Professional Column Phone 2-2814 e id ay's opticians COMPLEtB EYEGLASS SERVICE 184 South Salisbury Street RALEIGH, N. 0. DR. A. H FLEMING Surgeon Dentist Louisburg, N. C. Hotel Building Ground Floor Phones 4071 - 2021 10 A. M. ? 5 P. M. DR. R. L. EAGLES Dentist Louisburg, N. C. Office Hour*: 0 a. m. to 5 p. m. Office next 'to Dr. J. B. Wheless Market Street My office will be closed each Wednesday , afternoon DR. H. G. PERRY Physician and Surgeon 304 N. Main Street Louisburg, N. C. Phone*: Office 287-1 Home 987-2 Special attention to office work obstetrics and disease of women. D. T. SMITHWICK Dentist Louisburg, N. C. Office over Rose's Store JOHN F. MATTHEWS Attorney at Law First-Citizens Bank Building Louisburg, N. C. Practice In State and Federal Courts and In adjoining counties. G. M. BEAM Attorney at Law Louisburg, N. C. Office in Professional Building next to The Franklin Times Practice In all Courts W. L. LUMPKIN Attorney Louisburg, N. C. Office In Flrst-Citiaens Bank Building Practice State and Federal Courts W. H. Yarborough Hill Yarborough Yarborough & Yarborough Atorneys A Counsellors at Law Office In Egerton Building Over Tonkel's Store Louisburg, N. C. Practice In Franklin and adjoin ing counties, and In the United States Courts at Raleigh E. H. Malone J. E. Malone MALONE & MALONE Lawyers Lonisburg, N. O. General practice, settlement of estates, funds Invested. One member of the firm always In office. J\ L. PALMER * Justice of Peace Louisburg, N. C. Office In Lumpkin Building Nash Street 2-4-tf YOUR "SHIP WILL COME IN" Sooner By the Aid of Newspape* ADVERTISING..! WE CAN HELP KOO We are In position to help yon with your application for new tires and recapping service. Henderson ynlcanlzing Service C. E. Edens, Agent 1 2-4-tf Louisburg, N. C. SORRY We cannot accept any more clothes unless HANGERS accompany them. LOUISBURG DST CLEANERS Phone 436-1 v.o.1 g CHILDREN WERE '\ ooun to Bohemian IMMIGRANTS IN THEIR. WEATHERED house on A KANSAS FARM, tATHER STUDIED- PLANTER 1RAGEDY STRUCK1 THROUGH FIRE AND RUINOUS HAIL. 0U??i FAMILY BORROWED AND STUCK- - SURVIVED THROUGH FAITH AND INGENUITY. HE CHILDREN WENT TO SCHOOL, WON SCHOLARSHIPS. MOTHER AND fATRER MINGLED WITH FRIENDty NEIGHBORS, LOST ALL SENSE OF*FOREIi FEVEN SONS VOLUNTEERED FOR. U.S SERVICE. "TWO ARE <L BUILDING PLANES. OTHERS1 - \ * r?. FARM THE HOMESTEAD, TOD/W WORTH *30,000.^ ro, THROC/> H FORTITUDE AND SOVRA6E, ' THROVOtf FAITH //V : -He FBK /fAtex/CM SYSTEM h//V/CH REWARDS /H0/V/PL/AL MT7AT/VE, 7//E AMC/VCAN DREAM /SOHC? AC AW FUIF/USD^,? n.a.m RATION CALENDAR The Raleigh District Office of Price Administration compiles this thumb-nail ration guide from official sources weekly foV the FRANKLIN TIMES as a public service feature. FOR WEEK OF FEB. IS Processed Foods Green G-H-J (Book 4) expire February 20. Green K-L-M (Book Four) now valid, expire March 20. Meats, Fats Brown V and W (Book Three) expire February 26. Brown Z (Book Three) now valid will expire February 26. Brown Y (Book Three) now val'id will expire March 20. Pork Red stamps A-8 through M-8 (Book Four) (120 points) valid in advance to purchase pork from farmers only, not from retail stores. Sugar No. 30 (Book 4) good for 5 pounds, expire March 31. Sugar stamp No. 40 (Book Four) good for five pounds can ning sugar until February 28. 1945 (13 months). ' Shoes No. 18 (Book 1) valid indefi nitely. Plane stamp No. 1 (Book 3) now valid. Fuel Oil Period 3 coupons (10 gals.) now valid, Expire February 21. Period 4 and 5 coupons (10 gals.) expire September 30. Gasoline A-9 coupons, now valid and will expire May 8. o An acre seeded to 3 bushels of oats, 3 pounds of rape, and 25 pounds of lesp?dAa will furnish' grazing for 2 to 3 litters of pigs from the m'iddle of April to frost. NOTICE North Carolina, In The Franklin Co. Superior Court Evelyn Hatton Hayes, Plaintiff, vs. Joseph Whittnell Hayes, defendant. The defendant will take notice that an action as above has been commenced against him in the Superior Court of Franklin Coun ty to secure an absolute divorce from the defendant upon the grounds that plaintiff and defend ant have lived separate and apart for more than two years next pre ceding the bringing of this ac tion and the defendant will fur ther take notice that he is re quired to appear at the Office of Clerk of the Superior Court of Franklin County in the court house in Louisburg, N. C. within thirty days after the 14th day of March, 1944 and answer or de mur to the complaint in said ac