r*l. 0Y 6-3283 Ten Cents Louisburg. N. C.. Tuesday, December 6, 1966 (Eight Page* Today) 97th Year-Number 83 * Waiting For Santa Claus: Christmas Is The Look On A Child's Face ' Santa Arrives In Louisburg The annual Louisburg Christmas Parade, witnessed by what was estimated to be the largest crowd ever, has been termed a huge success by local cltlaens. The 34-unlt march began at Allen Lane last Friday afternoon around 4:30 p. m. and terminated at the In tersection of Kenmore Ave. and Perry Street. The Louisburg Woman's Club won first prise for non commercial floats. Second place went to a pony cart car rying three children , Cindy Carter, Vincent Wood, and Bonnie Lynn Wood. George Leonard's antique car placed third and the Civil Air Patrol gained honorable mention. The theme of the parade was Mother Goose and commercial floats sponsored by local mer chants all were designed alone these lines. One of the more outstanding floats was entered by Long Meadow Farms of Durham which depicted the space program with a bright ly colored rocket ready for launching, accompanied by three lovely young girls. Louisburg High School led the parade with Webb High School Band at Oxford and the South Granville High School Band at Creed more also part icipating. There were Cub Scout marches, a marching group from Youiysvllle Ele mentary School and others. The traditional horse riders brought the end at the parade with Santa Claus riding atop the largest float, waving and volctng greetings to the hun dreds of youngsters along the mile and a quarter route. Franklinton Parade Thursday The Frankllntor. Christmas Parade will be held Thursday night at 7 P.M. according to an announcement this weak. A larfe number of commercial and locally-made floats are expected to participate. Announcement of prizes for entries by children last weak la expected to draw an un usually large number of en tries in the bike and pet divi sions. Franklinton usually stages the largest parade In the county each year with a num ber of out-of-town entries. Several bands from the area are expected to participate along with marching units from various schools and civic groups. Here Comes Santa Claus Buildings At Plant Site Sold Buildings at the Boarding Home on NC 56, where Caro lina Fine Woods, Inc. Is ex pected to start construction next week, were sold at pub lic auction by the Board of Commissioners last Friday T. T. Kemp, land owner who sold some of his land to the corporation handling the new plant, was high, bidder on the dwelling house which (Its next to the Boarding Home. Kemp bid $1275 for the dwelling with out fixtures. Gray Moon was hljfr bidder on the smoke house at 910 and Rufus Place bought a small atorage shed for $3. R F. Lewis was top bidder on the large storage house at $70 and Rufus Place bought the garage and storage house combination (or $850. C. H. Newton purchased the huge Set BUILDINGS Page 5 Voters Approve Bonds Frankllnton citizens, plagu ed with a year-long water shortage, expressed their de sires for a change Saturday by overwhelmingly approving a bond vote for $350,000 water improvement?!* The vote was 295 (or the bonds and only 14 against. The money coupled with a grant from the federal govern ment of around $285,000 Is to be used to build a new water plant near the present site and to establish Cedar Creek as a new water supply source. Cedar Creek has a flow of 3 million gallons of water per day during normal times, ac cording to Mayor Joe Pearce and said that this would be more than adequate for Frank Unton's needs. Mayor Pearce and Water Commissioner Charles Hlght were leaders In the push (or paesage of the bonds. Two Suspects Captured In Franklinton Case Two mm, accused of tht holdup- robbary of t Frank llnton hardware and fmd ?ton on Monday nlfht, Nor George Rudolph Glass ?mt>*r 21 h?v? b*?n captured In Charlotte. A third impact la still at larr*. FranUlmon Ppllca Chief Lao Larry Keith Summersett Captured Edwards reports that Char lotte police are holding Larry Keith Summersett and Georre Rudolph (Haas In connection James Thomas Knight At Large with UM robbery of Thomp son'! Feed and Hardware Store In Frankllnton around li p. m. Mr. Lewis Thomp son, Sr. entered bis store to discover three men In the pro cess of ripping open his safe. He was Joined a short time later by his son-fn-law, Cle mont Weston. The two Frank llnton men struggled with the robbers, Thompson receiving a minor handwound when ? pis tol discharged in the scuffle. A third man, Identified as James Thomas Knight Is still at large and Is wanted for questioning In the crime. Charlotte officers reportedly caught the trio redhanded as they attempted to cut a hole In the back of a safe In an un dlacloeed business In Char lotte last weak. Edwards said, "1 cannot praise the Charlotte Police too highly. They were most cooperative In their deallnga See SUSPECTS tag* 5 Ward Gets State Post A Franklin County (nan, Lemuels. Ward, has b?n ap pointed by Governor Dan K. Moore to serve on a committee of the State Emergency Food Resources Planning Task Group. 