our CtASSIRED section mis RESULTS Classified Ads. DA TEC REGUIjAR IX/-\ I LJ CLASSIFIED .03 per word mininiuiu .51) per insertion ? .50 per run service on keyed ads. CLASSIFIED DISPLAY .70 per column inch. MEMOIUAMS same as Reg ular Classified. All classified adH must be accompanied by cash or check. FOR SALE FARM FOR SALE ? - Dunn Township 37 acres. 2.51 acres tobacco. House and barns John F. Matthews, Louisburg. 1-6 T&T tf ch Tobacco Allotment for sale ? 1.2 acres located in Frartk linton township. Call Hu bert Senter, 4 94-2*531. 1-27; 2-1 ch YOU saved and slaved for wall to wall carpet. Keep it new with Blue Lustre. Rent electric ahampooer $1. H. C. Taylor. 2-1 HOUSE FOR SALE? 3 bed room. bath and , fire place, 10 miles oast of Lou burg; Inspection by appoint ment. Call 4 9 G - 4 ."5 4 ?> . 2-1.3,8,10 pd ? SERVICES OFFERED ? Quality Shoe Repairing, Gris som's Shoe Shop, Inc., 424 So. Garnett St., Henderson, N. C. 12-14 T&T tf ch 1 FOR RENT APARTMENT FOR RENT? , Downtown Louisburg. Furn lefced"1 i>r unfurnished. Call GY 6-3502. 1-4 Tu&Thur tf ch WANTED WANTEbs. ? Career man for Lou inburg urea. If you are married, 21-fMK. have car, neat. aggressive^ ambition <, you should invent iRale this opportunity Sales experi ence not necessary but help ful. Willing to work and follow proven method most Important. Local well est ablished firm in Isouishurg offers starting salary $4"3 per month with opportunity to earn over $6,000 the first year and substantially more thereafter. Apply in person only to Mr Charles E. Simpson. Lanfoxd JVVotel, Bi'ckett , Hlvd. Louisburg. Monday-Tuesday. February 7-8. 0 a hi., to 1 p. m. and 11 p. m. to 7 p. nr. No phon? calls please. 2-1,3 ch ATTENTION FARMERS Wftplesals Prices On Plant | Gas, plant Bed Covers and Fertilisers. Roperson ' Farmers ^Planters IOtefnational Rlctitnpnd Sco-C^K. Cqker, , McNalr and Speight | Tobacco Seed. L. H. DICKENS & SON RT 2 LOLHSBURG. N C Classified Ads. SPARK TIME IVCOMK Refilling and collecting money from NEW TYPE high quality coin operated dispensers in this area. No selling. To qualify you must have car, references. $600 to $1900 cash. Seven to twelve hours weekly can net excellent monthly in come More full time For personal interview write P. O BOX 4185. PITTS BURGH, PA 15202. Include phone number. . S-l Pd Legal Notice ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICK Having qualified as Ad ministrator of the estate of Ethel. M. Batchelor, deceased, late of Franklin County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or be fore the llth day of July, 19 66, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recov ery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 10th day of January. 1966. William Roscoe Massey, Route No. 2, Middlesex. North Carolina, , Adm'r. Yarborough and Jolly, Attorneys. 1-11,18.25; 2-1 KXRTt'TOR'H NOTICK 1 1 a v i n k qualified as Exe cutor of the estate of A. E. Spivey. deceased, late of Franklin Counjy, North Car olina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the un dersigned on or before the 11th day \>f .July, 1966, or this notice will he pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said testate will nlease make im wiediate /iiavinenl This 11th day of January. 1966. Hamilton M. Spivey, Executor. Charles M. Davis, Registered Agent Rox 86 Lumpkin. Lumpkin and Davis. Attys. 1-11,18,25; 2-1 XOTU TJ TO (CREDITORS North Carolina, Franklin County. ?The undersigned having qualified as Administratrix of the estatV\Of James Scott Dennis. late ?*f Franklin County. North Carolina, this is to notify all person*, hav ing claims against the estate of said deceased. to exhibit them to the undersigned at 126 North Avenue. Wake Forest. North Carolina, on or before the 25th day of July. 1966. