97th Year? Number 75 Louisburg. N C , Tuesday November 8. 1966 (S>x P?fle?-Tod?y) (T*n C*r>t?) Sadie Hawkins Day Wholesale "weddings" took place on the Louisburg College campus last Friday afternoon as the girls chased (and caught) the boys and led them to the "Marrying Sam" In the annual observance of Sadie' Hawkins Day at the College. Gerald Shinn was "Sam" and following brief explanations of the charges for his performance, couples were Joined in due order by readings from a Sears catalogue. The campus festivities were followed by the traditional parade downtown. / ?Staff Photo by Clint Fuller. Board Ups Graduation Requirements, Orders Construction At Bunn,Louisburg The Franklin County Board of Education approved a re commendation by the princi pals of the c6unty on require ments for high school promo tions and .graduations, In the regular monthly meeting held here Monday, 'the new action places Into effect new regula tions governing the numberof units necessary for promotion In the high school graded and eliminates the practice of students taking more than one year's English at a time. It heads all schools In the county system toward the eighteen unit requirement for gradua tion. Loulsburg already re quires eighteen unit for graduation. . 1 . The Board approved plans for the renovation of the Bunn gynmaslum to Include a new entrance, additional seating, renovations to the present dressing room facilities and other Improvements. The bid by Clancey and Theys Con struction Company was $S3 , 500 and did not Include heat, wiring, painting, boiler room and dressing room Improve meats. The Board also ordered Supt. Warren Smith to proceed with the conatructton-of fpur class rooms at the Coulsburg ele mentary building The four rooms had been left out of the original plans when money gave out In 1M1 when the school, was built. In other actions, the Board acted to Insure that parents of students participating In ath letics understood the status of school insurance In cases of Injuries by requiring that par ents be notified prior to a student's participation. Regu lar school Insurance, which U optional at the beginning at each school year for all students, covers athletes In activities other than varsity football. Dr. J. L. Pierce, Director of School Planning, originally scheduled to meet with the Board Monday was unable to do so due to Illness and the Board limited discussions of long range plans awaiting the De cember meeting when it Is expected that Dr. Pierce will be present. Red Cross Checks On Local Storm Damage County Red Cross Chapter Chairman Warren Smith re ports that Arthur Paradeses, Red Cross field representa tive has checked on storm damage In the Franklin County area to determine If assis tance from the national or ganlcatlon la needed here. Smith aald Paradeses re port disclosed that In Frank lin County last Wednesday's (torm damaged one major building (Gay Products plant), Second In ^ Injuries For October Franklin and Warrencoun tles each had one highway fatality during the month of October In the Troop C Fourth District. Franklin was second In the number of Injured be hind Granville. Twenty-one parsons were hurt In accidents In Granville and It were In jured In Franklin. Flfty-nlne were Injured In the four county district. Franklin was also second in the amount of property dam age In October. Granville led with $20,135.00, Franklin had (11,190.00. The total district recorded property damage as *(2,275.00. There were 124 accidents In the entire district with 27 occufrlng In Franklin County. Granville led with 51 followed by Vance with S3. 2 homes suffered minor dam age, one farm building and the storm damage affected two families. . Smith asked that any families suffering dam age which had not been re ported to call his office and report J??Sed Cross aid Is needed. Paradeses report showed damage In Wake and Harnett Counties to be the heaviest, according to Smith Smith also reminded every one that a drive Is now un derway for funds to aid In keeping the lo?U chapter here. Wallace Tlp0ett, Lou Is burg businessman, Is heading the drive with Workers In all sec tions of the county siding The gojl' Is Just over $2,006' and thus far, no reports have been received on the amount raised to date. Community leaders are busy organising drives In their own sections. The drive Is slated to end next week. T tit1 following cases were disposed of during a session of Recorder's Court Jury Trials October 31st through November 2nd; Badgle Burrel Cash, w/m/ 21, speeding. flO.OO fine and costs. Sanford Warren Leonard,*/ nv'37, operating auto Intoxi cated. 