Luncheon Honors Sunday Bride-elect Ml ss BU11* PmrrUh, bride elect at Sunday, was honored Saturday In the Tarrace Room 0 1 the Benvenua Country Qub by Mrs. J. B. Overton, Jr. and Mrs. W. R. WlnsUad. The honoree was attired In a creen sheath dress with matching accessories which was complemented by a baby pink rose corsage, gift of the hostesses. 1 Upon arrival, the ten guests were served dry sherry and seated at the bride's table, which was covered with a white linen tablecloth. Weddli? ringed pillows were used to Serve a Simple Dish Ground beef long has been a favorite of home makers, ex pec tally when the budget needs a boost. . .but It's tar from the prosaic meat as many think of It. Mate It ^rlth canned condensed onion soup. . .canned diced car rots. . .and some crushed gin gers nap*. . .and this favorite budget-beating meat assumes new status In the world of taste treats. Matched with pantry shelf staples such as the soup, ground beef Is a natural. . . and such a saver of both money and time. Plan your whole meal to match the value and flavor of this great Skillet Surprise Sauerbraten. What could be better than mix ed greens loosed with a tart dressing. . .and an apple crunch pudding (made so easily from canned pie apples)? You'll win an "E" for excellence In both " exchequer" and "eating"! \ SKILLET SURPRISE SAUERBRATEN 4 pound (round beef 1 cup diagonally sliced clary 1 can (10 1/2 ounces) con densed onion soup 1/4 cup water 2 tablespoons wine vinegar 1 can (I ounces) diced car rots, drained 1/4 cup crumbled gingers nape Generous dash ground clove* Salt and pepper In skillet, brown meat, stir ling to separate, and cook celery until almost tender. Pour off fat. Add remaining ingredients. Cover and cook over low heat 20 minutes. Stir now and then. Makes 4 serving*. How True Preacher? Do you say your prayers at night, little boy? Jimmy? Yes, sir. Preacher? And do you say them In the morning , too? Jimmy? No, sir, 1 ain't scared In the daytime. Short Leave First Cob? Do you believe In love at first sight? Second G?.>b-VI gotta? I'm only gettln' two days' leave. The great trouble with luck is that It- often disappears when you need It most. mark the places. Down the center of the table was a set cf miniature dolls dressed as a complete wedding party. The register table held a sliver glass compote with an arrangement of pink summer flowers. The menu consisted of breast o f turkey and chicken with potato salad, sliced tomatoes, pickles, biscuits, Iced tea and toffee Ice cream with rum sauce. Attending were Mrs. Klrby Parrlsh, mother of the bride elect, Mrs. Harold Carter, Mrs. Robert Moore, HI, Mrs. Dan Baker, Mrs. Rachel Grif fin, Evelyn Ferguson, the honoree and hostesses Miss Parrlsh was presented a silver spoon In her chosen pattern. Mrs. Shearon Entertains (Frk. aw.) Mrs. W. A. Shearon entertained her bridge club on Tuesday after noon at 2:30 o'clock. Apple pie topped with whipped cream alone with Iced tea were served prior to the bridge playing. Mrs. Fred Bount received high score prize tor clubwhlle second high went to Mrs. T. H. Pearce. Mrs. JoeWhltaker was presented the guest prise. Club members present were Mesdames Blount, Pearce, H. A. McGhee, Eugene Pearce, W. L. Stone, & N. Williamson, Jr., and Miss Edith Jackson. Franklin Mem. Hospital Notes Tl? following war* patients In the hospital Thursday morning: PATIENTS - Annie Willis Allan, Loulsburg; Nannie Lloyd Autry, Loulsburg; Needham Wyatt Beddlngfleld, Jr., Spring Hope; MUdrad M. Bowers, Loulsburg; Henry Oble Brown, Frankllnton; Lucy Strickland Brown, Frankllnton; John J. Carr, Loulsburg; Glenn Bryant Career, Loulsburg; Lorlne 8. Cavlness, Williamsburg, Va.; Fred Cooper, Loulsburg; Blllle Denton, Loulsburg; Roy Wallace Edwarda, Loulsburg; Mary Smith Faulkner, Bunn; Tommy Laa Fogg, Loulsburg; Henry Lee Griffin, Loulsburg; Doeffln Gupton, Loulsburg; Luther J. Gupton, Loulsburg; George Vann Harris, Zebulon; James Edward Harris, Kan brldge, Va.; Joaaph Samuel Jordan, Caatalla; Bobby Carl Joynar, Loulsburg; Richard Frederick Lambert, Louls burg; Beatrice Hlght Leonard, Loulsburg; Dorothy Gray Massenburg, Loulsburg; An nie Powell Iferry, Loulsburg; Beatrice W. Strickland, Loulsburg; Blanche B. Tlm berlake, Loulsburg; Thomas Wheless, Loulsburg; Mary Ann Wllklns, Castalla. This Week's Special! Sweaters Skirts Blouses Get Set Now For School Opening . . . Heathers ? Cardigan! ? "V" Necks ? "A" Lines _ Pleats ? Straight ? Shirts ? Solids ? Prints. Stock up now. Use our Lay-*-way or Charge It. AtjtLCwfo'fGtowst $1? V on f any h 2 4-H Electric Project Winners ' Franklin County 4-H Electric Project winners