Classified Ads. D ATCC REGVLAR 1 tJ CLASSIFIED .08 per word mlnlniuni .5f( per losertlou ? .30 per run aerTlfo on keyed Hds. CLASSIFIED DISPLAY .70 per column inch. MEMOIU AMS same as Reg ular Classified. All classified Ads must be accompanied by cash or check. FOR SALE FOB SALE ? Seed soybean germination 96%. C. E. Pearce, Jr., Rt. 2, Zebulon, Phone 269-8276. 5-10,12,17,19,24,26,31; 6-2 ch FOR SALE ? Hill soybeans. 1)3.60 per bushel. The kind you can plant late. Thomas Jones, Centerville, N. C. Phone 6-5200. 5-24.26.31 pd FOR SALE ? Lee Soybeans. Cncleaned >3.00 per bo. Cleaned $3.25 per bu. Con tact James R. Bottoms. 496 4237., 5-26,31; 6-2 ch "NEVER used anything like It," say users of Blue Lustre for cleaning carpet. Rent electric shampooer $1. H. (J. Taylor. ' 5-31 ch FOR SALE ? 20 White Geese. Phone 491-3023, P. E. Dean Rt. 4, Loulsburg. 5-26,31; 6-2,7 pd FOR SALE ? Seed Soybeans. 'New Hampton. Jackson, Con tact Ellis Medlin, Zebulon, Rt. 2, Near Bunn. 5-31, 6-2 pd FOR SALE ? Used 15hft. Frl gddaire Chest-type Freeier. Good condition. $80.00. A. G. Owen at Seaboard Stores, Inc. 5-24,26,31; 6-2 ch FOR SALE or RENT ? 1964 Midway House Trailer. 2 bedroom 43' x 10'. Phono 6-5188 after 6:00. 5-24,26.31; 6-2 FOR SALE? Spotted Poland China service boars. Regis tered most type. M. T. Lamm Rt. 4 Loulsburg. | 5-31; 6-2 ch Patronize TIMES Adv. For Highest Quali ty Fertilizer at Lowest Possible Prices ROB E RTSON'S PROVEN PLANTER'S FARMERS INTERNATIONAL SOUTHERN RICHMOND ESSO GAS. KERO SENE, FUEL OIL AND LP GAS. L. H. DICKENS ' & SON QY6-4073 Classified Ads. FOR RENT FOR RENT ? One 3 bedroom apartment in downtown Lou isburg. Call GY 6-3592, 5-19 Tu&Th tf ch WANTED PART TIME WORK need ed. 18-24 ' hours weekly. White woman ? lunchroom, Franklinton area Call 49 1 -7896 day; 494-782 1 night. 5- ch WANTED ? Small used bike, good condition for 6 year old. Call Franklinton 494 7436. 5-31; 6-5 ch HELP WANTED Want a man between ages 18 to 30 for inside plant work Immediate employ ment. Contact Dean Farms. 5-26.31 ch ? SERVICES OFFERED ? QUALITY PHOTO WORK on Black and White negatives and film. Contact us for special occasion pictures. Prices on developing and printing: 8 exposure roll 75c, 12 exposure roll ? 1.00. FRANKLIN PHOTO SERV ICE. P. O. Box 6"27, I^ouis burg. 5-26.31; 6-2 ch LOSE WEIGHT safely with Dex-A-Diet Tablets. Only #8c at your drugstore. 5-31; 6-7,14, 21 pd Nobody holds more strongly to an opinion than a man of little Intellect. - ? FEDDERS AIR CONDITIONER From $99.95' MOTOROLA T.V.'S From $99.95 $10.00 Down With Approved Credit C&P MUSIC CO. VACATION MONEY SEE US FOR AN EASY LOW COST LOAN Any Amount From $10 to $600 With A Very Small Monthly Payment. PHONE US TODAY, COLLECT 438-4113 CONSUMER CREDIT COMPANY 121 S. CARNETT ST. HENDERSON, N. C. Legal Notice XOTIC'K OF ?.%LE OF pKRsowh Property As administratrix of the JCsjtate of Florence Johnson |5*erry. deceased, the under signed will offer for sale at public auction to the' high-' est bidders for cash at the residence cf Mrs. Mary R. -Baker (whei* the said late Florence Johi.