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery All persons Indebt ed to said estate, please make immediate payment. 1'his the 25th day of Jan uary, 1966. Dorothy D. Arrington. Administratrix of the estate of James Scott Dennis. 1-25; *-1,8,15 \ , Li XOTICF. NORTH CAROLINA. \ FRANKLIN COUNTY. ' \ Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of \ trust exe -cuted by Henry M. Beasley (Unmarried) to Hill Yarbor .oujsh. Trustee, dated the 20th of February. 1961, and recoKed in Book 563. page 236, in^tlje office of the Res ister of Reeds of Franklin County; and binder and by virtue of the aiKUority vest.. ANNOUNCEMENT THE OFFICE OF Dr. A. E. Mallette 28 SOUTH MAIN STREET FRANKLINTON, NORTH CAROLINA Will Be Open From 10:00 jn The Morning Until 8:00 At Night. for The GENERAL PRACTICE OF MEDICINE "WE MAKE HOUSE CALLS" PHONE 494-2165 Legal Notice ed in the undersigned as sub stituted trustee by instru ments of writing dated the 15th day of December. ISSj. and recorded In llook >99 at panes 667-668 and Hook tli'l at page :124. in the 'office of the Register of Peeds of Franklin County, default hav ing been made in the pay ment of the indebtedness thereby secured and the saia deed of trust being by the terms thereof subjec t to f 01 closure, and the holder of the indebtedness thereby secur ed having demanded, a fore/ closure thereof for the pur pose of .satisfying saiil-utdeht edness. the undersigned sun slit uted trustee will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the Franklin County Courthous? door in Louisburg. North Carolina, at twelve o clock, noon, on the KIT II DAY <>K t-KIUU WW. imw. the land conveyed in said deed of trust, the same lying and bHng in Louisburg Township. Franklin County. North Carolina, and more particularly described as fol lows: fi ll EG INN INC. at a Point 1 ~s feet from an iron in the cen ter of the old County Koad. the Northwest corner of the iract of land allotted to l*enry May Beasley; thence N. 6 - deg. E 1 4 89 feet to a stake; thence N. 63 deg. E. 392 feet to a stake in Rocky branch . thence along said Branch as it meanders S. 23 dep. E. 1*;? feet S. 3 8 deg. E 33.r? feet ; *??. 28.00 deg. E. 300 feet; S. 36.00 deg. E 196 feet; 8. 10.00 deg. 30' E. 176 feet; fv 18.00 deg. 30' E. 150 S, 41 .00 deg. 00' E. 23 feet; s. 57 deg. 30' E. 183 feet; S. 31.00 deg. 30' E. 160 feet; E. 300 feet S. 39.<?n deg. 00* E. 315 feet; S. ?8 deg 30' E. 261 feet. S 06 deg. 0ft' W. 192 feet to a stake, a new corner for Henry May Ileasley and Theresa fc. Beasley; thence along N. ?>9 deg 48' W 1847 feet to a stake; thence 8. 80 dep. 00 W. 1 478 feet to a stake. :* new corner for Henry May Ileasley and Theresa S. Beas ley; thence N. 01 dep. 30 lv 1000 feet to the point of BE GINNING, ' containing 82 acres, by survey of Jim 1. Inscoe and Phil K Inscoe. R. I,. S.. as shown by Map en titled "Theresa S. Beasley. petitioner, vs. Henry Way Ileasley. defendant", dated June 20. I960. This 31st day of Decem ber. 196?. Claude VV. Allen. Jr. Substituted Trustee. 1-1S.25: 2-1.*. If <K)-AI?IIXINTK %TOK'S C.T.A. NOTICE Having qualified as Co Administrator's c.t.a. of (ho estate of Walter Ivan Pri vet to. deceased, latf of Franfe? Iin County, North .Carolina, this is to., notify all persons having claims against \the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the under signed on or before the 18th day of July. 1966. or thin notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All per Dr. Richard C. Whitfield Optometrist Louisburg, N. C. Ground Floor Dr. Perry's r Building Honrs: 1:30 in 5:00 P. M. Ph?n? Daily Except Wed. OY 6-4165 John F. Matthews Att^rif y & Counsellor at Law Practice In All Courts 215 Court Street Phone 4 96-3523 or 4 96-34 S6 Louisburg, N. C. vHoura by Appointment 1>R. 1. R. KATM.W Cliiro|ir?rtflr Cameron Village Raleigh. N. C Office Hrs. 9-5 Phone Mon. thru Sat. 8284063 Wed. Evening* . TE28444 Beam & BeSm Attorneys at Lnw Louisburg, N. C. Office In Professional nidg. On Court Street Practice In All Courts LOrPKPf, Ll'MPKIN A DAVIS Attorney* Louisburg. N. C. Ground Floor Office. Next to Harris Pharmacy Practice In Franklin and Sur rounding .Counties, and In Federal Court Hill Varborough Charles Yarborough Lawyers Oronnd Floor Office In < Yarborough Hid* on Main St. Second Building from Post Office Lnulsborg. N. C. Telephone- OY fi -31*5 General Practice In All Oourta Legal Notice kids indebted t.