11 The (roup will assist In dev eloping preparedness plans In the event of a national dlsas ter. Mr. Ward, a native Virgin ian, attended Poquoson High School, Poquoson, Va. , la a World "War II Veteran, having served J- 1/2 year* with the U. S. Navy, pert of which wai In the Ailatlc-Yaclflc Thea ter. He la a merchant In the town of Centervllle and has resided there for the past It yet re. For the past seven years he has served as President and Fire Chief of the Centervllle See WARD Page < Lemuel S. Ward Sykes Named Chairman As Board Reorganizes E. M. (Buck) Sykes, Com missioner from Cedar Rock Gold Mine Townships was named Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners here Monday replacing Nor wood E. Faulkner. Commis sioner Richard Cash was e lected Vice-Chalrman. The Board operates under a rotating system of chairman ships. Sykes Is beginning the second half of his first four year term. Commissioners Faulkner, Brooks W. Young and George Harris were sworn In Monday to new four-year terms on the Board. Young was named to be In charge of the Welfare Depart ment and the County Library In Monday's reorganization. Cash heads the Courthouse, drounds and Finance Com mittee, Harris drew the Ag riculture Building and Faulk ner Is In charge of the County E. M. Sykes Jail and Is Fir* Com million er. In other actions, the Board approved a number of routine agency reports and approved the audit of the County Ac countant's office. Also ap proved was the sale of cer tain property at the Bin Franklin Boarding Horn* at public auction last Friday. December 17 was announced as the data (or sale of the Boarding Home , Its contents and equipment. Tim* of the sale was set as 10 a.m. The Board sat January 3 through February 3 as tax listing time and named list ers for the various sections of the county. It was also an nounced that the county offi ces will close Thursday, Dec ember 22 at 9 P.M. for the Christmas Holidays, reopen ing on Wednesday, December U. A discussion on what sctlons, If any, the Board might take on Franklin County's highway needs, was held Monday after noon. Board attorney Charles Davis Introduced Times Edl See SYKES Page S * New County Officers Sworrr A long line of county offi cers took part In swearlng-ln ceremonies here Monday be fore Superior Court Clark Ralph Knott, moat of whom took the oath of office for four year terms. Leading the group were County Commlaalonera Nor wood Faulkner, Brooks W. young and George H. Harris. Faulkner and Young won aeats In the May primary and gen eral elections and Harrla ran unopposed. All three are In cumbent members of the Board, Young having been re cently appointed to fill the un expired term of Mra. Jeanette P. Arnold, who realgned. fH Is a former Commissioner. Faulkner and Harrlrare both veteran members of the Board Former Loulaburg Police Chief William T Dement de feated outgoing Sheriff Joaeph W. Champion In the votlnc list May and begin* his first term as Sheriff Sworn In also were Dement's deputies, which Included Dave Batten of Bunn, former chief deputy to Sheriff Champion Batten will continue as Chief assistant to Sheriff Dement Other depu ties Included Lloyd Gupton of Centervllle and Lonnle House of Frankllnton. Veteran Jail er W. L. Faulkner and new Jailer, former Loulsburg Po lice officer Thurston Bottoms were also sworn. Loulsburg attorney E. C. Bulluck was sworn In for a two-year term as Judge of Re corder's Court. Elected un opposed Inthe primaries, Jud ge Bulluck Is beginning his first terpi on the bench. Coun ty attorney Charles Davis waa sworn In for a two-year term as Solicitor of Recorder's Court. Davis defeated W. a Taylor for the post In tlx pri maries last May. Knott, himself reelected to a second four-year term as Clerk, being unopposed In the primary and general election, was sworn early Monday morning by Superior Court Judge Hamilton Hobgood. Jud ge Hobgood, holding court In Alamance County, expressed his regrets at being absent at today's ceremonies. All officers took over Im mediately following the cere monies, which were witnessed by a small group of local cit izens, mostly famllfcs and friends at noon Monday In the courtroom. Sheriff Dement and his as sistants were busy Monday af ternoon getting thlpgs In order In the Sheriffs office. The County Commissioners were . See COUNTY Page 6 New Officers Sworn 'i . (OTHER PICTURES PAGE 8) x ? Three County Confmlasloners are shown above being (worn for new tour-year terms be fore Superior Court Clark Ralph >(nott, Monday. Pictured, left to right, Brooks W. Young, former Commissioner who was appointed to serve the unexpired term of Mrs Jeanette P. Arnold who resigned, (eta a full term; Norwood E. Faulkner and George H. Harris, both veteran members of the Board. Other