Uncle Jim Satis The State College Extension Service advises that the ever-nor mal granary is designed to help farmers market their products in an orderly way and to help insure fair prices to farmers and city folks. I?ISMHXY PINES K. L. Morrison. Jr., of Concord bought a 50-acre farm past of Con cord recently and when he found it badly eroded, he hud the county agent to order 10.000 loblolly pines as the crop to grow. He ex pects In sft more pines each year until the 50 acres is covered with trees. I'KAXITS It now appears likely that North Carolina farmers will plant fewer acres of Spanish type peanuts t-his year and devote a larger acreage to the Virginia type. ItOTKNOXK Hotenone-bearing roots, used for centuries in the tropics as a lish poison, are becoming increas ingly important in this country for the manufacture of insect poisons. IN'SI KANCK . - .More than 94,000 growers in the eight principal spring wheat states have filed applications for "all-risk" crop insurance policies on t'heir 11439 harvests. NOTICE! I am an Agent for the EQUITABLE LIFE in this territory. This is one of the oldest and strongest Life Insurance Companies in Amer ica. I offer prompt service in quoting you on any Standard Life policy. HAMILTON H0BG00D Phone 494-6 HOCUS-POCUS WONT WORK! Medicine man magic won't- keep the Demon Fire away from your property. Correctly written Stock Company FIRE INSURANCE is the only cer tain way to ward off financial catastrophe. , ASK AT MY OFFICE ! 6. M. BEAN, Agent (20 Years Fire Insurance Writing) Sell Your Cotton and Tobacco in Louisburg PICTURE FRAMING I HAVE JUST RECEIVED A COMPLETE LINE OF PICTURE MOLDING AND SUP PLIES AND CAN MAKE YOUR FRAMES FOR YOU. ALSO HAVE A COMPLETE LINE OF FURNITURE AND HOUSE FURNISHINGS. B 0 B B I T T FURNITURE CO. R. A. BOBBlTI , Proprietor We h ave a complete line of Magazines and Newspapers. Come in and see us. We also take sub scriptions. MANUEL ASSEF, Coney Island Lunch. 3-10-4t FOR SALE One IH:I" <i. K. Car radio. Hash hoard mount. In good condition. See J. A. JOHNSON at TIMES Office in 2-24 -t f l.ouisburjr FARM FOR RENT Good for tobacco and cotton on ?halves or fourt'hs. MRS. J. T. THOMPSON. 2-24-tf Epsom, N. C. FARMS FOR RENT Good Tobacco farms for white tenants having two or more teams. MRS: W. PERRY NEAL, 2-10-tf Louisburg, N. C. GIRLS! Own your own business. Earn $75 to $1*0 per week. Have others earning for you. Yes, it is the beauty business. EVERY WO MAN YOUR CUSTOMER. Today, while you think of it, write and find out how you can acquire.. the profession. Open your own shop. We train you ? furnish your own shop with a small payment. We help you to succeed. New classes forming now. CONTINENTAL COLLEGE OF BEAUTY CUL TURE, High Point, N. C. 2-24-4t NOTICE OF SIMMONS HV PUBLICATION In the Superior Court. Stat? of North Carolina, County of Franklin. Buelah Fletcher, administratrix of J. B. Fletcher's estate vs. Albertina Ayers. Samuel Ayers. husband; Willie Mae Harvey, Harvey, husband. Beatrice McPhaul. Hector Mc Phaul. husband; and C. 0. Pearson. Guardian ad Litem of J. Beaman Fletcher, Jr. heirs at law. The defendants. Albertina Ayers, Samuel Ayers. husband; Willie Mae Harvey and ? - ? ? ? Harvey, her husband, will lake no tice; That an action entitled as above has-been commenced in the Superior Court of Franklin Coun ty. North Carolina, for petition to sell land of J. B. Fletcher, de teased. and lal-e of Franklin Coun ty. for assets; and the said de fendants will further take notice that they are required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Franklin Coun ty in the colirMiouse at LouisburK PROFESSIONAL COLUMN Dr. Harry H. Johnson Ph.vsieian and surgeon General Practice - Glasses Fitted Special attention to diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Phones: 410-1 and 410-2 Offices: 120 X. Main Street Dr. H. G. Perry Physician ami Surgeon 101 W. Nash St. Louisburg, N. C I'lioncs: Office 2K 7-1 Home 287-2 Hount ? 