VOLCMN LXX , SUBSCRIPTION' a YEAR * LOIISBURG, N. CAROLINA (2Jr S V&f riMEi WATCH THE LABEL ON YOUR PAPER Ren<-w Vour Snbscription Before Expiration Date To Avoid Missing An Issue. (EIGHT PAGES) WAR IN EUROPE London, Dec. 19. ? Three Brit 's ish vessels were sunk and 11 oth ers were bombed and machine gunned today by low-swooping German planes with heavy loss of life as the Nazi air force lent new fury to the war at sea. A single German bomber, pre sumed to be one chased away from the Shetland Islands by British pursuit planes early today, attacked six trawlers, according to maritime reports. One of the trawlers reached the Shetlands, off the northern tip of Scotland, with two dead and two wounded and its wheel house blown up. The crew reported hav ing seen a column of ?moke off shore, possible that of another burning trawler. Torpedo Sinks Strainer ? The British steamer City of Kobe, bombed and machine-gun ned two days ago by a Nazi plane, was sunk by a torpedo in the North Sea today. Eighteen of a crew of 70 were reported rescued. The armed trawlers Active and Zelos were sunk by aerial attacks The Active lost one man. The Ze . los' crew was landed at an east Scottish port. Meantime) tive other armed trawlers, doing mine-sweeping duty, were bombed and machine gunned by German planes. The British trawler Utrurla was damaged, with loss of three lives, by machine-gun and bomb attack. The trawlers Astros and Ocean weathered air bombings and re f- turned to port undamaged. Bui , ?tbe Iverneill and Fort Hose were damaged slightly in attacks by Nazi planes. Paris, Dec. 19. ? t- The Allied supreme war eouncil was report ed today to have decided to give to Finland all the moral and ma-, erial aid possible without weak ening the Western Front with Germany. The possibility of giving effec tive aid to the Finns in their stubborn defense against invading Russians was understood to have been the main topic discussed at a three-hour meeting, attended by l'rlme Minister Chamberlain and Premier Daladler and their high est assistants including diplomats as well as war experts. A communique issued alter the meeting had ended and the British had started for home said the council "ordered necessary mea sures to reinforce the means of ac tion which the Franco-British col-, laboration has at its disposal In the diplomatic field as well as the military." France Prepares The French government, look ing forward to prosecution of the j war in 1940, tonight asked the linance committee of the Chamber of Deputies to approve military appropriations for the first three months of the new year totalling 55,034,000,000 francs (about $1, 266,000,000.) The government estimated that 149,000,000,000 francs (about (6,702,100,000) may be asked to finance the war In 1940. The ap propriations for the first three months of 1940 amount to almost a third of the total 1939 budget. Helsinki. Dec. 19. -j-A Russian air armada swept along the South ern coast of Finland in a bright blM sky today, bombing a half dozen cities and towns and set ting fire to portions of the mediev al seaport of Aabo (Turku) be fore antl-alrCraft guns drove the raiders off. Between seven and 10 Russian bdumbers were shot down in the raids which spread along the en tire Qulf of Finland coast from Vlipuri (Vlborg) westward to Helsinki and Aabo, the Finns said. The Finnish air force was re ported In tonight's official com munique to have Invaded Russian territory, bombing and machine gunning Russian bases, marching troops and supply columns. In addition to the seven to 10 bombers shot down today, four Russian planes were shot down yesterday by Finnish planes and anti-aircraft guns, the commun ique said. (A Soviet military communique ?arly today claimed that 12 Fin nish planes had been shot down in air battles, while only one Rus sian plane was lost.) Today's Russian aerial bom- I (Continued on Page I) Jackson Dinner Speaker Paul V. McNutt. Federal Security 1 Administrator, will bp the speak er at the Jackson Day Dinner at Raleigh on January 8. Mr. Mc- j ?Nutt is a former governor ol In diana. past national commander of the American Legion, and re signed as Commissionci to the Philippines to accept his present post as directing head of all the governmental relief and security agencies Hon. Paul. V. McNutt. Federal Security Administrator will he the' speaker at the North Carolina Jackson Pay IMnner^un' January 81 li. Definite confirmation of this appointment was received during t!:e week-end by State Director John D. Larking, Jr. North Carolina is indeed for tunate to get this distinguished speaker. The invitation was ex tended some weeks ago and at that time Mr. McNutt expressed a desire to accept, but several con flicting invitations left the matter in doubt until the past week. Georgia particularly wanted him for the- same date. ? The Jackson Day Campaign, conducted annually by the Demo cratic party for the purpose of raising party fiftlds. will culminate in a dinner to lie held In the Virginia Dare Room of Hotel L'ir Walter, Raleigh, on the night of January 8th. This date was adopt ed several years ago, it being the anniversary of Andrew Jackson's great victory over the British at New Orleans on January 8th. m.r>. The dinner this year will observe the l'Juth anniversary of