> said estate will please make immediate payment This 1 8th day of January, Rona Bell* IV Cay Dillard L. Privet t.^ tCO"Adi?'s c.t a. ? Lumpkin. Lumpkin & Davis. Attorneys. 1-1S.23; 2-1. S 1 ? f 3: \DM1\ISTR tTKl\ 1 .T. VC)1 H ? Havinh qualified as Ad ministratrix c.t a. of the estr ate of Cleveland Perry, do-; ceased. late of Franklin County. ?orth Carolina, this j is t<i notity all persons hav- ! ing -claims against the* estatel of said deceased to _ exhibit] them to the undersigned on or before the lSth day of July. 19(?G. or this notice will he pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebt ed to said estate will please make imdediate payment. This 18th day of January. 1 :? g t? . Olymphia Kittens. Adm'rx. c.t.a. Yarhorough. Hlanchard. Tinker. Yarborough. Atty*. 1 - 1 v . j ; 2-l.s ' A I >M I N ISTII \ TR I \ N OTH Having qualified as Ad ministratrix of the estate of Mrs. Susie Hayes Jackson. de> ceased, late of Franklin County. North Carolina, this is to notify all persons hav ing claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned . on or before tho Jlth day of July 1966'. or this notice 'Will be pleaded in bar of their re covery All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate4 payment. This 10th day of January. 1 9?;r. MRS A. B. INSCOfc. Administratrix. Route No. 2". Louisburg. North Carolina. Yarborough and Jolly. Attys. 1-1 1.1S. 25: 2-1 NOTICE OF HE-KALE OF V.VLlAHbE KKAIi ESTATE Under and by virtue of the power and authority contain ed in that certain Order for lte-Sale of Land of the Super ior- Court of Franklin Coun ty. North Carolina, dated 28 January 19fi(>. made in t)?e special proceeding entitled " Josephine W. Robinson (in dividually) and husband Juli us Edwards Robinson; Jose phine W. Robinson, admin istratrix of Mary L. Whitley deceased; McClain I). Whitley and wife Dorothy Whitley; Ceorge V. Whit ley*and wife Emma I). Whit lpy ; McCray Whitley and wife Peggyanne W. Whitley; Lois Whitley Thomqs and husband. Willie Thomas; \^?ert;i Whitley (unmarried) ^^i-ndolvn Ev ans (unmnrrioA; and Ru dolph Evans anoCVife Heat rice Evans, petiPhoners, fs. Lewis Whitley and wife Mary Whitley"; James Evans; Ram orta ljjv;?ns ( unmarrb1*! ) min or; and Michael Evans (un married), minor, and W. IT. -Taylor, (Juardian Ad Litem fOr^Ramona Evans and Mich ael Evans, minors, defend ants" ordering a public salo of the traHs of land herein after describe*!, the under signed Commissioner will on >I()M? \V. THE I ITU DAY OF FEIIKI ARV I tHMi at or about the hour of IJThJO o'clock Noon EST at the Courthouse door, in Louis burg, Franklin County, North NEED DRAPERIES? VISIT TAYLOR'S DRAPERY SHOP FEATURING^^ EiS!3? CUSTOM TAILORED . DRAPERIES AND FOR YOUR CARPET NEEDS IT S TAYLOR S" ' fLOOR COVERING SH0P~ FEATURING Car per CM*nxmi*snir Mohawk CARPETS FOR HOMES AND CHURCHES FREE ESTIMATES H.C. TAYLOR 1 HARDWARE I FURJNlTUr" Legal Notice Carolina. of for for^jre-sale at public ak tion to tin1 highest bidder, or bidders, 'for cash, in separate sales, the follow ing described tracts or par cels of lapd: KIR ST TRACT All that certain tract or parcel of land, situate, lying and be ing in ( \v press Creek town sluv. Krat\KHn County, North Carolina uud mute particu larly rihed a* follows: HEtilNN'lNX; at " a stake in -the. Louisburg-Seven Paths road ;it the Southwest corner of Josh Davis, or the sixty t wb acre tract of land; thence S S7 dep. K. 7 14 feet to a .stake. theho s. 55 dep. K ,155 f? "?