*on Perry re sided at the i. me of her death) in Harris Township, situate near Riley Franklin County. North Carolina, be ginning at 12:00 o'clock noon on SATTRBAY, 4 JUNE IfMlfl the following items of per sonal property: 1 Hydraulic Hoyer Patient Lifter 1 set bedrails 1 window fan 1 portable Admiral Tele vision set with stand 1 oil heater 1 electric blanket (single) 1 small electric heater 1 automatic washer 1 automatic dryer All other miscellaneous items of personal property belonging to Florence John son Perry at the time of her death. The above articles may be inspected upon the premises at 11:00 o'clock A. M. on the day of the sale, or by contacting Mrs. Mary B. Baker. Route No. 3. Zebulon, N. C. or the undersigned ad ministratrix prior to the day of sale. This 11th day of May, 1966 Betty R. Holmes, ad ministratrix of Florence Johnson Perry, deceased Route No. 3. Louisburg, N. C. 5-24.31 ADMINISTRATRIX C. T. A. NOTICE Having qualified as Ad ministratrix c.t.a. of the est ate 6t Ballard Pendergrass. deceased, late of Franklin County. North Carolina, this is to notify all persons hav BEST BUYS FARM FOR SALE on Clif ton Pond Road, 168 acres 4500 lbs tobacco, 22 acres cleared growing timber. FOR SALE OLD HAYES SCHOOL PROPERTY off ol Highway 561 and lots In and around Loulsburg and Frankllnton. FOR SALE 5 room brick home with electric heat on highway 561, 2 miles from Loulsburg. If you have firm property for sale please contact William O'Neal Realty Co., Inc. P.O. Box 461 Loulsburg, N. C. 2754# Office Phone 496-4674 Night & Holidays 496-5116 mst ^?TT\ jjipwwws'ww" irw COME IN TRY ONE!! CADET IS FQR KEEPS FARMERS Tractor & Truck Company Phone 6Y 6-4131 On The By-Pass , IOUISBURG, N. C. Legal Notice | ing claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 30 day of Nov ember. 1966. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebt ed to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 30 day of May. 1966 Louise D Pendergrass. Rt. 1. Louisburg. N". C. Admrx. c.t.a. 5-31; 6-7.14.21 NOTICE OF SALE OF HEAL ESTATE NORTH CAROLINA. FRANKLIN COUNTY. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed by At wood T. Gup ton. Single and O. J. Gup Jon Jr. and wife Aipiee S. Gupton to W. M. Jolly. Trustee, dated the 6th day of December 19 62. and re corded in Book 564 on page 31.4 in the office of the Reg ister of Deeds of Franklin County, and under and by virtue of the authority vested in the undersigned as Substituted Trustee by an instrument of writing dated the 18th day of May 1966, and' Recorded in Hook 601 on page 475 in the office of the Register of Deeds of Franklin County, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness, secured by said deed of trust and the same being by the terms thereof subject to foreclosure, and the hold er of the indebtedness there by secured having demanded Dr. Richard -C. Whitfield Optometrist Louisburg, N. C. Ground Floor Dr. Perry'* Building Hourj: 1 : SO to 6:00 P M. Phon# Dally Except Wed. OY S-4U5 John F Matthews Attorney 6 Counsellor at Law Practice In All Courts 215 Court Street Phone 496-3523 or 496-34S6 Louisburg, N. 6. Hours by Appointment DR. J. R. KATMAN Chiropractor Cameron Village Raleigh. N. C. Office Hrs. 9-5 Phone Mon. thru Sat. 8284083 Wed. Evenings TE28444 Beam & Beam Attorneys at Law Louisburg. N. C. Office In Professional Bldg. On Court Street Practice In All Courts LUMPKIN, "LUMPKIN A DAVIS Attorneys Louisburg. N. C. Ground Ihoor Office. Next to Harris Pharmacy Practice In Franklin and Sur rounding Counties, and In Federal Court Hill Yarborough Charles Yarborough Lawyers Oronnd Floor Offire in Yarborough Mdg on Main 8t Second Building from ? , Post Office Louisburg. N. C. Telephone: OY 6-3185 Ortieral Practice In All Courts Service beyond the call of duty is what you can expect whan you inaure through an independent in-, aurance agent He' a on vour aide whan you need help moat, because he'a free to pick and chooae be tween several fine Insurance com panies. We're independent agenta. See ua for tha finaat in cari home, or buainaas inauranca. HODGES t INSURANCE AGENCY Phon? 0y 6-3566 N Main St. *j_oui?burg. N.