1(1 to 12; 2 to 4; 7 to > Special attention |o offlce work. Obstetric* and Disease* of Women. X-Kay and Fluoroscopic kiamina tlon. Diathermy and I'ltra-Vloiel light treatment. Ml** Elizabeth Fuller, Sec'y. Mr?. WHitei- Cutlirell, H. X. Dr. Arch H. Perry General Practice Wood, N. C. Oftlce In Service Uru( C'?. D. T. Smithwick Dentist Louisburg, N. C. Office over Itowe's Store Edward F. Griffin Attorney at Law liouisburg. North Carolina Office Ford Building, Orer 1'leasnnU Book Store General Practice in all Court* G. M. Beam Attorney at Law I/onliburg, N. C. IHBte la Professional Building ?est to The Franklin Time* Practice in all Court* W. L. Lumpkin Attorney Louisburg, N. C. Office in First National Bank Bldg Practice State and Federal Ooarta W. B. Yarborough - Hill Yarborough Yarborougti & Yarboroufh Attorneys A Counsellors at Law Oflce In Kgerton Building Over Toukel'* Store Louisburg, N. C. Practice In Franklin and adjoin ing counties, and in the United State* Court* at Raleigh B. B. White K. B. Maloa* J. E. M alone White A Malone Lawyer* I/onl*burg, N. C. General practice, aettlement *f m tat**, f*nd* Invented. On* ma. bar of the Ira always la ???*, Main Street Barb er Shop L P. Wheeler, PioyMur ?nr N. C. on the 31st day of March, 1939, and answer or demur to the complaint in the said actioD, 01 the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This the 28th day of February. 1939. W. V. A VENT. 3-3-4K Clerk Superior Court. KXKCl'TOK'S NOTICK Having qualified as Executor of t'he Estate of Alamance Raker, de ceast'd, late of Franklin County, North Carolina, this is io notify all persons having claims^ against the Estate' of said deceased to ex hibit them to the undersigned at 112 Buchanan Boulevard. Dur ham. North Carolina, on or before the twenty -fourth day of Febru ary. 1940, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said Es tate will please mdke immediate payment. This the 24th day of I Februarv, 193 9. H. C. BARREE Executor Estate of Alamance Raker, 1 3-3-6t ^ deceased. I ' SAI.K OK ABANDOXKIt S( HOOI. PROPERTY I "ruler and by virtue of a lut'ion of the Board of Education of Franklin County, the following described property having become unnecessary for school purposes, and having been declared aban I doned for school purposes, the un dersigned will offer for sale 011 MONDAY, the 27tli DAY OK MARCH, !?:??. at or about the hour of twelve o'clock noon, at the Court House door, in Louisburg. North Caro lina, at public auction, for cash, the following described property: "?'Beginning at a stake 011 the Spring Hope road corner of Char les Beddingfield, thence along the line of said Beddingfield S 4d 30' W. 466 ft. to a stake, thence along the lines of J. C. Mullen N. 88d 45' W. 466 >4 ft. to a stake, thence N. 4d 30' E. to a Stake 011 the South side of the Spring Hope road in the line of H. H. Bedding field, thence S. 88d 45' E. along said road 466 Vi ft*, to the begin ning. containing five ( 5 I acres as per survey of Pittman Stell. Coun ty Surveyor for Wake. The same being a lot laid off for Pine Ridge School." DR. H. (?. PERRY, Chairman. W. It. MILLS, Secretary. All bids will be subject to the approval of the Board of Educa tion of Franklin County. :i-:'.-4t NOTICE OK S.\ LK OK ItK.W, ESTATE North Carolina': Franklin County: I T inter and by virtue ?>t* the po.v er and authority contained in th.it certain deed of t*rnst executed by I), R. Kearney and wife Ze.lla 1'. Kearney, to the undersigned trus tee. which said deed of trust is dated the first day of December. 