CLASSIFIED ADS 1 tJ classified .03 per nurd minimum .SO p tnf InwrHon ? .fto per run Mfilco on keyed ads. *. CLASSIFIED display .70 p*r column Inch. MEMORIAMS same as Reg. dar Classified. ~ All classified ads must b? aooompanied by cash or check FOR RKNT ? FOR RENT? Two bedroom apartment with new kitfeh ?n and bath ? freshly deco rated. Near downtown, qow* tact H. C. Talyor. Jr.. iLoii^ lsburg. 12-20, 27; 1-lVpd FOE RKNT ? On* targe ctma try terrice station on Hwr. Ml. Pared driveway, I reat. rooms. Call Little Rirtr Joe 11-17 Tn. * Thar.: tf. 1 , KOR RENT? 6 room hottse. hot and cold water ? H?at er included. E. W. StallingjB R 3, lyoui^burg. ^ .l-i. 3. 8. ioV KOR RENT-r-5 ro6m hoise with bath. Hwy t6. 3 . miles west of Louisbtrrg; "Ckil Frankilnton 7271 bettfqen 6:15 and 7-:<fl> P. M/ f 4-1. 3. 8,10, 15. .17 (id A AI'AJtTHENT FO! RKNT \ . Modern < onvrn t.-iu-p*. / 204 N. Main St. ) ' Vail ?Y 6-S4S1. 1 ( 1-1, ? FARMS WANTEP I HAVE CASH BUY ERS FOR FRANKLIN OOCKTY FARMS. Call or wri*e W. 1. "BID" I) WIN AM. Rt. 7, lk>x 801. Raleigh. TK 2-3tHl?. ll-J2-Tf ? WANTED TO RENT? Young couple, no children, interested In renting 3 or 4 room furnished apartment need Drape r if s? V'S^T TAYLOR S DRAPERY SHOP FEATUR ING'. CUSTOM TAILORED WEST AND f OR VOb'R CARl^MNeflfe ' * IT S TAYLOR S FLOOR COVERING Mohawk CARPETS FOR HOMES r AND CHUR^HE,S - FREE ESTIMATES (HARDWARE! FURNITURE^" J ?Classified Ads '/Write Box B; , C/o The /Franklin Tinier , XrJLJ ch J FOR SALS ? ? . FOR SALfC ? 300 bales chofc*' lespedeza hay*. C.' C. Bailey. Highway ?t?-tbetwrtn Pilot and ^unn) Tele AN 9-4951.' 4 1-1. 3. 8. 10 pd ' ? BKHVTTR.S (Wf-BRRD ^ ... ? . i - '? INCOME TAX FORMS FILL ED OUT' EACH SATURDAY f\T GOLD SAND SCHOOL:' k S:.30 to 5;00 ? Stauing J Mi 5 ? Henry Marshall ? . Jams* Sarnies*. ? ' > ? .. ? 1-1. 3 eh, r )IR. FAR MRU We are now ^spreading buhk'" limestone and ferti lizer See us for your needs. LouMnirg fl X Svrvtco ^V GY 6-3366 PROFESSIONAL^ COtUMN v*. Dr. Richard C. Whitfield Optometrist LouisMjrg. N. C. Ground Floor Dr. Perfr'a Building ^ Hours: 1:30 to 5:00 P. M Phone Daily Except Wed. OY 6-416* JohifF "Matthews Attorney & Counsellor at Law \ Office ontjround Floor 106 N >Iain 8t. Loulsbu/g, N. C. General PractlteSJn All Courts Beam A Beam Attorney* Vat Law Loulaburgl N. c. Office In Professional Bldg On Court BtreetY"* Practice In Air, Courts Lumpkin & Lumpkin Attorney* Loulsburg, N. C. ' Ground Floor Office, tfett to Harris Pharmacy Practice in Fcenklln and Bur-, rounding Counties, and lo ^ Federal Court HiH Yarborough Charles Yar borough & Edward Pafcchal Lawyers Ground Floor Office lo Yarborough Bldg oh Main fit. Next to Franklin Co. Library Loulsbiirg. N. C. Telephone: GY 4 General Practice la AH Courts Two-Way Stretch? j ' N-Q^YTpN, OHIO-. -How much < canbfe put Into a glrdle?^Iost ? womep feel they are lucky 1^ they get themselves Inside the contraptioV But/ for two wo v men arrestW in4 discount store - recently, the abdominal bind ings served as storehouses of merchandise. ~~T)ne wo Start, y-ho weighs about 24t) pounds, had stuffed into her girdle, 43 flairs of women*s. hose, 32 pair slof men's stock ings, 14 slips, p pairs of ank-y lets and 3 shirts. Another had enough room tyr herself and 33 pairs of women's "hose, 20 pairs of men's stockings, 7 slips, a boy's %cap, a pair of troupers and a set of girl's pajamas! _ START THE NEW YEAR RIGHT!! COKER'S PEDIGREED TOBACCO SEED - 0 ? ----- 0 ? PLANT BED GAS ? PLASTIC COVERS ? APPLICATORS ? AXES, BANK BLADES, BOSH HOOKS, SHOVELS, HOLE DIGGERS ? FIELD FENCE ? BARBED WIRE _ McKinne's Seaboard Stores, Inc. ??* BaUtad To HAHfiW ARE, If f Kin To WM.CNNE Open All Day Every Day. Monday Through Saturday. &OL &Y 4-3441 -yxtUburg, N. C. News Report From Washington '* ' ------- Kennedy Abd 10G4 RocjgreUei Running- 4 Tax /Hikes CorftWg F(rai>ce /And DeGualle Washlngton, D.C.