Weather Partly cU?iy and continued warm today and Wadnaaday. Low today, <4; hljh, 89. The Published Every Tuesday & Thursday Times Serving Alt Of Franklin County Comment There la no bualneaa any where that cannot be Improved by attention and hard work. Tal. 0Y 6-3283 Ten Cants Louisburg. N. C.. Tuesday. August 30. 1966 (Six Pages Today) 97th Vaar? Number 5B Local Storekeeper Murdered Scene Of Murder Controversy Rages Over Franklinton School Decision The possibility of further desegregation of Franklinton City Schools through com pliance to recent Office of Education requests brought on a heated public meeting in the school auditorium late Saturday afternoon. Orer 300 Franklinton Town ship citizens gathered In the school building at 4:30 p.m. Saturday, following disclosure that the School Board was to have a special meeting at that time to vote on moving the seventh grades from B. F. Person-Albion Negro School to the predominantly white Franklinton High School. The trouble started earlier In the week when a four man team irom the U. S. ASC Election Ballots Sent Community committee elec tion ballots were mailed to all known eligible voters In the county Friday, August 26, 1966. Ballots must be re turned to the county office not later than September 9, 1966. Also, producers are re minded to sign the certifi cation on the reverse side of the envelope addressed to the county office. If the cer tification Is not signed, the ballot will not be tabulated. Producers who are not sure about which community they are eligible to vote In should contact the County ASCS Of fice so that a determination can be made. Maps showing community boundaries have been placed at the following establish ments throughout llie county to assist producers In know ing which community they are eligible to cast their vote: Cedar Rock, Sam Wood's Store; Cypress Creek, A. G Stalllngs' Store; Dunn, J. W. Perry's Store; Franklinton, Dorsey's Grocery; Gold Mine, E. M. Manning's Store; Harris, Cart Harris' Store; HayesvlUe, Rocky Ford Orocery; Lou Is burg, Ronald Tharrlncton'a. Sandy Creek, H. T. Edward's Store; Youngsvllle, J. H. Winston (Youncsvllle Milling' Co.) Ballots must be returned to the County ASCS Office In Loulsburg by September ?, IBM. Office of Education arrived In Frankllnton to "aid the school board" In formu lating a plan which would meet federal approval. The team was headed by Dewey D. Dodds and consisted of three other members, Anne Lasslter, A. J. Howell and John Bowman. The team originally , re portedly, recommended that B F. Person-Albion be made an elementkry school to accomodate children of both races and thatthe Franklln ton High School be made a high school for both races. Several meetings were re portedly held between the Board and the HEW officials. The Board reportedly held a special meeting, one of several during the week, on Friday hlght followed by ?another on Saturday morning. the minutes show that at Saturday's meeting, the Board first voted 4 to 2 to accept the HEW recommendation to move two seventh grade classes from the Negro school to the Frankllnton High School. The minutes show that Board members Brodle Green and "Rupert Pearce voted against the proposal. The Board or dered Superintendent Fred Rogers to send a wire to Washington verifying that the group was accepting the watered-down requirement. Immediately following the adjournment at 11:50 a.m., Chairman John Moore In structed Supt. Rogers towlth hold sending the wlre'"untll the entire Board could be pre sent In order to be sure that each member will have voted on this very Important ac tion." As soon as word of this action reached the street, a petition was circulated and by the 4:30 p.m. meeting 584 persons hal slgn?J the piper calling for the School Board to reject the HEW requests. A spokesman for the group later pointed out that signers were secured In the relatively short tlma of two hours and that scores more wpuld have signed had they been con tacted. Among the signers, according to spokesman for the petitioners, were several Negro citizens voicing their opposition to the new require ments. In the Saturday afternoon meeting, Chairman John Moore and attorney for the Board, W. P. Pearce, explain ed the 1984 Civil Rights Act and brought the group up to date on the visit by the Wash ington team. Moore alsc touched on the ESEA funds of $80, MO which will be tost unless the school plan accepted an! the recent Heaii Start program at the FranV-\ Union School \ Moore, at one point said, "This has been very diffi cult. We appreciate the way See FRANKLINTON page 2 Schools Open Wednesday CVer 6,000 Franklin County school students are expected to report (or orientation and assignments tomorrow, Wed nesday with the first full day of school slated for Thursday. Speculation earlier that the opening might be postponed due to the lateness of the to bacco crop was dispelled last week when the Oounty School Board announced a policy of no delay but curtailed the at tendance hours to ( A.M. to 1 P.M. to aid In the crop situa tion. The short schedule la to continue through September It. A threat coming out of Sat urday's mass meeting of Frankllnton citizens that school opening in the Frank llnton City aystem might be forthcoming was also dispell ed Monday aa teachers and school personnel were busy preparing for the start on Wednesday and Thursday. In the county system, Supt. Warren Smith announced the following schedule and fees) Monday, September 5, la slated as a holiday with schools closed. Teachers are to report on Monday, August 29. The last day of school for the students In the 1968-67 school term Is slated as May 31, 1967. The teachers complete their work on June 2, 1867. Unless altered by unusual weather, other holidays are scheduled as Thanksgiving, November 24 and 25; Christ mas, December 22 through January 1 ( seven schooldays ) and Easter, Wednesday, March 22 .through Monday, March 27. A one-day holiday Is sche duled (or sometime on Octo ber due to a statewide teach er's meeting. Fees for the opening of the 1866-67 term of school In the Franklin County system have been announced by the school office here. All fees remain the same as those paid for the 1965-66 term except a 25? Increase In Insurance, which Is optional. Fees set are as follows: Elemsntary Schools: $2.00 