1937. and recorded in Hook 347. Pages 285-6, of t li*? Franklin County Registry. default having been made in the payment -of the indebtedness thereby secured and in t?he conditioiu? therein secured, the undersigncff trustee will, on WKDNKSD AY, M \licH 211. at or about twelve o'clock Noon at the courthouse door at Louis burg. North Carolina, offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash the following described property : All that certain piece, parcel or tract of land containing one hun dred forty one and one-fourth (141 1-4) acres, to be the same more or less, situate, lying* and be ing in Franklinton Township. Franklin County. State of North Carolina, and being hounded on the North by Tar River; on the East by the Walter King lands; on the South went* by the Oxford Road; and on the West by the lands of \V. W. (Jreenr Estate, and having such shapes, metes, courses and distances as will more fully appear by reference to a plat thereof prepared by Jos. TVlnscoe, Surveyor. December 11, 1084. which is on file with the Atlantic joint Stock Land Hank of Raleigh, and being more particularly des cribed by metes and bounds as follows: r Beginning *t an ash stump on the southern bank of Tar River and horn beam pointer; thence with the line of the W. W. Greene Estate. South 2 degrees 30 minu tes West 385ft feet to a point in the Oxford Road: thence wil?h said Oxford Road the following cdurses and distances: South 13 degrees East 4 7 4 feet: South 18 3-4 degrees East 100 feet; South 23 degrees East 100 feet; South 25 \2 degrees East 700 feet: thence again with said road South 48 1-4 degrees East* 350 feet to a point in a pathway; thence with said pathway the following cour ses and distances: North 11 de grees East 1213 feel; North 16 degrees 20 minutes East 328 feet; North 17 degrees 15 minutes East 573 feet; North 18 degrees 4 0 minutes East 360 feet; North 26 degrees 40 minutes East 241 feet; North 16 degrees 10 minutes East 250 feet; North 9 degrees East 493 feet; thence again North 18 1-4 degrees East 1435 feet to a point in thtp southern bank of Tar River; thence wit?h Tar River in a westerly direction a distance of 1879 feet to the point of be ginning. Terms of sale cash and trustee will require deposit of 10% of the amount of the bid as his evidence of good faith. This the twenty-seventh day of February, 1939. ^ H. fe. STACY, 3-8-4# Trustee. NOTICE OF DALB Under and by virtue of Mie terms of that certain Deed of Trust dated the llth day of November, 1987, executed by T. T. Beckham, Ruth Baekham and ' huabMM, B. B. BwWMm, to W. I Ik Lumpkin, Trustee, duly r? rorded fa the offVse of the Re gister of Deeds for Franklin : ; County, North Carolina, in I : Book 338 at page 102, the; undersigned Trustee, having been' requested by the holder of the note secured by t-he said Deed of j Trust to advertise the lands de- j scribed therein, will offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash at the courthouse door in Louisburg. Franklin County, North Carolina at twelve o'clock noon, on MONDAY, MARCH 241, I !>:!!> the following described lands: All that certain piece, parcel or j tract of land consisting of one hundred sixty four and "seven tenths ( 1 64.7 ) ' acfes, to be the same more or less, situate, lying and being o\ the Louisburg and Franklinton River Ro;id about six miles from the town of Louisburg. ' in Franklinton Township. Frank lin County. State of North Caro lina. adjoining the lands of Kd inond Johnson and others, and more particularly described by metes and bounds at follows: Beginning in the center of the Louisburg - Franklinton River Road, a stake on t lie North side earner, for Mrs. \V. 11, Allen in Robert Alston's line, thence' along the said road iif the following courses: South 85 degrees 30 minutes West- 478.6 feet: South 69 degrees 10 minutes West 297. 