6 months In Jail, sus pended on payment of $100.00 fine and coats. Thurston Dunston, c/m, bad check. State takes Nol Pros with leave. Pearl Carpenter Hunt, w/ 1/26, carrying concealed wea pon; unlawful possession of whiskey; public drunkeness. Defendant withdraws request for Jury trial and pleads guilty to first two counts. State takes a nol pros to Public Drunkeness charge. Defen dant to pay 125.00 fine and costs. David Carter Neal, w/m/37, operating auto Intoxicated. Legion Post To Observe Veteran's Day Members of the Jambees Post lOt, American Legion will gather Friday nlfht for thslr annual Dutch Supper In the Lou is burg Armory In ob servance of Veteran'* Day, according to Post Adjutant George Champion. Music, food and featured speakers are on slat* for the ?rent. Retired? National Re habltatlon Officer B. A.(Bsbs) Brook* of Raletfh will be the main speaker. The time 1* set at 8:10 P.M. and Cham pion urged all Leflonaliw to attend and wear their capa. Champion alao Issued a r#-< quest for all homes and busi nesses In the area to dis play the fla( on Friday In re membrance of' thoae who aerred their country. LOUISBURG PRECINCT THIS MORNING - 400 HAD VOTED BY NOON Recorder's Court Docket Defendant, through his attor ney, withdraws request for Jury trial and pleads guilty to careless and reckless driv ing. $50.00 fine and costs. Claude Hudson, w/m/66, op erating auto Intoxicated. De fendant withdraws request for Jury trial and pleads guilty to careless and reckless driv ing. $35.00 tine and costs. Court orders defendant to turn driver's license Into CSC until Jan. 10. 1967. James Henry Browin w/m/ 27, speeding. Defendant with draws request for Jury trial and pleads guilty to speeding 75 mph In 60 mph zone and pleads guilty to aareless and reckless driving. $50.00 'fine and co^ts. Vance- Champion, Jr., w/m/ 33, speeding. $10.00 fine and costs. David Milton, c/m/25, lar ceny.. Defendant, through at torney, withdraws request for Jury trial and pleads guilty. 6 months In Jail, suspended on payment of Court Goats and, to pay for chickens. Placed on probation for two years. Ananias (High, Jr., c/m/ZS, motor vehicle violation. Prayer for Judgment continued ? on payment of costs. Robert Samuel Branch, w/ m/43, operating auto Intoxi cated. Defendant withdraws request for Jury trial add plead* guilty to careless and reckless driving. $50.00 fine and coats. Ben Kelly Burnetts, w/m/ 44, operating auto Intoxicat ed Request for Jury trial withdrawn, and plrad* guilty to careless and reckless driv ing. $35.00 fin* and costs. Ben Crudup, worthless check. (4 cases) Defendant withdraws request tor Jury trial and pleads guilty. 3 months In Jail, suspended on payment of $127.75 for use and benefit of W. C. Hart and costs of court. Layette Johnson, w/m, as sault with deadly weapon State takes a nolle pros. Joseph Dennis Eakes, w/ m/43, motor vehicle violation Request for Jury trial with drawn and pleads guilty to following to close. State takea a nolle pross to first charge of driving on wrong side of road Dot in passing. $5.00 fine and costs. < Kenneth Horton, assault on femals. $25 00 fine and costs, Percy W. Joyner, w/m/54, carrying concealed weapon. Withdraws request for Jufy trial and pleads guilty. $25. 00 fins and costs. To sur render pistol until further or ders of the Court. Ernest Earl May, w/m/23, motor vehicle violation. De fendant withdraws request for Jury trial and pleads guilty to' careless and reckless driving. $50.00 fine and costs. ' Joe Henry Williams, c/m/ 33, assault. Defendant with draws request for Jury trial and pleads guilty. 6 months In Jail, suspended on payment of doctor's bill Into CSC for doctor, and costs of court. Place* on probation for two See COURT Put 6 Carnival Worker Escapes Herbert Gene Earl, J1, con victed In Recorder's Court here recently of assault on a fellow carnival worker, B.J. Mulkey 31, at the Franklin County Fair on October 6, has escaped from a Vance County prison where he was serving 18 months for the crime. Word has been received by Sheriffs officers here that he Is now being sought In the Springfield, Mass. area where he Is charged wtth stab bing his wife and perhaps one other person, leaving one or both In serious conditions. Earl was charged here wtth assault with Intent to kill In the shooting of Mulkey, who remains In critical condition In Duke Hospital. Tried on the lesser charge of assault, Earl would be required to stand trial again depending on the outcome of Mulkey's con dition. No word was given as to the details of the alleged stabblngs or how Earl managed his es cape, but a reliable source said he was assigned to a work-release section and Just walked away. Boxscore Raleigh? The Motor Vehicle Department's summary of traffic deaths through 10 a.m. Monday, November 7: KILLED TO DATE 1377 KILLED +0 DATE LAST YEAR 1333 T igHt ^ Local VolW T\j Green was treated and r?r J leased. He was admitted to! Person County' Memorial Hospital a few hours later, around 2(30 A.M. Monday suffering from a rib fracture ? which , lead to a "pnemon thorax" condition or air from the lung, seeping under tissue andl Into the neck region, ac cording to reports.