TODAY and NHNKMItttR SKXXBRI06E HISTOHV happta^ The only way to understand what iB going on in the world to day is to study what went on in the world In the past. JVhat we regard as "new" problems are really very old problems indeed Human nature has not changed since the earliest recorded times and people acted from the same motives a hundred, a thousand or ten thousand years ago as thev do^ now. The only things that change are the material environments with which we are surrounded. What every generation regards as "pro gress" is the effort, not always successful, to find new answers to! problems which have baffled hu-j manity from the beginning of| time. The main problem which man-j kind has always faced is how to1 live in comfort and safety wifh the minimum of labor: In our time we have come nearer to finding the answer to that problem thau any people ever did in the past. But it is rather doubtful, it seems to me, that with all our ma chines and inventions we have found the road to the supreme goal of life, which is happiness. The ideal of every social organiza tion must be the great happiness of the greatest number of its mem bers. We are still far from that. DKKE.VSK repetition "This or any other navlon. to preserve peace, must be ever ready to defend its lights and protect its interests and its honor." That quo tation ' sounds like something which might have been said in Congress yesterday It was said in Congress? in l&3f. just a hun dred years ago. Representative W. C. Johnson of .Maryland, pointjng out that the Kuropean situation was far from satisfactory and the French fleet was blocs dins; the coast of Sout-h America, pointed out that "the best way to preserve peace in this age. and perhaps in ages to come.' is to be formidably prepared for war." What Mr. Johnson advocated was the enlargement of t'lie Navy by building more steam vessels. He pointed out that th<*re was on ly one steam-powered craft in the whole Navy, and expressed the be lief that steam had come to stay. The old admirals of the sailing ships didn't agree, joist as some old officers of the Navy today think aircraft is all nonsense. NKWS crisis Anyone who thinks that world conditions have changed greatly in tJie past century might profit l?y scanning the papers of a hundred yeaiV ago. as I have been doing lately. One noted British journal ist Wrote in 183? that "At a period when our country is threatened with hostilities by more than one of tile continental powers it is worth while to consider the stale of our colonial possessions." That might have been written yesterday. The English people were as concerned then as they are now. a hundred years later, over the everpresent danger of war. Then, as now, the t'hreat to Great Britain was the loss of her colonial |K>ssessions bordering 011 the seven seas "It is more than probable." the English newspaper man wrote, "that the loss of sev eral colonies would be the result of those hostilities with which, ac cording to the warlike prepara tions of the present ministry, we are threatened." That is the ma jor concern of the British people in the present European crisis. TRANSPORTATION' r.?MicilE/0Ty O' MATCMCL SOP A IT TOO, f-J yAS SUH J y "DLENTY o' natehel soda" in it ? thai'* important, be cause "natehel soda" ? Natural Chilean Nitrate of I Soda ? help* you two way?, ?t X 1 ? It Mipplirg plenty of ideal, quirk-acting nitro gen, to help make the finest crop you can grow. 2 ? It sopplies a number of other plant food ele ment* ? soil-improving elements ? which help protect against plant food deficiencies. If you aren't sure your mixed fertilizer ha* Natural Chilean in it ? a good idea i* to add a shovelful to every bag. Try it. NiTRATE or SOPA THE NATURAL SIDE DRESSER ON TOUR RADIO! Enjoy th? Unci* Natdwl pr.|rM? wwy 9fr*y wfft) WPlS? Boy Scouts Building 'World's Fair Camp . ? r BOY SCOUT CAMP Nf.W V???K ?<}HI.O/FAIK ; ofCmfS.V 1??Y Si'tMIT^Of A.MUIICA l-avout of ih? two-acre Boy Scout camp at (be New York World's Fair, to be used by 3900 different 'Scouts end leaders frcpa *11 sections of the United States during the Fur season. % Any qualified member of the Boy Scour* of America may apply for an opportunity to take part in a unique icmonstrafion and service camp at rhe New York World's Fair, Dr jAmes F. West. Chief Scout- Execu ?iv'e of the National Council, Bo; Scouts, of America, ha- announced The plan for a Scout camp of ap proximately 150 different Scouts an leaders each week, cn a two-acre site within the Fair grounds from Apri SO to October 31. *'as approved b. formal action of the managers 1 "Home of The Thrifty" THINK! HAVU MONBYI ' HAVE MONBYt Hav&Money For Your Family IF anything should happen to you what would happen to your FAMILY . . . would they be provided for? They can be cared for if you leave them a home and MONEY. START SAVING REGULARLY NOW We Welcome YOUR Banking Business FIRST-CITIZENS BANK & TRUST COMPANY CORNER MAIN AND NASH HTREETH LOUISBURO, N. CAROLINA BANKING BOBIU: ?:(HJ A. M. TO S:M P. M. THINKI THINK I "Home of The Thrifty" HAVE MONEY! " HAVE MONEY) TONKEL S DEPT. STORE NOW OFFERING OUTSTANDING VALUES FOR Spring Shoppers All the latest styles in Wearing Apparel is now being shown through out the entire store withe the most amazing values ever brought to the buying public of Louisburg and Franklin County. Here are a few of these great MONEY-SAVING BARGAINS ! . LADIES' NOVELTY FOOTWEAR in Patent Leathers, Japonicas, Brown and White, Solid White and all the new styles in Blues. Values up to $3.50 ? Your $1 Ai choice A,/*l MEN'S SUITS The biggest slash in price Tonkel's has ever taken ! '7.95 ? '9.75 A SUIT ! ^Single^M^Doubl^Breasted^ 40 inch BROWN SHEETING Good Quality ! jjc Per Yard 36 inch PRINTS, Fast Color ,fc Per Yard One Rack of New Style SILK DRESSES Printed and -solid colors While They Last ! *1.00 " . One Rack of Ladies' SPRING TOPPERS In new high shades, Sues from 12 - 20 *1.88 Each 9 4 SHEETING, good quality Per Yard MEN'S GOOD PLOW SHOES Light weight. Flexible rubber bottoms. While they last ! $1.00 Pair NEW SPRING MILLINERY JUST ARRIVED ! HATS, Values up to $2.00 Special $? BOY'S OVERALLS All Sixes Now MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS Formerly sold for 79c Special 59c DON'T THNUFI will not be' FORGET I UlllVLL 3 UNDERSOLDlj "LOUISBURG'S SHOPPING CENTER" t