*t t\) a -sj-M^e in the path; thence S. 52 Va dep. K s4 icet to a stake; thence S. 1 den, K 11S feet to a stake; thence S 59 s* dep. K 2 7,4 feet to a stake in the bend of thf terrace; thence N. 58 deg K. 12*3 feet to a stake ;w.ji hence N 92 ^ dep. E. 1*2 4 feet to a stake; thence S. 6 2r \ deft, E. 4 4 feet to a stake; thence S 2 6 dep. K. 104 feet tor a stake; thence S 1 1 \ dep. K 60 feet to a stake; thence S S3 Va dep. K i? l* feet in a stake; thsncc I N SSI. ,l?.p K. 2 S3 feet to a pine near the end of the terrace; thence S. 88*4 den. K. 10 50 feet to a point in Cypress Creek; thence alonp Cypress Creek S. 3 1 dep. W. S00 feet to a point in Cypress Creek, thence S. 2*4 dep. W. 64 N feet, to a point In Cypress Creek; thence S. 12 V* dep. W. 600 feet to a point in Cypress Creek; thence N s .?, deg \V. 116S feet to a four-prong poplar; thence N. 26 dep. WV 271 feet to a stake and two small walnut pointers; thence N. 5V, dep R. 192 feet to a slake in t lie path, oak point ers on West, Hide of the branch; thence N. 54*4 dep \V : I !? feel lit a stake; then< e N. 7 4 \ Dep W. 4 63 feet to a stake; thence N. 41 dep. W. 34 5 feet (? ? stake; thence N. 73*4 dep. W. 318 feet to a point, center, of the road; thence N. 2% dep. E! 637 feet alonp the road to a stake; thence N. deg. HJ. 500 feet to the point of Be pinnlnp. containinp 104. >3 acres, nit) re or less, according to survey by Phil R. Inscoe, dated December 1945, and be Ing the same land described in Deed from T M. Harris et als to Clarence N. Whitley and Mary L. Whitley by deed recorded in Hook 421 on pape 149 in the office of the K/anklin County Register of Deeds. Kidding for the above de scribed "Kirst Tract" will commence ;?t the price of $1 5.275.00 SBCOND TRACT; Thos^ two certain contiguous tracts or parcels of land In Cypress Creek Township. Kranklln 'County. North Carolina, con taining in the npprepate 89*4 acres, more or less, and be ing composed of the following described parcels of tand: (A) That certain tract or parcel of land situate ir\the County of Kranklln and SKate of North Carolina, part of t h e original "Awington ?Tract" of Peytort Sykes which was conveyed to said P. T. ?ykes l?y said Peyton Sykes and wife. J. A. Sykes by deed dated April 15th. 1908. and recorded in the- Registry of Kranklln County in Rook page 459. which in a division thereof by said P. ?T. Sykeft was retained by him. and which in more particu larly defined follows: RE O INNING at a rock. J R. Jerry McSeown SHOW v 8 a m,? 12 Noon Monday - Saturday '' On WI2S 1450 On On Your Henderson Dial 1000 Watts WIZZZZZZ. The Best There la Legal Notice Sykes corner in J. \ Creek - more's lfno. running North ?> S ' j poles to a willow tree. J A C reek more*# corner on the branch. Peyton Sykes line: thence up the branch N. S S * ... degrees W s poles. N M 4??(e. W 11 poll's S links \ dec \V 10.^ poles, N 71 doc W ?V poles. N 1 7 1 ... dog \Y M\ poles 14 links. \ 7". dog W 22 polo*. \ [ v 1 v dog \V 2 poles N 72'_> ciok*-'. W 2 2 poles to _a rock. .Vrrinnton's corner: thence S 1 dec \V 1P:? nole? to a pine .1 R Svkes' corner in Arlington's lino: thflU'e S ft $ <tec E. S2*-? poles i * the 'beginning, containing -4 1 ^ acres, more or less, ami known as t._. of the lands conveyed to P. T Sykes by Joseph Vlwelder Sykes and Peyton Svk^s hv deod recorded in Franklin Count v Roe is try in Hook lf?8. paco~4F?!