Classified Ads. DA TEC R3Cf.lL.AR rv? I LJ CLASSIFIED .03 per word minimum .50 per loserllou ? .50 per run scrvlcc on keyed ads. CLASSIFIED display .70 per column Inch. MEMORI \MS name as Reg ular Classified. All classified ads must be accompanied by cash or check. FOR SALE FOR SALE ? - Westinghousfc Refrigerator $25.00, Elec tric Stove $25.00, Table Top Hot Water Heater $25.00, 21 inch Television new outside Antenna ? 175.00. Other items for sale v^ry reasonable. V. E. Owens. 8-10.12 ch FOR SALE ? Peaches, four varieties, Elberta^ Georgia belle. Jubilee, Hale Haven. ( Good for eating,? preserving, canning and freezing. Lo cation south of Nashville between. Nashville and Tay lors Crossroads, in Elm Grove Community, on Loop Road. Cleveland Jeffreys peach orcnarji. 8-3,5,10 rh FOR SALE ? Money Orders. O'NEAL PHARMACY. 7-29 T&Th tf SAVE Big! Do you-r own rug and upholstery cleaning with Blue Lustre. Rent e4ec tric shampooer $1. H. C. Taylor. 8-10 ch FOR RENT FOR RENT ? Four room cot tage apartment. No child ren or dogs allowed. Mrs. M. S. Clifton. 408 N. Church St. 6-3Tu&Th tf ch WANTED WANTED NOTICE WANTED ? Local person with good credit to finish payments on almost new cabinet model AUTOMATIC ZIG-ZAG Sewing Machine. Total balance only $48.71. Full details and where seen write: "Home Office", Na tional's Finance Dept., Box 283. Asheboro. N. C." 7-27.29; 8-3. .r,. 1 0.1 2. 1 7. 1 9 Patronize TIMES Adv Classified Ads. ESTABLISHED TERRITORY NOW open near your home. Customers waiting for Avon service. Write Mrs Edna Tnscoe, Rt. 1, Castalla. N. C. or call 496-4261. 8-10.12,17,19 ch ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICK Having qualified as Ad ministrator of the estate of Charlie Thomas Privette, de ceased. late of Franklin County. North Carolina, this isd to notify all persons hav ing claims againit the estate of said deceased to exhibit tjiem to the undersigned on or before the 3rd day of February. 1966. or this notice, will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebt ed to said estate will please make immediate payment. This ".rd day of August. 1965. Jack Thomas Privette, Adm'r. \V. P. Pearce, Jr.. Attorney.* 8-3-.10.17.24 j NOTICK OF HALF r\I)KR FORJ*1.(XSlHK NORTH CAROLINA FRANKLIN COUNTY I'nder and by virtue ofpthe power of sale contaimfi in a certain Deed of Trust exe cuted by Ernest Smith and Wife Marie H. Smith to W. M Jolly. Trustee, for H. C. Pergerson.' holder of note, dated 29 April 1961. and re corded in Hook 56.3 on pago 303, in the office 'of the Franklin County Register of Deeds, default having been ATTENTION FARMERS | L. H. Dickens & Son Now i Delivers Famous Esso | Heating Oil, Kerosene and , L. P. Gas. Burns Hot and j Clean. Oil and Gas Durn-*| ers for Kent or Sale. Gas- , tobac, Tarheel, Silent -I Flame, Tharrtngton. ' L. H. DICKENS I & SON RT. f LOUISBURG. N C. \ am SAVE MONEY SEE US TODAY FOR THE 'EST IN LAWN MOWERS AT THE LOWEST PRICES DC CT I kJ SALES And SERVICE FARMERS Tractor & Truck Company LOUISBURG, N. C. Phone GY 6-4131 ' On The By-Pass Legal Notice made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secur ed and the said Deed of Trust being by the terrris thereof subject fb foreclosure, and' the holder of said indebted ness thereby secured having* demanded a foreclosure there of for the purpose of satis fying said indebtedness, the undersigned Trustee will of fef' ior sale at public auc tion to the highest bidder for cash, at the Courthouse door in* Louisburg. North Carolina, at twelve o clock Noon. EST. on , t FTUPAY. .SEPTRMBHR - 3, 1 1M? the land conveyed in said Deed of Trust, the same ly ing and b^ing in Louisburg Township. Franklin County. North Carolina, and more particularly described as fol lows: That certain lot of land on the West side of U. S. High way No. 401. North of the Town of Louisburg, Frank lin County, North Carolina, and adjoining .,the land of Dorsey H. Wrenn Jr., more particularly described as fol lows: BEGINNING at a point in the line of Alex Wilson, the Nortbwes* corner of Lot No. y\ thence N. 01 deg. 30 min/E 104 4 feet to a stake in /the line of Alex Wilson, corner for Lot No 2 and No thence S. 89 deg. 00' ?. 