NOTICE Pursuant to a resolution <lui; passed by the Board of Commls sioners of the County of Franklit at a special called meeting helc en Tuesday, November 26, A. D 1935, which special meeting hat been duly advertised as by lav required, there will be a specla election or referendum by th< qualified voters of Franklin Coun ty on Monday, the 23rd day o December, A. D. 1936, from thi hour of sunrise to the hour ol sunset, for the purpose pf votlni upon the question of the exemp tion of Franklin County from the provisions of the Turlington Aci and the placing of the sale o! alcoholic beverages In Franklir County under the supervision and control of an Alcoholic Beverage Control Board, as provided In thai certain Act of the General As sembly of North Carolina, known as the Alcoholic Beverage Con trol Act, and being House Bill No. 1491 above referred to. Registra tion and challenges shall be al lowed under the supervision of the Board of Elections of Frank lin County as by law provided. It is ordered that a copy of this notice be posted at the courthouse door of Franklin County and at each polling place in Franklin County from this date to the date of the said special election, and that this notice be published in THE FRANKLIN TIMES, a news paper published in Franklin Coun ty, once a week for four successive weeks immediately preceding the date of the said special election. This the 26th day of November, A. D. 1935. T. W. BOONE, Chairman, Board of Commissioners of lt-29-4t Franklin County. SPECIAL ELECTION To the Qualified Voters of Franklin County, N. C. You will take notice that pur suant to and In compliance with a resolution and order passed by the Board of Commissioners of Franklin County, N. C., at Its meeting on Nov. 26th, 1935 a Special Election will be held in Franklin County on Monday, De cember 23rd, 1935 from sunrise to Btinset, upon the question of Alcoholic Beverage Control, as stipulated In the order from the Board of Commissioners publish ed elsewhere In this issue. At this election all qualified voters wishing to vote for the Control will vote a ticket to be provided upon which is printed the words "For Control Act" and those wish ing to vote against the measure will vote a ticket provided upon which is printed the words "Against Control Act." The registration books will be opened at each polling place In Franklin County on Saturday morning, Nov. 30th at 9 o'clock, a. m. and remain open until sun set on Saturday, December 14th, 1935, the registrar being required to attend the polling places on Saturday, Nov. 30th, Dec. 7th, and 14th from 9 o'clock a. m. till sunset for the purpose of regis tering such voters as may have become qualified to vote since the last election or who have moved and wish to change their voting place. There is no new registra tion required, The election will be conducted by the regular elec tion officials appointed by the Board of Election to conduct gen eral elections and primary elec tions in Franklin County during the present bl-ennium. On Saturday, December 21st, 1935 the Registrars will attend their respective polling places holding the registration books open for challenge as provided by law, and on Tuesday, December 23rd, 1935 with their other elec tion officials shall attend their respective polling places and con duct the election underHhe laws, rules and regulations governing general elections. By order of the Board of Elec tions. This Nov. 27th, 1935. PHIL R. INSCOE, Chairman, Board Elections Franklin ll-29-4t County, N. C. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of an ord er of the Superior Court of Wake County, made In the Special Pro ceeding entitled "In the matter of Joseph B. Cheshire, Jr., Guardian of the estate of Edna Medlin, In competent, Ex Parte", the under signed Commissioner will on MONDAY, DECEMBER 80, 1068, at 12 o'clock M. at the court house door at Louisburg, Frank lin County, North Carolina, offer for sale, to the highest bidder, that certain tract or parcel of land in Franklin County, the same being described as follows: The land of Edna H. Medlin: LOT NO. 2 on which the home stead is situated bounded as fol lows: BEGINNING at a cornel stake in the old line adjoining Rick and Bryant and corner ol lot No. 1; thence with said lln< lot No. 1, South ?d West 18? poles to a stake on the road; thence with the center of said road Softth 66d West 27 poles t< a stake, corner of lot No. 3; thence with lot No. 3, North 2 V4< East 134poles to a corner elm thence North 87 West 22 polw to a stake; thence North East 72 3-4 poles to a stake l) ?aid old line: thence South 87 de grees East 65 poles to the begin ning, containing 53 acres mori or leas.' TERMS OF SALE: One-thiri cash; one-third in six months an one-third In twelve months, th< deferred payments to bear inter est at the rate of six (6%) pe cMt per annnm from the date o csBfirmatlon of sale (the par chner to tar* the right to aatl clpate the deferred payments by payment of the principal and In terest, If