> heinc thai tract of land conveved by P T Sykes and wife. Lizzie Sykes to tho (Jreenleaf Johnson Lumber Company by deed recorded in Hook 2111, page .12. Frank lin Registry, and lining the third tract- of land conveyed ill that certain Warranty l.)eed from (ireenleaf John son Lumber Company to \V. A. Johnsvn and wife Harriet H. Johnson. dated the ISth day of September 1H40, and recorded in Hook 370. page 4 S 4 . Franklin County Regis try. and being Ihe shine land described in deed from Clar ence Wihitloy to <' II Whit ley recorded in Hook II SI on page 2 2J in the office of the Franklin County Register of Deeds i H i All that certain tract of laud containing forty-four and 75/1 HO (44.7ft) acres in Cypress Crook Township. Franklin County. North Car olina. locat??d about one-half mile Fast of the Seven Pajhs Louisburg Public road and about six miles N'otth from Spring llope, bounded on tho North by the lands of tho (Jreenleaf Johnson Lumber Legal Notice Conipanj : on the East by the lands of the Jt A, Creek more hell's ; on the South by the lands of Harry Wheless; on. the West by the lands of Arthur Strickland Said tract of land i* particularly de scribed according to a plat prepared by Jos. T Inscoe. Surveyor, on the 3rd day of Auuust 1 as follows, to n\ i t ? UKlUNNINO at a stake, the ?' ^ Creek more. Jheirs corner in Harry Wheloss'line. theme alone the line of Har ry Wheless South 69 dec. West 1 r.Ol I ? ? ? t to a stake. Arthur Strickland's corner; thence ;i1?>uk the line of \rthur Strickland North l degree K:wu t~00 feet to a pim\ a corner for the (Ireen leaf-Johnson Lumber Com pany. t hence 'along the l\ne of the tlreenleaf-Johnson Lumber Company South Sf) decrees Fast i;Uil feet to a rock, the .1 A. Creek more lieirs line; thence alone the line of the .1 A Creekmore heirs South fl.'lO feet to the beginning, and being the Mime land described in deed from luincan Mann to C. H Whitley ;in<l wife M'arv Fliza heth Whitley recorded in Hook 202 on page 1 1 in the office of the Franklin County Register of Heeds. (lidding for the above de scribed "Second Tract" will commence at the price of $t; .?;o oo In conformity with the ^a foresaid Order ' for KeSale of Land, the above described two tracts of land will be sold separately at the above stat ed time and place. Kadi of the aforesaid sal off will be subject to confirma tion by the Superior Court' of Franklin (H?unty and an increased or upset bid as pro vided ? by law Information regarding the crop allotment for , each of s;jid tracts, of land may l>e obtained fro in the Franklin County ASCS ( Kf ice in IxHiisbtirg, North Carolina, or from the under signed Commissioner. A <ash deposit of ten per HELP WANTED IMMEDIATE OPENING FOR TWO LICENSED PRACTICAL NURSES. APPLY IN OWN HANDWRITING TO Box N % The Franklin Times, Louisburg, N. C T=-,T~ - Legal Notice centHim < 10', > of the amount bid for each \>f the aforesaid tracts will he required to be mad.* by the highest bidder., or bidders.' therefor to insure compliance with tine terms of sale, and to be forfeited up on noncompliance, and upon failure of '? such deposits to be made, ilw aforesaid lands will hKi?in be offered for sale nt the same time and place. l*ated/and posted this the 2Sth da v of January 1966. K F. YARROROUGH. Commissioner. :-i s Wu66o Appear; like magic When trouble strikes, wc'ic it \oui sitlc m-.'hl 01 Ja\ to ei\c \ou continuing personal inten tion Weil" plVil^Cll tO JI'Vf \OII that Juml of professional service' I ??i protection that means peace ol inin.l. call us nov\ HODGES INSURANCE AGENCY Phone Gy 6-3565 N Main St Louisburg. N C "THE 100" We Support *Loulsburg College 1965 McCULLOCHS L '-i. X X ^jVBUlQI/s )is?i SPINNING COMBINATION ROD AND REEL MITCHELL S 304/T6S OPEN FACE 1k SPIN-CAST COMBINATION ROD AND REEL 136/TBC CLOSED FACE McCULLOCHKJ CHAIN SAWS NOTHING TO BUY JUST COME IN FOR A DEMONSTRATION Offer Expires May 1, 1966 Tractor & Truck Company Phone GY 6-4131 On The By-Pass LOUISBURG. N. C. S FARMERS

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