3 feet: South 56 degrees 35 minutes West 533.7 feet; .South 61 de grees 30 minutes West 227.4 feet: South 84 degrees West 262.5 feet; North 81 degrees 50 minutes West 868 feet; Nor Mi 86 degrees West ( 425.7 feet to corner in center of said road, a stake on North side; thence South 4 degrees 45 minutes West 1995.5 feet to a hickory; thence South 88 degrees East 3910.5 feet to a poplar on bank of branch; thence up said branch its various courses to a poplar; thence North 9 degrees 30 minutes West 955 feet to the beginning, containing one hundred sixty four and seven-tenths (164.7) acres, to be the same more or less, and be ing a part of the tract of land conveyed by Mrs. Sarah W. Morris to J. T. Phelps, and was conveyed to Annie Wilder Allen by William F. Jo.vner, Trustee. For a further and more adequate description re-' ference is hereby made to Book 337 at page 113. Franklin County Registry. Reference is also hereby had to Book 338 at page 102, Franklin County Registry. Dated and posted this the 16tli dav of February. 1939. W. L. LI MPKIN. 2-17-51. Trustee. NOTICK OK SAIJC Cnder and by virtue of t?he terms of t hat ?certain- Deed of Trust dated the 20th day of January, J038. executed by Sam (Sammic) Itohhins and wife, Mozelle II. Hobhins. to Charles P. Green, trustee, duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Franklin County, North Caro lina. in Hook 338 at' page 138, tlie undersigned Trustee, having be? n requested by the holder of the note secured by Mie said Deed of Trust to advertise t h ? ? lands de scribed I herein, will offer for sa le t < > the highest bidder for cash ;it the court house door in Louishurg. Franklin County. North Carolina at twelve o'clock noon, on MOXDW, M.XKCII -JO. the following described lands: Beginning at a, stake in Mie old road, corner of No. .7;' thence along the old road N. - 4 3-4d K. 408 feet; thence N. ISd K. loo feet; thence X. 8d K. 300 feet: thence N. I'ud K. L'44 feet to a stake, corner of No\ in the old road: thence N. 88d \V. 1144 feet to a stake, corner of Nos. 3. 4. "> and ?? ; thence S. Id \V. .r?3 7 feet- to stake, corner of No. 7 ; thence S. 8 7 d R. 7 feet to a Stake; thencc S. 4d \V 470 feet to a stake; thence S. 66d R. 200 feet to the beginning? containing 17. *5 acres, more or less, and being Lot No. 5 in I'oak of Orders antf' Decrees 13 at page 106, to whit^i reference is hereby had for a further description of same in Franklin County Registry. . Dated and posted this the 15th day of Februar.v. 1930. CIIARLRS P. <J IlKKN. John F. Matthews, Trustee. Attorney. 15- 1 7 -5t . SAI.K OK YAl.t'AKI.K I.A\I> Cnder and by virtue of power of authority conferred upou nic hy thut cert Hill mortgage or trust deed executed by L. I-. Allen on the :tlst flay of May. 1928 and re corded iiitjBook 272 Page 44. Re* Tstry of Franklin County, default having been made 111 the payment of the indebtedness thereby secur ed, I will, at or about the hour of noon on MOXHAV, the 20th DAY OK MAKCH, offer for sale at public auction for cash, authe courthouse door in. I.oulshurg. N. the following described tract or parcel of land situate in Franklin County, State of North Carolina and being more i particularly described as follows: That certain lot or parcel of i land on the East side of Main Street in the Town of I?ouisburg. Franklin County. State of North j Carolina, comprising two certain contiguous lots described as fol j lows: i sLUT NO. 1 : Beginning on . Main Street In I.ouisburg. N. C.,' J. F. Jones old corner running j thence along said Street, South 32d about G5 ft. to Railroad St.; thence along said Street S. 58d E. j 100 ft. to old W T. Hughes cor ner; thence N, 32d E. about 65 'ft. to J. F. Jones corner; old line, thence alone f n id Jones line to N. 68d W. 100 ft', to the beginning. LOT No. 2; Beginning on Rail road Street at a stake, corner for old Boatwrlght lot (lot No. 1) and mm thence along said tract 9. G8d B. 100 ft. to a stake; thence N. 32d E. f S ft to a stake In J. F. Jonee old line; thence aloag said Jonea old line N, 68d W l?0 ft>. to a stake; thence 0. 