474 feet to the center of U. S. Highway No 401; thence S. 03 deg-. 00* W. 10 J. 4 feet to a stake in the center of said Highway: thence N> 89 deg. 00' W. 4 70.8 feet to the point of Beginning, and be ing Lot No. 2. as shown on ".Map of I-and surveyed for Henry Pergrrson" by Phil R. Inscoe. R L. S.. dated July 3. -l;9r?9, reference to said map being hereby made "for a mora complete and ade quate description of land herein conveyed: and being the identical land conveyed to Ernest Smith and wife Marie H. Smith by Warranty Peed of H. C. Pergerson et ux dated April 29. 1961, re corded in Franklrn County Registry. The successful bidder will be required to '^posit ten per centum (10^J ) of the amount bid to insure com pliance with the ternm of said sdle and to be forfeited _lU>i>n_ non-compliance there with. and in the event that said deposit is not made, the above property wiJl immedi ately be resold at said time ands pUfce. This 3(Td' day of August. msx .W K JOLLY, Trustee. 8-10X.2f.31 NOTICE OP ftAL E OP REAL ESTATE North Carolina, Franklin County. Under and by virtue of the power of Rale contained la a certain deed of trust ex ecuted l>y W. A. Jones and wife Marie S. Jones to W. JkC. Dr. Richard C. >tfhitfieljl Optometrist Loulsburg, N. C. Ground IHrfor Dr. Perry's \ /Building \ Hwfrs: 1:3,0 (o 5:00 P. M Phon? DaHy Except Wed. OY 6-4165 ^ QI'XMTOVF HFARIVO \ AID SERVICE Ronald F. Pleasants Hearing Consultant 103'* W. Nash St. ? Day, OY 6-3548 Or Night GY 6-8022 John F. Matthews Attorney A Counsellor at Law Practice In All Courts 215 Court Street Phone 496-3523 or 496-34S6 Loulsburg, N. C. Hours by Appointment DR. .?. R. F.ATMAN Chiropractor Cameron Village Ralelfch, N. C. Office Hrs. 9-5 Phone Mon. thru Sit. (214063 Wed Evenings TE28444 Beam & Beam Attorneys at Law Loulsburg, N. C, Office In Professional Bldg. On Coqrt Street Practice' 1h All Courts * U*MPKIN, MMPKIN A DAVIS Attorneys Loulsburg. N. C. Ground Floor Office. Next to Harris Pharmacy Practice In Franklin and Sur rounding Counties, and In Federal Cdtart , Hill YarborouRh Charles Yarborouah Lawyers Ground Floor Office In Yarborough Bldg on Main 8t. Second Building from Post Office Loulsburg, N. 0. Telephone: OY 6-SH5 General Practice In All Courts Legal Notice Jolly. Trustee, dated 12 Feb ruary 1965. and recorded la Book 621 on page 137'in the office of /he Franklin Coun ty Register of Deeds, default having been made in the pay ment of the indebtedness secured by said deed of trust and the same being by the terms thereof subject to foreclosure, and |he holder of the indebtedness thereby secured having demanded*^ foreclosure thereof for tnfc, purpose of satisfying said In debtedness. the undersigned Trustee will offer for sale at public auction to the high est bidder for cash, at the Courthouse door in Louts burg. Franklin County. North Carolina, at or about- the hour of 12 :00 0'nX)TK XOON ON FRIDAY, AIUIWT 20, 106.*, the lands conveyed in said deed of trust, -and described therein as follows: Those certain tracts or parcels of land in Cedar Rock Township County of Frank lin. State of North Carolina, and more particularly de scribed therein as follows TRACT NO 1: BEGIN NING at a culvert in the center of Highway No. 56, in corner for Will Stalling*; thence North 5 deg. 15 min. East 306.8 feet along the Will Stallings line to a point in corner for WTill Stallings and Rallentine: thence North 7 deg. East 543 feet to a stake in W A. Jones in Rallentine's line; thence South 85 deg 30 min. East 228 feet to corner for Tfact No. 2 in W A. Jones line: thence South 8 deg 30* min West 2714 feet along the line of Tract No. 2 to a red oak, corner in said line; thence