AND PLACE OK REGISTRATION' By order of the County Board at Elections of Franklin County, the Polling Place for Gold Mine Precinct has been changed from the old^Centerville School birtld ing to the Old Burnett Store build ling In said Gold Mine Precinct. 'The Registration Books will bfr open each Saturday trotn the 1st day of June, 1935, at 9 a. m. to Biinset, through and including Sat urday the 15th day of June, 1936, for the'purpose of registering any voters who are entitled to regiiror and who are not already regis tered; this is no new registration. The challenge day, Saturday, June 22, 1935, and the Special Election, Saturday, June 29U?, 193Si'wlll be held at the said ne\? location ? at the Old Burnet Store building. I This the 30th day of May l!?J5c ^PHIL R. INSCOE, Cjjurtlr man, Bo-iil of Flections, Franklin County, N. C. S-31-4t. i ADMIJfISTRATOR'8 NOTICE > Having qualified as Admlnia : trator of the -estate of John Thom as, deceased, late of Franklitf ? County, North. Carolina, this 1* to notify all persons having claims - against the estate of said deceased i 'to exhibit thereto the undersign ed on or before the 24th day of [ May, 19.16, of this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate ! will please make Immediate pay i msnt. , This 23 day of May, 1935. ? E. T. THOMAS, ? 6-24-6t Admlr. I NOTICE i Pursuant to a resolution duly passed by the Board of Gommls l sloners of Franklin County at ? ' special called meeting held on Friday, the 24th day of May, A. D. 1935, which speclpl meeting had been duly advertised as bj mw required, there will be a speci al election or referendum by the qualified voters of Frartklln Coun ty on Saturday, the 29th day of June, A. D. 1936, from the hour of sunrise to the hour of sunset, for the purpose of voting upon the question of the exemption of Franklin County from the provi sions of the Turlington Act and the placing of the sale of acohollic beverages in Franklin County under the supervision and control of an Alcoholic Beverages Con trol Board as provided in that certain act of the General Assem bly of North Carolina known as the Alcoholic? Beverages Control Act and being House Bill No. 1491. The said special election or referendum shall be conducted under the supervision of the Board of Elections of Franklin County, and shall be conducted as by law provided for other gen eral elections and as specifically provided by the said flouse Bill No. 1491 above referred to. Chal lenges shall be allowed under the supervision of the Board of Elec tions of Franklin County as by law provided. It is ordered that a copy of this notice be posted at the court house door of Franklin County and at each polling place in \ Franklin County for a period of thirty days next preceding the date of the said special election, and that this notice be published in The FRANKLIN TIMES, a newspaper published In Franklin County, once a week for four suc cessive weeks immediately preced ing the date of the said special election. This the 25th day 'of May, A. D. 1935. T. W. BOONE, Chairman! Board of Commissioners of Franklin County. Note ? Those wishing to vote for tjie whiskey control act will mark a cross in the square opposite the words "For Control Act," and those wishing, to vote against the whiskey control act will mark a cross in the square opposite the words "Against Control Act." 5-31-5t NOTICE OK FORECLOSURE SALE 'OF LAM) State of North Carolina, County of Franklin. The Federal Land Bank of Colum bia, Plaintiff, V. Hector F. Harris & Wife Lena Harris, E. H. Malone, Trustee, for the Citizens and Commercial National Bank of Franklinton, Gurney P. Hood, Commissioner of Banks for and 011 behalf of The Citizens and Commercial Bank of Franklinton, Defen dants. Pursuant to a Judgment enter ed in the above entitled civil ac tion on the 27th day of May. 1935, In the Superior Court of said County by the Clerk, I will on THE JS?TH DA V OK JUNE, 1083, it 12 o clock M., at the County Courthouse door In said County sell at