82d W. U ft. to the beginning Both of said lots boing the same conveyed tcj L. L. Allen by deed of K. A. Perry and wife, dated May 1, 1919 re corded in Book 233. Page 47, Reg istry of Franklin County. This 10th day of February. 1939. JOHN UAH V EVANS, 2-l"-5t Mortgagee. NOTICE OK SAI.E N'orrti Carolina. Franklin County. Under and by virtue of the pow er and authority of sale contain ed in that certain interlocutory judgment of foreclosure entered on 13 February, 1 !? 3 9 ill Tax Judgment Docket 3 at page 74, by the Clerk of the Superior Court, in t-hat action entitled "County of Franklin v. J. Forrest House, et al.. heirs 'at law of OLIVIA , BREWEH, deceased." the under signed commissioner, will, as therein directed, offer for sale for (ash at public auction at the court house door of Franklin County. North Carolina, at. or about the hour of twelve o'clock noon on MONDAY, 2(1 MARCH, lfKID, the following-described lands: Lying and being in Cedar Rock Township, listed for taxation in 1!?30 and 1931 in t lie name of OLIVIA BREWER, containing twenty-five (25) acres, more or less, bounded on the north by the lands of Charles_C. Benton, on the east by the lands rff Calvin W. Conn, on the south by the lands of H. J. House or the J. A. House es tate, and on the west< by the lands of Charles C. Benton and Wiley Bartholomew, being the home place of Olivia Brewer, widow of John Brewer, where she lived and died. For further reference see Book 227 at page 304 and Book 285 at page 357, and Book of Or ders and Decrees 6 at page 320, Franklin County Registry. Dated, posted and published this 13th February, 1939. ' CHARLES P. GREEN. | 2-17-5t Commissioner. XOT1CK OF SA LlC Under and by virtue of an order of re-sale of the Superior Court of Franklin County, North Carolina, made in the" special proceeding entitled "Lidy Myers et als. v. W. M. Pinnell et als." the undersigned commissioner will on MONDAY, the 27tl? DAY OF MARCH. 103f>. at or about the hour of 12:00 o'clock noon, self at public auction at the couivt* house door in Louis burs:, Frank I iu County, North Carolina,. to the highest bidder for cash, the following described real estate: 1. A certain tract* or parcel of land situate in Sandy Creek Town ship, Franklin County*. North Car olina, containing forty-two "(42) acres, in orb Or less, adjoining the lands of C. S. Merritt, Peter Fos ter, the old County Home Tract, and others, x 2. A certain tract or parcel of ( !;;iid situate in Sandy Creek Town ship, -Fra nklin County. North Car- ] olina. containing fifty-four (54) , acres, more or less, adjoining the lands of \\\ C. Fuller. Mrs. I). T "Fuller, the road leading ft*n?i Moiiltou to Trinity Church, ami others. r?. A certain lot or parcel ol land situate in Mie town of Louis burg, Franklin County, North Carolina, on Spring Street, y^ad joining the Methodist Parsonage, Mrs. Iua Harris, and S. S. Men-, dow^pnd fronting GO ft. oil Spring Street*. A (1 p p o s i t. of ten per ! cent of the amount bid will he re quired of Mie highest bidder at said re-sale, said deposit to lie 'for feited in the everj't. that the bidder should fail t?o comply with the terms of sale. This the 11th day of Mai"h. 19.10, HILL. .YAH BOROUGH. 