--The gen - era! opinion In the White House circle Is tfc^t President Jack Kennedy* Is as "good as elected o^. a major turn of events can b# avoided. . ? The reasoiUng^ls that Presi dent Kei^nedy has recovered in an area where the voters /Of the country were beginning ^o think the Kennedy Administration weak- -the field of foreign af ' fairs, ;X In the President's first eigh teen months hp seemed t<> stu ni bble In thl? sphere, in the! Cuban Invasion attempt Of,19Bl, the Cuban rebels were left Without air support and were Cut to pieces. We had to take the blame for having prepared this attack and suffer the cohse-T, ' quences of having been defeated, , v ? In Laos, we seemed to talk\ ? strongly- and back down in the clutch. In Berlin we were being poshed fufther and further and --duf situation there steadily de teriorated as Secretary of State Dean Rusk continued with his endless negotiations with Soviet representatives. None of this inspired mii^Ji confidence in the Kennedy Ad ministration foreign policy/^ However, with one strong sht^w of determination and ^streoph, the' President has apparently balanced the scales agalrt/ A When he forced the Russlaps to back down in the Cuban crisis, the- average voterWelt that at la$t the Administration had takeq a firm stand and back ed It up, and felt the United States had gained respect in the world. At least ibis Is the con clusion drawn In the top ruling and party circles in Washing ton. : "f /? * "Therefore H the road to re election is wide open, according to the White House bra intrust* But the opinion Is, at the same time,, that -New Yo^k Governor Nelson Rockefeller Is off and running. And he Is considered the most dangerous Kennedy ^opponent on the. horizon. # After a pause to' assess the Situation, the Govfefnor-far - richer than Preslde'nt^nnedy ls now reportedly, lining up delegates for the 1964 GSlp.\ nominating convention. He^E^., expected to t>e able to'llne up a majority by convention tlme lf he heeds powerful coifaervk ? ti've circles, i. \ Whether Rockefeller will dp this. is the QflWtion. His aides say private polls show that his divorce wi]l not be a great handicap in the 1964 presiden tial election. Along with an expected tax cut early in the next year the pntritt nrMi waamfr increases. For one thing, social security rates rise again on January 1st, for loth employer and employee. . When tax- ru1?? arjB tightened on such things as the reporting dividend and Interest income, and when expensfe'tic counts are more rigidly screened, tax col lections are likely ti bite deeper here too. rf Th? tax reduction will cost the federal -government more thap collection gains registered but when state arid local tax in creases' are taken into consid eration, ' many taxpayers will not 'benefit a^much as had hpen anticipated^ president Kennedy has orcIeT^" "ed a third of a billion dollars paid out in January; insurance refunds to veterans, and this will be.a boost to the economy,* Business news continues to be better than mjriiy h^d estimated and the overall outlook Is iny pro ?d, ? Pipsidem rwmgrg*' '-Cu'Mife' ?" France is given credit In the State Depart njent-ior ? having ^Mtafrllshed a firm and Stable government In France. This is the result of the recent referen dum and the recent general el De Gaulle now has a constitu tion whereby Trench presidents are ele^dby popular vote an d._ he '.Unbuilt a political p^rt> tilgger than 'the Communist Party, . plus shattering ' the strength of the splinter parties whirl, have kept Paris In chaos for Wades.. U.t>. experts are not happy, with DeGaulle in many wayjL but they admit he has stabilized "?Frerm*e-p-w-hirh"-fflstv-Ht t belong run-prpve a major blessing fo?