.1 Local I V^PENINGfi ? Next Sunday is July 4th. XXX ? Cotton was worth 22 cents a pound In Louisburg yesterday. XXX ? Quite a lot of wheat is be ing harvested in Franklin this week. XXX ? The weather the past week has been very hot, much to the discomfort of many. XXX ? The grass got a good start on crops the past two weeks, but It is being killed by the whole sale now. X X t * ? The Board of County Com missioners met Monday to dis cuss the Budget. No final action was taken at this meeting. o RETAILERS REGISTER! All dealers who have not registered their inventories of Processed Foods, and of Meats, Fats, Cheese, etc., are request ed to do so at once. The State Office has asked for the names of all retailers who have not filed these reports. To prevent your name being submitted to the State Office, your report must be In the office of the lo cal Board by June 30, 1043. June 30 is Final Date for Cashing Old Cotton Stamps Merchants of Franklin County who stillt have stamps redeemed for cotto^i fabrics under the 1941 supplementary cotton program must cash them on or before June 30, according to Mr. Ire T. Inscoe, chairman ,IC?* 49c (10) Tomato Catsup ??'2'?u 12c (5) Pie Apples "J 18c 1 RBD MILL Vinegar SS 12c SDN SHINS HI HO Crackers 21c SUNSHINE KRISPY Crackers *? 17c HEINZ CUCUMBBH Pickles 24o? J" 24c LYNNHAVHN Mustard 2-|bj*r 10c MASON QUART mr Fruit Tars d?"" /DC MOTTS POINT FRBE Apple Juice KKLLOG'S CORN Flakes 12" LAUNDRY BLEACH Clorox QBMe21e WHITB LAUNDRY P&GSoap 3 Ckt 14c / Coffee Stamp No. 24 Expires June 30th SANDWICH BREAD 2 20 ox. lAc Loaves *' GOLDEN BLEND* COFFEE *2^21 ci from where I sit . . . 61/ Joe Marsh Redly funny how some little every -day things can affect the course of history. For instance, did you know that one of the main reasons for the Pilgrims landing on Plymouth Rock was because the Mayflower was run ning out of beer? Yeesir, you can read it in an original manuscript of 1622, an account of the settling of Ply mouth?where it says: "...we could not now take time for fur ther search or consideration; our victuals being, much spent, . . . (specially our beer . . Just goes to show how good beer has been a part of American life right from the beginning. Yes, and it's had a big part in making us a tolerant, moderate people, happy to live and let live. Because beer is a drink at moderation and good fellowship. I 0 1 MS. trewlm bdutn Fonndatlon ? North ? arollna Committee MM' H. Bairn, State Director. ???>? 1 1nra'ruw BMg.BaleUk.ll.Cl was served. Mrs. Lee Bell received prize for members and Mrs. Ina Rousei won guest prize. o Patronize TIMES Advertisers FARMS FOR SALE We have in hand, for sale, sev eral valuable farms. MALONE & MALONE, . 6-25-St Attorneys. DON'T BE A 50 "PERCENTER" Our Government Officials have asked that we save all our WASTE KITCHEN GREASE for the manufacture of ammu nition. We have also been told that we have responded only 50 per cent to their expectancy ^ and needs. . WE URGENTLY ASK THAT YOU START NOW - TODAY! AND SAVE EVERY OUNCE OF YOUR WASTE KITCKEN FATS AND GREASES, AND WHEN YOU HAVE A POUND OR TWO OR MORE BRING IT TO US. WE WILL SEE THAT IT GOES PROMPTLY AND DIRECTLY TO ??0 ? : Hitler - Hirohito and Mussolini VIA OF BIGGER AND BETTER BOMBS. THIS IS AN URGENT APPEAL Do Your Duty and Start Saving Today. MANY OF YOU ARE ALREADY BRING ING CANS OF GREASE TO US REGULAR LY. THE REST SHOULD GET IN LINE. WE PAY 3c per Lb, BE SURE AND STRAIN THE GREASE. G. W. MURPHY AND SON "YOUR COMPLETE FOtD MARKET"