public auction to the high est bidder therefor the following described lands, situated In said County and State In Franklinton Township, comprising 55 atres more or less, and bounded and described as follows: "All that certain pi gee, parcel or tract of land containing 55 acres, more or less, sitiiate, lying and being on the road leading from the Wilder l|oad to the Road to Popes Chapel, about 2^ miles West from the Town of Franklinton, N. C.. in Franklinton Township, County of Franklin, State of North Carolina, having such shapes, metes, courses and distances as will more fully ap pear by reference to a plat thereof made by W. N. Fuller, Surveyor. May 3rd, 1901, a copy of which is attached to the abstract now on file with the Federal Land Bank of Columbia, the same be ing bounded on the North by the lands of Johnny Moss and I H Kearney, on the East by the lands of I. H. Kearney, Mrs. Leila Staun ton and the Road leading from the Wilder RojmT to the Road to Pop^s Chapel, on the South by !t*e Mill >ond and the lands of Mrsr Leila Staunton, and on the West by the said Mill Pond and I ^he lands of I. H. Kearney and being the same tract of land here tofore conveyed to the said H F Harris by C. S. Williams by deed dated Aug. 21, 1?18, recorded in Book 202, page 588, Registry of Deeds for Franklin County, N. ; terms of^sale are as fol ?ws: One-half (V4 ) of the ac- ' cepted bid to be paid Into Court In c%?h, and the balance on credit payable In two (2) equal annual installni nts, with interest therein' from date of sale at the rate yf Per centum per annum,' payment of balance to be secured by mortgage. i All bids will be received sub-i Ject to rejection or confirmation f by the Clerk oT said Superior1 Otfurt and no bid will be accepted f or reported unless its maker shall ' deposit with said Clerk at thM close of the bidding the sum of > Ninety (|90.00) Dollar#, as a , forfeit and guaranty of compli ance with his bid* the same to be [Credited on htft^bid when accept ed. Notice is bow given that Bald lands will be resold at the same place and upon the same terms at 2 o clock P. M., of the same day unless said deposit Is sooner made. Every deposit not forfeited or accepted will be promptly return ed to the maker. ThU the 27th dagr of May, 1935 .. -V I- M BAILET. " Commissioner. TKI'STKK'H HAI.K Of' LAN1> Pursuant to the power o ( sale conferred by the terms and provi sions of that certain deed of trust executed by James A. Handling and wife. Marguerite D. Sandllne, Garland G. Sandling and wif.\ Clyde II. Sandling and Mollie J. handling (widow) to the Chlck amauga Trust Company, Trustee, dated July 3, 1929, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Franklin County, in Book 2S9, at page 337, and by virtue and authority of the power of sale granted and designated in a certain paper writing substitut ing a trustee in the above named deed of trust executed by the Prudential Insurance Company of America to Jeff Hanna, substitut ed trustee, which instrument mak ing said substitution of trustee being dated March 19, 1936, and recorded in the office of the Reg ister of Deeds for Franklin Coun ty. in Book <24, at page 192; de fault having been made In the payment of the Indebtedness thereby secured under said deed of trust, and demand for fore closure having been made upon the said substituted trustee by the holder of the bond representing said indebtedness, the undersign ed trustee will, on SATURDAY, JUNE 22, 10M, at or about the hour Af noon, at the Courthouse door in Louisburg. , N. C? offer for sale to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described tract or parcel of land situate In Franklinton Township. Franklin County, North Carolina: All that certain piece, parcel or tract of land containing 716 acres, more or less, lying and be ing on the Louisburg and Frank linton River Road about four miles almost East from the Town o f Franklinton, Franklinton Township, Franklin County, N. C., described as follows: BEGINNING at a stone Warner