that battle. Mr. McNutt is head of the fed eral government's wide flung security and relief program. He was chosen for that position by {'resident Roosevelt last summer when the various relief agencies were consolidated under one ad ministration. He resigned as Com missioner to the Philllppines to accept the new post. Previously he Had served two terms as gov ernor of Indiana, and is a past national commander of the Ameri can Legion. Interest in his appearance on this occasion is accelerated by the fact that he Is one of the half dozen most prominently mention ed candidates for the Democratic presidental nomination next sum mer. Thirteen registered Hereford , heifers and seven high grade heifers were delivered to Yancey County last week, bringing the total brought Into the county this fall and winter to 130. PROGRAM AT THE LOUISBURO THEATRE The following Is the program at the Loulsburg Theatre begin ning Saturday, Dec. 23rd: Saturday ? Double- Feature ? Johnny Mack Brown, Bob Baker and Fuzzy Knight In "West of Carson City," and Sidney Toler In "Charlln Chan In Treasure IB land. Also Chapter No. 10 "Dick Tracy's G-Men." Sunday ? Paul Muni and Jane Bryan In "We Are Not Alone." Xmas Day and Tutsday ? Prls cilla Lane, Rosemary Lane, Lola Lane, Gale Page, John Garfield, Jeffrey Yynn, Claude Rains, Ed die Albert, May Robson nad Frank McHugh in "Four Wives." Wednesday ? Jackie Cooper] and Martin Spellman in "Streets of New York." Thursday - Friday ? Melvyn Douglas and Joan Blondell In "The Amazing Mr. Williams.!' Last Times Today ? Deanha Durbfn in "Flset Love." .<&r??tittg 0 ? _. f The editor and the entire force of the * ? , , "a FRANKLIN TIMES wishes each of its readers and advertisers and the public generally a /ST I Most Happy Christmas and Prosperous New Year. May your pleasures be doubled many times and your prosperity enlarged to a satis factory position is our earnest desire. H PAGEANT AT BAPTIST CHURCH "The lloart of fhrMmas" Will IW' rnsenlnl On Friday evening at 7:30 : Vj : Intermediates and Junior Choir of Louisburg Baptist Church will present a sacred pageant "The Heart of Christmas" by Vernii Whinery. The attention of a mod ern young woman is arrested from I the selfish plans she is making for Christmas by a voice from the paSt, which proves to he that of the inn keeper of Bethlehem. Through a vision of the fit -it Christinas, she finds that she has; failed. to find room in her Christ inas plans for Jesus. She has mint ed the very heart of Christmas. She finds that making. Christ the Heart of Christmas can only be accomplished by serving others ? " "even the least of these'-4-. Cast: Virginia, modern young woman ? Margaret Smith; S. S. Class officers, Louise Long, Irma Griffin. James Kdwards and Hilly I Beasley; Inn Keeper, Chaa. Young. Mary, Mrs. '.S. CV Foster. Jr.; Joseph. Jatnes White; Sheperds ? Aaron. Klred Joyner, Hothan Clyde Mustlan, Jacob ? A. (i. Knott; Wise Men ? Gerald Bunn, Gaither Beam. Jr., Boby Strick land; Needy Group? Leheritld Bunn, Nell Hose and Billy Lan caster. The Christmas story will be read by Clarence Bass. Mrs. H. G. Perry will tell the story "Why The Chimes Rang". All ttousic will I be presented by the Junior Choir. White Christmas will be observ ed. Those who have not yet given white *ifts will hiive the oppor- 1 tunity to bring them on Friday evening The Lottie Moon Christ-1 mas offering will be taken i"or Foreign Missions. Following the pageant Santa! Claus will meet the children in the Assembly Hall and there un der the Christmas Tree will have a word and treat for them. CHRISTMAS SERVICE Quite a large numuer of Vlul- J tors, in addition to the many town and county people, attended the Community Christmas Ser vice held on Court Square on Sunday afternoon. The many Christmas Carols rendered by the combined choirs were excellent and greatly enjoy ed by those present. The many gifts, all wrapped in White, bespoke a generous spirit in Franklin and would give Christmas Cheer to many whoso holidays would otherwise be blank. This service was sponsored by the churches, civic organizations and P. T. A., and proved to be a great success. - . ' I DISTRIBUTES CHRIST MAS CHEER "John A Hartford. Prly Communion and special Christmas music Everyone is more than welcome to attend this serrtC* and partake of the Lord's Bltftles as we com memorate the Birthday of the Son ot God. One wltt feel the grip of peace and comfort that this ser vice affords; the peace and com fort so badly needed In these troubled times. On Friday night, December 22nd, the Church School will give a pageant In tlje Church at 8:00 P. M. CHRISTMAS SERVICES Shiloh and Plncy (irovo Churclie* To Have Service* Sunday (T.oulsburg Circult-UethodUt Church) There will be preaching at Shi loh Church, Sunday morning at eleven o'clock, and at Plney drove In the afternoon, three o'clock. The aermon will be by the pastor at each church. All people are given ? special Invitation at this Chrlatmaa Ma son. The services will breath ? the spirit of Christmas. It is the desire of the pastor that all peo ple will invite their visitor* from distances and that old friends of the chnrchM will be present, also. Sally Rand has filed a voluntary bankruptcy petition. It Km always been suspected that some day the bubbli' wynld burst.