3-1 7-2t Commissioner XOTICK OF IT JUDICATION OF SIMMONS North Carolina. In The Frahklin Co. Superior Court Pauline It. Bunn. Plaintiff. vs. ItcHheii T. Bunn. Defendant. The defendant. Reuben T. Bunn. will take notice that an action en titled as above has been commen ced in the Superior Court of Franklin County, North Carolina, for file purpose of obtaining a di vorce absolute under and by virtue of Section If ?9 (a) of the Consol idated Statutes of North Carolina* in which the detYtnd^iiit is a neces sary party to safd action; and the 1 sa id defendant will further take") notice that hp is_ required to ap- . peai: at t he "Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said county in the courthouse in Louisburg. N. ('., on the 10th day of April. 1930. and answer or demur to the com plaint filed in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in sajd Coin-, plaint. This 9th day of March, 19119. \V. V. A VENT. C. S. C., 3-1 7 - 4 1 for Franklin County. KXKCU TOR'S XOTICB Having qualified as Executrix of the estate of Mrs. Maggie Hicks, deceased, late of Franklin County, North Carolina, Mils is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to ex hibit them to the undersigned on or before the 10th day of February 1940, or this notice will be plead ed in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate 1 will please make immediate pay ! ment. This 9th day of February, 1939 MRS. C. M. HOWARD, O. M. Beam, Atty. Extrx. I 2-1 0-6t. LOW Although the United State* 1* confronted with a cotton *urplu* of more than 13,000,000 bale*. It ha* lea* than 2,000,060 bale* a variable for export during the eta month* ending August 1. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Administra tor of the estate of W. B. Pearce, deceased, late of Franklin Coun ty, North Carolina, this is to noti fy all persons having claims against Mie estate of said deceas ed to exhibit them to the under signed on or before the 10th day of February, 1940, or this noWco will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make imme diate payment. This 9th day ot February, 1939. WILLIAM P. PEARCE, E..F. Griffin, Adm r. Attorney. 2-10-St " KAKCIIOHS NOTICE Having qualified as Executor of the estate of John Edwards, de ceased, late of Franklin County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to ex hibit them to the undersigned on or before t-he 10th day of March, 194(), or this notice will be plead ed In bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate paymerrt* This 9th day of March, 1939. 3-10-6t J. A. WILLIAMS, Extr. APEX, X. C. H Office days every Saturday and Monday. Hoars for eye examination: Saturday 0? u. in. to H |i. ni. Monday 0 a. m. to Noon. Other days by appointment only. Write or Phone No. 10. Fudratial FARM LOANS J Low Interest J Long Term / Fair Appraisal J Prompt Service W. L. LUMPKIN Correspondent LOUISBURG, N. C. LET'S START THE NEW YEAR RIGHT -Him,* >mii' ol?l clortips ( leaned and PitmpiI and put tlieiii hack info their proper appearance. It'? rhcapcr than new one*. Call us. H> will call for tliem and give you prompt and *?atKfartor.v service. PROMPT PICK-IT. BKL1VKHV 1 Louisburg Dry Cleaners IyonUburg'. Oldest Cleaners with Franklin County's most modern equipment. O. R Rykes Bd RKnall PHONE 430-1 Corner Church M Nnab Ru. LOt' I8BUBA, V. O. Prepare Early FOR SPRING Reliable service of Quality and Distinction Is offered to yon for your I>RY < TEANINO and SHOE REPAIRING, at our new location where we are better equipped to serve you. MOTE ? We have added a SHOE SHOP to our business BBNNIB MANN, Expert Shoe Repairer. Call Ci Phone 4 4 <1-1 SERVICE DRY CLEANERS AND SHOE SHOP F..C. HfeM B. Na?h8?. iMtotiff, N. C.

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