any, due at the time of payment ) . This the 28th day of November, l?35. ' CHARLES P. GREEN, Little ft Wilson, Commissioner. Attorneys. ll-29-5t NOTICE OK 8 ALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of the power contained in that Deed of Trust executed on the 17th day of October 1922 by Henry Hayes and wife Millie Hayes to the un dersigned Trustee, which deed of trust is recorded in Book 244 at page 583 et seq. in the Registry of Franklin County, N. C. and In Book 110 at page 195 In the Registry of Warren County, N. C. default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured and demand for foreclosure thereof having been made upon the undersigned trus tee by the holders of the bonds evidencing said indebtedness, the undersigned trustee will offer for sale at Public auction to the high est bidder for cash on MONDAY, 80th DAY OF DECEM BER, 1035 at or about tne Hour 01 noon, at the Court House door in Louis ;burg, N. C. the following discrib ed property, to-wit: A certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in Warren and Franklin Counties, N. C. and more particularly described and defin ed as follows: Adjoining the lands of R. P. Fleming and Walter Rod well and situate on the Warren ton-Louisburg road; and begin ning at a stake in Palmer's Branch formerly James Jones' corner; thence up said branch E. 1 chain N. 89d E 1.06 chs E 2 chs S 79d E .75 chs S 87d E 1 ch N 81 %d E .75 chs S 66Hd E .SI chs N 72%d E 1.20 chs N 13d E 1 ch N 45d E 1.50 chs N 36d E 2.20 chB N 37d E 1.60 chs N 46d E 1 ch N 14Hd E .70 chs N 47tfd E 1 ch N 54>*d E 1 ch N 24d E 2.50 chs N 80d E 1.20 chs N 29%d E 1.30 chs to a stake; thence S 47 %d E 16.70 chs to small gum in gulley; thence S. 85^4(1 E 12.38 chs to a stone; thence N 30 Hd E .65 chs to a stone; thence 8 63d 2.78 chs to a stone, thence S. 40>?d E 13.10 chs to a white oak; thence S 36 '/4d E 7.20 chs to and beyond i stone on Warrenton road; thence along road to a stake J. Jones' corner; thence N. 65V4d E 47.60 chs to a gum; thence N 48 l-4d W 3.15 chs. to the be ginning, containing seventy-five I (76) acres, it being (he samej tract or parcel of land conveyed I t<5 Henry Hayes by deed of James S. Jones and wife dated October! I 30th, 1919 and recorded in Book 108 page 46 in the Registry of Warren County, N. C. This the 14th day of November, 1935. GEORGE B. HARRIS, ll-29-5t Trustee. COMMISSIONERS NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of the power vested In the undersigned I commissioner In that certain order and decree made by the Superior j Court of Franklin County in a special proceedings entitled "8. \ F. Holden, et al. Vs. Mrs. B. T. Holden, et al. the undersigned ! commissioner will on TUESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1935 at or about the hour of noon, nt the courthouse door In Franklin County, in the Town of Louisburg, N. C. sell at public auction to j the highest bidder for cash the | following described land; lying and being In Youngsville Town ship, Franklin County, North Car olina, to-wit: ? BEGINNING at a stake on Main Street in the Town of Youngsville, N. C. corner of Woodllef lot ad shown by a map in book 9 page 28 of olders and decrees in Frank lin County, and running In a Southernly direction 210.6 feet to an iron stake corner of Woodlief lot; thence in a Westernly direc tion 27 feet to a rock corner W. A. Massey; thence in a Southern ly direction 47 feet to a rock J. W. Winston corner in Massey line; thence in a Northernly direc tion 47.5 feet to an iron stake corner S. Holden lot as shown on map; thence In a Northernly di rection through the center of a large oak 209 feet to an iron stake on main street; thence In Westernly direction 92. 5 feet to I beginning. It being the lot on which the Home Place Is situat ed, the same being fully describ ed on plat and survey made by ! M. Stuart Davis, surveyor, on the 2nd day of April 1913 and re corded in book of maps Fr&nklln County Registry. This 15, day November 1935. PAUL STRICKLAND, ,ll-22-4t Commissioner. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administra tor of the estate of K. S. May, deceased, late of Franklin County, North Carolina, this Is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to ex hibit them to the undersigned duly verified at Loulsburg, N. C., Route 3, on or before the 4th day of December, 1936, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make im mediate payment. This 30th day of November, 1935. VULAH M. MAY, Administrator of K. S. May. W. L. Lumpkin, Attorney. 