along said line South 28 Mi deg. East 583 feet to a stake in said line; thence along said line South 9 deg. fiast 271.8 feet to the center of said highway No. 56; thence along the center of said high way South 79 deg. 15 min West 4 98 feet to the poipt of beginning' containing 18 acres. TRACT NO. 2: All the right, title and interest of the said W A. Jones in and to the following described .tract of |and: BEGINNING at a point in the center of Highway No. 56. corner for Tract No. 1; thence North 9 1<2 deg. West 271.8 feet a long the line of Tract No. 1 to a stake, corner In said line: thence along the line of Tract No. I North 28^ deg. West 583 feet to a red oak, a corner in said line:, thence along said line North 8 deg. 30 min. East 2*14 feet to a point, corner for Tract No. 1 and tj*fs tract in the line of W^A. Jones, thence along th^/W A Jones line South 85/deg. 30 min. East 4 84 te*4 to a stake in corner for Edna Stallings; fh^nce along the Edna Stal lings y4ine South 4 deg. 30 mUK West 3 406 feet to an Mtn. corner in Highway No. 56: thence along the center of Highway No. 56 South 79 deg. 15 min. West 269 feet to the point of beginning, containing 40 acres. , The successful bidder at said sale will be required to make a deposit of ten per centum (10% ) of the amount bid to insure compliance with the terms of said saJfL and to be forfeited upon non compliance therewith, and in the event that said deposit Is not made, the above de scribed property will immedi ately be resold at said time and place. This 20th day of July 1965. W M. JOLLY, Trustee. 7-27; 8-3,10,17 ch NOTICE OF HALE OF VALUABLE REAL RftTATB Under , and by virtue of the power of sale contained In a certain deed of trust ex ecuted by Rudolph Sledge and wife. Rachel Sledge, dat ed the 23rd day of April, 1964, and recorded in Book 620. Page 51. in the office of the Register of Deeds of Franklin County, North Car olina, default having been made In the payment of the Indebtedness thereby secur ed and said deed of trust be ing by the terms thereof sub ject to foreclosure, and the holder of the indebtedness thereby secured having de manded a foreclosure there of for the purpose of satis fying naid indebtedness. ths undersigned trustee will of fer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the courthouse door In Loulsburg, /forth Carolina, at noon, on Monday, Ai'Ottr ?o, iws the property conveyed In said deed of trust, the same lyinf and being In the County- of of Franklin' and State of North Carolina, in Dunn Township, and more parti cularly described as follows: Lota Noil/ 8 and t of the Shearon Sub-division in thf Town of Bunn. Dunn Town ship, Franklin County. Nortif Carolina, as , surveyed by Plttman Stsll. on October map of which Is rorded in Franklin County egistry, Map Book No. 2, Page 104. and being part of Tract 3 which was conveyed" bv deed recorded in Frank lin County Registry. Book 60i>j Page 233. The supcessful bidder at said sale w-HI be required to make a deposit of 1 0 *"4- of the amount bid with the trustee as evidence of good faith * This, the 22nd day ->f >uK. 1-963 BEAM. Trustee. ;3.10.17,24 NOTIC SALK OF Al"TOMO|ULK Under and by virtue of the power and .authoHty giv en to the undersigneiKbv virtue of General St?tut>?^ 44-2, default having been made in the payment of the charges for repairs to the automobile hereinafter de scribed. the undersigned will sell said automobile on s!