tion. or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief deman ded in said complaint. Th'ts 10th day of February W. V. AVENT, Clerk Superior Court of 2-ll-4t Franklin County. I Strike One! Army Signal Cor pa Photo An Americas doughboy in Italy pitches a hand grenade at a Nazi position somewhere jnst back oi this rubble that was once a farm house. The War Bonds you buy are also grenades that will drive the Axis into the open and un conditional surrender. From S. Tnaaarr . "Stick together. Every time a banana leaves the bunch, it getsj skinned." XOTICE OF SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of the au thority contained in that certain interlocutory judgment of fore closure entered by the Clerk of the Superior Court of Franklin County in that certain tax fore closure proceeding entitled "46E. County of Franklin v. Norwood Person, heir at law of Manuel Person, deceased, and his wife, Eula Fogg Person, and William Solomon, unmarried." which is docketed in Book of Tax Judg-I ments 3 at page 190, the under signed commissioner will, on THURSDAY, 2 MARCH 1044 at or about the hour of twelve o'clock noon. Eastern War Time., at the court house door of Frank- j Iin County, offer for sale for cash at public auction the following described lands: Situate In Franklinton Town ship, Franklin County, and being described as follows: Beginning at a rock on the west side of Lit tle Branch, Best's corner in Sand ling's line; thence N 87 l-4d W 30 1-4 poles to a rock Sanderling corner; thenc^S 2 3-4d W 11 1-2 poles to a rofck Sanderling corn er; thence 26 l-2d E 65 poles 9 finks to a rock. Best's corner In Fannie and Jerry Perry line; thence N 5Qd E 24 poles 18 links to a stake and pointers on Little Branch; thence down the said branch as it meanders to the be ginning. containing nine and four tenths (9 4-10) acres, more or less, being land bought of Mrs. D. O. Best. See Book 224 at page 17. The successful bidder will be required to deposit with the com missioner the sum equal to 5% of the amount bid, to insure com pliance with the terms of sale, and to be forfeited upon non compliance. Dated and posted this 81 Jan nary, 1*44. JOHN, F. MATTHEWS, l-4-4t Commissioner. Wife ? The doctor said at once that I needed a st'imulant. Then he asked to see my tongue. Husband (alarmer) ? Good heavens! I do hope he didn't give you a stimulant for that, dear. WANTED TO Bl'Y One horse farm consisting of around seventy-live acres. in Franklin County, with approxi mately 30 acres cleared. Will pay cash, but price must be reas onable. R. E. RADFORD, Rt. 1. Louisburg, N. C. 2-18-4t . . SALE OF TOWN LOT The Commissioners of the Town of Louisburg will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bid der for cash at the Court House door in Louisburg, N. C., on MONDAY, MARCH 13, 1944, at or about the hour of 12 M., E.W.T., the following described lot or parcel of land: Situate in the Town of Louis burg, County of Franklin, State of North Carolina, on the East side of South Main Street, begin ning at a point on said street, corner fo? F. W. Wheless lot running thence in a Northerly direction along fc&id street 65 feet to corner of Freeman lot; thence along Freeman line in an Easter ly direction 78 feet, more or less, to an alley; thence Southerly along said alley 65 feet to Whe less lot rine; thence in a Wester ly direction to the point of be ginning. The undersigned reserves the right to reject any or all bids for said lot. COMMISSIONERS OF THE TOWN OF LOUISBURG, Bv: W. C. Webb, Mayor. 2-U-St ADMINISTRATRIX .NOTICE Having qualified as Administra trix of the estate of John Thomas Duke, deceased, late of Franklin County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceas ed to exhibit them to the under signed on or before the 4th day of February, 1945, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to sa'ld estate will please make im mediate payment. This 3rd day of February, 1944. JENNIE DUKE NEWELL. 2-4-6t Admrx. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having qualified as Adminis tratix, eta, of the estate of J. Y. Cooper, deceasel, late of Franklin County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 28th day of January, 1945, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please Make immediate payment. This 27th day of January, 1944. 1 LULA MAE T. COOPER, l-28-6t Admrx. EXECUTRIXES NOTICE Having qualified as Executrixes of the estate of Agnes E. Harris, deceased. late of Franklin County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceas ed to exhibit them to the under signed on or before the 28th day of January. 