General School Supply Fee, ?2.00 N. D. E. A., $2.25 In surance ( optional ). Supplementary Reader Fees: No supplementary reader fees will be collected. The Gen eral Assembly made an appro priation to provide these ma terials. High School Fees for all students: $2.00 General School Supply Fee, $2.00 N. D. E. A., $2.25 Insurant* (optional), 15.00 Book Rental Tlx following f??a apply to high school students taking courses that are listed: $13.50 Typing, $2.p0 Home Eco nomics, $2^50 Agriculture, $1.00 Science. Negro Held In Saturday Murder Benny Fogg, 43-year-old New York Negro is being held In Franklin County jail with out bond, In the Saturday night slaying of Haywood Crudup, Tt -year-old Bunn Negro. The Incident reportedly took place Saturday night around 9:30 p.m. at a Negro night spot near Frankllnton No details of the murder were reported. Fogg reportedly left the scene and eluded officers un til he turned himself In Sun day around 12:30 p.m. to She riffs officers. Fogg had re portedly been Injured when he gave himself up and was taken to Franklin Memorial Hospi tal for treatment and later JaUed. . Local officers, assisted by; a team of top. State Bureau of Investigation experts, are continuing their investigation of the brutal murder of a Loulsburg grocerman Mon day afternoon. " . ' ? . The killing of W. G. Shearon, 62-year-old South Main Street storekeeper by an unknown assailant or assailants around 2 p.m. Monday has been described by one veteran police officer as "the worse crime I've ever seen.' ' Shearon was alone In the store at the u mo of the attack. Indications are that the elderly man ran from his assailant Id an attempt to save his life. His body was horribly mntl lateti. Robbery was estab lished as a possible motive In the crime. Shearon's poc kets were turned Inside out and his billfold was missing along with paper money from the cash registers. No dis closure was made of the amount of money taken. Officers theorized that Shea ron had gone to a drink box tb obtain a carton of milk when he was flr?t struck. From there traces of blood show that he ran In a circle through the small moat market, finally being trapped between wall shelving and the counter where' he was brutally hacked with a cleaver-type knife. Deputy Sheriff Tom Powell found the mirder weapon Just outside a side door at the rear of the Mitldlng where apparently the murderer had thrown It under a bush as he ran out of the building. Bloodhounds were called soon after the discovery of the crtmn and began searching for traces, but this proved to no avail, although the dogs continued to work Into ? the night. State Troopers, Sheriffs department officers, and all off duty Loulsburg Police were called In to assist tn the manhunt throughout the afternoon. At least two Ne gro teenagers were picked up for questioning but both were later released. One was questioned about several ar tides of candy found In his possession and traces of blc?1 fount on his forearms. The unidentified youth ex plained that the candy had been purchased at a downtown store and the blood proved to be a result of his having scratched his arm. Officers Jumped quickly on a trail of blood found a few yards from the scene of the murder, but later found these to have been put there by an qlght-year-old Negro boy hav lhg cut his foot. The heinous murder was dis covered by Eugene Riace, Ne gro driver for The Henderson Grocery Cempany when he arrived around 2:30 p.m w'.th the weekly delivery. Peace ran to a nearby store and told that he had seen the man with blood on his face. The Louis burg Rescue Service and local Murder Weapon W G Shear on police were notified. Sheriff Joe Champion, acting in the absence 1 or coroner james Edwards, set the time of death at about forty minutes prior to the discovery of the body by the Henderson Negro. Later Sheriff Champion said he es timated the time of death as 2:15 p.m. The ala'rm was sounded at 2:35 p.m. Chief William Dement of the Louis burg Police Department led the search for the killer which sent officers through a heavily wooded area near the Taylor-Thayer Lumber Company and across Blckett Blvd. near the M. E. Joyner Mfg. Company to the Bunn highway. An autopsy was ordered early this morning by Inves tigating officers after having worked past midnight, finger printing and taking lab sam ples Inside- the store. On* Loulsbjrg Police officer, re ported this morning that they are expected to continue today. Many leads and clues were hurriedly checked out by the many officers present at the scene, but none proved of any valut.. It was reported that Shearon had planned to sell the busi ness and retire and a "For Sale" sign was attached to the building. A grandson re portedly helping In the store was not there Monday and officers iwere attempting to discover the Identity of two Negro youngsters who also "hung around" the store most of the time helping take out groceries. A search was also reported See MURDER page 4 Market Opening Set Sept. i8th The local tobacco market will open a week from Thurs day, on September 8. The date was set In a meeting of the Middle ftlt Association In Raleigh last Saturday. ~i Some speculation had It that the Middle Itolt markets might be delayed due to the late ness of the crops, but officials dispelled this by setting the opening date for September 8. Fred Royster, director of the Bright Belt Warehouse Asso ciation said, "We expect full \ or near-full sales during the first twelve days of loose leaf sales. Probably there will be some reduction after that." He added, "We have some drought in the belt, but the rains began on July 31 and the crop staged a miracu lous recovery. It will be of excellent quality and yields will I* above 1965." The local harvest of crop Is well underway. How ever, much leaf still remains In the fields. Some growers have estimated the crop to be as much as two weeks behind last year In Its present stages. Included In tlx Middle Belt are Loulsburg, Aberdeen, Carthage, Durham, Ellerbe, Fuquay-Varlna, Henderson, Oxford, Sandord and Warren ton. Three local warehouses will operate here this (all. Ford's Warehouse on Industry Drive, now repairing' damage to an addition suffered last week by heavy rains toppling a wall and some portion of the rbof; See MARKET page ^ Where Victim Was Believed First Struck