* tje West. Jrga*(on - A'ftjlidh idualswe I think, refreshed by re ing the faith of others, ^his lis that (Decfctober 11th was alrth\ date pf oihe o'f North Carolina's most beloved men, the late Ciyde Hoark Hoey. Those who knew Senator Hoey were always granted a new In-, sight into complex, difficult, and. delicate~problems after a conversation wth him. A year before, the Senktor's -death; May 12, 19Ht Edward R, furrow was conducting a radio" pro gram called "This I Believe." Senator Hoey was called upon at that time to put into lan guage his faith and creed. With- ? out hesitation,, 1 am told by Miss Ruth Meacham, now a member of my staff; Senator Hoey dictated to her his*, state ment for the broadcast. Because Senator Hdey^Vcreed is a living one, 1 present it as an lnsplra tTo? for our day:1 "This 1 believe. 1 bfelleve In faith'- 1 have always had faith. an -adolescent I pondered the full-orbed canopy .of ifte far-N "extended skyflpe and feeJJeved xtliat there wasv a great first cause -- God. tlo me there wu no other explanation of the uni verse and no other assurance of protection and guidance. When KNOW YOMR Ivf ll'll HUMAN CENTRIFUGE WHEN M4N OU ITS THE EARTH HOW kill HE ?f*Cf' CAN -Mf survive? the answer ro rwtsf AND MANr OTHf# QUESTIONS ARE KING PROIED tY NAWS . AERO-MEDICAL EXPERTS. USING A GIANT CENTRItUGl, SIMILAR JO THAT SHOWN, fHE NAVY \ SCIENTISTS ARE AHt TO STUDY? THE STRESSES AND STRAINS ON THE EXPLORERS\Of OUTER SPACf. 20/20 is not ^ntctssarily iGOOD VISION a| all! When school health tests reveal that a child hai('2Q/2Q/ vision37? n. . ability ito rea<J a SnellcTt^tfilt~charf at 20 feet ... parents ofcen erroneously conclude the cliilcl has "perfect vision. * But such tests do not show how * well a child can see at 15 inches- ; * . the distance at" which most school work is done . . . nor do^s it check I ich affect learning. That's t our ottt imrbrrrrt to learn. > All yiaioit rtcomiMud . YEARLY VISION EXAMS FOR SCHOOL CHILDREN J Thit p'atantad at a publia Mr* ?e# by this nawtpapar in cooparalton with tba Amaycan Optomatrtc Aisociation 12 years of age 1 was privi leged to wbrk in a pr tntlng offic*- .for long hours daily and many times far into1 the night. After concluding the labors of the day and night, 1 would walk along a dark' and lonely road, through woods and uninhabited ? section^for a long miljp to my . home. Scared of the dark, yes/ a/rant, to be sure, 'but arin^a ?HtL.a hea\y hickory waUdng' stick, 1 -looked up into a starlit sky -and thought of my free Heri tage and believed In a Fath 9T/ God and would not /admit -m v fears t'd ."even my /olaborers. From the standpolftt of the world 1 was unafraid. T am aftlll un afraid. ??Crowing into manhood, with manifold Responsibilities and ^perplex hi* problems, requiring, all the resources of which I was capable, there was the cohstent and increasing need forborne reservoir of power that cpuld l>e tapped in periods qf emergen cies and hours f>( crises. In jmy fajth_ discovered that re servoir. - ' \ i "> I found matrimony a happy > estate. .Blessed with a radiant . and loyWy life companion, thd establishment and maintenance Of n home was a high ad ventured, fertf the coming of children Into that hofpe brought the full reali zation of the Joy and happiness possible only , in this most honored and anient of earths institutions. . Ten years *fo, after M years of happy married life, my wife and the /bother _p?_ my children passed/to her re ward^My faith in her and her faith In God linger as a blessed ! heritage In the sanctuary of holy memories. Faith has tipen in dispensable amid the sorrows and sadnesses of 1 If Pr^artd has been* exhilarating and sustain ing in periods of Joy and tri hnfph. The experience ffrflned through-* the ' years, and what-\ ever learning of knowledge l\ have acquired, have n6t lessen ed, but rather Increased. myK faith In a God who guides the destiny of nations and indivi duals and who e-ven marks the - fulling uf a kparrgflvT "Conscious of my own short comings and sins, ashamed of my failures ind omissions of duty, and fully mindful of the^ . unfaithfulness which has ma?kv ed my life, }*have never doubt ed the wisdom and goodness, the -.might and the merpf of a gra* clous, loving heavenly Father? . ?