Andy Lewis, Randy Thomas and Margaret Jones are shown at the State 4-H Electric Congress held In Ashevllle August 15 through the 17. With the contestants are Mrs. Polly O'Neal, Frank, lln Coiyity assistant home economics agent, left and Davkl Fuller, of CFiL, right. The project winners were selected on the basis of achievement In their 4-H farm and home electric projects. Carolina Power & Light Company spon sored their trip to the Electric Congress. Wendy Gupton Has Party (Frit. B.W.) Wendy Gupton had a Jkck-to- School party Saturday from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. at her home on Cheatham Extension. Guests Included Wendy's classmates, Harold and Wil bur Boyd of Henderson, De lores Evans of Loulsburg. The young people played record* and danced. Refreshments consisted of hot dogs, potato chips, pop corn and soft drinks. Circle Has Cook-Out (Frk. B.W.) The Ernelle Brooks Circle of the Frank llnton Baptist Church had their annual picnic Thursday In the form of a cook-out at Mrs . S. L. Colbert's. Hamburgers with all the trimmings and Pepsi Colas were served to the circle Overtime Sleeper Chief: "How come you're late this morning, Joe?" Fireman: "I overslept." Chief: "What! Do you sleep at home, too? members and their families. A short business session followed the cook-out. Han? were made to help a family who had recently suffered from a fire. . Thanks I would like to express my most sincere l^artfeld thanks and deep appreciation to my friends and relatives for their prayers, flowers, cards and every kind of aympathy shown during the recent death of my loved one, Alvln Junior Mar shall. Carey Ann King Honored On Birthday (Frk. B.W.) Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Strickland honored their daughter, Mrs. Troy Hall of Burlington, at a birthday dinner on Sunday. A three course dinner was served. Present for the occa sion were: Mr Troy H?U, Darrell and Darren, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hall, Richard and Teresa, all of Burlington; Mrs. Ella Mangum of Wake Forest, Sandra Poole of Rolesvllle, Foster Alford and Spencer Strickland. Teenage Chat I ? ? By Mary Ann Flaming Well, group, Loulsburg hasn't exactly berfn bulling with activity this week, but here's the little bit of news that I could gather. There were a tew at the beaches. Billy Fuller, Donny West, Jackie Smith, and Ross Shuplng enjoyed vacationing at Carolina Beach. The list of those who "wished" they were at any beach is much too long to print. tn Raleigh or Henderson this week were Bettle Lavender, Glenda Henley, Blake York, Cora Ann Allen, Ann Avent, Mike Carter, and C, B. Pat terson. The Loulsburg F. H. A. plan ning committee met Wednes day afternoon to plan a tenta tive calendar of work for the coming school year. Those attending were Cynthia and Phyllis B?st, Fran McFar land, Blake York, Frances Hat Party . The Loulsburg Garden Club will sponsor a Hat Party at the Marguerite Spencer home on Jeffries Drive, Monday and Tuesday, August 22 and 23 from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. The public Is Invited. Murphy ?nd Connie Leonard. Mr*. Leonard, the advisor, served Cokes and cookies afterwards. The (Iris bop* to make (Ms the best year the Louliwirg Chapter has ever had. Any Interested girl who meets the qualifica tions must pay dues to Fran McFarland by Sept. 11, in order to become affiliated with the state and national chapt t ers. Thought: "Fire. tries gold, misery tries brave men." ?- -Seneca. FAT OVERWEIGHT Available to yon wlthoat a doctor'a preaerlptlon, oar product called Oalaxoa. You mutt loae ugly fat or your money back. Qalaxoa la a tablet aad easily ewal lowed. Get rid of exeeea tat and lire longer. Oalaz oa coata (3.00 and la aold on thla guarantee: If not satisfied for any reaaoa. Juat return the packaga to your dragglat and get yoar full money back. No quea tlona aaked. Oalaxon ia aold with tbia guarantee by: BCOWilN IVRl'G HTOatn ? IjouHburft ? M_\Uj OHDKRtt FILLHD. fliaAtin Well Company. WELL BORING - DEEP WELL DRILLING WAR HEN TON. N. C. "A IV til A ZV Tk, Marti* N. C. LICENSE NO 2 MANLEY %. MARTIN DAY: 257-M81 NIOHT 2S7-3M2 ? tV?, r\e* Today's the day ? the new-car savings season is here. You can move into a full-size '66 Chrysler for just a few dollars a month more than the most popular smaller cars, comparably equipped. That includes power steering, power brakes, automatic trans mission, radio, heater, seat betffc front and rear, and a 383 cubic inch V 8. Don't lose out. See us now. AUTHORED MAIEHS ^ MnOnCOTTOROTM LOUISBURG MOTORS 609 Bickett Blvd. Louisburg, N. C. D.n.r L.c.n.. No 2731 ? BL x