-C., "THE 100" We Support Louis burg CoHege 1965 Legal Notice a foreclosure thereof for the purpose of satisfying sai<1 indebtedness, the undersign ed Substituted Trustee will offer for sale at public auc- , tion to the highest fartder for cash at the Court h >use door in Louisbure. Franklin County. North Carolina, at or about the hour of TUH K \\ ON FRIDAY, 24 JI VK 1IHMI the lands conveyed in said deed of trust, and described therein as follows: Those two certain tracts or parcels of land in Gold j Mine Township. Franklm' County. N o*t h Carolina*, sit uate in Wood. N C more, particularly described as follows fSrst Tract: That certain tract or parcel of land bounded on the West by the lands of Wei don Jones and Camp Manufacturing Com pany. On the North by Shocco . Creek, said Creek being the Franklin Countv Warren County line, bound ed on the East by the lands of l>ouglas Gupton and Con tinental Can Company, and on the South by the old N. C. 1 1 i ffhw ay No. 5 6 1 . w h ich is hard-surfaced and still maintained by the State of North Carolina, and more, particularly described by metes and bounds as follows BEGINNING in the center of the old road opposite an iron pin on the north side, cor ner of Geo B. Harris Estate land, and run along said line N. 9 deg. F. 4 0 chains: thence N. 26'4 " deg. E. 1 1 7 20 chains to a willow oak on Shocco Creek; thence up said creek as it meanders to a poplar: thence S. 32 deg W 9.85' chains to a stone: thence S. *51 deg. W. 2197 chains to' a stone: thence S. 2 5 deg W 20.10 chains to a stone: thence S. 3 V4 deg. W. 25.30 chains to a stone: thence S. 2 3 deg. W 4 5 rhains to the center of the present road opposite a post vn the north side. Jim Gupton's corner: thence along the present road S. 63Vi deg. E 26 4 5 chains. S. 32 \ deg. E 3.03 chains. S 27 ^ deg. E. 3.45 chains to where present road crosses old road; thence along old road S 81 deg. E. 3.62 chains to. the BEGINNING, contain ing 4 24 acres. more or less: and being the identical tract ? Legal Notice conveyed to Oltte J. upton by Poods' from Jasper IV Hick*. Commis sioner. and James P Lump kin. recorded in Book page 1 :U. and Hook 4 41. i Page 1 '5. KYanklin County Reentry. Second Tract: That cer tain tract1 or parcel of land bounded on the North by the lands of Ratotl Wil liams: on the East by the lands of \Y. 1> Fuller and Durham: on the* South by N. (\ Highway No "> ti 1 . and on the East by - the lands of C K Burnette. and more particularly describe*! by metes and bounds as fol lows HKC.INN1NG at a stake ami gum on the North side of N C. High way No 5 f, 1 in the line of Williams land, now W 1>. Fuller, and running thence N. deg K. 1172 ft. to a stake and pine: thence N. 7 deg. .10 min. K. 4 21 ft. to a rock: thence S. 86* ? deg. E. 1182 ft to a stake. Durham 's corner; thenco along Durham 's line N 2 d/?g. E. l.'