-G^d. t jWq the late great Kansas editor, William Allen White, when he said In a period of crisis, 'I artwiot afraid, of to narrow. I havy seen yesterday, , Military Budget Washington vrhe' YnTHTarv budget tor the next year ex pected to emphasize conven tional weapons and organ\za-*< Jiorv. .Chances of a new c^TMslon tor the Army appear, at this time, -to be slim. " Speculation is that the o\er all military budget request for fiscal 1 Oi'i ( may stii'w an Hi-* crease of $3,.OOOtOOO,OOQ of jnfixe^o v ex $ 4 8 , 200 , 000 ,.000 for the current year. Aids Receive J Tok en Washington - President Ken nedy has presented a silver calendar for the motfth otOctb tvr to each of th/l4 men Wno made up the gr^up, that helped him de\lse the/strategy to irieet the Cuban crisis during tli^ 13 days that Jf existed. " ? " Informed -quarters, aV the United Ration**, said that Adlai Eifc Sie^enson, ^chief United -sitaVs representative to the United Nations was among those who fecehed the calendars. / ~A On School Prayer x Wa*htngtoq - TXe ?(' p. I on of Orthodox Je\vi^yc on?r? ions has propos^d/j*et 1 1 lng the con- * trovef sy yf>\ er school prayers/ by lp.switing a " moment y6f Sileiw^" for devotion at t he beginning of each/?cly*iJ,"flay . y4V union deplored- -45-hArges / tW\t the Supreme Court was attempting 4o "drive religion out of American life" by "die-^ daring unconstitutional offic-lal^ sr hdol prayers. I k "In the period,'/ they ysaid, " let every pupil think in fc Of his faith and pareyf^Kre ligtbus heritage...". / Almost everyone is a literal, by his Of her definition. I love today, and 1 far?? \to* morrow unafraid.' There many c louds- 9I1 the horizon oi^ America: jY have had and shall have many dark nights, but there has never- vM been a night dark though to put out the\ stars - . and. there shalp not \>e. This is still 4 My Father's World*. And my faith abides," Yet No Protection "Wfry are you standing there thrtjplng stones at that poor i . .r .a. " Because I daren't fro ^los er, miss. '''He's gofA Aioioping cough." . I . . Abstinence Or Else "So you attribute your longeV*^ tty to abstinence from alcohol?" ^inquired the Inquiring reporter . And the c*ntenarian admitted, ? "Yes, my would have kill- A " ed me-if.l'had touched a"drop.>rv y_ After yoij'Ve had an accident or your ?dhome is damaged by^fire, you feel terribly alone. You're nbt - if you are injured through an Independent insurance agent. He's at your side, night or day. t HODGES INSURANCE AGENCY j Phoijfce 6V 6- 3.5 65^ N Mam St Lou>sburg. N C LOUISBURG WELL DRILLING CO. " CLAUDE ARNOLD, MANAGER BORED & DRILLED WELLS i , _ * ! Equipment Available For Immediate Service Telephone jGYpsy 6-3183 Wall-To-wall Carpetmgi RUGS CUT TO SIZE AND INSTALLED Dtopery and Upholstery Supplies 4 Leonard's Dri ! Roiky Mount Rood ipery Shop ? I Phone GY 6-3234 r * C. V 4% Paid On 1 Year Savings tarWicates. Citizens Bank and Trust Company I'.\*t.he leading bank in this section" *WE iNVITi YOUR BUSINESS "<? V MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION HfiMERSOPr, N. 6\r ^ ball wEiua WELL BORING & DEEP WELL DRILLING r FINANCING AVAILABLE - NO1 MONEY DOWN V UP TO 3 YEARS TO PAY . . NO WATER - NCTPAY _ ?-/. ' / Jop K. Halt, Jr., ttwwr * , ' , GY 6 3584 Louisburg, N. C. pOUL.AN DIRECT DRIVE WITH A NEW POWER BOOST! ** si New power "break-through" mokes, the Pjiulan "43" a real professional petformerin the orchard, on the wood lot'/jnd brourfd the form- . This 18 pound mighty-mite is the ideal choice fqr farmers, freeSlirgeons, sportsmen, firewood cutler* . . . nil occasional users-. Take* straight guides frorji 12 to 30 inches Sales Ph. GY 6-3594 Service *ri\- 0 . 53 ;[ LOUISBURG Tractor & Truck Co. Massev- Ferguson and Case Tractor's and Implements. V * k Wade- Rain .Irrigation Systems. New Holland Farm Machinery GMC Trucks- t > ct *

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