1945. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons 'indebted to said estate will please make im mediate payment. This 27th day of January. 1944. Anne Bell Harris Fink, Jessie Taylor Harris. Alice Harris Leonard, l-28-6t Executrixes. ADMINISTRATOR S NOTICE Having qualified as Adminfiftra tor, eta, of the estate of Isaac Fra zer. deceased, late of Franklin County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of salt) deceas ed to exhibit them to the under signed on or before the 28th day of January, 1945, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons 'indebted to fcaid estate will please make im mediate payment. This 27th day of January, 1944. JOHN W. HORTON, Hill Yarborough, Adm'r. eta. Attorney. I-28-6t plumbing! Now is the time to have- the recent COLD WEATHER DAMAGE REPAIRED on a permanent basis. Also make snch new installations as you need. CALL ME AT 489-6 Prices Reasonable. Louis burg Plumbing Co. W. J. Mishael, Prop. Louisburg, N. Oar. FOR SALE One wooden bed and springs, one iron bed and springs, one cot, book case, 2 dressers, chairs, hand-made 9x12 rug, large mir rors, and many other useful household articles. See MRS. H. G. PERRY. 304 N. Main St., Louisburg, N. C. 10-15-tf RECAPPING Bring us your recapping cer tificates (or passenger or truck tires. We are prepared to han dle any size. We can also do vulcanizing on any size passenger or truck tires. HENDERSON VULCANIZING CO. Henderson, N. C. C. E. Edens, Agent, 10-9-tf Louisburg, N. C. Prudential FARM LOANS LOW INTEREST LONG TERM FAIR APPRAISAL PROMPT SERVICE W. L. Lumpkin Correspondent LOUISBURG, N. C. New Year's BEST WISHES We pause to extend our sincere holiday greetings to onr customers and friends. It has been a pleasure to have served you in 1043. We hope for a continuance of your friendship in 1944. ? ?? ? i Franklin Funeral Home Funeral Directors and Embalmers Ambulance Service Franklinton, N. C. PHONE 222-6 ROOF Get ready for bad weather! Re-roof or repair your roof now. We paint and re-coat metal and built-up roofs. Phone S88-1 or 467-6 for a FREE estimate. SOUTHERN ROOFING & SIDING COMPANY P. O. Box 144 LOUISRURO, N. C. Office located next to Loulsburg Theatre FAMILY REMEDIES THE WELL KNOWN W a t k i n s Products GIVE YOU RESULTS ^ SAVE YOU MONEY If yon are troubled with colds and flu get Watkiiu product*. I have remedies for all ailments. These products' are highly recom mended. Trj them oat and be coavteced. J. E. WILDER B % SPRING HOPE, N. C. Bay Geaeraaaljr of the 4th WAB LOAN BONDS! PIQ8 I have a number of nice p^gs for sale, $5 to <15 each. J. W. F. [ JONES, R. F. D. 3, Loulsburg, I N. C. 2-11-tf , Geography Teacher ? Now, clan, remember Iceland as about ?*. large as Slam. Junior (In test papei*) ? Iceland is about as large as teacher. THRIFT ? A ? GREAT REBUILDER f J'HE world is undergoing fiery trial3. The piled-up wealth of centuries is being destroyed. Thrift and in dustry will have to build a new world ?of prosperity and security, t Do your part. Share in tomor row's benefits. There will be a brighter peacetime future in front of you if you have a growing ac count back of you. Open a Savings or Reserve Account. CITIZENS BANK 8 TRUST COMPANY HENDERSON, N. C. Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation HEELS SOLES Rationing can be a blessing in disguiwv-eTen shoe ra tioning- Before it we took to many things for granted. We bought more than we needed, we bought unwisely. Now, convnon-piace things like shoes have new value. They have to last, and with care, will last. Here's where we come in. We are prepared to repair your shoes effici ently and economically to make them wear twice as long. MULLEN SHOE REPAIR N. C. MULLEN (Known to lot of friends as jnst "MOON") TRUCK TIRES ALSO CAR TIRES We cannot keep them in stock because we have no tire inventory. Bring us your certificate and we can get them within a week from our Roanoke Warehouse. All First line tires and lower cost to you. 6 ASHLEY HEATERS ? Came in too late for this winter ? will sell at 20 per cent discount. PLENTY HOG AND CATTLE WIRE. Plenty Oats, Lespedeza, and Seed Potatoes. 6 BURPEE PRESSURE COOKERS. Few Water Pumps and Piping, also Rams. BABY CHICKS and BROODERS. Arsenate of Lead, Dusters and Sprayers. Franklin Farmers Exchange Phone 366-1 Louisburg, V. a

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