12-6-61 NOTICE OF SALE OK LAND Under the power of sale con tained in that deed of trust from J. O. Newell and wife, to th./ undersigned trustee, dated the 25th day of March, 1930, and re corded In the office of the Regis ter of Deeds of Franklin County, LOUISBURG SUPPLY CO. (INCORPORATED) A Business built on the Solid Foundation of Quality Merchandise at Lowest Possible Cost to our patrons. INDIAN HEAD S A I T 1001b. $|.00 Bag * no POUND LARD STANDS EACH BEST GRADE RED DOG $2*15 BAG SHIP STUFF .65 BAG JL GOOD B-STRING BROOMS ic EACH PURE EXTRACT OF VANILLA 8C BOTTLE SHREDDED COCONUT Fresh f pvc Pound * / HEEDED and SEEDLESS RAISINS Pkgs. 25? Choice Evaporated APPLES Lbs. 25? LA ROE JUICY PRUNES Lbs. 2V FRUITS, NUTS, CANDIES, RAISINS, ' COCONUTS, ETC. *1 AT MONET SAVING PRICES i North Carolina, in Book 25'J at | page B8Ji, I will sell at public auc ? tion, for cash, at the Court House ! door in Louisburg, N. C. MONDAY, DECEMBER 10TH, IMS, AT 12 O'CLOCK NOON all of the right, title and interest conveyed to me by Baid deed of trust In the following described lands: Beginning at a pine stump and persimmon tree on Horse Branch run thence 3 88 Vi E 115 poles to a stake in the field about 18 poles past the center of the Spring Hope Road; thence 8. 18 3-4 W 91 PQles to the center of said road; marked by a hickory on the west side; thence N 76 vi W 46 poles to a stake; thence N 80*4 W 80 poles to an old maple ?tump on Horse Branch; thence up said branch, as It meanders, 161 poles to the beginning, con taining 126 acres, more or less, Being Lot No. 1 of the division of the CdppedgCLarid, which divi sion Is recorded in Book of Ord ers & Decrees No. 10 at page 366 in the Office of the Clerk of Sup erior Court of Franklin County, to whloh division reference is hereby made for more complete description. This 12th day of November, 1936. F. G. HOLST, Trustee. Perry & Kittrell, Attorneys Henderson, N. C. ll-22-4t" FOR FIRST CLASS PRINTING PHONE 283 Lady Took C&rdui When Weak, Nervous "I cant say enough for Cantnl 11 I talked all day," enthusiastically writes Mrs. L. H. Caldwell, of States vllle, N. O. "I have used Cardul at Intervals for twenty-five years," she adds. "My trouble In the beginning was weakness and nervousness. I read of Cardul In a newspaper and decided right then to try It. It seemed before I had taken half a bottle of Cardul I was stronger and was soon up and around." Thousands of women testify Cardul bene fited them. If It does not benefit YOU. consult a physician. C ' J SEE THE NEW DESIGNS It is a real treat to look over the new designs and creations in furniture. They are attractive, in keeping with the latest progres sive tastes and all so cheap and so easily ac quired and enjoyed. Let us have the pleasure of showing you. ??????? W. E. WHITE Furniture Co. > , _ Louisburg, North Carolina INVEST NOW IN A NEW HONE With low mater ial costs and low labor costs still prevailing, plus 1 the easy f inane* ing of the day, now is the time to build! i With the pro spect of inflation being forecast by many of the best i business minds In the country, the wisdom of in vesting money in nuuiiu jiiuj^ii j uun is iiaiuij mi uv ijucdhuiicu. For a low estimate on the cost of material for building, remodeling or repairing, call 263- W. No. obligation whatsoever is involved. J. T. PRUITT LUMBER CO. PHONE 263- W L0UI8BUBG, N. C. OWN YOUR OWN FARM FOR SALE On extremely reasonable terms at the right prices, the following Tobacco and Cotton Farms: 1. L. C. Newton (Tobacco) 44 Louisburg 2. C. M. Vaughan (Tobacco) 138 Cypress Creek 3. Charlie Watkins (Tobacco) 50 1-2 Dunn 4. Geneva K. Moore 347 Youngsville 5. W. H. Frarier (Tobacco) 128 Franklinton * 6. S. C. Ford (Tobacco) 253 " Louisburg 7. John M. Bracken (Tobacco) 60 Cedar Rock 8. S. C. Ford (Tobacco) 175 Cypress Creek 9. S. M. Boone 57 3-4 Cedar Rock 10. W. W. Boddie 169 Sandy Creek See W. L. LUMPKIN Louisburg, N. C. BETTER LOOKING BETTER COOKING LESS WORK FLORENCE OIL RANGE CHRISTMAS IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER Let us sell you that Cook Stove or Range you have been figuring on for a Christmas present to the family. We have a complete line of wood and coal burning stoves and ranges also the famous Florence Oil Range illustrated above and will appreciate an opportunity to serve you. SEABOARD STORE CO., INC. D. F. McKINNE, President PAY CASH and PAY LESS CLOSING WHAT-NOT BARGAIN STORE January 1st WATCH this space for announcement of Auction Sale. Another load of Blankets and Blanket Kolls just ar rived but going out rapidly. Thousand* of new and novel buttons and dress ornamnts. Selling potted plants at great reduction. Very interesting bargains every day from now until Jan. 1st; One lot baronet satin suitable for comforts going at Iftc per yard, and loads of other tilings quite as interesting. Come to see me every day ! MRS. H. G. PERRY, Proprietor Across from Franklin Hotel Next to Dr. Johnson's Office Phone 45-W 118 N. Main TUNE IT Look at your car. Is it ready to go places and stand up under the pre s e n t sudden weather changes, and do things. Or is it a little run down at the heels? Drive into Hodges-Green Motor Co., and let us tune it up. Lowest prices and highest efficiency go together here. Let us make an estimate for you without ob ligation. We repair and paint any make car. Expert Mechanics. Latest approved equipment. HODGES-GREEN MOTOR CO. MARKET STREET LOUISBURG, N. 0.

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