?:?4 ft to a stake and pointers: thence N *7 deg W. 39?r ft to a stake; thence due South 371 ft. to a rock, corner for Eaton Williams: thence N. SS dm. W 7f?9 ft t.o a stake in Wil liams' line: thence continu ing along William's line N s; deg. W ' "7 ?; r? ft to stake, corner for Williams and the Burnette "land; thence S 3 'deg \v 1320 ft. to a stake and pine. C E. Burnet tea corner: thence N. SS dec W. *31 fi to a stake and fted Oak: thence S 3 deg 1 .*? min W. 16.52 ft to \ C highway No 561. corner for the tract Hereby conveyed and the Burnette land*; thence a long said high-way ' 8 deg. 4.*> min K. 6???> ft : thence N SO dec 1 "? min K 4!*."? feet: thence N SI dec. 30 min ,E ft. to the point of ?.HEfliXN'IN'fl; containing 110. acres, and heihc formerly known as the Geneva Lancaster home place: and being the iden tical lands conveyed to Ollie .1 O up ton by deed from Mrs Geneva Lancaster, re corded in Hook 424. pace 161. Franklin Register. Til ERE IS EXCEPTED. HOWEVER. FROM THE ABOVE DESCRIBED "SEC OND TRACT the follow ing described tract or par cel of land: That certain tract or par cel -of land in (.old Mine Township. Franklin Coun ty .North Carolina, situate on the North side of High way No. 561 about one mile more or less from Center ville. N C . and more parti cularly described as follows BEGINNING in the center of State "Highway No. 561, running thence along the line of Ollie Gupton N. 3 deg. E. 239 ft. to a post oak,, new corner for Olllo Gupton: thence along Ollie Gupton's line and a fence S. 85 deg. E. 300 ft. to a point, corner for Ollie Gup ton In D. Fuller 's line: thence along W. D. Fuller's line 9 3 deg W. 194 feet to a point in, center of High way No. 561. said point be ing 25 ft., west of a road cul vert under said highway: thence along the center of said highway S.t 86 dep. 30 min. v\V 300 ft to begin ning point in center of said highway and containing 1.5 acres as shown by map of Phil R. Insooe. R S . dat ed April 24, 1964. refer ence to which map is here by made for a more com plete and detailed descrip tion. This is the, same land described in Deed from O. J. Gupton. Sr. and wife Monet a P. Gupton to O. .1. Gupton Jr. recorded in Hook 606 on page 310 in the of fice of Jhe Franklin County Register of Deeds. CONVEYED SUBJECT TO ALL PRIOR OUT STANDING LIENS OF REJ CC)RD. The successful bidder at said sale will be required to make a. deposit of ten per cent (10'. > of the a- * mount bid to insure compli ance with the terms of said sale and to be forfeited up on non-con\plianee there with. and in the ev^nt that , said deposit is not made, the above described pro-r~v? - perty will immediately be resold at said time and place. This 23rd day of May. 1966. E F YARTIOROPGH. Substituted Trustee. 5-31; 6-7,1 4.21 . ? /wu/de TOB0CCO WINE Bcsr by resrsMce./a/e ..*.6 3PIY * BULLS 6 CONES I Our thought for thj week: Never despair, but if you i do, work on in despair. The Cap worth ^ $75,000 Experts estimate that a college graduate can expect to earn $7 5,000 more in a lifetime than V a non-graduate. The way to be sure your children have this and ottier advantages is by saving. We invite you to save at Waccamaw and earn the high dividend rate of 4'' compound ed quarterly. BANK & TRUST COMPANY re?oo?'t? In Waccamaw BanK Are Insured Up To $10,000 By rederal Depoalt Insurance Corporation ,i 0 . ' [ ? Hfltil ?