\ti iu>ay. \i; Franklin County Register of Deeds, default having /been made in the payment, of the indebtedness secured by said deed of trust and (he same being by the Serins thereof subject to foreclosure, and the holder of the indebted ness thereby secured having demapded a foreclosure there of ttor the purpose of satis Tying sqjd indeiHedness, the iindertfffcned Trustee will of fer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder ?or cash, at the Courthouse door 1o Loulsburg. Franklin Coun ty, North Carolina, at or about the hour of I2:(Mt urriXM K NOON ON FRIDAY. AKU ST i5nn?e Tract." reference to said nbvp being, hereby made for a mor^-^ade quate and complete d?'scKp-' tion of the lot herein conven ed The successful bidder at said sale will be required to make a deposit of ten per centum (10%) of the amount bid- to insure compliance with the terms of said sale and to be forfeited upon non compliance therewith, and in the event that said deposit Is not made, the abuvc de scribed property will im mediately be resold at said time and place.' This 19th dav Of July. 1966. W. M. JOLLY. Trustee. 7-27; 8-3.10.17 Linda Obrien "Mias Wiz" WIZS 1450 ? on" your Henderson Dial 1000 WATTS WIZZZZZZ. The Best There Is Legal Notice EXECraRIX NOTICE Having qualified as Exe cutnx jf the- estate of Mrs. Bertha Smith Ayscue Mitch ell. deceased, late of Frank lin County," North Carolina, this is to notify all per&ons having claims against the estate of said deceased to ex hibit thein to the undersign ed on or before the 10th day of February. 19GG. or this notice will be pleaded in bar. of their recovery. Ail per sons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment.. T.liis 5th day of August. 19G5. Mis. L?illie*Smith Ayncuc Koute 1. Hox 2:?.ri A Henderson, NortTi Caro liua, . ' Executrix*. Yarbprough atuK Jolly. Attys. S-IO.IT.'J 1.31 As \the hunting season, approaches, l>oth man and bis bird dog" need to get into con dition. \ Your * dog's training should start , six weeks before the hunt - ? tng season opens since he may have grown soft over the sum mer and put on a little weight. You shouldn't starve off your .dog's look o'f prosperity. . you must work it off. A two-foot high platform in his kennel or, pen for him to Jump up on will provide some exercise for him 'each day. An Important part of his early conditioning lst"roadlng," Put a leather harness on your dog with a long leash attached and let your dog pull against you at a walk on a street, trail or field for at least twenty mln-" utes. Afterwards turn him loose to run for fifteen min utes. Gradually Increase his running time until the dog Is able to hunt for a full two hours without tiring" Then, he is physically able to hunt. When your dog is conditioned for' runs of* an hour or more turn him loose in a field where he may find birds. Work him in the cover where. he'll hunt during the season, and it will make him long winded as well as sharpen his hunting skills And, if your state game laws permit, take a gun in the field and fire' blanks. This will remind both him and you to be steady to shot and make both of you better hunters. On Career Envoys Washington, D. C.~ A State Department report shows that seventy-six per cent of U. -S. ambassadorships are held by career diplomats. The Presi dent names all ambassadors through selection from Foreign Service ranks or political ap pointment^ Speed Helps Gob--ls it true that the wild beasts in Uje Jungle won't harm you if you caV*^ a torcH? Pacific Vetera li? That all de pends on how fast you carry it. ONCE A YEAR SPECIALS KROYDON GOLF CLUB SETS - AUGUST ONLY - 7 I'IKCK SK I 5 IRONS 2 WOODS $29.95 TNI K IKMI'KR 7 I'IKCK SKT 5 IRONS 2 WOODS $32.50 I'M I IIAHNEY III I'IKCK SK I 5 IRONS 2 HOODS 2 CLUB COVERS IRI K I KMI'KK I .Kill I NINC SHAFT BIG KKVSTQNIJ BAU. ASST. COLORS.' $38.95 EXTRA JylRKNOTII ASTROI.ON III-: M) TOMMY .BOLT IS I'IKCK. SKT S IRONS 3. WOODS 3 CI I B COVERS 1 VINYL BAC; ANY (3JI.OR DARK CHERRY LAMINATE HEAD COWER ZONK STEEL STKIMXMN SIIAH $62.50 III RIO -III RRY -III R RY-I.ESS THAN '2 I'RlCE CHECK WITH Y. E. OWENS 209 COURT ST. FOR FURTHER DETAILS , AND GOLF EQUIPMENT jr* \ SEE US FOR THE \ ROTARY KNIFE ADJUSTABLE BUTTBOARD LEAF BUTT BELT VARIABLE TRANSFORMER CONTROLLED VARIABLE SPEED DRIVE (Otai STICKS PER MINUTE) BRANTFORD TOBACCO TYER YOUR BEST INVESTMENT!!! ASK FOR FREE DEMONSTRATION ! Johnson L of Ion iompanij M.