Moore's corner in Charlie Holden's line, thence South 86 3-4 degrees East 46.90 chains to a stake, thence North 3%d E. 2.88 chains to a stone in the path. Person's corner, thence South 87d E. 7.63 chains to a rock on the branch, C. T. Nicholson's corner; thence S. 85d E. 41.10 chains to a stake and gum pointers, thence S. 85 3-,5d E. 48.80 chs., to a stone Wood llef corner, thence N. 4 3-4d E. 25.00 chalna tq Mill Creek at Strother corner, thence up said mill creek as It meanders S. 63 3-4d W. 2.75 chs., S. 51 3-4d W. 4.87 chs.. S. 86 3-4d W. 3.87 chs., N. 65 3-4d W. 3.20 chs., N. 39 Mid W. 1.77 chs., N. 6f%d W. 2.75 chs., N. 43d W. 6.10 chs., N. 65d W. 1.80 chs., N. 9ttd E. 3.35 chs., N. 39d W. 4.85 chs., to' Woodllef's Bros, corner at a wal nut tree, thence N. 8d E. 48.00 chs., to Tar River at a maple, thence up said river South 80d W. 3.00 chs., W. 11.50 chs., S. 46 V* d W. 7.80 chs., S. 31d W. 8.00 chs.; S. 47Vid W. 2.60 chs.. N. 82V4d W. 2.60 chs.; N. 63 3-4d( If You Want To BUY or SELL a FARM or STANDING TIMBER Qpp iJvv E. R. ALLEN Louisburg, N. C. 1 W. 3.10 chs., N. 47Hd W. 13.00 chs. to the mouth of Billies Creek, thence up said creek S. 64>4d W. 1.55 chs.. N. 33 3-4d W. 3.06 chs.. S. 69 3-4d W. 7.30 *chft. S. 40 3-2d W. 5.0? chs., S. 14d E. 5.10 chs., S. 67 l-4d W. 12.65 chs., S. 4 5 d W. 3.50 chs., S. 20 3-4d. W. 6.20 chs., S. 53 3-4d W. 2.90 chs., S. 76Hd W. 3.25 chs., S. 10 3-4d W. 4.50 chs., S. 20 3-4d W. 7.05 chs., S. 54 l-4d \V. 2.80 chs., S. 23 3-4d W. 2.25 chs., 8. 71 3-4d W. 2.04 chs.. S. 56d W. 13.75 chs., 8. 38 Hd W. 2.80 chs., to the mouth of Haw Creek, thence continuing up Blllte's Creek Canal South 84d W. 27.75 chs. to Warner Moore's line, thence S. 4^d W. 21.80 chs. to the beginning, containing 716 acres, more of less, and being the identical lands allotted to O. G. and J. A. Sandling by partition deed from J. W. Sandling, et als. dated April 29, 1924, recorded in Book 261, page 297, Franklin Registry, also by deed from John W. Sandling et als. to J. A. Sand ling and G. G. Sandling, dated April 24, 1924, recorded in Book 261, page 301, Franklin County Registry, reference to which is hereby made. The successful bidder will be required to deposit $200.00 cash with the Trustee, as evidence of good faith. Dated and posted this 22nd day of May, 1935. ?JEFF HANNA, _ Successor Trustee! 'j W. I>. Lumpkin, Attorney. 5-24-5t BUILDING DAYS FOR YOUTH I Thoughtful parents, who have observed and > " ?? extricated the wisdom of thrift in recent years, new realize that it is very important to direct children's thoughts in -constructive channels. Most important of all is the apprecia tion of the-i'ewaWlS of "thrift. To teach the child the value of material thrift, there is no better . * ? method than establishing a saving account, fo film, his to direct, control and build. . FIRST-CITIZENS BANK & TRUST COMPANY CORNER MAIN AND NASH STREETS LOUISBURG, N. CAROLINA RANKING HOURS: 8:00 A. M.^JO 8:00 P. M. PEAS The best thing for improv ing land and making feed for stock and family. We have a full supply on hand at reasonable prices. We have all necessary farm supplies and can give you the best of service at most reasonable prices. LOUISBURG SUPPLY CO. (INCORPORATED) J. P. TIMBERLAKE, JR., MANAGER WHAT-NOT BARGAIN STORE Hundreds of yards of New Plain and Fgured Silks, Voiles, Organdies, Dress Laces, Dress Net and Silk Voiles, both plain and flowered. Lovely flowered Chiffon and Georgette. Large sizes in Printed Dresses, 75c each. Children's Dresses. Boys' pre-shrunk everfast Pants. Variety of rooted Flowers and Potted Plants. Remnants of all kinds. Come up and see me. THE LITTLE STORE WITH BIG VALUES The What-Not Bargain Store MRS. H. G. PERRY, Proprietor ^Across from Franklin Hotel * Phone 45- W Next to Dr. Johnson's Office 118 N. Main WANTED Salesman who can furnish Ks own car, to sell the New ELECTROLUX Kerosene burning Refrigera tors, in Franklin County. WHITE'S RADIO SHOP W. E. WHITE, JR., PtopritoS - NASH STREET >' LOTJI0BTTRQ, V. 0.